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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Find and replace. For example,

ifai 0

is replaced with

ifai 0
    globalsound BOS4_RECOG

Everything not being replaced, including the lines that immediately follow, remain as before.

User is offline   Mav3r1ck 


I followed your example and encountered a problem. I found that same part of the coding in the Queen's code but when I changed it to what you have suggested something odd happens. Whenever the Queen spots Duke you hear the recog but the Queen instantly disappears for some reason.

Below is before the additional coding.

state boss4code

  ifai 0
    ifaction BOSS4FLINTCH
      ifactioncount 3
      state boss4layeggs
      state boss4shootstate

    state boss4dyingstate
      state checkboss4hitstate
      ifp palive
        ifpdistl 1280
        addphealth -1000
        palfrom 63 63

This is after the additional coding.

state boss4code

  ifai 0
      globalsound BOS4_RECOG
    ifaction BOSS4FLINTCH
      ifactioncount 3
      state boss4layeggs
      state boss4shootstate

    state boss4dyingstate
      state checkboss4hitstate
      ifp palive
        ifpdistl 1280
        addphealth -1000
        palfrom 63 63


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


You can see clearly that all the addition is doing is playing the sound. I can only guess that you changed something else in a part of the code not shown that is making her disappear. None of the code you posted above could make the sprite disappear or delete etc.

User is offline   MC84 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 07 November 2018 - 03:38 AM, said:

I believe the easiest solution is to simply spawn the envelopes using the mail command (or spawn paper money with cash -- it will make no difference), and then hack the displayed sprites to look like your leaf sprites. This assumes your leaf art is already in game somewhere. There are several steps needed to make this work, which I can help with if need be. But the basic idea is you use EVENT_ANIMATESPRITES to change what is displayed by the envelope sprite so it shows your leaf tile instead, even though it is still really an envelope.

Hi Dan, I've been sidetracked with other things but I've now done up a simple 5 frame leaf animation and have loaded it into mapster32. In terms of functionality I was planning on using the code you gave me for the damaged wall tiles (onevent EVENT_DAMAGEWALL) So that when a sector with the foliage texture is shot it will generate the leaves. I had a read of the EVENT ANIMATESPRITES wiki but my understanding is pretty limited. Is the first step to create a unique actor for my leaf sprite animation?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postconoklast, on 03 December 2018 - 03:10 AM, said:

Is the first step to create a unique actor for my leaf sprite animation?

No, I would start by using the mail command to spawn envelopes from the damaged wall using the code I gave you before. Once you confirm that the envelopes spawn and fall in the way that you want, then go about replacing their t-sprites with the sprites you made. If it doesn't work, then you'll just have to code the movement into your own actor by oscillating the xvel of the falling sprite using a sin function. Not super hard either way.

User is offline   Mav3r1ck 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 02 December 2018 - 10:42 PM, said:

You can see clearly that all the addition is doing is playing the sound. I can only guess that you changed something else in a part of the code not shown that is making her disappear. None of the code you posted above could make the sprite disappear or delete etc.

I'm not sure if a I did or not. However, I'll delete the Queen's current code and replace it with the original and unaltered coding and use your example to see what happens.

EDIT: Got it working, but I don't remember editing the Queen's code at all. For now, all that's left is the Protector Drone.

state newbeastcode
  state checksquished
  ifai 0
    cstator 257
    state newbeastdyingstate
    ifcount THAWTIME
      spritepal 0
      ifcount FROZENDRIPTIME
      ifactioncount 26
        spawn WATERDRIP

      ifwasweapon FREEZEBLAST
        strength 0
      addkills 1

      ifrnd 84
        spawn BLOODPOOL
      lotsofglass 60
      sound GLASS_BREAKING
    ifp pfacing
      state newbeastjumpstate
      state newbeastseekstate
        state newbeastseekstate
      ifcount 8

        state newbeastdodgestate
        state newbeastscratchstate
        state newbeastfleestate
        state newbeastthinkstate
        state newbeastshrunkstate
        state genericgrowcode
        state newbeastdyingstate
      ifp pshrunk
        ifcount 26
        ifcount 25
          shoot SHRINKER
        ifcount 5
          ifcount 4
            sound NEWBEAST_SPIT

    state checknewbeasthit

So do I do the same thing at the top of this code like for what I did with the Queen?

