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AMC TC 3.6 released!  "Now with Polymost support!"


So I tried running it in software mode and I don't get any black screen.
I then switched in the options menu to OpenGL and it worked, although I didn't notice any difference...
Plus the AMC base lags like crazy... I think I will need to upgrade my specs :o Thank you for the support anyway!


View PostThe_Sentinel, on 03 November 2019 - 04:14 AM, said:

So I tried running it in software mode and I don't get any black screen.
I then switched in the options menu to OpenGL and it worked, although I didn't notice any difference...
Plus the AMC base lags like crazy... I think I will need to upgrade my specs :o Thank you for the support anyway!

Yes. I get major lag too. It's probably our AMD cpus as eduke32 was built on Intel.

User is offline   Jblade 


egypt door fixed, get patch 3.6.3

This post has been edited by Jblade: 03 November 2019 - 06:48 AM


User is offline   MC84 


I've finally got around to playing through the entire AMC game (excepting some of the optional missions) and I thought I'd list some of my personal highlights from the game.

Episode 1) The two standout missions for me were without a doubt Millhaven and Providence. I'm a big fan of these 'slow burn' levels that unfold as you play through them. Millhaven gave me some fallout 1 vibes (junktown) and captured that ghost town ambience really well. The subtle religious/cult theme was a nice touch as well.

Providence built steadily to a very satisfying climax, and I loved the idea of the crashed plane underground. Great music choice. My only (minor) quibble is that the change to the temple theme for the final stages of the level wasn't as captivating as the rest of the level and felt a tad disjointed.

Honorable mention to the Abyss, the map flowed really nicely and the platforming was enjoyable. I also liked the 'dark tower' near the end, reminded me of Disney's fantasia where the dragon is flying around the castle (if my memory serves me correctly, it's probably been almost 20 years since I've watched it).

Episode 2) My favourite mission was Micky's Ghost Ship. Had some real Event Horizon vibes that I loved. The progression from slow exploration to heavy-metal boss fight was excellent.

The Hong Kong missions flowed really well - very natural feeling level progression. I'm not usually into temple levels but Tower of Life was well designed and progressed logically. I loved the visuals of Shadow Realm, the two things that came to mind were Mortal Kombat's shadow realm and a John Martin painting (seach John Martin Pandemonium to see what I mean).

Arsia Mons - Great campaign, however I feel it would have been made stronger if 2 of the maps (elevator and subway/TV station) contained either a] some civilians moving around, or b] some unreachable scenery with civilian activity. Those two levels just felt a little 'isolated' from the bustling underground Mars colony. The final section to Cohagen Mines was really cool, with the blue palette and huge elevator. The Arsia Mons broadcasting level was another highlight, gave me some "They Live" vibes (near the end of the movie with the TV studio)

Great ending/wrap up.

Episode 3) I have to say that Snowfall's space missions were my favourite, however there were plenty of other highlights along the way.

The opening assault from the sky in X64-2 was really cool, felt very dynamic.

Several scenes in the Egypt missions were really well done; I loved that room full of gold/treasure, and the main outdoor area in the second part of Sanctuary was very impressive. The use of unique palswaps in the Tomb level was also really nice. The boss fight with Le Sang was great, I especially liked the 2nd part of the fight with the space skybox; it reminded me of some of the x-men vs street fighter artwork (I think Apocalypse's stage?)

I enjoyed the boss fight in Xuglop Assault, the voice acting was well done and really gave him a lot of personality.

Neutrino had such great atmosphere, I really felt like I was in some lost reaches of the universe.

Waking up/Triton facility was the other standout. Excellent atmosphere in Waking Up, reminded me a little of Unreal 1 opening sequence. Triton Facility was solid, I have to say that I was very surprised by the twist at the end - I'm very curious how this will be developed in later episodes.

Misc) I thought the dream sequences from the alternate timeline were really well done, the visuals really captured the whole 'last refuge of humanity at the end of the world' vibe.

Most of the voice acting was pretty solid; I was quite fond of some of James' one liners "You're small time, buddy" and the guy that voiced Magnus did a brilliant job, makes me think he has some sort of formal training as an actor.

Overall one the reasons why I think this game is so enjoyable is that there is a good balance between combat and exploration. I don't like having to shoot shit constantly, and I like taking in levels in my own time. Music choice was also really appropriate; I find that listening to pumping beats for 20-30 minutes can get really tedious.

The switch to Polymost has also improved the experience; I found myself getting lost quite regularly when I first played through the game a few years ago, but I suppose things are clearer and there's less vertical distortion in Polymost, which improves navigation.

Top job guys - I think it's pretty inspiring what a dedicated team can achieve. Look forward to the next installments.

