It's time to shop for a new build. I've got some money coming in and it's perfect timing now that my good ol' Beast from 9 years ago has kicked it. I'm completely lost. Tell me what I need or if things suck. There are all kinds of newfangled hardwares going on like card-based solid state drives and stuff (though I've read these aren't reliable somehow?). I got about $2000 CAD to spend. Give me some advice. I'd like to be game-proof for the next few years similar to the afore-mentioned build when I got a Sandy Bridge and a GTX 460 Fermi card (and later a 970). I'd be still using it if it weren't for the mobo dying. I can probably reuse some parts like the PSU and the case too. I'm mildly interested in upping my game (no pun intended) for a 1440p 144hz visual experience but I'm not married to it. Although, more desktop space does sound nice for studio work. Currently have a 27".
Anyway, here's the generic (and probably not ideal) PCPartPicker list I'm starting from.