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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is offline   Salvation 


View PostDanukem, on 09 October 2020 - 09:27 AM, said:

For the projectile, you need its fall to accelerate, rather than fall at a fixed rate. The projectile definition only allows for a fixed rate. This is one of those cases where you have to add some additional code outside of the projectile definition, possibly in EVENT_GAME. You might be able to get away with "appendevent EVENT_GAME ifactor SCARBULLET fall endevent" but maybe not. If that doesn't work you track its zvel in a peractor var, add to it from the previous amount and keep setting it every tic in EVENT_GAME. Also, you might want to make its vel faster.

So should i make an actor for the scarbullet?

Something like this:

 TRAILFRAME2 0 1 1 1 15
useractor notenemy BEAMTRAIL 0 TRAILFRAME2
spritepal 2			
ifaction TRAILFRAME2 {
ifactioncount 3 { killit }
ifactioncount 2 { cstat 32768 }
ifactioncount 1 { cstat 2 }

Then EVENT_GAME i add the value that after certain amount of time the projectile starts to fall? Can it be so simple?

This post has been edited by Salvation: 12 October 2020 - 10:47 AM


User is offline   MC84 


I've got a noob question regarding ifrnd - basically I have a wall tile that once hit will shuffle between 3 different break tiles.

ife wall[RETURN].picnum GLASSFRONT
  lotsofglass 20 
  ifrnd 85
  { setw[RETURN].picnum GLSSFRNTBR1 }
  ifrnd 85
  { setw[RETURN].picnum GLSSFRNTBR2 }
  { setw[RETURN].picnum GLSSFRNTBR3 }

85 is 255/3, yet it seems to choose the final picnum (GLSSFRNTBR3) more frequently than the other two.. is this normal? It's hardly a big deal but I thought that perhaps I'd incorrectly used ifrnd? And is it preferable to use integers that are divisible by 8?

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


The first thing I see is that the second ifrnd needs an else before it. Otherwise there is a 1/3 chance of using the second tile, a 2/3 chance of the third, and no chance of the first.

Second, I don't think chaining "ifrnd 85 else ifrnd 85 else" will give each result an equal 1/3 chance. The first one would have a 1/3 chance. The else would cover the 2/3 remaining chance, and the second result would have 1/3 of that = 2/9. Then the third result would have the remaining 4/9 chance. It would need to be ifrnd 85 else { ifrnd 128 else }.

Generally I prefer to avoid ifrnd messes if you want all the results to have the same likelihood. Just use randvar and a switch/case.

  randvar temp 2
  switch temp
    case 0
      setw[RETURN].picnum GLSSFRNTBR1
    case 1
      setw[RETURN].picnum GLSSFRNTBR2
    case 2
      setw[RETURN].picnum GLSSFRNTBR3


User is offline   MC84 


Much better! Thanks for the explanation - it probably would have never occurred to me that each ifrnd statement alters the probability..

I assumed that this gamevar would be a 'per actor' variable, but out of curiosity I set it to 'global' and it still works? In my limited understanding of coding I would have assumed that making it global would cause issues when there are multiple states of the actor walltile being hit?

This post has been edited by MC84: 16 October 2020 - 12:20 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Each ifrnd is its own dice roll, so you have to model your math based on that.

Scratch variables like temp should be marked global. There is no concurrency in CON so the variable is not contested in any way. You only need to mark a variable per-actor if each actor's value needs to be preserved from one game world tick to the next.

User is offline   Salvation 


I would like to change the font of health, armor and ammo.
I put the following code:

	getactor[THISACTOR].extra TEMP2
	digitalnumber 2992 360 160 TEMP2 0 0 0 0 0 xdim ydim

The new font is now on screen on the right side but the existing one is also there, so it's a duplicate. See the attachment.

What should i do to change the font?

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0018.png


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


You can't pick and choose individual elements of the hud to replace; you have to disable the entire hardcoded display by setting RETURN to -1 in the event and then redraw every single thing yourself.


