The aim of this mod is to enhance DN3D visuals, audio quality, add QoL changes and fix some bugs. Mods like Duke Plus or Nuclear Showdown, while great, interfere with mentioned balance in a significant way and HRP style packs (adding high resolution textures etc. to old games) never resonated with me - I always preferred the graphics quality closer to the original. This is the reason I made Cosmetic Duke. Primary resources / inspirations: HQ Sound Effects by Per Kristian Risvik Duke Nukem 3D PSX Sound Effects by Marphy Black Nuclear Showdown by Jblade35 Widescreen status bar by Fox Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition Duke Nukem 3D World Tour Primary helpers: Trooper Dan Jblade35 Mblackwell Hendricks266 Sounds were taken from the following games: Duke Nukem 3D World Tour, Duke Nukem Forever, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, No One Lives Forever 1 and 2, Fallout 3 and 4, Half-Life 2, Max Payne 1 and 2, Painkiller, Unreal, Unreal Tournament 2004, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, Call of Duty, Doom 3, System Shock 2, Soldier of Fortune Version 1.0 changes - Pistol can be reloaded at any time and has a separate ammo counter for the magazine - Shrinker / Expander ammo counter is visible to the left of the screen when: a) both guns have ammo

both guns are not the active weapon In practice this means that this counter is visible only in The Birth episode (outside of cheats). - A breath meter is present on top of the screen underwater when no Scuba Gear is available - Changed / added new messages - Added casings that drop on the ground for Pistol, Shotgun and Chaingun (also Pig Cop, Assault Enforcer, Battlelord and the Elves in Nuclear Winter; taken from Nuclear Showdown mod and improved a bit by adding smoke etc.) - Added a magazine being dropped on the ground after the Pistol is reloaded (taken from Nuclear Showdown mod) - Added jibs staying on the ground (taken from Nuclear Showdown mod and improved a bit) - Added jibs spawning sometimes when breaking a frozen enemy - Added scrap metal (and snow for Nuclear Winter) staying on the ground (after destroying a Drone, trash cans, a Snowman in Nuclear Winter and other stuff) - Added glass shards staying on the ground - Implemented PerKristian's HQ sound pack to replace some of the sounds with their HQ versions - Used some of Cee Jay's ideas for the rest of the sounds (he made a similar HQ sound pack a while back): - Implemented Duke Nukem Forever and Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Duke talk (and some other sounds) to replace some of the sounds with their HQ versions - what could not be found in Duke Nukem Forever or Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project was replaced by a slightly higher quality version from Total Meltdown - what could not be found in Total Meltdown was replaced by similar sounding one liners / sounds from Duke Nukem Forever or Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project - a few sounds that actually were present in Total Meltdown were replaced by similar sounding one liners / sounds from Duke Nukem Forever or Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (please note that there are still a lot of sounds not replaced in any way) - Added Duke comments when attempting to use Access Pads without proper keycards (linked to messages - when messages are turned off, no comments are present) - Nearly all pickups have their own sounds (Caribbean: Life's a Beach has its separate set of these) - Added a sound when a shrunken enemy is growing back - Added a sound when a frozen enemy is about to thaw - Added a sound when Duke is drowning - thanks to Mblackwell and Hendricks266! - Added a different gasping sound when Duke exits water after he was drowning - thanks to Mblackwell and Hendricks266! - Added a sound when a secret place is found (there are separate sounds for each: Atomic / Duke It Out In DC, Caribbean: Life's a Beach and Nuclear Winter) - thanks to Jblade and Hendricks266! - Added footstep sounds (taken from Nuclear Showdown mod and improved a bit) - Added footprints for snow and sand - Added an attack sound for Assault Commander - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: added new textures for the ice machines in Caribbean Catastrophe and The Wavemistress (since the original ice machines were rather crudely made; taken from Redneck Rampage) - Nuclear