Danukem, on 28 February 2021 - 10:44 AM, said:
If you want you could also cancel weapon drawing when the goggles are on by setting RETURN to -1 in EVENT_DISPLAYWEAPON and EVENT_DRAWWEAPON if player[THISACTOR].heat_on YES
if that also prevents the weapon firing that might also work, i choose for holster because its a more realistic way of handeling things, you cant hold a 2 handed weapon, ánd a binocular at the same time so holstering seemed like a logical way to handle it. maybe that would be usefull for a sniper rifle, if i decide to add one.
how do i remove the enemy spritepal wen using the NV goggles, tried several things but it seems pretty persistent.
as for the airstrike, i recon making the marker a switch that triggers an activator, but can only be switched on when looking through the binoculars, and perhaps you would also have to be near a radioman, i could use a FPS view of a handy talky but programming that is a bit too advanced for me.
i have found a way to keep the binoculars at 100%
so i figure using it to call an airstrike would immediatly deplete it to 0 to prevent multiple uses, and then recharge it over time and being able to call a new one once it reaches 100%.
been thinking about the other inventory items, and the steroids might just stay as they are, but also add a temporary health boost. thinking about changin it to panzerchocolade, chocolat bars the germans used laced with pervitin ( meth ) so a temporary stat boost combined with a witty comment and a screenpal like purple to simulate a rush.
but im thinking out loud again
[edit] changed the pal to purple for the pervitin, and added some fire for optimal effect, it would be fun if you are on steroids, you can kick someone and send them flying back, or explode like in doom.
whats the correct command to initiate the loogie animation? i want to use it to say, draw blood on the screen if the player is under a certain amount of health
found that setting numloogs and loogcnt does display loogies, but does not animate the way they normally do in the game :/