Duke Nukem
#241 Posted 28 June 2017 - 04:11 PM
Unless I'm wrong, in which case that's fine...as long as the interests in the community are what's being considered and translated here, not others'.
#242 Posted 28 June 2017 - 07:20 PM
Some games play it safe and rehash what has worked in the past and sometimes that works. Duke could benefit very much by not making another reboot but perhaps a different type of story. Start a new chapter and theme or send Duke to the Alien planet to kick some ass and recapture some babes to send back to Earth. One of the things that made Duke3d stand out from other fps shooters at the time was the weapon selection. Don't mess with that formula it worked really well. Bring back the old school weapons and health system.
Make the game fully Co-opable from start to finish in campaign style, while allowing another human controlled female companion like Dukette Croft. She should have a great ass like her sister Laura. I mean Luigi never stole the story from Mario did he? The game should know whether it is running with a single player or co-op player, then dynamically adjust AI difficulty depending on how many humans are connected. For sanity purposes I'd cap it at 2 human players for the campaign.
If Duke followed an arcade action style similar to “Left For Dead” you'd hit the jackpot, throw in some logical team based puzzles like in Half-Life Portal and include lots of BOOBY traps to change the pace of the game. Adding the right balance of puzzles is key, you don't want to hinder game play, but you still want it challenging instead of an entire run and gun. You could also consider letting human players join Aliens forces to try and stop the King from progressing in online play. It's always fun playing a team VS team based FPS campaign and being put up against unique villains who have incredible strength and unique abilities making them stand out among traditional AI. I always had great satisfaction in sabotaging someone's mission as a special infected in L4D in versus. But perhaps this experience could be interconnected with the game and the story. So you were never sure if you were fighting AI or another human player.
As far as maps go, they need to be more diverse. There should always be more than one route through a map, or at least different approaches to achieve the same goal. With DNF I found the maps were way too linear and it got boring. We need a Duke game that has way more replay value to keep people wanting more. Dynamic's in a FPS is key to keeping the game fresh and fun.
Also, allow the game to be modded by the community or at least so people can make their own campaigns or levels. Death match is also a lot of fun and using laser trip mines was a great Duke3d strategy that was somehow lost.
All the best,
This post has been edited by Paul B: 29 June 2017 - 02:45 PM
#243 Posted 29 June 2017 - 12:25 AM
Please don't worry about being on schedule Randy because many fans are very patient and wouldn't mind waiting for this event.
This post has been edited by Shaq Fu: 29 June 2017 - 12:46 PM
#244 Posted 29 June 2017 - 07:30 AM
This post has been edited by icecoldduke: 29 June 2017 - 07:33 AM
#245 Posted 29 June 2017 - 01:32 PM
#246 Posted 29 June 2017 - 05:51 PM
icecoldduke, on 29 June 2017 - 07:30 AM, said:
Randy has nothing to announce except some Duke Nukem based movies. So why bother with a fan base, based on TCs, Mods, maps and or even entire new games?
Business is business, so I understand, but silence speaks loudly also.
#247 Posted 29 June 2017 - 06:35 PM
Hank, on 29 June 2017 - 05:51 PM, said:
Randy has nothing to announce except some Duke Nukem based movies. So why bother with a fan base, based on TCs, Mods, maps and or even entire new games?
Business is business, so I understand, but silence speaks loudly also.
Unless we walk a mile in Randy's shoes I don't think anyone here has the right to criticize Randy about time management. When you are pulled in different directions (Business or Personal) the time has a tendency to go by real fast. For others who aren't as busy the wait seems like eternity. At least Randy made the time to create an account here. He didn't have to associate himself with this crowd, the fact that he did really demonstrates he is concerned for the future of Duke and wants to hear all angles to appease the largest audience.
Randy isn't trying to create enemies that would be counter productive and he doesn't have time for that. He's focused and driven on making the most possible money from an already well established title. At the end of the day it is all about making something awesome while making the most amount of money doing it. I mean Randy really is committed to the success of Duke just as much as anyone here and he's invested more money then anyone of us to keep this brand alive. So i'm sure he's going to put his best foot forward with this product as to not make the same mistakes the previous company made.
This post has been edited by Paul B: 07 July 2017 - 03:24 PM
#248 Posted 29 June 2017 - 07:04 PM
Hank, on 29 June 2017 - 05:51 PM, said:
Randy has nothing to announce except some Duke Nukem based movies. So why bother with a fan base, based on TCs, Mods, maps and or even entire new games?
Business is business, so I understand, but silence speaks loudly also.
Even if he isn't ready to announce something yet, he could still be putting out fires in his company.
I would relax.
This post has been edited by icecoldduke: 29 June 2017 - 07:05 PM
#249 Posted 29 June 2017 - 07:21 PM
Whether or not Randy pulls through on this, it's best to be patient rather than expecting the best.
#250 Posted 29 June 2017 - 07:24 PM
Paul B, on 28 June 2017 - 07:20 PM, said:
Some games play it safe and rehash what has worked in the past and sometimes that works. Duke could benefit very much by not making another reboot but perhaps a different type of story. Start a new chapter and theme or send Duke to the Alien planet to kick some ass and recapture some babes to send back to Earth. One of the things that made Duke3d stand out from other fps shooters at the time was the weapon selection. Don't mess with that formula it worked really well. Bring back the old school weapons and health system.
Make the game fully Co-opable from start to finish in campaign style, while allowing another human controlled female companion like Dukette Croft. She should have a great ass like her sister Laura. I mean Luigi never stole the story from Mario did he? The game should know whether it is running with a single player or co-op player, then dynamically adjust AI difficulty depending on how many humans are connected. For sanity purposes I'd cap it at 2 human players for the campaign.
