Duke4.net Forums: Brutal Duke Mod (Alpha Release) (Work in Progress) - Duke4.net Forums

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Brutal Duke Mod (Alpha Release) (Work in Progress)  "In game brutalization"

User is offline   RPD Guy 



User is online   Striker 

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Is it just me or do the blood splats float in mid-air?

User is offline   spacekebab 


so far so good! looking forward to more of it

This post has been edited by spacekebab: 06 August 2017 - 01:47 AM


User is offline   RPD Guy 


OMG, where is the "edit" buttom in this forum? I need to update de main post...
Anyway, BRUTAL.RAR have been update with some new gameplay adjustments.


> Sounds
> General gameplay
> Decals


> Voxel pack!!! Thanks to the community!!! (Credit given)

Duke Nukem 3D Voxel Pack

Version: 1.1
Date: Dec 24, 2014
Author: ReaperMan


Main Development

> Voxel creation (except for instances listed below) & autoload file 

> All voxels are based on work by 
  3D Realms

Contributions by 

> mxrtxn
     - Security Camera 
     - Running water sink

> DotK3D 
     - Power switch (on/off)
     - Bar stool
     - Clock  
     - Traffic Cone 
     - Roadblock
     - Sushi plate eye 
     - Pole
     - Cocktail Glass 

Special thanks to

> Hendricks266
> Scott_AW
> Wolfe 
> NightFright (maphacks adjustments)
> The whole Duke4.net community 


> 3D Realms
  For that portable medkit :rolleyes:


User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostRPD Guy, on 11 October 2017 - 03:55 AM, said:

OMG, where is the "edit" buttom in this forum? I need to update de main post...

Check this thread for the edit problem, don't know when the forum software will be done and re-enable editing post without one hour limitation...

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 12 October 2017 - 04:21 AM


User is offline   SonicB00M 


Great, thanks for the update :rolleyes: Unfortunately the pig cop gibs are still bugged (in a funny way at least:D). Or maybe I am using the wrong eduke32 version?

User is offline   RPD Guy 


View PostSonicB00M, on 12 October 2017 - 03:14 PM, said:

Great, thanks for the update :rolleyes: Unfortunately the pig cop gibs are still bugged (in a funny way at least:D). Or maybe I am using the wrong eduke32 version?

Well, I've just tested here, but I don't saw any problem with the pig gibs... Perhaps your eduke's version is outdated like you said.

User is offline   RPD Guy 


Attached Image: it works.png

User is offline   SonicB00M 


Too bad, I tried the latest eduke version and the pig legs still glitch out. They turn into spinning torsos :rolleyes: Which version are you using?

User is offline   RPD Guy 


View PostSonicB00M, on 13 October 2017 - 11:53 AM, said:

Too bad, I tried the latest eduke version and the pig legs still glitch out. They turn into spinning torsos :excl: Which version are you using?

EDuke32 r6437

That's really strange & fun :rolleyes: Yeah, sometimes pig cops can "shoot" spinning torsos... But that wouldn't affect the legs behaviour...

User is offline   SonicB00M 


I figured it out! I used your mod in the installation folder where my anniversary edition is stored. I tried it now with my GOG-version and everything seems fine :rolleyes:

User is offline   spacekebab 


having too much fun with this. Works pretty well with voxels enemies too, minus some z-fighting issues

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: Screenshot from 2017-10-17 00-03-59.png
  • Attached Image: Screenshot from 2017-10-17 00-07-02.png
  • Attached Image: Screenshot from 2017-10-17 00-02-04.png


User is offline   RPD Guy 


View Postspacekebab, on 16 October 2017 - 11:13 PM, said:

having too much fun with this. Works pretty well with voxels enemies too, minus some z-fighting issues

Damn! This looks pretty good dude! Dat voxels :rolleyes:

User is offline   Zaxx 

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Just came across this video, don't know if it's your mod or not:

Strippers bleed green... why? :P

User is offline   banetintin 


Any updates? Discord would be cool, like zoonyarts made to show brutal half life progress

User is offline   deever 


View Postspacekebab, on 16 October 2017 - 11:13 PM, said:

having too much fun with this. Works pretty well with voxels enemies too, minus some z-fighting issues
Oh, man. Sweet mother of God!
This look so cool. Are these holes in the bodies made by your shots? Precedural dismemberment??
Can you tell me, what voxel models did you use? I absolutely need this thing!

