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[MoD] ---- Mr The Killer ----  "The 3D adventure of a black dressed autistic hitman"

User is offline   Seb Luca 


Posted Image

Size : 94 Mo

Language : English

OS : Windows

Duration : 1h or more

Content: 1 Episode (6 Levels)

Trailer :

Introduction :

"Mr The Killer" is a retro FPS with a very slight RPG dimension. You play the character of "The Killer" : an autistic hitman disguised as Death. :lol:

Synopsis :

Your boat sank and the ocean current carried you to the nearby shores. These are, unfortunately, those of a country where you are wanted by police for past misdeeds. You will have to show skill and courage to get you out of this bad situation. Will you successfully lead The Killer to the neighbouring border, to a place where he would escape his pursuers?

Other Informations :

- "Mr The Killer" is constructed using the Duke Nukem 3D "Build" engine. But only the foundations of Duke Nukem have been preserved ... The gameplay has been revised, the graphics, sounds and music completely replaced, many talking characters have been created and a large number of new events programmed. It is likely that this game will surprise you: this is another universe! :P

- A complete Wiki exists on the Web site, for (maybe?) those who would like to create maps with the MTK tiles. The elements not originally in Duke3D are listed and described there.

- This project is included in the series "Le Tueur". To this day, it is a trilogy of 2D games created using the "RPG Maker XP" software (the series is available on www.le-tueur.com, but exclusively in french). The events of "Mr The Killer" take place directly after those of "Le Tueur 3". "MTK" fits in the saga as "Le Tueur 3.5", also named "Le Tueur 3D". It is not essential to have played the previous opus to enjoy this new episode, at most you will miss some references :lol:

Web Site : http://www.mrthekiller.com

Download : Click me

References :

- A "Stranger Things" series poster is present in level 5.
- The architecture of the level 2 starting point is a tribute to the Wolf3D very first level (six rooms and a corridor shaped like a "T").
- The Mercenaries phrase "You shall not pass" is obviously a reference to Gandalf.
- The aspect of antipersonnel mines is a nod to the Worms series.
- The Golden Beers copy the Doom's "Blue Bottles" effect .

All the rest, as far as I'm concerned, is my own ideas Posted Image

Space-Saving-Screenshots® :

Posted Image

Creation, music, graphics and additional programming by Seb Luca.
Development: December 2017 to March 2018.

"Mr The Killer" was made in Belgium. Many animals were harmed in the making of this game, but life goes on Posted Image

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 07 April 2018 - 12:51 PM


User is offline   Jblade 


looks cool; I'm gonna check this out ASAP.

User is offline   Seb Luca 


Cool, thank you :P

User is offline   Sanek 


Looks very cool, gonna play it this Sunday! :P
Yeah, this sprites of the enemies looks very familliar to me. Somehow it reminds me of the enemies that appear in a Raycasting Engine games.

This post has been edited by Sanek: 07 April 2018 - 01:48 PM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


Thank you too :lol:
I understand what you mean: some friends told me that my characters remind them those from Wolf3D :P

User is offline   Mark 


I like the art style and the new effects. I'll play it sometime this weekend.

User is offline   Seb Luca 


Thanks :P

If by "the new effects", you mean only those you saw in the trailer, you have not seen anything yet Posted Image :lol:

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I tried to run this but I got an error: "ERROR: No palette found."

Btw, why does it need to be installed? I'd have thought an implementation that's drag and drop would be simpler and more flexible.

User is offline   Player Lin 


I try to run the game with the eduke32(r6437) coming with this game/mod but it keeps complains about "No palette found.", not sure if it relates about the engine detected nwinter.grp on my system and try to load the mod(with a modified duke3d.grp, I guess), so I just can't play.

After uninstalled my DN3D:Megaton Edition on Steam and now it working now...stupid eduke32 launcher UI, stop force selecting the auto-detected GRPs, damn it. :P

It's plays good(even with some map weirdness but just not serious), but sadly, being a badguy not something I really like but I do understand the lore of the game so whatever. :lol:

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 08 April 2018 - 02:01 AM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


View PostMicky C, on 08 April 2018 - 01:47 AM, said:

I tried to run this but I got an error: "ERROR: No palette found."

Btw, why does it need to be installed? I'd have thought an implementation that's drag and drop would be simpler and more flexible.


That's strange :P I never met that kind of error. And the palette is present in the GRP :


The install batch is just used to place some shortcuts :lol:

EDIT: Player Lin, you seem to have found the solution :lol: Thanks for your view

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 08 April 2018 - 02:02 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Strangely, the only GRP it's showing me in the game box is the Nuclear Winter one, although I can see your "duke3d.grp" in the folder.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostMicky C, on 08 April 2018 - 01:59 AM, said:

Strangely, the only GRP it's showing me in the game box is the Nuclear Winter one, although I can see your "duke3d.grp" in the folder.

