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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Resetactioncount does NOT reset count.

However, any move command applied DOES reset count. So each time you apply "move 0 0 randomangle" that resets the count.

Count is how many tics have passed since the actor got its current move.

User is offline   jimbob 


wel that explains a thing or two, well for the time being this is functional, it starts, it stops, it destroys stuff. it has a few drawbacks but in game it looks pretty neat. now to figure out what uses i can find for the other inventory items.

User is offline   jimbob 


sorted out the issue with my arty strike, bracketing matters.

anyway, unrelated question, is it possible to have an actor play a music file ( .ogg or midi ) i need this for purposes :P i could use wav, but long music files soak up tons of space.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 jimbob, on 03 March 2021 - 01:47 PM, said:

anyway, unrelated question, is it possible to have an actor play a music file ( .ogg or midi ) i need this for purposes :P i could use wav, but long music files soak up tons of space.

If you want it to be specifically defined as music and not a sound, then use one of these commands:


User is offline   jimbob 


i could try to define a temporary episode music ( say episode 8 ) and use starttrack to play the music from there, but im afraid that replaces/overrides the level specific music.
i would prefer if it could be used as a sound, what im trying to do is make a functional record player that plays back X amount of musical tracks depending on how often you use it, i could use short samples liek say 30 seconds but even that in half decent audio in WAV requires a lot of space, so if i could play a midi file of .ogg file from that actor as a sound comming from a 'recordplayer' that would be pretty neat.


 jimbob, on 04 March 2021 - 08:06 AM, said:

i could try to define a temporary episode music ( say episode 8 ) and use starttrack to play the music from there, but im afraid that replaces/overrides the level specific music.
i would prefer if it could be used as a sound, what im trying to do is make a functional record player that plays back X amount of musical tracks depending on how often you use it, i could use short samples liek say 30 seconds but even that in half decent audio in WAV requires a lot of space, so if i could play a midi file of .ogg file from that actor as a sound comming from a 'recordplayer' that would be pretty neat.

Alien Armageddon has a bunch of ogg samples loaded via `definesound` in attcons/ATTDEFS.CON

User is offline   jimbob 


I have that mod on my computer, i'll take a look at what they did and hopefully can make a fully functional record

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 jimbob, on 05 March 2021 - 04:15 AM, said:

I have that mod on my computer, i'll take a look at what they did and hopefully can make a fully functional record

There's not much to look at in AA that would help you make a record player, he was just pointing out that you can use .ogg as a sound format.

A really simple way to do what you want would be to make a separate actor for each individual record and have them spread across a table with the record player in the middle. The player would walk up to the record they want to play, then the record would be an actor with code something like:

useractor notenemy RECORD1 0

 cstat 32
 ifp palive ifp pfacing ifpdistl 1280 ifhitspace ifcansee 
  stopsound REC2SOUND stopsound REC3SOUND
  soundonce REC1SOUND

You would make the record sprites start as invisible in mapster, and define the sounds with a large radius so that they seemed to emanate from the entire room. You would declare a global var for each variable (RECORD1UNLOCK, RECORD1UNLOCK, etc) and set them to NO (NO = 0, YES = 0). Then all you have to do code some things in the game to make them turn to YES.

User is offline   jimbob 


View PostDanukem, on 05 March 2021 - 11:35 AM, said:

There's not much to look at in AA that would help you make a record player, he was just pointing out that you can use .ogg as a sound format.

A really simple way to do what you want would be to make a separate actor for each individual record and have them spread across a table with the record player in the middle. The player would walk up to the record they want to play, then the record would be an actor with code something like:

useractor notenemy RECORD1 0

 cstat 32
 ifp palive ifp pfacing ifpdistl 1280 ifhitspace ifcansee 
  stopsound REC2SOUND stopsound REC3SOUND
  soundonce REC1SOUND

You would make the record sprites start as invisible in mapster, and define the sounds with a large radius so that they seemed to emanate from the entire room. You would declare a global var for each variable (RECORD1UNLOCK, RECORD1UNLOCK, etc) and set them to NO (NO = 0, YES = 0). Then all you have to do code some things in the game to make them turn to YES.

right now i have one record on the gramophone player, the actor has a few tracks you can go to by pressing space, i have it set up like this.