This post has been edited by Mav3r1ck: 03 December 2018 - 03:09 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMav3r1ck, on 03 December 2018 - 01:57 PM, said:

So do I do the same thing at the top of this code like for what I did with the Queen?

Posted Image

User is offline   MC84 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 03 December 2018 - 04:40 AM, said:

No, I would start by using the mail command to spawn envelopes from the damaged wall using the code I gave you before. Once you confirm that the envelopes spawn and fall in the way that you want, then go about replacing their t-sprites with the sprites you made. If it doesn't work, then you'll just have to code the movement into your own actor by oscillating the xvel of the falling sprite using a sin function. Not super hard either way.

I can confirm that the wall tile spawns money that behaves how I'd like it to. I had a go at mimicking the code from the wiki page but my code won't compile. I'll explain my thinking (or lack thereof :rolleyes: )

So based on the wiki I need to assign 16 to the mdflags of the MONEY sprite/actor. I had tried renaming TEMP to LEAFVAR (just to make things clearer) but mapster didn't like this; said that it "...was expecting keyword, found "LEAFVAR"

 gamevar TEMP 0 0 
actor MONEY 1 LEAFFALL 0 0
getactor[THISACTOR].mdflags TEMP
orvar TEMP 16
setactor[THISACTOR].mdflags TEMP

Now I read through the ACTOR page on the wiki and after the name and strength values I need to define an action... so I created an action for my falling leaf sprite

define LEAF1 7642
useractor notenemy LEAF1 cstator 2305 ifaction 0 action LEAFFALL enda

action LEAFFALL 0 6 1 1 1 // my leaf sprite has 6 frames of animation

I then tried combining this with your previous code you had given me;

 damageeventtilerange 7653 7655 // 


ife wall[RETURN].picnum FOLIAGE1
{ money 7 
 gettspr[MONEY].tsprcstat TEMP
  ifvarand TEMP 2
      xorvar TEMP 2
  settspr[LEAF1].tsprcstat TEMP }

I've no doubt made several errors, so if you can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

This post has been edited by conoklast: 04 December 2018 - 12:15 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


What follows is very hackish but it should get the job done.

IMPORTANT: Set your 6 frame leaf animation to animate from the art file (or using animtilerange if you aren't using .art files). That way, you can just set the money sprite to the leaf picnum and it will animate.

gamevar HACKTIME 0 0
gamevar spriteid 0 0
define LEAF1 7642
damageeventtilerange 7653 7655


ife wall[RETURN].picnum FOLIAGE1
  money 7 

appendevent EVENT_EGS
  ifactor MONEY 
      seta[].mdflags 16


  gettspr[].tsprowner spriteid
  ife sprite[spriteid].picnum MONEY settspr[].tsprpicnum LEAF1 



User is offline   MC84 


Works a treat;

Link to youtube vid (embedding doesn't seem to work)

The only minor issue is that the leaves convert back to the money sprite as they touch the ground.

This post has been edited by conoklast: 04 December 2018 - 03:51 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postconoklast, on 04 December 2018 - 03:46 AM, said:

Works a treat;

Link to youtube vid (embedding doesn't seem to work)

The only minor issue is that the leaves convert back to the money sprite as they touch the ground.

That link is not working but I will take your word for it. As for hitting the ground, I'm sure they are changing into a different picnum there (the middle tile of the money falling animation, which is tile 1234). What you could do is set a per-actor var on them in EVENT_EGS which will act as a flag for later. In EVENT_GAME you check any sprites of picnum 1234 that have the flag, and then change them to a leaf picnum which shows it on the ground.

User is offline   MC84 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 04 December 2018 - 04:28 AM, said:

That link is not working but I will take your word for it. As for hitting the ground, I'm sure they are changing into a different picnum there (the middle tile of the money falling animation, which is tile 1234). What you could do is set a per-actor var on them in EVENT_EGS which will act as a flag for later. In EVENT_GAME you check any sprites of picnum 1234 that have the flag, and then change them to a leaf picnum which shows it on the ground.

