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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMblackwell, on 29 October 2012 - 06:39 AM, said:

This is a hack I released as part of the "materials" code (which scanned sectors/walls and allowed you to mess with certain textures or spawn things). Except for odd shaped sectors that should be pretty close.

Much appreciated, I'll give this a try tommorow morning!

User is offline   Cage 


EmericaSkater & zazo: Thank you both! I understand zazo's method better, but both seem to work on a similar principle.

Is there a way to disable "visibility-flashing" effect in sectors with specified palette? I might be using 8-bit fog effects, and the fog withdraws/lessen when you shoot or when explosions go off, and it looks ridiculous!

I could just disable the flashing bit in all weapons, and do a manual check of current weapons kickback_pic and what palette is the player's current sector(And, when conditions are met, just use the FLASH command), but the explosions (actor EXPLOSION2) have hardcoded flashing behavior - I'd rather save the fuss of replacing it with a new actor (especially since it's spawned by some hardcoded ones like SEENINE/C9 etc.)

Also - how to make a Mapster32 script which would change the shade and palette of ALL sectors, walls and sprites to specific values? I'd like to have a global fog in the map and that sure would ease/speed things up. One that globally edits parallax ceilings and floors (tile #, shade and pal) would be very handy too. Mapster scripts are a totally new feature to me and I don't know where to start :D

User is offline   Diaz 


Cage, for the palette thing, you have the ' + P key combo. Select the whole map in 2D, then press those keys in 3D. It would be great to have a keyboard shortcut to do the same for shade, specially for setting a global ambient shade for maps that use Polymer lights only :D

You could also select the whole map, then press - or + until everything has min/max shade; then use + or - again to have everything shaded equally from there. I haven't tested this, though.

This post has been edited by Diaz: 30 October 2012 - 03:00 AM


User is offline   Mark 


There is a command for setting all sectors to one shade. I don't recall what it is.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Just highlight the sectors then go ' + s in 3D mode to change the shade of all the walls, ceilings, floors and sprites.

User is offline   Diaz 


^ I've tried that and it just changes the shade of the object under the mouse cursor.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Hmm you're right...

There is a global shade divide function in the special functions menu but I don't know how useful that is. If there isn't a key combination for this, there really should be one made. IMO the ' + s should be made to work on all highlighted sectors since I'll bet it does the same thing regardless of whether or not anything is highlighted.

User is offline   Diaz 


Perhaps. Anyways, what I said above works. Just highlight everything, press - several times until everything is pitch black, then adjust from there.

User is offline   zazo 


I would like to create a projectile that works like a rpg and hitting the enemy as a arrow, not a hitradius style: what is the PROJ_WORKSLIKE value ??

User is offline   Cage 


Set the projectile's hitradius to zero and the workslike value should contain RPG flag ( 2 ) and RPG_IMPACT flag (32768), others to taste :D

Some help:

User is offline   zazo 


View PostCage, on 30 October 2012 - 10:22 AM, said:

Set the projectile's hitradius to zero and the workslike value should contain RPG flag ( 2 ) and RPG_IMPACT flag (32768), others to taste :D

Some help:


User is offline   blizzart 


I´ve just tried to use this example of code from EDuke Wiki in my mod: http://wiki.eduke32....reen_Background

But everytime I try to run the game I get several errors depending on that code. I´ve attached the log file, the GAME.CON (the new code is at the bottom of the file) and the EDUKE.CON (using Darkus` Flashlight code and the Hub map code by Trooper Dan, which I commented out for testing).

Attached File  eduke32.log (928bytes)
Number of downloads: 758
Attached File  EDUKE.CON (7.25K)
Number of downloads: 787
Attached File  GAME.CON (147.71K)
Number of downloads: 852

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


 blizzart, on 01 November 2012 - 04:23 AM, said:

I´ve just tried to use this example of code from EDuke Wiki in my mod: http://wiki.eduke32....reen_Background

But everytime I try to run the game I get several errors depending on that code.
Remove the quotes from 3281.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 01 November 2012 - 05:51 AM


User is offline   blizzart 


 LeoD, on 01 November 2012 - 05:50 AM, said:

Remove the quotes from 3281.

Thanks LeoD,
I totally missed that I had to delete the quotes.
But I have two additional questions to this code:
Is it possible to give different maps in an episode different loading screens, too?
And can I change the loading bar? I want to use another tile for it and maybe get rid of that xxxx of xxxx textures quote.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


You can try checking the value of ifvare LEVEL to see if it works.

