[RELEASE] Duke Nukem 3D Upscale Pack
#151 Posted 13 November 2019 - 05:40 AM
#154 Posted 17 December 2019 - 06:25 AM

New in this release are weapon upscales (most of which were previously seen in my Total Meltdown upscale pack, although I had for some reason missed including the freezethrower in that), various HUD icons, explosions and similar effects

I've also included new palswaps for frozen enemies and using nightvision glasses. Now pig cops still have red eyes while frozen. This was an important change for DukeGDX support as it lacks greyscale and invert function bits for tints.

Also new is Duke himself.

#156 Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:05 PM
Radar 100 Watts, on 18 December 2019 - 12:08 PM, said:
A lot of the effect sprites will be, and some of the character upscales. But for a lot of the characters, we have our own versions made by sebabdukeboss20 based on models that are already higher res than the original art.
#157 Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:26 PM
If you decide to keep the legacy weapons and not replace them outright I would hope you'd use my upscales for those.
#158 Posted 19 December 2019 - 10:05 AM
#159 Posted 19 December 2019 - 10:20 AM
#160 Posted 19 December 2019 - 11:29 AM
Edit: Spot the error

This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 19 December 2019 - 11:31 AM
#161 Posted 06 January 2020 - 05:00 AM
#163 Posted 10 February 2020 - 08:07 AM

Yes, the cannon pipes need fixing. but at least the pig cop inside look so much better...
Edit: Fixed the cannon pipes, slideover comparison with original sprite here https://imgsli.com/MTE5NjA
This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 10 February 2020 - 08:20 AM
#166 Posted 15 February 2020 - 09:46 AM
It will be merged with the main upscale pack in the next release, but for now it's a standalone. The BAT file included works with EDuke32, Raze and RedNukem, and the addon can be loaded from DukeGDX's autoload folder.
Here are some sprites from the pack for comparison

#167 Posted 15 February 2020 - 09:54 AM
#168 Posted 15 February 2020 - 10:51 AM
The other inventory sprites were created in similar ways, they are just closer to the originals.
#169 Posted 15 February 2020 - 11:02 AM
#170 Posted 15 February 2020 - 11:55 AM
This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 15 February 2020 - 11:58 AM
#171 Posted 01 March 2020 - 09:19 AM

Here it is next to the older version for comparison

#172 Posted 07 March 2020 - 04:58 AM
#173 Posted 07 March 2020 - 05:13 AM

The back of the tank was updated as well!

This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 07 March 2020 - 05:18 AM
#174 Posted 07 March 2020 - 10:51 AM
#175 Posted 20 April 2020 - 01:51 PM

Now for people using my upscale pack, I want to know whether I should go ahead and use this as the default liztroop for the upscale? (only for the classic episodes of course, not Vaca or NW)
#176 Posted 24 April 2020 - 04:31 PM
The Life's a Beach upscale pack has been merged into it but other than that there's a lot of new stuff in it.
* All sprites now have at least 5 palswaps defined
* New Liztroop sprite inspired by Duke Nukem 64 (only base game)
* Enforcer sprite have had further touchups (only base game)
* New Pig cop tank sprite
* Fullbrights added for pigcops, battlelords, sentry drones and protector drones (currently only working in EDuke32 and RedNukem, base game only)
* Most babes have been upscaled
* More pickups have been upscaled
* A lot of switches, signs and posters have been upscaled
* Most base game weapon sprites have been reupscaled, and will now load widescreen sprites outside of DukeGDX
* Life's a Beach has been merged to the upscale pack
* Life's a Beach has new beach babes and a Duke sprite
* Removed some unused palswaps of pigcops, commanders and floating dragons in Life's a Beach
* Nuclear Winter pigcop and snowmen have been updated
* World Tour Incinerator and Firefly upscale
* New BAT file compatible with Raze and RedNukem
The old Liztroop has been included as an alternative if you prefer it to the new version.
#177 Posted 25 April 2020 - 10:17 AM
Phredreeke, on 20 April 2020 - 01:51 PM, said:
Maybe not as default, however, imo, including it as alternative would surely be nice, i think people like to choose and customize their experience in their own way, as far is simple too.
Do you think upscale may be used in combination with some other mods like voxels and/or smooth Duke in the future? This would mean a lot of additional work obviously, but the combo effect would be something like an Explosive Wow!
Thanks a lot for the updated version!
#178 Posted 25 April 2020 - 10:54 AM
Voxels will override upscaled sprites. As for upscaling voxels it is theoretically possible but I haven't attempted to do that. I would need software that's capable of exporting and importing voxels as a set of 2D slices.
I decided to make the new Liztroop default because I prefer it to the older upscale. How do you like the babes and posters?
#179 Posted 25 April 2020 - 10:59 AM
#180 Posted 25 April 2020 - 11:40 AM
Phredreeke, on 25 April 2020 - 10:54 AM, said:
The first noticeable thing are the fonts in the main menu, it give a refreshing look, same for the first person weapons (i was so damn focused on them xD) i should lie by saying that the other sprites, like posters does not look good, because actually they look nice too!Not sure if about the babes do you mean the caught ones bye aliens? (because on the posters they look ok)
About the new Liztroop, if i understand right it should be the blue one? Because i still get the green upscaled one (noticed the bright red eyes too).
Voxels: Yes i was afraid to ask, worried for more complications.
This post has been edited by The Battlelord: 25 April 2020 - 11:41 AM