Link to youtube vid

The link should work now - I figured you might be interested seeing as you're the one providing all the code. I will try to implement the per-actor VAR by myself and will see how I go.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View Postconoklast, on 04 December 2018 - 12:31 PM, said:

Link to youtube vid

The link should work now - I figured you might be interested seeing as you're the one providing all the code. I will try to implement the per-actor VAR by myself and will see how I go.

It doesn't.

User is offline   MC84 


Yep l had the vid marked as private instead of unlisted. Hopefully it will work now.

User is offline   Mav3r1ck 


So I got some more scripting questions.

1. I was able to properly code in an Overlord Sentry using Hendricks266 tutorial from the Eduke32 wikia. Though I noticed that it's missile firing position was off on the Overlord Sentry and from what I understand this will cause it to shoot itself at certain angles and even kill itself. How do I fix this?

2. I want to make an indestructible corpse/invisible corpse. How can I do this?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMav3r1ck, on 05 December 2018 - 04:49 PM, said:

So I got some more scripting questions.

1. I was able to properly code in an Overlord Sentry using Hendricks266 tutorial from the Eduke32 wikia. Though I noticed that it's missile firing position was off on the Overlord Sentry and from what I understand this will cause it to shoot itself at certain angles and even kill itself. How do I fix this?

I'm pretty sure it will not shoot itself if you are using a relatively recent EDuke32. Verify that it does before worrying about it. If the position of the rockets bothers you, there are fixes but you will need to be more specific about the positioning.

View PostMav3r1ck, on 05 December 2018 - 04:49 PM, said:

2. I want to make an indestructible corpse/invisible corpse. How can I do this?

All you have to do is change cstat on the corpse.


EDIT: I should add, if the corpse is coded to be destroyed when hit with splash damage ("ifhitweapon RPG ...") then obviously you should remove that code for the corpse in question.

This post has been edited by Trooper Dan: 05 December 2018 - 05:26 PM


User is offline   Mav3r1ck 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 05 December 2018 - 05:16 PM, said:

I'm pretty sure it will not shoot itself if you are using a relatively recent EDuke32. Verify that it does before worrying about it. If the position of the rockets bothers you, there are fixes but you will need to be more specific about the positioning.

Hmm, the firing position does bother a little. The rockets spawn above the Overlord Sentry. I also understand that when monsters are scaled the projectiles will match the scaled monster.

View PostTrooper Dan, on 05 December 2018 - 05:16 PM, said:

All you have to do is change cstat on the corpse.


EDIT: I should add, if the corpse is coded to be destroyed when hit with splash damage ("ifhitweapon RPG ...") then obviously you should remove that code for the corpse in question.

The code below is what I have for an experiment.

    ifwasweapon RPG
      sound PRED_DYING
      sound SQUISHED
      state troop_body_jibs
      state standard_jibs
      cstat 0
      iffloordistl 8
      sound THUD
      ifrnd 64
        spawn BLOODPOOL
      state rf
      strength 0
      action ATROOPDEAD
      cstator 32768

This will allow me to blow up the Trooper but it will leave an invisible corpse behind and will respawn in the spot where it died. The goal is to attempt to replicate Doom's Nightmare difficulty respawning and by that I mean to have the monsters respawn regardless of what weapon you kill them with. So far it's been successful but the issue I'm facing is that if you shoot an explosive at the invisible corpse it will explode with guts until the monster respawns. I'm trying to get it to where it doesn't do this.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


There might be hardcoded positioning specific to BOSS3. If that's the case, you could probably remedy that using "cactor COMMANDER" right before "shoot RPG" then immediately after use "cactor BOSS3". If my suspision is correct that will make the RPG spawn lower. It will also probably reduce the damage quite a bit, and if that's a problem there is a solution for that as well.

As for the invisible corpse problem, I would define a new move, let's say "move JIBRESPAWN" and then when killed by RPG or RADIUSEXPLOSION, you have the enemies use that move instead of "move TROOPSTOPPED" or whatever that particular actor uses. Then, in the actor's code where the corpse is checking for explosions, add the line "ifmove JIBRESPAWN break" before any of the code that makes them spawn jibs. But also make sure that the "ifrespawn" check happens before the break, otherwise they will be stuck invisible forever. You migth have to move some code around to make it work.