Hey, I'm using the following code to have the Jibs remain on the floor:

state rf
getactor[THISACTOR].cstat TEMP4
ifvare TEMP7 259 { cstat 2 } else
ifvare TEMP7 771 { cstat 514 } else
  ifrnd 128
    cstat 4
	cstat 0

state getfloordist
  getactor[THISACTOR].x x
  getactor[THISACTOR].y y
  updatesector x y TEMP7 // You should not trust [THISACTOR].Sectnum
  getflorzofslope TEMP7 x y z
  getactor[THISACTOR].z TEMP8
  subvarvar z TEMP8
  shiftvarr z 8
  subvar z 1
onevent EVENT_GAME
ifactor JIBS1
state getfloordist
ifvarl z 0 
	sound GIB_LAND2
	changespritestat THISACTOR 1
	state rf
	setactor[THISACTOR].picnum 2249
	      ifrnd 84
        spawn BLOODPOOL
		guts JIBS6 3

Each time a Jib drops inside an invalid sector, eDuke32.log spills out the error:

Line 801, getflorzofslope: invalid sector -1

This error is being spammed in dozens of kilobytes over an hour of gameplay. Is there a way to avoid this?

This post has been edited by December Man: 28 October 2020 - 11:49 AM


User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


Try having the game check to see if the gib is in an invalid sector, and if so, break and killit.


View PostJimmy, on 28 October 2020 - 12:08 PM, said:

Try having the game check to see if the gib is in an invalid sector, and if so, break and killit.

The issue is that I'm not sure how to do that.

User is offline   jimbob 


hey, havent been to this site in ages, but i had the urge to make some duke mods and was wondering about a few things.

1, i want to add new reload animations to a custom weapon wich replaces the chaingun. it behaves like the chaingun/ripper except it needs a 30 round magazine, and some reload animations
i have all the artwork in place, might need some tweaking, but i cant for the life of me figure out how to tell the game when to reload, where the artfiles are and how long the animation needs to last, tried looking at the wiki and use the 'manual reload' tutorial, but it just jiggles the gun infinetly.
i have the new reload animation, 7 frames long at tile 2582, and basically it is an oscillation of pulling out a mag, and sticking it back in.
for the weapon i use these gamevars.
// thompson
gamevar WEAPON3_CLIP 30 0
gamevar WEAPON3_RELOAD 60 0
// gamevar WEAPON3_FIREDELAY 1 0
gamevar WEAPON3_TOTALTIME 10 0 // was 10
// gamevar WEAPON3_HOLDDELAY 0 0
gamevar WEAPON3_FLAGS 73813 // 85
// gamevar WEAPON3_SPAWNTIME 0 0

2, i have an actor wich spawns at a certain point, goes through an AI routine, but i want this actor to litteraly keel over and die after X seconds, after wich i want the corpse to be removed after a while.
i have the routines down, and even the corpse cleanup code but the game refuses to use 'count' if it is going through other routines, or if it moves. i have a a cleanup state as follows
state cleanup
cstat 2
ifcount 330
cstat 514
ifcount 360

this kicks in after the actor has been shot and is dead on the floor ( aparently if movement is 0 it starts counting )

i trier adding something like
ifcount 1000 action GIDROPDEAD ( the actors falling dead animation )
strength 0
state GIDYING ( check the DYING state of the actor for ifhitweapon etc )

but because it keeps going through its routines and keeps moving it never reaches the count number, or, when it dies it keeps looping its dying animation.

User is offline   jimbob 


i thought about it for a bit, and perhaps substracting health every other state will eventually drain the actors health, causing it to quite litterally die, this would give some random amount of time before this happens, and wil definatly cause the actor to die eventually.

another thing, how do i change the offset for the ejecting brass, right now it spawns in an incorrect location.

and since where on the topic of editing existing things, the muscle flashes used with the chaingun have three different offsets so they animate in front of each 'barrel' of the gun, i'd like to change this to one location for my new gun.

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


I have a bunch of questions about performance. How "expensive" are the following commands?

setvarvar (specifically pulling data from an array)

I'm trying to improve performance on my A* pathfinding, and I'm trying to identify which operations are very "expensive" that I should avoid or limit my usage of. I am calling these potentially thousands of times for every enemy on a given frame. There's not frequently frame drops and I am doing what I can to limit the frequency for these calls, but I'm curious which of these are the most heavy on CPU.

I am using "sqrt" for a simple Euclidian distance calculation, as dist / ldist takes actors and not X/Y positions:

defstate astardist





Is there a cheaper method of getting the distance between 2 arbitrary points in space?

