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custom DNF details for the HRP  "DNF-ish gloves and crosshair"

User is offline   Stabs 


ill see what i can do about retexturing duke so we could possibly have edf sollys for dukebots

User is offline   Stabs 


still alot more details to be done but can somone mod the duke model to have a more round head and less pronounced chest and thiner arms and i could probably work this in pretty well.

the helmet wont sit right as you can see

concept of how i would like the model to look, stretch the picture to make him a bit thinner and chopped the screen to get the helmet curve.

This post has been edited by DanM: 15 July 2009 - 10:14 AM


User is offline   Stabs 


DNF3D Community Pack 18 / 07 / 09 by Daniel262b, DanM, Fantinaikos, Jaxx, and supergoofy

All packed upto into individual zips to be used with 2 batch files (uniform & normal gloved duke) allowing you to choose 7 options to run ungloved and gloved version with normal gold, midas pistols or the classic pistol with glove, even the DP laser will run gloved or ungloved.

Also includes class warfare pack.

Posted Image
Just extract to your dukedir and run "DNF3D.bat" for Normal Duke or "DNF3D Uniform.bat" for EDF Uniform Duke


- Daniel262bs Gloved weapon textures
- Jaxx's DP hands mod / title screen & hud / gold glock pickup
- Fantinaikos octabrain & vet texture for class warfare
- Shiny New Toys by DanM, enhanced weapon, monster & projectiles
Midas Touch Pistols - Alternative Gold & Silver Pistols /w pickups.
Class Warfare - EDF Troop skins for dukeplus dukebots.

Thanks once again to everyone who has put stuff into this pack to make it what it is, & thanks to supergoofy for packing and keeping track of stuff earlier.

This post has been edited by DanM: 20 July 2009 - 12:09 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


DNF3D Community Pack 18 / 07 / 09

Download mirror:

md5: 1b526f8f4fa6c4ed39e60758148fdfd8



1. This firstperson.def is redundant:

2. New octabrain by Fantinaikos is not included.

3. .bat need a little otpimization

if you have goto end there is no need for example to have in the next line

goto end
goto dnf3dsp

the echo and goto dnf3dsp are ignored

also if you want to have an empty line printed then put

4. Also when you say @echo off at start you don't need to add @ at later lines like:
@ECHO DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK BY Daniel262b, DanM, Fantinaikos, Jaxx, and supergoofy
just remove @
ECHO DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK BY Daniel262b, DanM, Fantinaikos, Jaxx, and supergoofy

That's the reason we issue the @echo off command at start

If I have time I will update the bat. (look below)



please check the last pack that I uploaded at July 15, 2009. Maybe you missed to include in your pack something else.
If I have spare free time I will also check the contents to see what's missing.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 18 July 2009 - 10:02 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


DNF3D 20-07-2009


- Fixed 2. DNF3D Ungloved so it now displays daniels gold pistol ungloved

- Deleted uneeded .def

- Fixed the classic pistol pickup in classic mode

- Added the new octabrain (sorry bout that)

- Updated the .bat to be easier to read

- Added another option for ungloved classic pistols

new bat uses new zips and files are split up a bit more so it wouldnt really work to well as an update.

only just noticed your post today but thanks for sorting out that .bat file, it worked at the time and its all trial and error with me heh :blink:

User is offline   supergoofy 


DNF3D 20-07-2009

Download mirror:

User is offline   zchri9 

  • Honored Donor


Anyone still working on this?
Here's a replacement for the flag (2499). The one at the moment is rather stretched.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: 2499.png


User is offline   Stabs 


nope, ive done what i needed to, i have my sollys now :blink:

just need a place to host DNF3D

User is offline   TURBOKID 


What the hell happend with the deagle?!?!?! First i see a new model for the hrp and i think, this is neat, realy fresh looking. Then it slowly Digests into texture mods.
If you guys wanted texture mods i could have given you that ages ago. It's all i ever do, It is all i can do for petes sake.
Wheres the deagle at?

But those textures are pretty swish.

Edit: My opologies i did not get linked to the first page so i did not know it was a texture thread first. Either way that Deagle is tight.

This post has been edited by DISRUPTOR: 23 November 2009 - 07:02 PM


User is offline   IdounBlue 


I just stumbled across this rather great looking mod while surfing the internet.
I tried the best i could to gather the files and place everything in the right place but i cant seem to find the right files and get it working right!
Can anyone help me out my pointing out everything i need and maybe some better kept installation instructions!

Thank you!

User is offline   daniel262b 


'sup everyone

i got some inspiration a while ago and started modding textures again, i've attached a sneak peek of what i've modified so far.

Now, what i need some help with is removing those leftover flames from the chaingun (and shotgun) and adding new ones (will upload new muzzle flash soon) at the right position (last screenshot has the flames captured). Does anybody know how to do that in a clean way?

I'm re-texturing the Shrinker and Freezethrower too, though i have nothing screenshot-worthy yet.

edit: i forgot to ask, is there a mod that spawns a trigger hand for the quick pipebomb? if not, can it be done?