User is offline   Mav3r1ck 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 06 December 2018 - 02:47 AM, said:

There might be hardcoded positioning specific to BOSS3. If that's the case, you could probably remedy that using "cactor COMMANDER" right before "shoot RPG" then immediately after use "cactor BOSS3". If my suspision is correct that will make the RPG spawn lower. It will also probably reduce the damage quite a bit, and if that's a problem there is a solution for that as well.

Hmm, I can give it a shot and see what happens.

View PostTrooper Dan, on 06 December 2018 - 02:47 AM, said:

As for the invisible corpse problem, I would define a new move, let's say "move JIBRESPAWN" and then when killed by RPG or RADIUSEXPLOSION, you have the enemies use that move instead of "move TROOPSTOPPED" or whatever that particular actor uses. Then, in the actor's code where the corpse is checking for explosions, add the line "ifmove JIBRESPAWN break" before any of the code that makes them spawn jibs. But also make sure that the "ifrespawn" check happens before the break, otherwise they will be stuck invisible forever. You migth have to move some code around to make it work.

This gave me an idea.

state standard_jibs
  guts JIBS2 4
  guts JIBS3 8
  guts JIBS4 12
  guts JIBS5 8
  guts JIBS6 12
  ifrnd 6
    guts JIBS1 1
    spawn BLOODPOOL
  }         // a badly drawn spine

  state jib_sounds

The above is a modified jibs code (love the idea of more jibs when blowing something up) in my external GAME.CON that spawns more guts when blowing monsters up. That being said, what if I can duplicate this code and remove all the parts that spawn jibs and add it to the invisible corpse part as a dummy state for the jibs and then whenever I shoot the invisible corpse, no jibs will spawn. Could that method work instead?

This post has been edited by Mav3r1ck: 06 December 2018 - 04:15 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMav3r1ck, on 06 December 2018 - 04:08 PM, said:

what if I can duplicate this code and remove all the parts that spawn jibs

I'm sorry but that broke me. The entire state does nothing but spawn jibs until the very last line which plays sounds.

User is offline   Mark 


Is there a way from within actor A to determine if actor B is alive or dead? The 2 actors are a guy and his boombox in an alley. I have the simple basic effects for each actor working. But, one of the effects from within the boombox actor is the sound of the guy saying something if the boombox is shot at. If the guy is killed first I no longer want the boombox to trigger the man's voice when hit. So I need to determine how to check for the guy's status so the boombox either plays the voice clip or not when hit.

This post has been edited by Mark: 16 December 2018 - 04:37 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


The easiest way involves actor A having the sprite ID of actor B stored in a per-actor gamevar. This is one of those things that is easier to do than to explain. If the guys is the only one of his picnum anywhere near the boombox, then you could grab his ID with findnearactor -- use that command just once when the boombox initializes to put his ID in a gamevar, then monitor the actor to see if his extra drops below 1.


hello all! I have some issue in m32 script.
EVENT_ANALYZE_SPRITES has no effect in newer version of mapster32.
In the old version (Mapster32 2.0.0devel r4488 (32-bit) Compiled May 28 2014 15:48:34) this method works correctly. In the version (Mapster32 r6332 Built Jul 6 2017 07:49:55, GCC 6.3.0, 32-bit) and later it does not work.

code for exemple:
  for i drawnsprites {
    // set any property of tsprite[] has no effect :-(
    set tsprite[i].shade -64

This post has been edited by Mr. Alias Nameless: 10 January 2019 - 06:22 AM


User is offline   Mark 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 16 December 2018 - 05:27 PM, said:

The easiest way involves actor A having the sprite ID of actor B stored in a per-actor gamevar. This is one of those things that is easier to do than to explain. If the guys is the only one of his picnum anywhere near the boombox, then you could grab his ID with findnearactor -- use that command just once when the boombox initializes to put his ID in a gamevar, then monitor the actor to see if his extra drops below 1.

I forgot to post here that I was able to figure it out with your suggestion. Thanks.