If Duke followed an arcade action style similar to ?Left For Dead? you'd hit the jackpot, throw in some logical team based puzzles like in Half-Life Portal and include lots of BOOBY traps to change the pace of the game. Adding the right balance of puzzles is key, you don't want to hinder game play, but you still want it challenging instead of an entire run and gun. You could also consider letting human players join Aliens forces to try and stop the King from progressing in online play. It's always fun playing a team VS team based FPS campaign and being put up against unique villains who have incredible strength and unique abilities making them stand out among traditional AI. I always had great satisfaction in sabotaging someone's mission as a special infected in L4D in versus. But perhaps this experience could be interconnected with the game and the story. So you were never sure if you were fighting AI or another human player.
As far as maps go, they need to be more diverse. There should always be more than one route through a map, or at least different approaches to achieve the same goal. With DNF I found the maps were way too linear and it got boring. We need a Duke game that has way more replay value to keep people wanting more. Dynamic's in a FPS is key to keeping the game fresh and fun.
Also, allow the game to be modded by the community or at least so people can make their own campaigns or levels. Death match is also a lot of fun and using laser trip mines was a great Duke3d strategy that was somehow lost.
All the best,
I dig a lot of these ideas, including Duke taking the fight to an alien world, but: gotta have Earth levels too, especially urban locals. Especially with the new Doom being such a hit and fan fav and being all tech bases on Mars again (Phobos the first time) and hellscapes, 90s history is repeating itself. Having some of the quality of that new Doom game but with interactive interesting city locations, that would be great and really pop for level design.
Maybe it could be structured a little bit like Duke 3D oddly enough, in that you start on Earth, then he goes to take the fight to the alien homeworld, and maybe one last bit on Earth at the end to give it a full circle feel. But overall I agree that you don't want to play it too safe, which is why I think it could be an entirely new alien race for example, so you don't have to just use the same enemies, and would give it a new feel there.
For me the single-player FPS is almost a lost art and I'm hoping it makes a comeback, so if co-op is included hopefully it doesn't change the SP. As in, we still have SP style puzzles and exploration, tight areas at times, etc. Could always include a seperate co-op mode against waves, which would be Left 4 Dead-ish. Multiplayer and mod-ability are must haves too, but it'd sell on the SP, that's what makes it stand out the most.
This post has been edited by PsychoGoatsee: 29 June 2017 - 07:28 PM
#251 Posted 29 June 2017 - 09:42 PM
MusicallyInspired, on 28 June 2017 - 04:11 PM, said:
Unless I'm wrong, in which case that's fine...as long as the interests in the community are what's being considered and translated here, not others'.
For legal reasons I can't share why, but involving Fred was an important step into resolving some of the things that people in the thread/polll were asking about.
#252 Posted 30 June 2017 - 06:54 AM
PsychoGoatsee, on 29 June 2017 - 07:24 PM, said:
Yes it is, which is why I believe Duke Nukem Forever didn't do as well as it could have because they focused too heavily on the single player experience. It was like when the new Doom game came out I wanted to play through that game in co-op mode just like the old Dos days. When I found out they removed it I didn't buy the game. I guess a third party created a mod to allow for co-op in the Doom game but I thought if it was left to a third party and not native to the game then I'm not really interested in hacking a game with a third party patch just so I can play a game which should be co-op to begin with.
PsychoGoatsee, on 29 June 2017 - 07:24 PM, said:
The problem with this game play is it gets old and fast. Call of Duty was like that and the game always ended in the same result. I found it got boring and too repetitive as well. They need a multi-player that is dynamic with different outcomes with the possibility of winning a mission not a fight until death situation. The King should always have the option to win the battle. Not play to lose.
But aside from that, yes I agree with your game objectives. Just because the aliens live on another planet doesn't mean they can't have Cityscapes and developments like on Earth.
This post has been edited by Paul B: 30 June 2017 - 07:01 AM
#253 Posted 30 June 2017 - 12:45 PM
In a modern game it really changes things to make the campaign co-op, in a negative way to me. They may give you an AI partner the whole time if you don't do it co-op, in Resident Evil 5 for example. With modern scripted bits and whatnot (and even Duke 3D had stuff exploding and set pieces), if it's designed to have stuff happen when one person sees it, and you're exploring a level looking around for stuff and triggering things, in general the style I'm looking for is designed for one person. And usually these days it is compromised if they design it for 2 people. It's either aimed for co-op and SP is less interesting (Borderlands etc), or it's made for SP (Bioshock, DOOM etc) and they don't even know how to make the campaign co-op. But if they have ideas and are into tuning it for two fairly different campaigns with SP and co-op, I'd be cool with that, if they put in that extra effort.
I do like the idea of co-op, even though it's not usually my thing. But I also think there's something to the style of one person (Duke) immersed in a situation, and often stopping to mess around with things and check out interesting progression/puzzles. And also having great deathmatch/team-modes/etc.
I can see why most of these big games like DNF and Doom have more than one team working on these different parts, it's definitely a work in progress getting all this stuff into a big ambitious graphically intense game these days.
This post has been edited by PsychoGoatsee: 30 June 2017 - 11:45 PM
#254 Posted 30 June 2017 - 12:56 PM
icecoldduke, on 29 June 2017 - 07:04 PM, said:
I would relax.
Just in case. I down-voted by accident.
Gearbox Software is a large firm. Running it is a 24/7 endeavor. There are always going to be pressing issues to take care of.
To put it another way, I say, unless Gearbox has something to announce, to meet this here fan base, the meeting is on hold. This is neither good nor bad, just my opinion.
I'm relaxed.