This post has been edited by deever: 27 May 2018 - 10:25 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


Throwing my two cents here, I've always assumed that Duke3D doesn't need to be more "brutal" than it already is. What the video posted above shows doesn't seem to be adding anything essential to the game's aesthetic IMO, and more often than not the increased violence doesn't really look pretty (but that's my personal opinion). The amount of extra cranberry juice made me think of TimeSlaughter (mind that I don't think that one's a bad game, it makes sense as an over-the-top parody of violent fighting game titles along the lines of Mortal Kombat).

The voxel pickups are nice though.

User is offline   Mark 


I think it looks cool except the amount of blood should be lowered a bit.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


View PostMrFlibble, on 29 May 2018 - 02:19 AM, said:

The voxel pickups are nice though.

You can have those also without the gore pack, it's called the Voxel Pack ™. :(

In general, I think this gore stuff doesn't look bad, but the way it's shown in the video it's pretty excessive and would surely be a resource hog. Hopefully it will be possible to scale this. Also, besides the green blood of the strippers, I kinda disagree with having liquid gore for frozen enemies. I'd prefer if they just fell apart of something. Guess that can still be implemented since this is just an early preview.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 29 May 2018 - 03:30 AM


User is offline   SrDowagger 


Hey RPD I have the original steam duke nukem 3d edition can i use this mod on the steam version of duke nukem?

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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I can't even open the RAR file. 7zip says it's not an archive.

View PostSrDowagger, on 08 July 2018 - 10:55 AM, said:

Hey RPD I have the original steam duke nukem 3d edition can i use this mod on the steam version of duke nukem?

All you need is the DUKE3D.GRP file from your Steam version. I think. I haven't been able to try it yet because I can't open the archive.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 08 July 2018 - 12:02 PM


User is offline   SonicB00M 


I started playing Duke3D with this mod again and it's still as much fun as the first time :rolleyes:

One thing bothers me though: When a rocket or pipebomb gibs an enemy in the original Duke3D, you hear the very satisfying 'squish' right upon the hit. In Brutal Duke there is just the explosion. The gore sounds appear later when the body parts hit the ground.
Is there a way to get the 'impact' sound back in? May just be a simple CON edit, right?

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on 08 July 2018 - 11:46 AM, said:

I can't even open the RAR file. 7zip says it's not an archive.

Sorry for the bump but I'm having this same issue. And it's not my 7zip, either. It can open other rar files just fine.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostNinety-Six, on 24 January 2019 - 06:48 PM, said:

Sorry for the bump but I'm having this same issue. And it's not my 7zip, either. It can open other rar files just fine.

The RAR file is RAR5 format(the latest RAR format), if your 7zip/WinRAR or something with RAR support is too old it may failed to open.

Try update your 7zip program if it's not latest versions like 18.05 or 18.06, at least it's working for sure.

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 24 January 2019 - 08:38 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


using winrar (x64) 5.01 from 2013 works fine
7zip (x64) 18.01 from Jan 2018 works fine

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


You were correct, it was too old. Thank you.

Okay so. First few minutes with this thing and I have several points (and I may be barking up an old dead tree but I bumped this topic so I may as well make it worth it):

1.) Why do the pig cops have random palette spawns?
2.) Why is the crosshair several pixels lower? It doesn't cause a problem until you try to do a long distance RPG shot. Then it will always be above the mark.
3.) Did you alter the frequency of the troopers clutching their throats? Because that seemed to happen like every third kill. I had one string where I killed the 5 or 6 troopers in the porn shop and every single one of them triggered. And so did the one in the bathroom. And all the ones in the bar. Am I just unlucky or did something happen
4.) For some reason the skyboxes didn't work.
5.) Somehow I ended up with 4 missing kills in Hollywood Holocaust? I know the kill counter is bugged but I always end with 62. Where did 66 come from?
6.) Is the chaingun recoil supposed to lift your aim higher into the air? I'm not sure if that's intentional recoil or kickback gone awry. In the case of the former, it seems a bit pointless with autoaim being a thing. I wouldn't recommend disabling it since the hitboxes (or hitreg or whatever) without autoaim can be really wonky (especially at greater differences in altitude, where even autoaim itself struggles sometimes).
7.) I'd suggest, if possible, an adjustable "janitor" service. One exists, but I think it's static right now.

Overall though I like the groundwork. I was asking for an extra gore mod a few months back, one that didn't change the gameplay too much, and in spite of this mod's name (which is what initially didn't let me consider it*), first impressions imply that this is fairly vanilla. Weapon kickback, more blood on impact, extra death animations, and "permanent" gibs are probably the most important parts of this mod, to me. Those alone would have sold me on this. The extra red stuff on the ground and meatier deaths are just icing on the cake.