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: cap001.jpg
  • Attached Image: cap002.jpg
  • Attached Image: cap003.jpg
  • Attached Image: cap006.jpg
  • Attached Image: cap008.jpg
  • Attached Image: cap010.jpg
  • Attached Image: cap004_err.jpg

This post has been edited by daniel262b: 27 March 2010 - 08:40 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


The positioning of the muzzle flashes is hardcoded, so if you move the chaingun to the right, you need to modify the muzzle flash art to make it move to the right as well. You could try leaving a big blank gap on the left side of your replacement art for the chaingun muzzle flashes, but I'm not sure how well that would work. The only other option (if you don't want to recode the chaingun display) would be to include an edited copy of the 8-bit art file that contains the muzzle flashes, and change their x-offset value to get them into the correct position. Your replacement art will have whatever position the 8-bit art does.

User is offline   Geoffrey 


Those weapons look great, very hi-techy. The whole thing has a mgs2-feel to it now.

User is offline   Spiker 


Very nice <_<

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Wow, that looks damn cool.
Although something about the trip mines looks off. (His arms)

User is offline   Spiker 


Yeah, the hands are too skiny <_<


View Postdaniel262b, on Mar 28 2010, 02:37 AM, said:

'sup everyone

i got some inspiration a while ago and started modding textures again, i've attached a sneak peek of what i've modified so far.

Now, what i need some help with is removing those leftover flames from the chaingun (and shotgun) and adding new ones (will upload new muzzle flash soon) at the right position (last screenshot has the flames captured). Does anybody know how to do that in a clean way?

I'm re-texturing the Shrinker and Freezethrower too, though i have nothing screenshot-worthy yet.

edit: i forgot to ask, is there a mod that spawns a trigger hand for the quick pipebomb? if not, can it be done?

Glad someone is doing this. Ive thought about it many times.

I really like the repositioning of the Ripper.
Maybe enlarge it like this http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff281/d...b/dn2009-01.jpg
Just a thought.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


The weapon skins especially are really cool. It looks great.

Would putting the muzzle flash onto the MD3 with alpha work? Then putting 16 x16 transparent sprites (with nothing but alpha) to replace the muzzle flash graphics. They would be there, but because they would be completely transparent nobody would see them.

This post has been edited by Tea Monster: 27 March 2010 - 04:48 PM


User is offline   NF64 

  • Touched by the Banhammer


View PostThe Commander, on Mar 27 2010, 01:36 PM, said:

Wow, that looks damn cool.
Although something about the trip mines looks off. (His arms)

If the commander likes it, it must be good <_<
although yes, the arms are to skiny. kinda like a 12yr olds arms


Hey guys Im new to this site but can any1 make a glove wire.jpg and spec.jpg so the minigun and new laser pistol have gloves? Thanks

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Some of the weapons have been replaced, and others are going to be replaced, which means that these skins would no longer work for them. Don't count count on anyone making skins for a HRP addon that isn't compatible with the latest HRP and therefore hardly anyone would play.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMicky C, on 29 September 2011 - 03:42 PM, said:

Some of the weapons have been replaced, and others are going to be replaced, which means that these skins would no longer work for them. Don't count count on anyone making skins for a HRP addon that isn't compatible with the latest HRP and therefore hardly anyone would play.

The 2 weapons he is talking about are part of DukePlus, not the HRP. There are no plans to replace them. Then again, there are no plans to make DNF skins for the hands, either.

User is offline   Tetsuo 


What I want is that HUD in my eduke32.. if i downloaded the latest available version of the HUD would I be able to use it with the current eduke32 with Polymer HRP?

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


The chaingun and the RPG have been replaced, which means the skins won't work for those and you'll have to play without them. In that case some of the weapons will have DNF details like gloves and some wont, so it'll all be mismatched.

User is offline   Tetsuo 


What about just the HUD and not the weapons? I don't want any of the weapon skins.. just the HUD... would it be possible to remove the weapons and just use the HUD? Basically what I would like is a .zip file that one can drop into the autoload folder that only handles the HUD.

This post has been edited by Tetsuo: 29 September 2011 - 11:53 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Yeah that should be possible. You'll have to figure out which files to place in the main directory though.


View PostDeeperThought, on 29 September 2011 - 03:56 PM, said:

The 2 weapons he is talking about are part of DukePlus, not the HRP. There are no plans to replace them. Then again, there are no plans to make DNF skins for the hands, either.

oh...well thats too bad. But I took arms.jpg in dukeplus, copied it and renamed it wire and the minigun has gloves. and I still play with the HRP4. Ive attatched a custom version of dukeplus that uses the origial laser pistol and has the minigun gloves


View Postthat1badcoder, on 30 September 2011 - 03:29 AM, said:

oh...well thats too bad. But I took arms.jpg in dukeplus, copied it and renamed it wire and the minigun has gloves. and I still play with the HRP4. Ive attatched a custom version of dukeplus that uses the origial laser pistol and has the minigun gloves


User is offline   Tetsuo 


View PostMicky C, on 29 September 2011 - 11:58 PM, said:

Yeah that should be possible. You'll have to figure out which files to place in the main directory though.

Actually I ended up getting it to work very easy.. I just deleted everything in the pack except for the HUD stuff and then zipped it up and turned alt-HUD off.


I really dig that HUD skin!

(yeah I didn't adjust the size of the reticle.. I might remove that)

This post has been edited by Tetsuo: 30 September 2011 - 04:55 AM



hey again guys im sry about the last post i dont mean to troll but the file was too big to upload. =(

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