Mblackwell, on 09 January 2013 - 05:21 PM, said:
Not that i'm aware of. At least, i'm not fiddling with the sprites xvel. They start out stationary/stacked, so.... Blah. I tried adding clipdist to the code, and it made no discernable difference.
I did make a clipshape for the block, but I don't see why that would be the problem, since some of the blocks do end up stacking properly and others just fall through... Ugh...
Here's the code:
define BLOKBREK 19 action BLOKSTAY 0 action BLOKBREKNO 0 useractor notenemy BLOKBREK clipdist 84 fall ifaction BLOKBREKNO { ifactioncount 16 { strength 0 action BLOKSTAY break } } else ifhitweapon { ifwasweapon RADIUSEXPLOSION { debris SCRAP1 8 debris SCRAP2 4 debris SCRAP3 7 killit } else action BLOKBREKNO } enda
Here's what the stack looks like in Mapster.

Here's what it looks like in game.

...The heck? To my knowledge they're all identical.
Now, over the edge of the platform I am on, they go all the way down to the bottom floor. So it's not something that stupid. I started with it at ground level, and made the raised platform to be able to see the top of the stack.