Winter: replaced the presents with the ones from Duke Xmas 2014 - Nuclear Winter: added alert, pain and death sounds for the Elves - Nuclear Winter: added an attack sound for Snowman - Nuclear Winter: added an attack sound for Flying Frosty - Nuclear Winter: changed the death sound of the new Babes and the drunken Elf (since it was the Assault Trooper / Captain sound for some reason...) - Nuclear Winter: added a nuke symbol on the back of the Frosted Battle Mobile, so it is more obvious that they too can be destroyed via their self destruct button, just like the Pig Cop Tanks - Nuclear Winter: added a Santa Hat and a Snowman Hat randomly spawning off of blown up enemies with the respective hats (purely cosmetic gib) Fixed some of the original's bugs: - Fixed Shrunken Assault Trooper / Captain being able to attack the player - Nuclear Winter: fixed Flying Frosty turning invincible after dropping his HP to 0 with a Freezethrower From my understanding the developers wanted Flying Frosty immune to being frozen and unkillable (but not undamageable) by the Freezethrower (since he's using it himself, therefore he 'obviously' is immune to it). I fixed it by allowing the Freezethrower to drop FF's HP to 1 and thus being able to be finished off by a single hit of any weapon. - Nuclear Winter: fixed Flying Frosty death animation missing one frame - Nuclear Winter: fixed Flying Frosty spraying normal gibs and blood when blown up - Nuclear Winter: fixed Flying Frosty's body spraying normal gibs and blood when blown up - Nuclear Winter: fixed Snowman and Flying Frosty spawning a bloodpool when being stepped on while shrunk - Nuclear Winter: fixed a typo in the ending card Additionally some map fixes: - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: Voodoo Caves no longer has the ending theme playing near the bridge; it has been replaced with the wind ambience - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: The Alien Remains no longer has the ending theme playing outside of the base; it has been replaced with the wind ambience Both issues occurred due to the same oversight: wind54 has been replaced by the theme, because the developers wanted it to play in the ending cutscene. However, the level designers apparently forgot about it and placed it in the mentioned levels thinking it was the original wind54 file. I created a wind55 file (it's the original wind54 but renamed) and edited the levels so that this sound is played instead of the modified wind54. - Nuclear Winter: the roof of the house with the Atomic Health in Christmas Village is no longer accessible; to compensate, the Atomic Health has been moved slightly so that it can be picked up when jumping from a nearby ledge next to a window or by using a jetpack - Nuclear Winter: fixed some problems with the skybox near the mentioned window in Christmas Village by changing a portion of it into a part of the building - Nuclear Winter: removed the extra Red Key behind the Blue Key door in Christmas Village From what I understand, the extra Key was placed there for multiplayer purposes - so that players do not have to leave the village proper and go to The Slopes for the Red Key. Except the level is so small and there are several Player spawn points at The Slopes, that it really has no point. The only balance changes in this mod: - Mini Battlelord drops a Large Medpack +30 when killed while frozen - All regular enemies except Assault Troopers / Captains, Slimers, Eggs, Babes and Elves (in Nuclear Winter) drop a Small Medpack +10 when killed while frozen The reason for these changes is my attempt at making the Freezethrower more useful. While not useless, there is no reason to use it, unless you lack ammo for other guns, since they do what FT does, but better (no need to break an enemy = no need to change the weapon or run towards the enemy with your boot). Version 1.1 - added a few more HQ Duke talk from Critical Mass (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions) note: there were more than I added to the mod, but they were too poor quality and sounded like the lines were recorded in a garbage container (this includes "Cool", "Holy Cow" and "Rockin") - added new footsteps sounds on organic / alien matter (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions) - reduced footstep sound volume on grate / metal surfaces (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions) - added