NightFright, on 10 January 2018 - 08:20 AM, said:
Due to the nature of this "full package", I have decided to refrain from adding this contribution to the addon compilation - as nice as it is. It may take the guys from the EDuke32 team a while to get the official version of Total Meltdown done, but out of respect for their work and efforts, I cannot integrate this. Anyway, there is already a rudimentary Plug N Pray episode in the compilation. Not as good and complete as this one, but at least it's missing so much that it feels a lot better to have it there than this. Nevertheless, thumbs up for the effort!
Official what? The official TM was released 20 years ago. Now some guys did a great research and managed to rip the files many years ago (art, sound, maps etc.), then others (a guy whose nickname starts with a H and ends with a 6) decided it's their project now and sit on the the assets forall these years. In the meantime an ambitious guy stopped waiting and remade the whole thing from scratch. He deserves more credit than the ones who are sleeping on the existing assets.
I also don't think you need to replace the one existing on your repository. Both can be there with some distinctive filenames (referring to the authors probably), and everyone will be happy. But of course it's your work, you decide what goes and what stays, just my two cents.