[RELEASE] DECAY "Over a decade later... the dead will walk the earth."
#61 Posted 19 December 2015 - 05:04 PM
#62 Posted 19 December 2015 - 05:29 PM
This post has been edited by Mark.: 19 December 2015 - 05:29 PM
#63 Posted 20 December 2015 - 04:57 PM
One tip I can provide is to try to use adaptive vsync in the Video options, that has helped my frame rate extremely well with little or no tearing. I went from lows in 30s in a crowd to occasional 45, almost always 60 fps. I'm using a GTX780, so my system has some horsepower adaptive vsync allows it to push.
#64 Posted 21 December 2015 - 05:02 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:26 AM
#65 Posted 21 December 2015 - 12:39 PM
#66 Posted 21 December 2015 - 12:40 PM
The mod is extremely well done, and these small issues did not affect my fun at all, and I would prefer to play it now rather than wait a month or something to iron out these creases. Some constructive feedback on the mod, I only noticed the occasional issue, like:
Some explosions seemed to not have a sound, like when you blow open a wall.
The player does not show the pipe in the reflection in the mirror, while other weapons did show.
It would be nice to have an ending level screen with number of zombies killed and secrets found.
Play the whole rocking song in the club, the sample could be longer ;-)
#67 Posted 21 December 2015 - 12:45 PM
I kept the song small and looping because the project was way bigger in size than the final release. We had to downsize many things to make sure everyone with new or older computers could handle it.
Since one level starts exactly where the previous level left off it was decided to make it a smooth transition from one level to the next and that screen with level stats would have been an interruption. But I can see your point about wondering if you found all rooms and killed everything.
This post has been edited by Mark.: 21 December 2015 - 12:51 PM
#68 Posted 21 December 2015 - 01:01 PM
Mark., on 21 December 2015 - 12:45 PM, said:
I kept the song small and looping because the project was way bigger in size than the final release. We had to downsize many things to make sure everyone with new or older computers could handle it.
Since one level starts exactly where the previous level left off it was decided to make it a smooth transition from one level to the next and that screen with level stats would have been an interruption. But I can see your point about wondering if you found all rooms and killed everything.
Makes sense, I was mostly joking about the song loop, but it is a killer riff! Maybe you could have a total at the very end or something with zombies and secret count, if not no big deal. I hope there is a Decay 2 or something similar in the works, you have some really good assets there, with some new maps a sequel would be great.
#69 Posted 21 December 2015 - 01:12 PM
Mark., on 21 December 2015 - 12:45 PM, said:
#70 Posted 21 December 2015 - 01:36 PM

He has helped me in the past with my Graveyard mod and is in the process of helping our team with a few other upcoming projects. A good solid team guy.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 21 December 2015 - 01:41 PM
#71 Posted 21 December 2015 - 03:25 PM
But you forgot overdefing existing assets.

It's been a lot of fun making this happen with you guys and i'm proud of our baby boy.
But during the upcoming weeks i'm probably not going to do anything zombie-related.
#72 Posted 22 December 2015 - 01:22 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:27 AM
#73 Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:00 AM
LeoD, on 21 December 2015 - 01:12 PM, said:
Stats are soooo D3D.
FistMarine, on 22 December 2015 - 01:22 AM, said:

Bobbing isn't broken, so it won't get "fixed". It shouldn't give you a headache or motion sickness either since the focal point doesn't move much, but I understand that it might! Some people are very sensitive to motion. We tried to make sure it's mostly the same as other modern games. To remove it comment out line 5496-5499 (re-enable the parts that don't bother you, they are clearly named) in "game.con". Keep in mind you'll have to start from the beginning for the changes to take affect. Since there's no UI in the game there's not a good way to handle it, since the game tackles multiple different kinds of head and weapon movement, and everyone has a different perception. But I hope that helps you personally, since I'd like for you to be able to play the mod!
#74 Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:51 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:27 AM
#75 Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:53 AM

#76 Posted 23 December 2015 - 05:37 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:27 AM
#77 Posted 23 December 2015 - 05:53 AM
FistMarine, on 23 December 2015 - 05:37 AM, said:
This error means what it says: you ran out of memory and a malloc() call failed. If you use a debug build, the error will say where the failed call took place. The only advice I can think of to prevent the error is to increase the size of your page file.
#78 Posted 23 December 2015 - 06:32 AM
#79 Posted 23 December 2015 - 08:41 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:28 AM
#80 Posted 23 December 2015 - 11:03 AM
I was running out of memory also. My page file was already at 2GB and increasing it didn't keep the memory crash from happening. So that was the main reason for downsizing a lot of assets. After building I couldn't properly test more than a map or 2 before crashing. Same thing in Mapster32. If I ran too long without shutting down and restarting I would run out of memory as I scrolled through all the tiles.
#81 Posted 23 December 2015 - 04:24 PM
#82 Posted 24 December 2015 - 07:56 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:28 AM
#83 Posted 24 December 2015 - 09:24 PM
#84 Posted 28 December 2015 - 07:03 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:28 AM
#85 Posted 28 December 2015 - 11:44 AM
#86 Posted 29 December 2015 - 01:58 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:29 AM
#87 Posted 29 December 2015 - 06:43 AM
FistMarine, on 29 December 2015 - 01:58 AM, said:
decay\README.txt said:
* Polymer renderer
I have no idea though how these very display thingies can happen technically.
#88 Posted 29 December 2015 - 07:00 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 06:29 AM
#89 Posted 30 December 2015 - 01:41 PM
There's a built in function you can bind in the control settings that doubles the frame rate (in some scenes) by turning off any unseen lights over a certain distance away. So with that turned on the game shouldn't be too heavy.