a fade out to ahh04.voc (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions) - changed RPG ammo pickup sound (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions except Caribbean) - Duke Torso and Duke Leg(s) do not stay on the ground anymore like other gibs, since they had a tendency to glitch out (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions) - adjusted the CON numbers on new messages and sounds so that they don't override custom messages and sounds in various mods (base Cosmetic Duke only) - increased casings', shells' and magazines' speed so they drop faster / more realistically and don't appear as floaty as did before (base Cosmetic Duke + all compatibility versions) Version 1.2 Sound improvements: - most (around 90%) of the sounds are now in WAV / OGG format (depending on the original format) for higher quality - changed several Duke talk sounds: cool01 bitchn04 guysuk01 thsuk13a party03 (so that it is more universal for user maps) - changed all Jetpack sounds (except pickup sound) - changed Armor and Used Armor pickup sounds - changed Stimpack pickup sound - changed Large Medkit pickup sound - changed First Aid Kit pickup sound (all versions except Caribbean) - changed Boots pickup sound - changed Pistol magazine hitting the floor sound (all versions except Caribbean) - changed gibs hitting the floor sounds - reduced volume on gibs hitting the floor so they do not overwhelm other sounds - added and replaced several new environmental sounds; they were chosen so that they are as closest to the originals as possible (no HQ originals were modified) - added new footstep sounds when walking on Lava and Slime - added footstep sounds when walking (not crawling) in Ducts - Nuclear Winter: changed Elf hurt and death sounds - Nuclear Winter: changed the "opening a present" sound - Nuclear Winter: changed the "secret found" sound - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: increased volume by a little on most original (not yet replaced) Duke talk sounds, so they match the volume of the new ones a bit more - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: added a 0,5 second delay to Duke's taunts (like the base DN3D Duke's taunts have always had it) Other improvements: - stopped using the format for new art and started using PNG's - added the widescreen status bar by Fox (except for The Gate, since it has its own status bar) - changed the angle of casings and shells flying out of Duke's weapons, so that they are a bit more noticeable in first person - added some randomness to shells flying out of Duke's Shotgun - changed the smoke coming out of casings and shells - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: added new textures for an ice machine missed previously in Caribbean Catastrophe and in Market Melee - various bugfixes (e.g. missing footstep sounds in 25th Century Duke, redundant land02 sound audible when it shouldn't be, missing various "landing on surface" sounds in The Gate) Version 1.3 Major changes / additions: - added compatibility version for Murder: The EDF Conspiracy - replaced nearly all of Duke talk with the new Duke Nukem 3D World Tour talk (with the exception of pain sounds and intro one-liners for the Cycloid Emperor and the Queen) - replaced 50 sounds with the ones from PSX versions (better quality) - HQ title screens for DN3D, Caribbean and Nuclear Winter from Megaton - HQ title signs ("Duke Nukem 3D" and "Atomic") for the title screen and main menu from Megaton Other changes / additions: - removed redundant episodes from Episode Selection in Nuclear Winter and Caribbean: Life's a Beach - removed unused Duke talk sounds from Nuclear Winter and Caribbean: Life's a Beach - changed Shotgun ammo pickup sound - changed Shrinker ammo pickup sound - changed Pistol and Chaingun casings hitting the floor sounds - reduced volume of Shotgun shells hitting the floor sound - footprints have a darker color now - fixed footprints not appearing on Snow and Sand in most of the versions - fixed footprints appearing mid-air if above Snow or Sand while jumping or flying with the Jetpack - added footstep sounds on Snow in The Gate - fixed footstep sounds on alien grass in E4L1 in The Gate - fixed many footstep sounds in Secrets of the Acropolis - 25th Century Duke: adjusted Pistol pickup sprites and messages - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: changed Pistol sound - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: changed Chaingun sound - various other smaller bugfixes Version 1.4 IMPORTANT!: BDP: The Gate and Secrets of the Acropolis are no longer supported outside of NightFright's EDUKE32 ADDON PACK!! Use NightFright's EDUKE32 ADDON PACK versions of the TCs!! It took too much time to keep the other versions updated, especially as I am adding new TCs to be supported by Cosmetic Duke. Changes: - added new sounds for debris and glass ground impacts (and snow ground impact in Nuclear Winter) - many props have new sounds when broken - RPG explosions now produce debris - further improved the casings' and shells' visibility in first person - reduced the casings' and shells' smoke intensity to accommodate the above change - changed Episode 1 and 2 ending cards to higher quality from World Tour - changed Chaingun casings hitting the floor sound (taken from Blood - I always loved that sound) - changed footstep sounds on organic / alien matter - fixed GLASS_HEAVYBREAK sound not working - 25th Century Duke: the Freezethrower is now in the middle of the screen while in first person - 25th Century Duke: changed the second Pistol's FPP sprite to the one from Nuclear Showdown - 25th Century Duke: fixed the first person Pistol sprites - Murder: The EDF Conspiracy: added more information to some of the pickup messages - Murder: The EDF Conspiracy: fixed more Commando (Terrorist) sound bugs - Murder: The EDF Conspiracy: fixed spelling mistakes in one of the e-mails - Murder: The EDF Conspiracy: zoomed out the camera slightly in E3L2 so an e-mail is easier to read - Nuclear Winter: fixed a few Christmas Village glitches HUD changes: - added timers (in seconds) to Steroids, Scuba Gear, Night Vision Goggles, Holoduke and Jetpack - the full and minimal HUD modes now have higher quality inventory items and keys - the Shrinker / Expander etc. ammo counters are now further to the left (widescreen support) and moved up a bit so that they don't overlap with level stats and episode / map name in Map Mode - the Pistol magazine counter is now further to the right (widescreen support) and moved a bit up so that it is consistent with the Shrinker / Expander etc. ammo counters - the Shrinker / Expander etc. ammo counters no longer appear in minimal HUD / no HUD modes - the Pistol magazine counter is now on the left side in minimal HUD mode - updated the HUD with better ammo counters for Pistol magazines and Shrinker / Expander (a few HUD graphics taken from Nuclear Showdown) - BDP: The Gate: the Shrinker / Expander etc. ammo counters and the Pistol magazine counter now have the color of the BDP HUD Version 1.5 I'd like to thank Trooper Dan for the huge help provided during the development of this version! Note about the DNF Duke Talk that has been added: I attempted to choose the lines which are more in DN3D style than DNF style i.e. more old school action hero than general insults. - Tripbomb laser now has an animation from Duke64 mod by Fox, Hendricks266 and Nukey - DNF Duke Talk is now present when shrinking enemies 4 lines - occasional frequency: "Eat my size 14!" "My foot, your face!" "I tread on you!" "Eat foot and die!" - DNF Duke Talk is now present when freezing enemies 2 lines - rarer frequency: "Freeze well... in hell!" "You're about as tough as a piss flavored popsicle!" - added DNF Duke Talk when gibbing enemies (all versions except Caribbean, since in Caribbean all Duke lines are vacation related) 8 lines - regular swearing frequency: "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun!" "So how does it feel to have my foot up your ass?" "If I promised to kill you last?... I lied!" "You've got a lot of guts... let's see what they look like!" "Oh yeah, if it bleeds, I can kill it!" "Killing you is as easy as breathing!" "Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy!" "Down your throat and out your ass!" - added alternative death animations (headshots) for Pig Cops and Enforcers (sprites taken from Nuclear Showdown; I tweaked them a bit and created versions for Nuclear Winter based on them); the animations have 1/3rd chance of occurring - added DNF Duke Talk when headshotting enemies 4 lines - occasional frequency: "In the face!" "Like a fountain!" "Now that's what I call reducing headcount!" "That'll wipe the ugly off that mug!" - added more break sounds for props - added more shatter sounds for frozen enemies - changed the casings' smoke particles - changed NV Goggles' pickup sound - changed Boots' pickup sound - changed drink18 sound - changed dogyelp and dogwhine sounds - changed cheer sound - changed typing sound - changed rain3a sound - Murder: The EDF Conspiracy: fixed the SWAT, EDF Officer, EDF Marine and EDF Trooper (Armored EDF Soldier) sprite resizing bug - fixed snow footsteps not appearing in BDP: The Gate and Nuclear Winter HUD changes: - the Shrinker / Expander etc. ammo counters now have black backgrounds - moved the Pistol magazine counter in the mini HUD back to the right side; now it looks much better in the new mini HUD and good enough still in the classic mini HUD - removed HQ items and timers from the mini HUD for the time being; it clashed with the new mini HUD - several other small improvements Version 1.6 - added compatibility for Pray Your Prayers mod - created an optional patch for the base Cosmetic Duke that adds an HQ Duke it Out in D.C. title screen (taken from Megaton and with an added POTUS seal), essentially making a Cosmetic Duke version of Duke D.C. - adjusted some of the features to function correctly with the newest eDuke32 versions Graphical changes: - added 3D classic skyboxes by Fox - added a smooth shotgun animation from The Attrition mod by DeeperThought (all, except Caribbean and Pray Your Prayers) and then added another frame by Jimmy (cleaned up by Gambini and fixed up a bit by me) - added widescreen versions of RPG, Freezethrower, Shrinker / Expander and the Pistol from Megaton (Caribbean) and World Tour (everything else); (all, where applicable) - added headshot death animations for Lizard Troopers, Commanders and Protector Drones (taken from KickAss Duke by RichardStorm); (all, except Caribbean) - added new water textures from Brutal Duke by RPD Guy - changed Boots, Small Medkit, Jetpack and Armor pickup sprites to Duke64 versions (all, except Caribbean) - changed RPG pickup sprite to a one with a handle; sprite by Jimmy - changed the regular DN3D title screen to the one from DN HRP pack by Hendricks266 and others - fixed the Freezethrower sprite (and Disc Thrower sprite for BDP: The Gate) - fixed the Pistol sprite Audio changes: - added an additional Duke Talk line when you step on feces: DNF's "Great, shit on my boots" - added a sound which plays when the Boots are being used (linked to messages - when messages are turned off, no sound is present) - changed the bonus sound back to the original (I prefer it to the PSX version) - changed zipper2 sound - changed Secret Found sound (all, except Caribbean and Nuclear Winter) - increased chance of freeze and shrink Duke Talk lines - reduced chance of headshot Duke Talk lines (headshot Duke Talk occurred significantly more often due to enemies needing to die to bullets or melee, rather than being shrunk / frozen / blown up and it made the lines stale too fast) - reduced volume of footsteps on grate and organic floors - fixed one of the headshot Duke Talk lines overlapping other lines Addon specific changes: - BDP: The Gate: created a widescreen version of the Disc Thrower - BDP: The Gate: created a better quality version of the discs in the Disc Thrower - BDP: The Gate: fixed the Disc Thrower sound - 25th Century Duke: fixed the 'Atomic' subtitle in the title screen and menu - 25th Century Duke: moved the akimbo Pistols to the left so that they are centered correctly - 25th Century Duke: removed redundant Shrinker / Expander ammo counter, since the addon was built for 1.3d and was never designed to have an Expander; moved the Devastator / Freezethrower ammo counter to the left in its place - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: changed "Atomic" title screen and menu sign to "Caribbean" made from fonts from DN HRP pack - Caribbean: Life's a Beach: removed the modified Caribbean Catastrophe, Market Melee and The Wavemistress levels with the new ice machine texture (I came to the conclusion that this is the proof of my overzealousness and decided to limit map changes to fixes only) - Nuclear Winter: changed snowstomp sound - Nuclear Winter: changed snowballhit and snowballhit2 sounds - Nuclear Winter: changed "Nuclear Winter" title screen and menu sign to a higher quality one from DN HRP pack - Nuclear Winter: changed ending card to a higher quality one - Nuclear Winter: Santa Hats and Snowman Hats now shoot up in the air after the owner is blown up