action RECORDTRACK1 0 1 1 1 8
action RECORDTRACK2 0 1 1 1 8
action RECORDTRACK3 0 1 1 1 8
action RECORDTRACK4 0 1 1 1 8

action RECORDSTOPPED 0 1 1 1 8

useractor notenemy RECORDS 0 RECORDTRACK1
	soundonce BONUSMUSIC
// ifactioncount 8 action RECORDTRACK1
			ifpdistl 2048
				ifp palive
							ifactioncount 4
							action RECORDSTOPPED
			ifpdistl 2048
				ifp palive
							ifactioncount 4
							action RECORDTRACK1


this way i can just make new actions for each track it has to play, and eventually either stop, like i have now, or loop back to track 1
note, the actor is set relative to the floor, so it is flat and spins right round like a record baby.

This post has been edited by jimbob: 05 March 2021 - 12:52 PM


User is offline   jimbob 


aparently it really is as simple as definesound *.ogg works like a charm :)

User is offline   jimbob 


i have this weird bug, i added some new enemy art files, and since these are a higher resolution i used EVENT_EGS to scale enemies to thier new respective sizes ( about 10 X and Y ) but now the enemies that are only seen on higher difficulties show up in game, but dont do anything. they are "there" but not quite. is there a fix to this? what i nean is, that if an enemy is flagged for say damn im good, he will show up at any difficulty but the AI does nothing. its really confusing for the player.

This post has been edited by jimbob: 16 March 2021 - 05:19 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Are you sure you are using EVENT_EGS to resize them and not EVENT_SPAWN? The issue you are describing happens when the game has deleted a higher difficulty enemy by setting its size to 0 by 0, and then your code goes ahead and makes it bigger anyway. Since the game already tried to delete it, it becomes a dead sprite and just stands there.

User is offline   jimbob 


View PostDanukem, on 16 March 2021 - 05:47 PM, said:

Are you sure you are using EVENT_EGS to resize them and not EVENT_SPAWN? The issue you are describing happens when the game has deleted a higher difficulty enemy by setting its size to 0 by 0, and then your code goes ahead and makes it bigger anyway. Since the game already tried to delete it, it becomes a dead sprite and just stands there.

you are right, i used event_spawn and not EGS :doh:
using event EGS doesnt actually resize the items and enemies :(

placed the whole shebang under event_game and that works flawelessly.

This post has been edited by jimbob: 17 March 2021 - 12:12 AM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


EVENT_SPAWN is the correct place for the code

You just have to make sure that the actor isn't size 0 0 before you apply your own size to it. For example, instead of using "sizeat 24 24" you would use"ifg sprite[].xrepeat 4 sizeat 24 24"

EVENT_GAME works but the sprite is running that code every single tic, which is not efficient. It may never matter in your project, but enough inefficient code will eventually bog the game down. Also, if you want the actor to be resizable, your EVENT_GAME code has to be written to allow that, because if you are just constantly setting the size in that event it will override whatever size you set in the actor code.

User is offline   jimbob 


View PostDanukem, on 17 March 2021 - 01:18 AM, said:

EVENT_SPAWN is the correct place for the code

You just have to make sure that the actor isn't size 0 0 before you apply your own size to it. For example, instead of using "sizeat 24 24" you would use"ifg sprite[].xrepeat 4 sizeat 24 24"

EVENT_GAME works but the sprite is running that code every single tic, which is not efficient. It may never matter in your project, but enough inefficient code will eventually bog the game down. Also, if you want the actor to be resizable, your EVENT_GAME code has to be written to allow that, because if you are just constantly setting the size in that event it will override whatever size you set in the actor code.

ill put it back in event_spawn with the added fix, i plan on using a ton of enemies, and have them resizing too.

User is offline   jimbob 


probably a stupid question, but i cant seem to resize the healt and ammobox sprite ( the ones that are drawn on the HUD if you use a larger screensize. there is a displaysbar event, messing with that seems to mess up the screen somewhat so i decided to use EVENT_DISPLAYREST

// rezise ammo health and inventory box.
switch sprite[spriteid].picnum
		gettspr[].tsprxrepeat x div x 2
		gettspr[].tsprxrepeat y div y 2
		settspr[].tsprxrepeat x
		settspr[].tspryrepeat y
// resize hud icons

but no matter where i place it, it doesnt scale the art down half to compensate the larger res art.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I think tsprite commands only work in EVENT_ANIMATESPRITES, so not in the hud at all.