User is offline   king karl 


I encountered a glitch with the latest patch

If always run is set to "on" I cannot sprint (where the stamina bar appears) This also means i can't do sliding moves

User is offline   Sangman 


View Postking karl, on 20 December 2019 - 01:43 PM, said:

I encountered a glitch with the latest patch

If always run is set to "on" I cannot sprint (where the stamina bar appears) This also means i can't do sliding moves

You probably have Run and Sprint bound to the same key. I can reproduce this behaviour in that circumstance, so check that out.
There's not really a reason to walk, I just have Run unbound and Sprint set to Left Shift personally

This post has been edited by Sangman: 20 December 2019 - 04:19 PM


User is offline   Player Lin 


I downloaded the AMC TC 3.6 + Patch 3.6.4, extract to a new directory, copy my unfinished run(from 2015...shit) of EP2's DATA directory and eduke32.cfg file to the new 3.6.4 one.

And start the game by running AMCTC.exe, using 1920x1080 OpenGL(polymost), fullscreen. Watched the new awesome intro movie and then I selected EP1, watched other intro, then I stuck on the character selection screen after I try to mouse over a character and it shows the character status I mouseovered...then it's like freezes...try hit anything but nothing happens, I can hear some sounds like when I press PDA key or something else but the game just stuck on the screen...can't play at all.

Any idea or did I missed something? :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 19 January 2020 - 08:05 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostPlayer Lin, on 19 January 2020 - 08:03 AM, said:

I downloaded the AMC TC 3.6 + Patch 3.6.4, extract to a new directory, copy my unfinished run(from 2015...shit) of EP2's DATA directory and eduke32.cfg file to the new 3.6.4 one.

computer & hardware info needed. the latest eduke32 is not friendly with older equipment. Especially older laptops & processors.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostForge, on 19 January 2020 - 08:41 AM, said:

computer & hardware info needed. the latest eduke32 is not friendly with older equipment. Especially older laptops & processors.

Attached Image: 0.png

My computer isn't that old. :rolleyes:

I noticed the game do not freezes, I can hit ESC to get main menu or load the autosave, but still can't get past the character select screen, the UI just unresponsive, but the eduke32 engine still alive as I can bring out the console or start a other new game.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostPlayer Lin, on 19 January 2020 - 09:28 AM, said:

My computer isn't that old. :rolleyes:

your system appears to be well equipped to handle the game. (you wouldn't believe what some people try to run the game on).

gonna have to be even more annoying and tedious, now
i've had similar issues in the past where the character selection screen was completely black - it had to do with something in my old cfg file because some things in the gamevars section were causing conflict.
i think the beat_episodes file in the data folder was also making something go awry

gonna have to ask if you tried the game in a fresh install without the data folder & eduke32.cfg file
try removing the data folder & the eduke32.cfg file & see what happens
if it's still acting wrong, then it's back to square one until the culprit install is isolated
try the unpatched version first, then if it works, try patching it & see if it still works

This post has been edited by Forge: 19 January 2020 - 02:13 PM


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostForge, on 19 January 2020 - 02:10 PM, said:

your system appears to be well equipped to handle the game. (you wouldn't believe what some people try to run the game on).

That's for sure, I built this machine for playing some modern games(TES5SE, Fallout 4, DooM 2016.. etc.), also playing some old games. I'm not that stupid. :rolleyes:

I removed all files in DATA directory and found the menu works now...at least the character selection menu do not freeze. So the patch 3.6.4 does works, do not need remove the eduke32.cfg.

After some tests, I just remove all *_loadout.amctc from DATA directory files and now I can play the game...

I removed these files...
Attached Image: A.png

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


thanks for responding with what you found & the fix


View PostPlayer Lin, on 20 January 2020 - 07:33 AM, said:

That's for sure, I built this machine for playing some modern games(TES5SE, Fallout 4, DooM 2016.. etc.), also playing some old games. I'm not that stupid. :rolleyes:

I removed all files in DATA directory and found the menu works now...at least the character selection menu do not freeze. So the patch 3.6.4 does works, do not need remove the eduke32.cfg.

After some tests, I just remove all *_loadout.amctc from DATA directory files and now I can play the game...

I removed these files...
Attachment A.png

Can you send us those files? It's probably some kind of backwards-compatibility problem that got overlooked with certain loadout settings.
And does the log file say anything?

It's probably some bug that results in the effect Dan is describing in this thread: https://forums.duke4...d-quote-number/

This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 21 January 2020 - 12:16 AM


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostDoom64hunter, on 21 January 2020 - 12:14 AM, said:

Can you send us those files? It's probably some kind of backwards-compatibility problem that got overlooked with certain loadout settings.
And does the log file say anything?

