EmericaSkater & zazo: Thank you both! I understand zazo's method better, but both seem to work on a similar principle.
Is there a way to disable "visibility-flashing" effect in sectors with specified palette? I might be using 8-bit fog effects, and the fog withdraws/lessen when you shoot or when explosions go off, and it looks ridiculous!
I could just disable the flashing bit in all weapons, and do a manual check of current weapons kickback_pic and what palette is the player's current sector(And, when conditions are met, just use the FLASH command), but the explosions (actor EXPLOSION2) have hardcoded flashing behavior - I'd rather save the fuss of replacing it with a new actor (especially since it's spawned by some hardcoded ones like SEENINE/C9 etc.)
Also - how to make a Mapster32 script which would change the shade and palette of ALL sectors, walls and sprites to specific values? I'd like to have a global fog in the map and that sure would ease/speed things up. One that globally edits parallax ceilings and floors (tile #, shade and pal) would be very handy too. Mapster scripts are a totally new feature to me and I don't know where to start