I hope this mod isn't dead. I would love to see this improved.


This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 25 January 2019 - 02:16 AM



ok, I know I'm a little late to the party here but just found this a day ago and had to say how much I've enjoyed replaying duke with it!
Its been an age since I played duke3d (Ive mostly been zdoom modding) and I fancied a replay as a lot of the stuff in my doom mod was inspired by many of duke3d's features.

this mod came up on a quick search for new (ish) duke mods and I had to give it a whirl.

I love the gibs but had to dick with it a bit, namely to re-instate the duke3d wall blood and duke3d bloodpool sprite. I missed them and I feel they work very well in his mod to make it feel real oldskool but satisfying:

the sounds of footsteps on different terrain/floor textures was inspired. Really love that...

new monster deaths are suitably dukeish (ok thats not a word but it fits the cartoonish amusing gore of duke so well.) kicing off heads? love it!
I feel that perhaps its best to leave the specific death-types on the ass-trooper alone as they are the 'trash' enemy. its like they are so low end that that's why that happens...

skyboxes are lovely but the voxels had to go.first thing I did! urgh! I cant stand voxels... LOL

yes. I know it is (was) alpha but I wanted to point out very few very minor bugs:

1) cacooned babes bloodpool creates neon bright green footsteps instead of regular green. intentional?
2) all the liquids no longer make you leave footprints upon leaving them. odd... and a real missed feature to me.
3) frozen gibs do not thaw. (ok thats kinda petty as its only needed as enemies thaw so I figured for consistency...?)
4) falling enemies don't do that gibby thing they did in original duke3d. you know, what you'd get if you shot a hovering trooper or a corpse fell a long way? its something I really missed and to be honest I felt It was crazy that its not in there considering its a gore mod.a gore mod that takes gore away? wha..?

other than that? shit hot! more please :dukecigar:

This post has been edited by osjclatchford: 15 July 2019 - 07:59 AM


User is offline   RPD Guy 


View PostNinety-Six, on 25 January 2019 - 02:13 AM, said:

You were correct, it was too old. Thank you.

Okay so. First few minutes with this thing and I have several points (and I may be barking up an old dead tree but I bumped this topic so I may as well make it worth it):

1.) Why do the pig cops have random palette spawns?
2.) Why is the crosshair several pixels lower? It doesn't cause a problem until you try to do a long distance RPG shot. Then it will always be above the mark.
3.) Did you alter the frequency of the troopers clutching their throats? Because that seemed to happen like every third kill. I had one string where I killed the 5 or 6 troopers in the porn shop and every single one of them triggered. And so did the one in the bathroom. And all the ones in the bar. Am I just unlucky or did something happen
4.) For some reason the skyboxes didn't work.
5.) Somehow I ended up with 4 missing kills in Hollywood Holocaust? I know the kill counter is bugged but I always end with 62. Where did 66 come from?
6.) Is the chaingun recoil supposed to lift your aim higher into the air? I'm not sure if that's intentional recoil or kickback gone awry. In the case of the former, it seems a bit pointless with autoaim being a thing. I wouldn't recommend disabling it since the hitboxes (or hitreg or whatever) without autoaim can be really wonky (especially at greater differences in altitude, where even autoaim itself struggles sometimes).
7.) I'd suggest, if possible, an adjustable "janitor" service. One exists, but I think it's static right now.

Overall though I like the groundwork. I was asking for an extra gore mod a few months back, one that didn't change the gameplay too much, and in spite of this mod's name (which is what initially didn't let me consider it*), first impressions imply that this is fairly vanilla. Weapon kickback, more blood on impact, extra death animations, and "permanent" gibs are probably the most important parts of this mod, to me. Those alone would have sold me on this. The extra red stuff on the ground and meatier deaths are just icing on the cake.

I hope this mod isn't dead. I would love to see this improved.


Hello there, I'm sorry for the late reply.

1.) Why do the pig cops have random palette spawns?
R: I want to do some special habilities according on each color palette, like the evil ninja from SW. (I've just forgot to take out this feature since there's no work done yet)

2.) Why is the crosshair several pixels lower? It doesn't cause a problem until you try to do a long distance RPG shot. Then it will always be above the mark.
R: Haven't figured this out yet.