It's probably some bug that results in the effect Dan is describing in this thread: https://forums.duke4...d-quote-number/


Those *_loadout.amctc files :
Attached File  0.zip (1.76K)
Number of downloads: 598

The log file:
Attached File  amctc.log (46.33K)
Number of downloads: 590


View PostPlayer Lin, on 21 January 2020 - 04:47 AM, said:


Those *_loadout.amctc files :
Attachment 0.zip

The log file:
Attachment amctc.log

Your special_loadout.amctc file had only 32 entries instead of 128. Not sure how this could have happened since the array had a size of 128 since version 1.0.
So in that case maybe the file got corrupted somehow.

But it does give us an important insight: Increasing the size of these gamearrays does not preserve backwards-compatibility.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostDoom64hunter, on 22 January 2020 - 02:41 AM, said:

Your special_loadout.amctc file had only 32 entries instead of 128. Not sure how this could have happened since the array had a size of 128 since version 1.0.
So in that case maybe the file got corrupted somehow.

But it does give us an important insight: Increasing the size of these gamearrays does not preserve backwards-compatibility.

These files existed since first release(or the release that created these .amctc files) of AMC TC EP1, and still use these files when first release of EP2 so I'm not sure why this happens. But I did remembered the EP1 release(s) was so buggy, so it may got corrupted sometimes when I playing EP1...maybe.

So this means, I can just use all other *_loadout.amctc files but not this special_loadout one to play the game without any other problems?

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 22 January 2020 - 04:34 AM



View PostPlayer Lin, on 22 January 2020 - 04:33 AM, said:

These files existed since first release(or the release that created these .amctc files) of AMC TC EP1, and still use these files when first release of EP2 so I'm not sure why this happens. But I did remembered the EP1 release(s) was so buggy, so it may got corrupted sometimes when I playing EP1...maybe.

It's possible that maybe in the very first versions of the TC, before the gold weapons were introduced, it used a smaller array size, and that previous eduke32 versions handled loading arrays differently. I'm quite surprised episode 2 worked for you with that file.

View PostPlayer Lin, on 22 January 2020 - 04:33 AM, said:

So this means, I can just use all other *_loadout.amctc files but not this special_loadout one to play the game without any other problems?

I can do you one better, I fixed the files for you. Just drop the contents of the attached zip into the DATA folder and you're good to go:

Attached File  0_fixed.zip (1.76K)
Number of downloads: 545

In future versions we'll try to check the size of the arrays as they are loaded, and will resize them properly on the fly, so that this can't happen anymore.


Hey, been a while ...

I have a weird problem with the Command Center. See I have changed PC (with freaking Win10) and basically here's how the problem goes :

IF I put the game's directory in "Programs" or in "Programs (x**)", the game runs fine but I cannot launch any level from the Command Center. When I click "Enter Mission" it just flickers for 1 frame and doens't react (no crash nor freeze).

BUT IF I put the game's directory in Desktop, or C: (not in a folder there) or if I launch it from an external drive, it all works 100% fine.

I have made LOTS of tests and I can tell you it's not the fault of my machine, my AMD processor, my Radeon card, Classic or Polymost, priority or affinity, a patch, DATA folder or EDuke.cfg. It's really JUST the place where I put the game's directory that causes the issue O_o
I'm starting to suspect it's freaking Win10 and its stupidly convoluted security stuff compared to Win7 but I'm still discovering the thing in its depth and I have a hard time catching a glimpse of a help in there ...

Do you guys have an idea of what I could do to solve the problem ?
Since there are people who have Win10 here, maybe you can tell me what you did (or if you actually encountered the issue) ?

Because I really would like to have the game in "Programs (x**)" because that's what I am the most used to, for practicality =(

Edit : sorry some weird stuff happened with my post, stuff written all in black O_o

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 25 January 2020 - 07:23 AM


User is offline   Sangman 


Are you talking about Program Files (x86)?
This is a pretty special folder in Windows, writing files in there usually requires elevated permissions which the AMC TC won't have. If you really need to put it there for some reason, you probably need to run the TC as administrator for it to work correctly.


View PostSangman, on 25 January 2020 - 11:09 AM, said:

Are you talking about Program Files (x86)?
This is a pretty special folder in Windows, writing files in there usually requires elevated permissions which the AMC TC won't have. If you really need to put it there for some reason, you probably need to run the TC as administrator for it to work correctly.

Yes, I thought it had different names for other PCs.

It Indeed seems to be the problem. I tried to modify the directory (AMC's)'s security settings in order to allow it total control but freaking Win10 just won't let me do it. And I can't seem to manage to acquire the administrator power, especially after I heard there was a sort of "Hidden Administrator account" >_>

For curiosity, where did you put it if I may ?

In the mean time I am letting it rest out in the open in C: (I can move elsewhere any time no problem)


View PostSangman, on 25 January 2020 - 11:09 AM, said:

Are you talking about Program Files (x86)?
This is a pretty special folder in Windows, writing files in there usually requires elevated permissions which the AMC TC won't have. If you really need to put it there for some reason, you probably need to run the TC as administrator for it to work correctly.