I'm using "updatesector" in conjunction with "cansee" to validate if 2 points in space are valid (IE not in the void):

// Ignore any point we don't have line of sight to
getactor[THISACTOR].sectnum ASTARSECT
getsector[ASTARSECT].floorz ASTARPOSZ
subvar ASTARPOSZ 6144

getactor[THISACTOR].sectnum NODESECT
getsector[NODESECT].floorz NODEPOSZ
subvar NODEPOSZ 6144


I need to validate line-of-sight between 2 points, is there a less expensive method than this?

I don't have concise examples of using "setarray" and "setvarvar" for pulling values from an array, but suffice it to say that 2 separate arrays have their values checked and/or set potentially thousands of times during each loop. I know that this sucks, and I try to use a reference to the array value (rather than comparing it directly, IE ifvarvarl VAR ARRAY[INDEX]), but I am not sure I can improve things further. How much of a CPU hit could this be causing?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostReaper_Man, on 10 December 2020 - 09:33 AM, said:

I'm trying to improve performance on my A* pathfinding, and I'm trying to identify which operations are very "expensive" that I should avoid or limit my usage of. I am calling these potentially thousands of times for every enemy on a given frame.

Those calculations aren't super expensive but you are sure doing them a lot. It sounds like you are making your actors re-evauluate the path every single tic, which is excessive in my opinion. You can give each actor an interval and then have them do it every 10 tics or so. Stagger it so that only certain actors are doing it on certain tics (for example you could use the actors sprite ID to offset player_par and then mod 10 on the result to determine when to calcaulte). A lag of up to 10 tics on their reaction speed to changes in the maze won't be very noticeable but will reduce the calculations per second by nearly 90%

User is offline   Salvation 


A noobish question - i just can't figure this one out:

I would like to increase chaingun rate of fire by decreasing it's TOTALTIME. Like this:


Original TOTALTIME was 12

After inserting this it wont display anymore chaingun firing tiles (the firing tiles contained cool muzzle blast) and it only "shakes" when shooting. Only main tile, which is nr 2537 appears but firing tiles 2538, 2539 and 2540 does not.

Any simple ideas how to fix this?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


The chaingun fires multiple times during the 12 tics and animates, so simply cutting that in half is not the right approach. Leave TOTALTIME alone, and instead try changing the weapon's flags:

gamevar WEAPON3_FLAGS 73820 0

That will add the "fire every other" flag which I think should make it fire on almost every tic now (because it also has the fire on every third flag). You could also try removing the fire on every third flag and just have fire on every other which would give you flags 73804

But it's been a while since I messed with it so I could be mistaken about how these flags will affect things -- it's not always straightforward. These days I code the animation so I can change things more drastically.

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View PostDanukem, on 10 December 2020 - 11:27 AM, said:

Those calculations aren't super expensive but you are sure doing them a lot. It sounds like you are making your actors re-evauluate the path every single tic, which is excessive in my opinion. You can give each actor an interval and then have them do it every 10 tics or so. Stagger it so that only certain actors are doing it on certain tics (for example you could use the actors sprite ID to offset player_par and then mod 10 on the result to determine when to calcaulte). A lag of up to 10 tics on their reaction speed to changes in the maze won't be very noticeable but will reduce the calculations per second by nearly 90%

No, the routine only runs basically once every animation cycle. It essentially looks like this:

ifactioncount 5
ifactioncount 4
	state astar
	state facetarget

	action A_ASTAR
	move M_ASTAR geth getv

The reason there's so many calls is because of how the navigation nodes are built, which is basically just valid points on the grid. So if a hypothetical map takes up a 32768 x 32768 square, and if the nodes are built at 512 intervals, that's still 4096 potentially valid points. It's also possible that some points are evaluated multiple times by looking at a node's neighbors, so 4096 is actually the best case scenario because it assumes essentially a straight unobstructed line from corner to corner. Theoretically this count could go up to 28,672 in very bad scenarios, where nearly every node is re-evaluted for each of it's neighbors. (Of course the real-world execution will be much lower, outside of particularly bad maze-y designs, but I digress.)

Decreasing the navigation node density obviously improves things (512 to 768 for example), but then it becomes less useful in areas with tight navigation. It is possible to have areas of varying node density, but that is outside the scope of solving the core algorithm performance.

