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BuildGDX (News & Releases)

User is offline   Jim 


which key to I press to select weapon fire mode? I can't find it

This post has been edited by Jim: 21 May 2020 - 02:02 PM


User is offline   SonicB00M 


Press the corresponding weapon button twice. Weapon mode select wasn't a feature in the original game and will be implemented with a later update.

User is offline   Jamesfff 


SW support looks good so far.

This post has been edited by Jamesfff: 21 May 2020 - 05:44 PM


User is offline   L1R1 


Is there any way to run a game without running the launcher? Something like `java -jar BuildGDX.jar -game sw` for running Shadow Warrior straight away.

User is offline   L1R1 


Are there any plans to add a customizable difficulty level to Shadow Warrior with an ability to set enemies quantity, enemies health, and their damage?

User is offline   L1R1 


Is there any way to turn off the weapons auto switch in Shadow Warrior? They are switched automatically any time you replenish your ammo above zero. This is very annoying.

User is offline   L1R1 


How to disable creation a BuildGDX user configuration directory (M210Projects) in the home directory and save configuration files right at the installation directory?

User is offline   fgsfds 


Not yet. Will be added some time later.
Unlikely, but not completely out of question.
Wil be added in the next release.
Put .jar into the game folder.

User is offline   L1R1 


View Postfgsfds, on 22 May 2020 - 08:55 AM, said:

Not yet. Will be added some time later.
Unlikely, but not completely out of question.
Wil be added in the next release.
Put .jar into the game folder.


In Shadow Warrior, is there any way to use MIDI files for the game background music instead of CD files? What exact files should be used? Where the files should be placed? How to configure the game to use them?

User is offline   Skumball 


Pssst... M210, you need to add Shadow Warrior to the list of supported games in the downloads section.

User is offline   fgsfds 


View PostL1R1, on 22 May 2020 - 10:58 PM, said:


In Shadow Warrior, is there any way to use MIDI files for the game background music instead of CD files? What exact files should be used? Where the files should be placed? How to configure the game to use them?

Only shareware version (which isn't fully supported yet) used midis, so there are midis only for the first 4 levels and the main theme.

User is offline   m210® 


I released v1.10 (24 May 2020)
1. Railgun noise sound fix
2. Multiplayer kills update fix
3. Underwater crouch toggle
4. The last load saved game question
5. Spicial_Fire Sound
6. Reverb after finish a level fix
7. ViewCamera in software renderer fix
8. Armor display to the minimal HUD
9. HRP tint
10. Savegame version increased
11. Crash fixes

User is offline   Phredreeke 


I'd like to point out that fgsfds has added an archive of buildgdx-compatible skyboxes to M210's site https://m210.duke4.n...all-in-one-pack

This includes skyboxes I made for SW, RR and Powerslave, as well as Fox's Duke skyboxes and the old skyboxes from the first BloodGDX releases (with my palswaps added)

User is offline   L1R1 


Is there any way to enable SweetFX/ReShade for BuildGDX games?

User is offline   m210® 


The BuildGDX v1.11 has been released. Lots of bugs and crashes fixes (but not all :) )

User is offline   m210® 


v1.12 is out.

Music looping support added
Incorrect voxels offsets in software fixed

Numerous animations fixes

Darts option
Disable Hornets option
Infinite ammo cheat (swinfinityammo)
EvilBunny attack animation fix (original bug)
TiltLeft/Right feature
Jetpack cheat feature
Show opponent weapon feature
Underwater changepalette freeze fixed

Dukematch (nospawn) mode friendly fire fixed

Cops won't attack you if you visited men's toilet on SUBWAY0
Palette fade in software renderer fixed

Enemies' pickaxes and halberds can now be picked
Dynamic music for WH2
Enchanted weapons sound loop fixed
Numerous maps fixes
Custom campaigns support

User is offline   TheXna 


Neat!... is it me or swgdx auto aim feels bad or it don't work as intended ? it doesn't aim to the closet target in your crosshair, it aims to the target that is most far away. (Sorry for my english!)

This post has been edited by TheXna: 13 June 2020 - 05:16 AM


User is offline   gordon81 


Afet upgrade to 1.12 Poweslave wont launch ¿any way were download previus release 1.11?.


User is offline   m210® 


View Postgordon81, on 14 June 2020 - 12:06 AM, said:

Afet upgrade to 1.12 Poweslave wont launch ¿any way were download previus release 1.11?.


I released v1.12b with Powerslave fix.

Single-core CPU low performance fixed
Software renderer drawsprite fixed
tilefromtexture surfaces support
Palette load fixed (Initialization crash)

User is offline   gordon81 


View Postm210®, on 14 June 2020 - 01:55 AM, said:

I released v1.12b with Powerslave fix.

