Hendricks266, on 17 July 2014 - 03:22 PM, said:
Micky C, on 17 July 2014 - 10:37 PM, said:
I do own the RR collection, but it would really be nice if there was a port available with better controls and modern conveniences, plus a mod to actually make the game more fair and balanced (more visible keys, better combat balance etc). I hear it has issues.
I'm not implying anyone specific should do it, just that as with Blood, it would be the hypothetical ideal.
TerminX, on 18 July 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:
I never got around to upgrading my LinkedIn account to get in touch with him... oops! I'll be sure to do that when I have however much that costs to blow on what is probably a dead end again.
If the IP is back in Interplay's hands (and not just publishing rights to the existing titles), they sure didn't care when I contacted them to ask about it. I made it pretty clear that handing over the source would likely result in support for RR being added to EDuke32, giving them a way for people to play a title they presumably still make some amount of money on via GOG sales without having to rely on DOSBox. Oh well.
If Rafael Paiz has the tradmark and owns the RR IP. Could TerminX get in touch w/ him once again and talk to him a/b RR going open source and ask him who do you need to ask permission to release the source code under GPL? Is it Interplay that you need permission to ask? Hope the RR rights isn't in a Blood-sized and NOLF-size legal mess.