There are apparently some weirdos who want to collect money to do a remake of Episode VIII.
But ... that inspired me to write two complete screenplays for that Episode VIII-remake and even Episode IX ... everything based on Rian Johnson's ideas:
Star Wars - Episode VIII - "The Last Jedi" - Remake.
Full screenplay based on Rian Johnson's original The Last Jedi-ideas.
Opening Crawl:
"Nothing to see here as the whole things takes place 27 minutes after the last movie"
Resistance member #1: "The New Order attacks us!!"
Resistance member #2: "No problem. We can fly some ships into their Star Destroyers at hyperspeed."
Resistance member #3: "Hey, let us use droids -or even better- autopilots for that. Then there are no casualties."
Some nice imagery of spaceships flying into the New Order's ships.
The whole rest of the galaxy: "Wait. It is that easy to destroy ships of the New Order? Let's all join the resistance and we'll beat the New Order in a few minutes."
Closing Credits
Star Wars - Episode IX - "Barbie's and Finn's Horse adventure".
Full screenplay based on Rian Johnson's setup and ideas for Episode XIII.
Opening Crawl:
"With eveyone joining the Resitance the New Order was defeated within minutes."
Finn: "Ok, now that we have peace, we can go and rescue some horses, like in those comics for little girls."
Imagery of Finn and Barbie riding space horses.
Closing Credits.