Warning: You need a badass PC to run this map in playable framerates!
This map was build for DukePlus with HRP! You will need to install these mods to run the map correctly.
Please read the "How to run this map" and "Recommended Eduke32 Settings" sections in the baserape_readme.txt file, comming with this map.
After 3 years, it's finally done. This is my tribute to Duke Nukem 3D and it's 20th anniversary.
Baserape starts as an open world military base assault and get's linear in the second half.
You have to fight your way through this base to prevent a nuclear strike from the aliens.
I started making this map with Polymer in mind and used some Polymer lighting, but due to fps issues recomment Polymost.
Originally this map was thought to be played in multiplayer with some friends and it's prepared for coop and dukematch.
Hopefully we can play this together some day.

If you're interessted in further details, read the baserape_readme.txt file.
Have a megaton of fun!
IMPORTANT: Recommended Eduke32 Settings
Renderer : Polymost
Resolution : 1176 x 664 32bpp (lowest widescreen or lower)
Texture Mode : Classic
Polymost Settings
Truecolor Textures : Yes
GL Texture Quality : Barf
Pre-Load Map Textures : On
On-Disk Texture Cache : On
Detail Textures : No
Glow Textures : No
Use 3D Models : Yes