I've found a way to reduce the sqrt calls for checking distance, but they are still called up to 8 times per each neighbor, and the nature of the algorithm requires the rest of the culprits are all called if the distance check succeeds.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Ok, so it's not done the way I suspected, but it still seems to me that you could break up the workload and spread it over time more. EDIT: Also you have your nodes very close together if I understand correctly. This could also create a potential for too many sprites in the map, once you get a big map with a log ot effects going on.

EDIT2: I'm guessing you are spawning in the nodes via code, which would explain why you have them so dense. If you hand place them in maps you can reduce the density a lot. That does mean that maps have to be hand edited to use the system but otherwise you need some very smart code for analyzing the map structure and placing nodes with the minimal density required in a particular area of a map.

This post has been edited by Danukem: 10 December 2020 - 02:11 PM


User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View PostDanukem, on 10 December 2020 - 01:51 PM, said:

Ok, so it's not done the way I suspected, but it still seems to me that you could break up the workload and spread it over time more. EDIT: Also you have your nodes very close together if I understand correctly. This could also create a potential for too many sprites in the map, once you get a big map with a log ot effects going on.

EDIT2: I'm guessing you are spawning in the nodes via code, which would explain why you have them so dense. If you hand place them in maps you can reduce the density a lot. That does mean that maps have to be hand edited to use the system but otherwise you need some very smart code for analyzing the map structure and placing nodes with the minimal density required in a particular area of a map.

To clarify, the nodes aren't actors, they are X and Y positions recorded in an array. The system actually doesn't spawn anything, which is why dist / ldist aren't useful and I have to use sqrt to do the distance calculation manually. This is also why manually placing waypoints isn't a viable solution. As I mentioned I do have some actors that can generate nodes in the X/Y arrays with a variable density in their vicinity, but that's more for things like doorways and other tight areas where mappers need granular control, rather than manually creating a navigation mesh for the entire map.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


That sounds good. Well, I don't have anything to contribute as far as optimizing the calculations. In my experiences with dealing with similar problems in CON, my guess is that fiddling with the code that does the calculations will only give you micro-optimizations and most of your gains will come from reducing the number of (virtual) nodes and/or spacing out the workload more.

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View PostDanukem, on 10 December 2020 - 03:03 PM, said:

That sounds good. Well, I don't have anything to contribute as far as optimizing the calculations. In my experiences with dealing with similar problems in CON, my guess is that fiddling with the code that does the calculations will only give you micro-optimizations and most of your gains will come from reducing the number of (virtual) nodes and/or spacing out the workload more.

Right, I feel like I'm probably up against the wall with what I can do from CON. I can do away with the sqrt calls and use a more simplistic distance guesstimate, but it's the cansee calls I worry are the culprit. I don't know how updatesector works under the hood, and if I'm going overkill to validate the X/Y positions.

Thanks for your input as always, Dan!

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


For anyone who comes across this later, I wound up using a square root approximation, which works because my node points are on a grid.

// Search distance 1.5 times node graph size, cheap method of accounting for diagonal distance

// Estimated square root distance for diagonal movement
mulvar ASTARSQRT 1414
divvar ASTARSQRT 1000

[ . . .]

// ASTARPOSX/Y and NODEPOSX/Y are the X/Y position of the start and end points, respectively



// If node within range
	// Cheap square root approximation

In this specific case, NODEGRAPHSIZE is 700 units, so ASTARMAXDIST becomes 1050 and ASTARSQRT becomes 989. Subtracting the start X or Y position from the ending X or Y position gives you the distance on one axis, and if both are less than the ASTARMAXDIST, then that means the distance is either going to be 700 or 989.

Anyway, my next question:

I am using several for loops, but often run into cases where I can/should exit out of them early. Is it possible to end a for loop early? The wiki makes it seem like you can't, and "break" doesn't seem to do anything either. Should I use while loops instead of for loops for cases where I know I will need to break them early? Is it faster to use a while loop in situations where I might break out of early, and for loops where I know I will need to iterate through every item?