#255 Posted 01 July 2017 - 01:39 AM
But since Randy's latest login was May 28, I guess he's very busy on other things or something...

#256 Posted 03 July 2017 - 09:07 PM

*Art by Marty, Voice by Clint B.
** Live Youtube w/ Yatta, TX, Fred, and Randy talking about the FUTURE of Duke, but we intend to talk about Duke Nukem Forever 2001 too!
#257 Posted 03 July 2017 - 09:28 PM

Edit: Unless someone has already brought it to his attention via Twitter that I'm unaware of.
This post has been edited by NUKEMDAVE: 03 July 2017 - 09:30 PM
#258 Posted 03 July 2017 - 10:21 PM
This post has been edited by Duke Legacy: 03 July 2017 - 10:22 PM
#259 Posted 03 July 2017 - 11:17 PM
#260 Posted 04 July 2017 - 12:42 AM
If I can't make it can someone mention the Demolition Man plot to Randy as a concept for the next Duke game?
#261 Posted 04 July 2017 - 01:09 AM
It is funny to think Duke 3D may have been in the near future in 96, say it's set in 2007, but by the time DNF hit we had caught up and surpassed the near future. That said, I like the gritty streets feel so I like them kind of dailing back on some of the future-ness compared to LameDuke, but it is cool to have those sci-fi aesthetics.
Very cool that you guys are doing this, looking forward to watching it! Always pumped for the future of Duke.
#263 Posted 04 July 2017 - 02:10 AM