What exactly do I need to do in order to play other music on custom maps? I thought I would start off by using "music { id "E1L1" file "grabbag.ogg" }" in DEFS.CON to see the command work, but it didn't. Couldn't put it in USER or GAME either. I tried making a somename.def file and included in GAME but i just get this
Compiling: GAME.CON (161162 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (35992 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45661 bytes)
Including: g.def (38 bytes)
g.def: At top level:
g.def:1: error: parameter `{' is undefined.
g.def:1: error: found more `}' than `{'.
GAME.CON: In state `setwinner':
GAME.CON:69: error: found more `}' than `{'.

g.def only contains "music { id "E1L1" file "grabbag.ogg" }".
- Or, I really just want to play the grabbag theme when a player wins a multiplayer game. If I play the theme in the APLAYER actor code you can hear it multiple times from the different players on the map...

This post has been edited by thisbecasper: 12 January 2019 - 12:39 PM


User is offline   Mark 


I just took a look at my USER.CON file and the music lines for the levels do not use any braces.


View PostMark, on 12 January 2019 - 02:56 PM, said:

I just took a look at my USER.CON file and the music lines for the levels do not use any braces.

Yup, thanks, that made it possible to play another song at Holly. Although this doesn't work
music 1 stalker.mid GRABBAG.mid streets.mid watrwld1.mid snake1.mid
        thecall.mid ahgeez.mid GRABBAG.mid streets.mid watrwld1.mid snake1.mid

even though this worked
music 1 GRABBAG.mid dethtoll.mid streets.mid watrwld1.mid snake1.mid
        thecall.mid ahgeez.mid dethtoll.mid streets.mid watrwld1.mid snake1.mid

and that has always been my problem. I can't play other music than dethtoll on usermaps...


Does anyone know why I get out of sync when I'm trying to alter .max_player_health or .htextra??????? I've isolated the problem, and it occurs consistently. I'm of course using the EDuke32-OldMP launcher. The desync on .max_player_health triggers sometimes if the player picks up hp, exceeding 100 hp. Same problem seems be the case with .htextra. When a player runs my .htextra code and goes from >100 to <=100 the game desyncs...

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postthisbecasper, on 12 January 2019 - 05:47 PM, said:

Does anyone know why I get out of sync when I'm trying to alter .max_player_health or .htextra??????? I've isolated the problem, and it occurs consistently. I'm of course using the EDuke32-OldMP launcher. The desync on .max_player_health triggers sometimes if the player picks up hp, exceeding 100 hp. Same problem seems be the case with .htextra. When a player runs my .htextra code and goes from >100 to <=100 the game desyncs...

I don't know and probably won't be able to help. However, if you post the code you are using to change those values, maybe I will have a helpful suggestion. I'm assuming you are talking about changes to those values caused by your own code and not changes in the vanilla game.


View PostTrooper Dan, on 12 January 2019 - 05:55 PM, said:

I don't know and probably won't be able to help. However, if you post the code you are using to change those values, maybe I will have a helpful suggestion. I'm assuming you are talking about changes to those values caused by your own code and not changes in the vanilla game.

Thank you very much for your interest. I'm at a point where I'm conviced my code is bug-less :) and it has something to do with underlying code - I hope I'm wrong. I'll try to outline the central aspects of my code:

So, the idea of this MP gamemode is simple: First to 30 wins. For every kill you are behind the leader, you get 5 bonus max hp:

state regulatemaxhealth
	getplayer[THISACTOR].frag tempone
	getplayer[THISACTOR].fraggedself temptwo
	subvarvar tempone temptwo //actual amount of kills
	setvarvar tempthree maxscore //maxscore is leading player's score and is working correctly
	subvarvar tempthree tempone //Difference between your score and the leader's
	mulvar tempthree 5
	addvar tempthree 100
	setplayer[THISACTOR].max_player_health tempthree // It's actually not this line that causes the desync

If I kill my opponent, he lies dead on the ground and has now 0/105 hp. When he respawns he gets 105/105 and we have a desync. If I suicide and has yet to spawn I'm on 0/105. However, when I respawn there's no desync. So I have to be killed by an opponent, before the desync happens on a respawn (and it happens every time).

I have no code in EVENT_RESETPLAYER or anything alike. Neither do I have code on killing blows, respawns or anything like that. If I remove the last line in the above state, I get no desync, but then I lose the main part of the mod.

This post has been edited by thisbecasper: 12 January 2019 - 06:32 PM


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