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 12 December 2020 - 07:17 PM


User is offline   jimbob 


If i understand your idea, it scans for valid player spaces every X and decides that is a valid point for the actor to move in, in order to speed up efficiëncy is there something like a pre-calculated mesh of nodes? In certain older games you could 'render' pathfinding and it would create a waypoint system, and would calculate movement off of that instead of doing it realtime, wich sounds much more CPU efficiënt than checking the entire build grid every X.

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View Postjimbob, on 13 December 2020 - 11:33 AM, said:

If i understand your idea, it scans for valid player spaces every X and decides that is a valid point for the actor to move in, in order to speed up efficiëncy is there something like a pre-calculated mesh of nodes? In certain older games you could 'render' pathfinding and it would create a waypoint system, and would calculate movement off of that instead of doing it realtime, wich sounds much more CPU efficiënt than checking the entire build grid every X.

Yes, the node graph is precalculated only once at map load, and I have a system to store and load the node graph on the disk and use that instead of generating it every map load, to speed things up further. But the node generation isn't a bottleneck, it's the various checks and iterations through the node graph. Consider a map that is 65536 units square, and the node graph density is 700 units, or 94 grid points per axis. That creates an array of only 8800 items. Searching through 8800 items is pretty fast. Searching for 8800 items 8799 separate times - or 77 million searches - is what is slow. Reducing that number, and reducing any other expensive calls within each of those iterations, is the goal.

The square root approximation method here works because every point is on a grid. Neighboring nodes are either straight or diagonal, and the distance is precalculated using the square root approximation for the diagonal points. Using the sqrt function isn't necessary because the distance is only ever going to be one length or the other.

I've been playing around with multiple search densities and I think I've come up with a system that balances speed/performance and search accuracy. It does 2 searches - a coarse grid search to find the nearest point, and then a fine local search to the nearest point. Think of this as searching for the path based on rooms and hallways, and then a second search to navigate the room you're in to get to the doorway. This cuts down the hypothetical 77 million searches down to only a few thousand.

User is offline   Sangman 


View PostReaper_Man, on 12 December 2020 - 05:55 PM, said:

I am using several for loops, but often run into cases where I can/should exit out of them early. Is it possible to end a for loop early? The wiki makes it seem like you can't, and "break" doesn't seem to do anything either. Should I use while loops instead of for loops for cases where I know I will need to break them early? Is it faster to use a while loop in situations where I might break out of early, and for loops where I know I will need to iterate through every item?

In situations where a while loop isn't appropriate I use a control variable that I set to a certain value, and only execute the code in the loop if the variable is not set to that value... Not quite the same as breaking the for loop but it works :P


set variable -1

for yadda yadda
      ifn variable 1
           // some code that sets variable to 1

View PostDanukem, on 10 December 2020 - 03:03 PM, said:

most of your gains will come from reducing the number of (virtual) nodes and/or spacing out the workload more.

Yup, I had a similar situation a while ago and I spread the workload out by giving each actor a random chance to execute its code depending on a tic count (that I reset back to 0 after calculating). Like first 30 tics have a 10% chance of calculating, next 30 have a 20% chance etc until finally at 120 tics the calculation is forced.

You could also account for player distance/visibility.. An easy performance improvement is to restrict the amount of times calculations are run against/by things that the player can't see.

But I don't know how compatible all of that would be with the A* stuff.

This post has been edited by Sangman: 13 December 2020 - 04:01 PM


User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View PostSangman, on 13 December 2020 - 03:53 PM, said:

In situations where a while loop isn't appropriate I use a control variable that I set to a certain value, and only execute the code in the loop if the variable is not set to that value... Not quite the same as breaking the for loop but it works :P



Thanks. I was doing basically this as well. I decided to swap them out for while loops, since I wanted to remove as many loop iterations as possible when possible. Even if the for loop is doing nothing, it's still using a non-zero amount of CPU time. Each node only has 8 neighbors, so after all 8 neighbors have been found, I know I can safely exit the loop. Under normal, sane conditions this wouldn't matter, but when I'm trying to reduce hundreds of thousands of total iterations on a given game tic, every CPU cycle counts.

View PostSangman, on 13 December 2020 - 03:53 PM, said:

Yup, I had a similar situation a while ago and I spread the workload out by giving each actor a random chance to execute its code depending on a tic count (that I reset back to 0 after calculating). Like first 30 tics have a 10% chance of calculating, next 30 have a 20% chance etc until finally at 120 tics the calculation is forced.