If you have DN:Megaton Edition installed and nwinter.grp or other .grp selected on the eduke32 launcher, just uninstall it, make no grp selected on the eduke32's "Games" list, and this mod should be run.

I guess it's eduke32 bug, since I see no way to select "no GRP" option for the Games list of eduke32 launcher UI... :P

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 08 April 2018 - 02:05 AM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


Sorry for these complications :lol:

By the way: the game is played well in 1024x768, for my PC. I discovered this morning that if I put it wider, the rifle sprites display poorly :P

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 08 April 2018 - 02:07 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Ok I've uninstalled Megaton and World Tour, and it's still not working. I give up. The game clearly needs to be reconfigured to play more reliably regardless of other data present. Hopefully you can collaborate with the EDuke devs to sort out the issue.

Edit: I've got it to work by renaming the grp to something else, and then pointing the shortcut specifically to the renamed grp. In general, you should try to avoid hardcoded labels and things like this. I recall Trooper Dan or someone describing it as "building a house on an Indian burial ground" or some similar analogy.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 08 April 2018 - 02:31 AM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


It is too bad :P Thank you anyway :lol:

EDIT : An email has been sent to Eduke linking to this topic :lol:

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 08 April 2018 - 02:47 AM


User is offline   Mark 


I don't combine eduke projects into one large folder. I keep every project separate. Same with this one. I downloaded the zip file. Unzipped it into a clean folder. Clicked on Eduke32.exe and the game runs fine. Now its time to play. :P

User is offline   Seb Luca 


Mhi mhi mhiiii Posted Image

User is offline   zykov eddy 


Playing it right now, will post a review later. So far, all I can say - this is honestly one of the best EDuke 32 projects I've ever played.

Had throuble running the mod. Solution - put Mr The Killer folder in your main EDuke 32 folder, then select Mr The Killer as "custom game content directory".

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 08 April 2018 - 11:57 AM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


View Postzykov eddy, on 08 April 2018 - 11:51 AM, said:

Playing it right now, will post a review later. So far, all I can say - this is honestly one of the best EDuke 32 projects I've ever played.

Had throuble running the mod. Solution - put Mr The Killer folder in your main EDuke 32 folder, then select Mr The Killer as "custom game content directory".

I did not expect such a return, this is not a minor thing to me Posted Image

Thank for you solution :lol: I add it in the first topic.

PS: I laughed a lot when I saw the GIF of your signature, excellent! :P

EDIT: I can apparently no more edit my first topic :/ Could a modo/admin add it on the bottom, please ? :lol:

Know running problem :

View Postzykov eddy, on 08 April 2018 - 11:51 AM, said:

Had throuble running the mod. Solution - put Mr The Killer folder in your main EDuke 32 folder, then select Mr The Killer as "custom game content directory".


This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 08 April 2018 - 12:19 PM



this does look cool. but i can't seem to run it. i did the whole install thing i saw on the web site. but nothing seems to work. any possible work around or something?

User is offline   Seb Luca 


View PostMr. Nukem Roses, on 08 April 2018 - 08:48 PM, said:

this does look cool. but i can't seem to run it. i did the whole install thing i saw on the web site. but nothing seems to work. any possible work around or something?

It seems be sometimes complicated for poeple already having EDuke to launch the game :P Maybe you can try the solution explained in the message of zykov eddy, a little upper? :lol:
I recall that the game is only Windows compatible, just in case. Is yours a 64 bits version ?

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 08 April 2018 - 11:23 PM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


Mr. Nukem Roses said:

i don't know what is up. i mean i put the folder somewhere on my computer. mostly around the same place i have some other Duke mods. i clicked on = INSTALL =.bat, but it said it didn't have something or whatever. and i couldn't do anything really to get it to work. i tried placing it one of my EDuke folder things and using it as a custom dictionary launch, but still didn't work. this game seems to run differently than what most EDuke mods/standalone games do with there own things

It's said on the Web site : you have to unzip the folder "Mr The Killer" directly in C:, the path of the batch must be "C:\Mr The Killer\= INSTALL =.bat" :lol:
If it still does not work, I'm sorry but I don't know what to do :lol:

It seems that I have overrated the univesality of Eduke :P

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 09 April 2018 - 02:25 AM


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostSeb Luca, on 09 April 2018 - 02:13 AM, said:

It seems that I have overrated the univesality of Eduke :P

The problem is eduke32 can't recognized your modded DUKE3D.GRP(normally, it should be, and showed on the Games list if it's valid, but you modded it so it's not the original one anymore), and due to how the eduke32 launcher works, it chokes when the launcher found some other valid GRPs(or else, it should be shows nothing and can run the game), and yet, removed those valid GRPs or renamed your modded DUKE3D.GRP(or put the data in to subdirectory of eduke32, load it as custom game directory like zykov eddy said) will fix the problem, well, now I'm not sure if it's eduke32 bug or something "Don't do that"...... :lol:

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 09 April 2018 - 03:04 AM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


I tested the game on three different Windows 8 machines, and everything has always worked perfectly.