User is offline   zazo 


possible to remove this ugly progress bar on the loading screen ???

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


It seems it is, check out this link:


User is offline   blizzart 


I´m getting more into coding by reading more and more over the last days, but I have a question:

Is ist necessary to name gamevars TEMP or can I replace that with whatever I want (I´m just going through the Tutorial/Examole section on the wiki)?

Here is what I mean:
gamevar TEMP 0 0

and what I want to do
gamevar WHATIWANT 0 0


User is offline   XThX2 


View Postblizzart, on 04 November 2012 - 04:29 AM, said:

I´m getting more into coding by reading more and more over the last days, but I have a question:

Is ist necessary to name gamevars TEMP or can I replace that with whatever I want (I´m just going through the Tutorial/Examole section on the wiki)?

Here is what I mean:
gamevar TEMP 0 0

and what I want to do
gamevar WHATIWANT 0 0

You can and you SHOULD. Name them to whatever you want, they just hold the value you want. Preferably, name them to something easy to remember/distinguish.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I mentioned this about 6 months ago but I want to learn how to do con code (and by extension, mapster script), and back then I had absolutely no idea how code worked, except DEF files. Since then, I've taken a type of intro to programming course which mostly focused on Fortran, with a week of VBA, which was similar, and I've done very well in that course which is a good sign (good maths skills + good general language skills helped a lot).

However I've heard that con is very similar to C or something that, which is apparently very different to the two languages I mentioned above. I looked up the con guide on the wiki and while I can make a bit of sense out of it at a quick glance, it seems to assume that we already know some stuff such as where to put what code and how to get it to loop or whatever.

Basically, given what I know so far, what's the next step to getting a grasp of con, should I read up on a C guide for beginners to become more familiar with the syntax and structure?

This post has been edited by Micky C: 04 November 2012 - 04:54 PM


User is offline   CruX 


^^ Just jump into it. I learned what I know by just messing around and I've got absolutely no knowledge of programming (and computers in general). Start out with simpler stuff like display code, and move up from there.

This post has been edited by EmericaSkater: 04 November 2012 - 07:16 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Hehe, I've already made it so that the player's health is set to 50 and it quickly regenerates whenever he takes damage. Ultimately I plan to make a little "what if Duke was done today" mod which will parody DNF's gameplay, but there's a lot of stuff to figure out between now and then.. luckily I have some big holidays in about 2 weeks.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Regenerating health is awesome because hunting for health packs (or, worse, picking them up when you're barely missing health) fucking sucks.

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


That's why I prefer inventory based health packs/medkits. A good compromise though is thresholds of health.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


 Reaper_Man, on 05 November 2012 - 01:11 PM, said:

Regenerating health is awesome because hunting for health packs (or, worse, picking them up when you're barely missing health) fucking sucks.



User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


You definitely won that debate.



User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


 Mblackwell, on 05 November 2012 - 08:35 PM, said:

You definitely won that debate.


I would hope that it was obviously sarcasm to begin with. It would be akin to telling someone they're wrong for not liking pizza.

They're insane, but it's all a matter of taste, and or opinion.

Not that i'm saying Reaper Man is insane. Or that he hates pizza.



User is offline   Player Lin 


If it's a Duke3D/Duke Nukem theme mod then Regenerating Health system just sucks ass, you know why... :P

If not a Duke3D mod, just a TC or totally different FPS game with eduke32 and Build...hmm, whatever. :P
But, really, when a lot of modern FPSs are overusing the Regenerating Health/CoD:MW style health system, I feel this one is just bad idea on FPS games, but maybe someone seems health pack/pickup system is bad idea too. Just pointless to argue about this... :P

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 06 November 2012 - 02:40 AM


User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


I think the way that 40k Space Marine handled "regenerating" health was particularly great. They got rid of the chore of hunting for health items without making you essentially invulnerable.

 Mblackwell, on 05 November 2012 - 01:40 PM, said:

That's why I prefer inventory based health packs/medkits. A good compromise though is thresholds of health.

Yeah or this. I don't see many games doing it though.

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


The only games I can think of off of the top of my head (besides something like Deus Ex/Fallout) are the FEAR series and Bioshock. I'm sure there are others though.

I've never played 40k Space Marine... how does it handle it? Does it do "no regeneration during encounters"?

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