For the hud you need to draw your own using rotatesprite and similar command, then you can size and place things however you want. Its a huge pain in the ass to get all the numbers right, though.

User is offline   jimbob 


what im trying to do is replace the original background boxes with my own ( the ones that say HEALTH and AMMO ) and then scale them down half size, they are tile 30 31 and 33 and 20, in what event would rotatesprite for hud tiles have to be used? i did manage to place some "huud"sprites onscreen with EVENT_DISPLAYROOMSEND, i used it to draw 'blood' on the screen when low on health. the numbers themselves are good enough for the time being, might replace the font with a more apropriate one later

[edit] i suppose an easy but dirty fix would be to delete the original art tiles and use rotatesprite to draw a new one scaled to size on the originals position using EVENT_DISPLAYROOMSEND.

heres an image of what i try to do, the bottom ones are the originals, the top what i want, but on the bottom :P

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0000.png

This post has been edited by jimbob: 21 March 2021 - 12:49 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I had never even heard of that event until you mentioned it. The normal procedure would be to use EVENT_DISPLAYREST, set RETURN to -1 to cancel the hardcoded Duke display, then draw your own hud however you want using screen drawing commands and logic.

User is offline   jimbob 


View PostDanukem, on 21 March 2021 - 02:52 PM, said:

I had never even heard of that event until you mentioned it. The normal procedure would be to use EVENT_DISPLAYREST, set RETURN to -1 to cancel the hardcoded Duke display, then draw your own hud however you want using screen drawing commands and logic.

i'll look into it today, thanks :)

User is offline   jimbob 


Quick and probably stupid question, but i was messing with event_damagewall today and made certain walls spawn debris when hit, u want to do the same with floors but using floor[RETURN].picnum xxx doesnt seem to work in event_damagefloors

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Tried using sets[RETURN].floorpicnum ?
Getting seems to work without sets/setw but changing values not so.

Also with sectors you have sector[].floor/ceilingpicnum -- Floors/ceilings do not have their own structs.

User is offline   jimbob 


I'll try that tomorow

User is offline   jimbob 


View Postoasiz, on 29 March 2021 - 12:45 PM, said:

Tried using sets[RETURN].floorpicnum ?
Getting seems to work without sets/setw but changing values not so.

Also with sectors you have sector[].floor/ceilingpicnum -- Floors/ceilings do not have their own structs.

that seems to work, though i did just a quick test, im going to use this to spawn dirt kicking up when hitting sandy floors etc, much like when shooting water surfaces.

User is offline   jimbob 


Well it didnt quite work, must have been a fluke. It did change a seemingly random texture,probably due to the set command

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


For a different approach, you can spawn the debris from the projectile itself at the time of impact. A bullet (SHOTSPARK1) can check whether it is hitting the floor and the floorpicnum so you spawn the right kind of debris, and of course that also means it is spawning at the correct coordinates. I usually don't bother with texture specific debris on other projectiles such as rockets because the explosion, smoke and metal scrap is enough.

User is offline   jimbob 


i'll look into that, that would also fix the exclusion of certain projectiles that now interact with damagewalls, like the knee weapon and shells, wich is kinda silly, having a shell hit a wall and making a bullet impact sound and shoot chunks of concrete around

im making an educated guess that geta[].htg_t 7 hitsector and gets[hitsector].floorpicnum picnum
are what im looking for?

This post has been edited by jimbob: 31 March 2021 - 02:18 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Yes that sounds right. By the way, don't ever assume that htg_t 7 has an actual sector because it could be -1 if the bullet hit a sprite or a wall. Do not proceed to expressions such as gets[hitsector] or geta[hitsprite] until you have determined the value is valid and not -1. Because if it is -1, you will get an error and Eduke32 will abort code execution for the actor entirely. I'm harping on that because it is very easy to assume you have a valid object when you don't.

User is offline   jimbob 


sounds like it needs a ifn hitsector -1

User is offline   Jblade 


how does one access the picnum/shade of the bottom half of a wall with BOTTOM_SWAP enabled on it? (cstat 2) that's the flag that lets the bottom half of the wall under the adjacent sector have its own shade, picnum .etc .etc

EDIT: lol, immediately figured it out as soon as I hit post. the reverse side of that wall has the settings applied (so basically check if CSTAT 2 is set on your wall and then check the nextwall id)

This post has been edited by Jblade: 05 April 2021 - 04:37 AM


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