3.) Did you alter the frequency of the troopers clutching their throats? Because that seemed to happen like every third kill. I had one string where I killed the 5 or 6 troopers in the porn shop and every single one of them triggered. And so did the one in the bathroom. And all the ones in the bar. Am I just unlucky or did something happen
R: Yes, I've done, but will be reset to the game's default.

4.) For some reason the skyboxes didn't work.
R: No problems over here, have you checked your eduke files?

5.) Somehow I ended up with 4 missing kills in Hollywood Holocaust? I know the kill counter is bugged but I always end with 62. Where did 66 come from?
R: I think there's something with the new troop animations... I'll check this.

6.) Is the chaingun recoil supposed to lift your aim higher into the air? I'm not sure if that's intentional recoil or kickback gone awry. In the case of the former, it seems a bit pointless with autoaim being a thing. I wouldn't recommend disabling it since the hitboxes (or hitreg or whatever) without autoaim can be really wonky (especially at greater differences in altitude, where even autoaim itself struggles sometimes).
R: That's because I suppose none uses auto-aim anymore. Anyway, I'll take this feature off.

7.) I'd suggest, if possible, an adjustable "janitor" service. One exists, but I think it's static right now.
R: I'm working on it.

Thx for the questions.

User is offline   RPD Guy 


View Postosjclatchford, on 15 July 2019 - 07:48 AM, said:

ok, I know I'm a little late to the party here but just found this a day ago and had to say how much I've enjoyed replaying duke with it!
Its been an age since I played duke3d (Ive mostly been zdoom modding) and I fancied a replay as a lot of the stuff in my doom mod was inspired by many of duke3d's features.

this mod came up on a quick search for new (ish) duke mods and I had to give it a whirl.

I love the gibs but had to dick with it a bit, namely to re-instate the duke3d wall blood and duke3d bloodpool sprite. I missed them and I feel they work very well in his mod to make it feel real oldskool but satisfying:

the sounds of footsteps on different terrain/floor textures was inspired. Really love that...

new monster deaths are suitably dukeish (ok thats not a word but it fits the cartoonish amusing gore of duke so well.) kicing off heads? love it!
I feel that perhaps its best to leave the specific death-types on the ass-trooper alone as they are the 'trash' enemy. its like they are so low end that that's why that happens...

skyboxes are lovely but the voxels had to go.first thing I did! urgh! I cant stand voxels... LOL

yes. I know it is (was) alpha but I wanted to point out very few very minor bugs:

1) cacooned babes bloodpool creates neon bright green footsteps instead of regular green. intentional?
2) all the liquids no longer make you leave footprints upon leaving them. odd... and a real missed feature to me.
3) frozen gibs do not thaw. (ok thats kinda petty as its only needed as enemies thaw so I figured for consistency...?)
4) falling enemies don't do that gibby thing they did in original duke3d. you know, what you'd get if you shot a hovering trooper or a corpse fell a long way? its something I really missed and to be honest I felt It was crazy that its not in there considering its a gore mod.a gore mod that takes gore away? wha..?

other than that? shit hot! more please :(

Thank you, I appreciate your feedback.
There are many known bugs, they will be vanished soon.

1) cacooned babes bloodpool creates neon bright green footsteps instead of regular green. intentional?
R: As you probably know, many people are complaining around the "babes strange behaviour" in Brutal Duke. This will be fixed soon my little boy.

2) all the liquids no longer make you leave footprints upon leaving them. odd... and a real missed feature to me.
R: Already fixed, checkout brutal.rar

3) frozen gibs do not thaw. (ok thats kinda petty as its only needed as enemies thaw so I figured for consistency...?)
R: Right now I'm working on a new gibs system. Frozen gibs will be highly improved.

4) falling enemies don't do that gibby thing they did in original duke3d. you know, what you'd get if you shot a hovering trooper or a corpse fell a long way? its something I really missed and to be honest I felt It was crazy that its not in there considering its a gore mod.a gore mod that takes gore away? wha..?
R: I'll check this.

Well, just to clarify, I'm progressing a bit slower than I wanted, but this mod is not dead.


Hey, are you still working on this?
This looks pretty great. I always wanted to make a Brutal mod for Duke, but never had the patience to learn how to mod in Eduke32 (it's not as easy to find tutorials as GZDoom), and all other attempts at adding everlasting gibs I have seen caused the game to lag pretty badly. But seems like the engine is better optimized these days.

I can't help you with code, but I can surely help you with death animations, gibs, and such things.

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