These machines did not have an EDuke32 installed. Because I do not understand when you talk about a folder "eduke32". I do not have any. I followed the instructions of the site and just placed the files and EXEs of EDuke32 in the game folder.

If I understand your advice, I would have to put the GRP in a subfolder that I would declare here? --> Posted Image


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostSeb Luca, on 09 April 2018 - 03:18 AM, said:

I tested the game on three different Windows 8 machines, and everything has always worked perfectly.

These machines did not have an EDuke32 installed. Because I do not understand when you talk about a folder "eduke32". I do not have any. I followed the instructions of the site and just placed the files and EXEs of EDuke32 in the game folder.

It's right, the problem is if someone have Duke Nukem : Megaton Edition like me and installed (or something can let the eduke32 launcher detected other valid GRPs like DN:Nuclear Winter) I can fix my problem by uninstall DN:ME but sometimes if the engine still found something else than it may still error out.

Posted Image

This is when I run your mod's eduke32.exe, and try to run will get error because your mod may not compatible with the NW addon or something, your testing is fine but unless you have some Duke official addons or some GRPs that eduke32 supported(and detected) , you won't run into a problem as nothing will show on the "Game" list and your mod will working.

View PostSeb Luca, on 09 April 2018 - 03:18 AM, said:

If I understand your advice, I would have to put the GRP in a subfolder that I would declare here?

Yes, if you put your mod data files(modified DUKE3D.GRP, DUKE.RTS etc) in a directory(like MTK, as a sub-folder/sub-directory) with eduke32.exe(they're both on the same directory), the engine will detected it and can be select. (MTK will show out and can be select when you click the dropdown menu of custom game content directory, if you're doing right.)

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 09 April 2018 - 03:45 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I’ve already offered a simple solution. If the mod is packaged the way I described, it should play automatically without the player needing to select folders.

View PostMicky C, on 08 April 2018 - 02:27 AM, said:

I've got it to work by renaming the grp to something else, and then pointing the shortcut specifically to the renamed grp.

You need the -grp command line option. http://wiki.eduke32....nd_line_options

User is offline   Seb Luca 


Ok, I just tried in a folder's copy. It works ... But now, that makes Mapster32 doesn't work! XD
To fix it, I have to make a duplicate of duke3d.grp in the root folder ... This is a bit incongruous :lol: ...

Maybe should I make a special ZIP for this forum ... Because I may assume that other people do not have any Eduke project. Should I ? :P

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 09 April 2018 - 03:45 AM


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostMicky C, on 09 April 2018 - 03:42 AM, said:

I’ve already offered a simple solution. If the mod is packaged the way I described, it should play automatically without the player needing to select folders.

You need the -grp command line option. http://wiki.eduke32....nd_line_options

This even simple, re-name the mod's DUKE3D.GRP to MTK.GRP, make a ".bat" file(like play.bat) then wrote this...

eduke32 -gMTK.GRP

to the .bat file, and save. (Don't save to xxxx.bat.txt, it won't worked, make sure your system can show filename extensions.
and the .bat file should on the same folder as MTK.GRP and eduke32.exe)

Well, so many methods to run the mod properly, so choose what you want. :P

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 09 April 2018 - 03:52 AM


User is offline   Seb Luca 


Sorry, Micky C. I didn't see your edit Posted Image

View PostPlayer Lin, on 09 April 2018 - 03:49 AM, said:

This even simple, re-name the mod's DUKE3D.GRP to MTK.GRP, make a ".bat" file(like play.bat) then wrote this...
eduke32 -gMTK.GRP

to the .bat file, and save. (Don't save to xxxx.bat.txt, it won't worked, make sure your system can show filename extensions.
and the .bat file should on the same folder as MTK.GRP and eduke32.exe)

Yes, I know how to save a batch :P Cool, that way works good Posted Image

I'm going to make a few tests to be sure it works in more than one case. After it, I'll update the DL link ... And also the site and the ReadMes ... Let's go to work !

Thanks a lot for your help Mark, Micky C, Player Lin and zykov eddy (btw eddy: I tested your map "Octo Desperado", fun and psychedelic! :lol: I adore the negative path with trees )

EDIT : ARGh ! still the problem with Mapster32... This one absolutely want duke3d.grp ... Posted Image too bad ... a duplicate, then ...

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 09 April 2018 - 04:10 AM


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostSeb Luca, on 09 April 2018 - 04:07 AM, said:

EDIT : ARGh ! still the problem with Mapster32... This one absolutely want duke3d.grp ... Posted Image too bad ... a duplicate, then ...

Mapster32.exe -gMTK.GRP

Attached Image: 940835094832906.png


This post has been edited by Player Lin: 09 April 2018 - 04:18 AM


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