Single-core CPU low performance fixed
Software renderer drawsprite fixed
tilefromtexture surfaces support
Palette load fixed (Initialization crash)

thank you, thank you!!!!!! :) :P :P :lol: :lol: :lol:

User is offline   supergoofy 


No midi for shadow warrior? only cd audio option?

Is there a way to mount a cd image within buildgdx?

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 14 June 2020 - 07:03 AM


User is offline   m210® 


View Postsupergoofy, on 14 June 2020 - 04:46 AM, said:

Is there a way to mount a cd image within buildgdx?

Is it necessary? You could just place ogg files in the game folder and a port will detect it


View Postm210®, on 14 June 2020 - 01:14 PM, said:

Is it necessary? You could just place ogg files in the game folder and a port will detect it

The uncompressed CD audio delivers much better sound quality than OGG.
When you get used to listening to FLACs and CDs, you can't go back to lossy audio like AAC, OGG and MP3.
Plus, it can give the option for playing any CD as the soundtrack.
But a better option would be to add FLAC support to BuildGDX, since it's exactly the same quality as CDs while being as easy to manage as OGGs and MP3s.

User is offline   Gambini 


Are updates compatible with old savegames? I´m using 1.10 and got two games of which i wouldnt like to lose progress.

I love this port, with its UI included. I did find some oddities, like eventual framerate drops with input lag, and some sounds in Blood dont seem to play with the proper volume and at the proper time, but its still awesome to have all Build games clean and functional just one click away. Keep it up!

User is offline   fgsfds 


View PostGambini, on 16 June 2020 - 03:13 AM, said:

Are updates compatible with old savegames?

Most of the times they are, but sometimes a new version will introduce some changes to certain games that will make older saves incompatible.
Next release will (probably) make it possible to just start the map from scratch in case the save file is incompatible.

User is offline   Drogoganor 


Thanks so much for BuildGDX! Me and my friends had a LAN party and played tons of Blood! Next time it's SW and Duke.

One thing I wanted to request was a couple of options to assist co-op players. Co-op can be very painful for two reasons:
1) One player has picked up all the ammo and everyone else is ammo-starved.
2) A player dies and cannot be revived, and loses all their keys. They have to go over the whole level to get each key before returning to the other players.

Could I humbly request the following features be added?

- A "very fast ammo respawn" option. This one might need to disable the item respawn sound effect in case it gets obnoxious.

- An option for "Keep keys after death" so players don't have to go on extended solo missions to get the silver key so they can join us again.

And if anyone has any recommendation for Duke, SW, or Blood maps, please let me know so I can download them!

Thanks again!

User is offline   Phredreeke 


View PostDrogoganor, on 17 June 2020 - 03:38 PM, said:

And if anyone has any recommendation for Duke, SW, or Blood maps, please let me know so I can download them!

For Blood:
Death Wish
Bloody Pulp Fiction
Bloodlines (unfinished but the maps in the beta are great)
French Meat
The Way of Ira

For Shadow Warrior:
Haven't really played much in terms of SW addons but I'd suggest checking the ones on ProAsm's page

For Duke it's hard because a lot of episodes are made for EDuke32, and even for those that aren't the easiest way to acquire is NightFright's addon compilation which is packaged for EDuke32.

User is offline   Drogoganor 


View PostPhredreeke, on 17 June 2020 - 04:05 PM, said:

For Blood:
Death Wish
Bloody Pulp Fiction
Bloodlines (unfinished but the maps in the beta are great)
French Meat
The Way of Ira

For Shadow Warrior:
Haven't really played much in terms of SW addons but I'd suggest checking the ones on ProAsm's page

For Duke it's hard because a lot of episodes are made for EDuke32, and even for those that aren't the easiest way to acquire is NightFright's addon compilation which is packaged for EDuke32.

Thanks a lot!

User is offline   Jim 


The last warrior for SW is great

User is offline   t800 


Next to aforementioned maps, I also recommend these episodes: TaiWang , The Matrix, Park and Tonight Never Ends - both my personal favourites. And of course SWC20, latest biggest community project done for SW so far. You can all get them from here

If we are talking about single user maps, then it would be: City, H.I.T.S. (from author of Park episode), both 50 Shells In Hell maps and WangTrek. These you can get here

If we are talking about most detailed and modern looking maps, it would be SOTAJ and Tribute To Action

Hopefully, I didnt forget some hidden gems. Have fun! :)

This post has been edited by t800: 20 June 2020 - 02:26 AM


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