#265 Posted 04 July 2017 - 03:00 AM
I see that this will be conducted via Skype. Will it also be live streamed via Facebook Live or YouTube Live? At least with Facebook Live you can opt in to live stream notifications, so you can be reminded to watch the stream.
Regarding Duke's future. When DNF was released people were saying that Duke's humour was out of date and no longer relevant, which to be honest could have been the case then. I don't see it as being the case now. I think Duke Nukem has the opportunity to be THE poster boy for anti-SJW, anti-Anita Sarkeesian, anti-political correctness, anti-cnn fake news, pro-trump, pro-Russia, pro-Duterte, pro-gun ownership, pro-ass slapping and anti-militant feminism.
Duke Nukem 3D was known for its racy content. I feel with good writers that the next Duke Nukem could be even more controversial and therefore have even more of an impact than even 3D had. I'm sure the content would drive massive sales, and I'm sure it would cause a massive backlash from the mainstream news and militant anti-game feminazis online - resulting in a fucktonne of free exposure/advertising. The question is, would Gearbox be able to weather the abuse?
This post has been edited by keiron: 04 July 2017 - 03:03 AM
#266 Posted 04 July 2017 - 04:46 AM
Very looking forward to the stream. Thanks Yatta, Randy and everybody involved!
#267 Posted 04 July 2017 - 04:47 AM
keiron, on 04 July 2017 - 03:00 AM, said:
So what you are saying is anti-Putin?

keiron, on 04 July 2017 - 03:00 AM, said:
Yeaaah... nope. Keep your politics out of this game, thank you very much.
This post has been edited by LkMax: 04 July 2017 - 04:57 AM
#268 Posted 04 July 2017 - 05:15 AM
keiron, on 04 July 2017 - 03:00 AM, said:
I see that this will be conducted via Skype. Will it also be live streamed via Facebook Live or YouTube Live? At least with Facebook Live you can opt in to live stream notifications, so you can be reminded to watch the stream.
Regarding Duke's future. When DNF was released people were saying that Duke's humour was out of date and no longer relevant, which to be honest could have been the case then. I don't see it as being the case now. I think Duke Nukem has the opportunity to be THE poster boy for anti-SJW, anti-Anita Sarkeesian, anti-political correctness, anti-cnn fake news, pro-trump, pro-Russia, pro-Duterte, pro-gun ownership, pro-ass slapping and anti-militant feminism.
Duke Nukem 3D was known for its racy content. I feel with good writers that the next Duke Nukem could be even more controversial and therefore have even more of an impact than even 3D had. I'm sure the content would drive massive sales, and I'm sure it would cause a massive backlash from the mainstream news and militant anti-game feminazis online - resulting in a fucktonne of free exposure/advertising. The question is, would Gearbox be able to weather the abuse?
No, no, no, no... Duke Nukem 3D was so great because it was the first FPS since Doom that wasn't a clear Doom-clone: it had an amazing and innovative weapon roster (shrinkers, pipe bombs), realistic levels (cinema's, suchi bars, hotels, ...), amazing level design with lots of verticality, great artwork, extremely polished gameplay and a likeable wisecracker reminiscent of Ash (evil dead) and Jack Burton (big trouble in litte china), ...
Duke Nukem 3D was about the extremely fun game- and gunplay. Only a couple of levels actually featured some adult content and it was clearly done in a tongue-in-cheek manner.
This post has been edited by axl: 04 July 2017 - 05:16 AM
#269 Posted 04 July 2017 - 05:23 AM
axl, on 04 July 2017 - 05:15 AM, said:
Duke Nukem 3D was about the extremely fun game- and gunplay. Only a couple of levels actually featured some adult content and it was clearly done in a tongue-in-cheek manner.
This is so true.
Wolf3D came and invented what we now have, Doom came and improved alot what Wolf3D had brought to the table. Duke3D came and perfected what Doom had brought to the table.
I can't wait for stream/interview

This post has been edited by spessu_sb: 04 July 2017 - 05:34 AM
#270 Posted 04 July 2017 - 05:31 AM

Whatever decisions are made, I wish Gearbox the very best of luck with the next Duke release.