This, specifically the game can't write to the DATA folder, which is why you are seeing those effects.

This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 25 January 2020 - 11:27 AM


User is offline   Sangman 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 25 January 2020 - 11:23 AM, said:

For curiosity, where did you put it if I may ?

E:\Games\AMC SVN :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by Sangman: 25 January 2020 - 02:56 PM



Doom64Hunter >> Yeah I suspected that unticking the "Read Only" box in the properties of the directory would potentially solve the problem but it just won't let me >_>

Sang >> Okay then I think I will try to do something similar ...

Thanks for the assists ^^

Edit : BTW there will be 2 small things I'll have to tell you about but I gotta verify a bit first ...

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 26 January 2020 - 04:16 AM


User is offline   king karl 


so i noticed bombshell is now a playable character which is cool. I found a glitch though where it is difficult to select her in the loadout screen though. she can only be selected by opening the window at a terminal and if you scroll left or right through character selection you can't select her again at a terminal.

her image is also messed up it shows her desert eagle instead of her face in the icon screen when you do manage to select her

User is offline   Jblade 


that bug was fixed, Bombshell doesn't get a loadout screen since she's considered just a temporary character.


So I got a bunch of stuff to report, I Don't know if some are true glitches or not though. I also have 1 question at the very end.

First off, I confirm that the door in Arsia Mons with Sang is working now.

1_ In Providence, I've had an odd texture glitch after I switched to Sang in prison. I Don't know if this is due to having had the switch with James still wearing the Gas Mask though. The glitch showed up again in the ending cinematic when James mentions the Abyss Dimension. Attached Image: duke0001.png

2_ It seems as if the Tommy Gun temporary weapon has a glitch. You see, from the moment you have ammo for it, ANY Tommy Gun you pick will give you 0 ammo. But you've got no weapon then it will have 50. I had taken one with James, and I couldn't stack normal ammo for it. For these screens I tested the same with Sang thanks to a bit of luck. Attached Image: duke0003.png

3_ In the Cycloïd Mothership, the static Fighter was transparent. It also was transparent during the ending cinematic. Attached Image: duke0002.png
BTW, while playing City Under Siege, I sometimes had an AMC Footsoldier turn transparent, or even totally invisible because of them cancelling their teleportation animation, probably because the last enemy was killed meanwhile.

4_ In Zeta Base, ever since Ep3 was released, the button to crush the Beyonder is gone. Did you move it elsewhere ? Or is there Something broken ? Attached Image: duke0006.png

5_ In Arsia Mons, after you have defeated Trenton, the camera is still off-center. It doesn't show the building and the explosion. Attached Image: duke0007.png

6_ Lastly, I Don't know why but in Egypt, the door that leads to the Catacomb level is glitched, you end up in a black room. I Believe somebody had already reported that but it looks like the problem sprang back up meanwhile >_>

And BTW, in that EDF Mission in Florida, I think it's called Nellie's Zone or something. The secret door behind the couch is now a deathtrap. When the door closes behind you, instead of pushing you passed the couch, it crushes you between both. I know this is caused by a thing with recent EDuke snapshots, you've been talking about this in the Help section of the EDuke Modifications forum. I just wanted to let you know.

As for my question, it's about the EDF Mission called "Near Life Experience". How the heck do you obtain the Blue Keycard legitimately ? Ever since the release I just can't get it without either cheating or sequence-breaking with wall-jumps O_o

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Thank you for your input.
At this time the AMC TC development team is focusing on the next episode in the series.
Bugs may be noted, but most likely not addressed unless they are absolute game breakers.
Constantly addressing minor inconveniences takes away time from advancing the project towards a release.
Your report is most likely to be noted and compared to other reports, but do not feel ignored if they are not directly and individually addressed.

I don't speak for the team, but the subject of handling the current crop of bugs was discussed some time ago and figuring out how to balance always going backwards instead of forwards was 'resolved' by deferring it for a later date when bug fixing could be the primary focus prior to a release.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


There is also a preferred report format for the bug tracker.

Bug: Minor/Major/Game Braking
Version: What version of the game are you playing?
Map: (name)
Description: and pic/vid if possible
Upload: debug map file (if really major or game braking)

bug tracker to check if it's already been reported & status:

This post has been edited by Forge: 30 January 2020 - 06:56 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


you're not on the latest patch, catacomb bug was fixed - I can't recreate the others so they may of already been fixed on our side.


I wasn't aware of that bug tracker thing O_o
I'll have to keep it in mind for whenever Ep4 comes (if I'm still there by then …)

And yeah it seems I'm not on the latest patch, I could have sworn I was ! I was certain I applied it before changing PC ! Sounds like I'm having worrying brain issues ...

And so for my question ? How do you get the Blue Keycard in "Near Life Experience" ?

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