You could also account for player distance/visibility.. An easy performance improvement is to restrict the amount of times calculations are run against/by things that the player can't see.

But I don't know how compatible all of that would be with the A* stuff.

The A* system is locked to a single actor each tic, partially for performance reasons, but also because gamearrays are global only and actors can't share the path data that is stored in the arrays. Also as mentioned previously, they aren't trying to run A* on every single tic, they only do it once every "occasionally", and they store their path data locally as well to reduce the number of calls they need to make to the expensive A* functions.

There's also a lot of other AI considerations and A* is just one part of their overall behavior - an AI doesn't need to pathfind if they have direct line-of-sight with the player, for example. It's not a magic bullet, it's just one tool in the toolbox, and is meant to replace any instance of "seekplayer" to keep them from getting stuck in rooms or running into walls and sprites more than anything else.

So anyway, after working on this the past few days, I've been able to drastically improve the performance of the search. I've cut the number of iterations down from 500k to 11k, and the number of expensive operations down from 258k to just over 1000. There's still some minor things I want to try and improve, and of course there's lots of real-world testing that needs to be done, but I think I've found just about all of the shortcuts that can reasonably be found. Thank you everyone for the feedback and suggestions!

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 13 December 2020 - 06:15 PM


User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Not sure where else to post this, but wanted to share some findings of mine digging into AI and pathfinding.

You can theoretically hack "seekplayer" to navigate towards any other actor, due to how it interacts with HoloDuke. From VM_AlterAng:

int const spriteAngle    = vm.pSprite->ang;
int const holoDukeSprite = vm.pPlayer->holoduke_on;

// NOTE: looks like 'owner' is set to target sprite ID...

vm.pSprite->owner = (holoDukeSprite >= 0
					 && cansee(sprite[holoDukeSprite].x, sprite[holoDukeSprite].y, sprite[holoDukeSprite].z, sprite[holoDukeSprite].sectnum,
							   vm.pSprite->x, vm.pSprite->y, vm.pSprite->z, vm.pSprite->sectnum))
  ? holoDukeSprite
  : vm.pPlayer->i;

int const goalAng = (sprite[vm.pSprite->owner].picnum == APLAYER)
		  ? getangle(vm.pActor->lastv.x - vm.pSprite->x, vm.pActor->lastv.y - vm.pSprite->y)
		  : getangle(sprite[vm.pSprite->owner].x - vm.pSprite->x, sprite[vm.pSprite->owner].y - vm.pSprite->y);

This bit of code sets goalAng to the angle to face the target, where the target is either the player or the HoloDuke, specifically the actor stored on "holoduke_on" player member. Meaning you can do this:

// holoduke_on resets to -1 when holoduke_amount hits 0, so always keep the holoduke_amount at full
setplayer[THISACTOR].holoduke_amount 2400

ifaction 0
	findnearsprite 100 32768 ACTOR_TARGET
	ifvare ACTOR_TARGET -1

	setplayer[THISACTOR].holoduke_on ACTOR_TARGET

	action A_ACTOR
	move M_ACTOR seekplayer

This actor now is using "seekplayer" to seek out something other than the player.

Unfortunately, the catch is the "cansee" check, meaning that this only works if there's already line of sight between the actor calling this and the faked HoloDuke, rendering this mostly useless.

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Another question I'm sure has a simple answer... How do I draw into widescreen screen space using screentext? By that I mean, how do I properly use screentext (and rotatesprite) to draw an element the full width of the screen, regardless of the aspect ratio?

For example, I have a text element that I want to take up 70% of the screen width. In 4:3 this would be ~716 pixels, but widescreen this would be ~896 pixels. What am I looking for to run that math?

Or a more simple example, I have some HUD icons that I want to appear at the left or right edge of the screen. A value of 0 for x in screentext/rotatesprite will properly draw it at the edge of the screen in 4:3 aspect ratios, but in widescreen it's floating in the middle of the screen (where the edge of the 4:3 space would be).

What am I missing?

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Use orientation flag 1024.

User is offline   jimbob 


How do i set an owner to an actor, basically i want an actor do go through its routine but only if an enemy is nearby and alive, concrete i want an enemy to be alive and closeby a stationary machinegun wich should obvious stop shooting if the enemy has died.

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