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Ion Fury  "formerly Ion Maiden, launching August 15!"

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


Also pedophilia is a sickness and the only cure is a .38 between the eyes.

User is offline   Zaxx 

  • Banned


Can't say I personally disagree there. :dukecigar:

User is offline   Steve 64 


It like the Kick Vic people dum and retarted, Termix don't listin to them just go on your day and have a nice day.

User is offline   HellFire 


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User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Oh for crying out loud...

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


 Zaxx, on 17 August 2019 - 09:23 AM, said:

I said that they have an uneducated view on this, not normal people like you and me. Why Era's uneducated view on pedophilia is dangerous is pretty simple: it's based on a misinterpretation of actual facts.

You see, the thing is that currently when it comes to the science of it all pedophilia can't really be considered a sickness or a mental disorder: it's a type of sexual orientation, it's no different than being straight or being homosexual. The difference is that acting on this specific sexual attraction is strictly illegal because we protect our children.

Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder.

 Zaxx, on 17 August 2019 - 09:23 AM, said:

Now how does sexual orientation work? You can't do shit about it, when you see a hot woman walking down the street you'll look at her, you're wired that way and you get sexual urges according to that. A pedofile works the same way and that's why some of idiots at Era think that they deserve better treatment or some shit. They don't because we protect our children and that's what those dipshits are forgetting about.

One of the first things any rational human being learns is self-control. You don't act on every impulse, and you never act on impulses that lead to immoral behavior. I don't deny some folks are genuinely attracted to children. Sucks for them, but acting on that impulse in any way is immoral. Some say they deserve jail-time. I recommend castration or euthanasia.

 Zaxx, on 17 August 2019 - 09:23 AM, said:

And no, ResetEra is not a haven for actual pedos because that's easy to trace just like Discord. The dark web is where you find those guys, they are very-very careful (they can get into jail without ever putting their hands on a kid, that forces secrecy), they'd never expose themselves in more public places.

Sure there are pedos on ResetEra. Pedophilia is not linked to any specific behavior. Mere sexual attraction is enough to be a pedo. I thought you were a lawyer, Zaxx. You should know the importance of being precise with your definitions.

This post has been edited by Radar: 17 August 2019 - 10:41 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


So how about that game eh?

found the
, nearly at the end. I missed the damn TP secret in zone 3, hope I can just replay it later without having to total all the secrets again for when they add chievos and shit.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


And the last 4% is left to their (((connections))).

User was warned for this post. Reason: Antisemitic dogwhistle.

This post has been edited by Radar: 17 August 2019 - 02:05 PM



I've put together a very simple mod for IF that imports the alternate blonde Shelly HUD artwork that was made and previously posted by Fox (and was seen in terminx's avatar here for a time, I believe). Installation instructions in the zip file's readme:

This does not affect the player sprites right now, although I'm not sure there's really a need to go that far. I also hereby dub the fanon name of this character to be Melly, Shelly's distant blonde cousin.

In-game previews:
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User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


The Quartering weighing in.


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


 Zaxx, on 17 August 2019 - 11:32 AM, said:

I do, that's why I don't quote Wikipedia. :dukecigar: I really didn't want to get into this deeper but the thing is that categorizing pedophilia as a mental illness is just stupid. For example why did you feel the need to point out that a pedofile is mentally ill? Because you think of pedophilia as a sickness, like if a guy or a woman (let's treat genders equally here :lol:) is interested in stuff like that he (or she) must be mentally ill, right? That's a great argument because you can just shout "you sick fuck!" at pedos but what you really did is you just gave them an excuse. Mental illness is treatable, right? Hell, maybe we can even cure them!

Why do you argue by attributing thoughts to me I do not have, and actions to me I have not committed?

 Zaxx, on 17 August 2019 - 11:32 AM, said:

Well thinking that is just as stupid as catholics thinking that gay people could be cured... because it's not a mental illness, it's their sexual orientation. A pedophile can't be cured, he (or she) can't be treated as a mentally ill person = pedophilia is not mental illness. The solution is just what you've said: self control, that's what the law is trying to enforce by being strict. A pedo has to suppress those urges during his (or her) whole life, that's why they are dangerous and of course that's the reason why a lot of them have some kind of a mental illness (chances are that's where the idea of categorizing pedophilia itself as a mentall illness came from). They know what they did and what effect it has on children fully well, they are not sick people so don't give them an excuse.

This is either an argument for normalizing pedophilia or putting all pedophiles in the electric chair. I prefer the latter.

This post has been edited by Radar: 17 August 2019 - 12:11 PM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Let's keep the discussion out of here IMO and focus on the game stuffs

User is offline   Newken 


I'm gravely disappointed...



User is offline   t800 


Just create split, please. When you start fire ,it cant be put down. It is like pouring gas into it.

User is offline   Master O 


Can we take this topic somewhere else? This thread is about Ion Fury the game, which is freakin awesome.

Don't let trolls and other agitators distract from what is otherwise now becoming a classic FPS.

Don't feed the trolls!

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Hell I don't care about defending this topic anymore anyway since two IF devs have already downvoted me. Posted Image

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


That mugshot in the fullscreen statusbar is really growing on me. Does anyone feel like making a mod for Duke3D to put Duke's mugshot instead of the health icon?

Anyway, I am three levels in now (I am slow, I know) and I am thrilled about all the details and references you guys put in there. And some of the secrets are really hard to find. For one I pushed a trashcan up some stairs and it really took me a while. However, usually it's worth doing crazy stuff like that.

User is offline   Marya 


View PostBlitZ, on 17 August 2019 - 11:58 AM, said:

The Quartering weighing in.

Yep, just saw this...

So how is this game?

This post has been edited by Marya: 17 August 2019 - 01:17 PM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Alright dude. We've argued about Israel before on Discord. You know I'm not antisemitic, but rather a fierce defender of Israel and the Jewish state. My favorite pundits are Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and Dennis Prager. But ok.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostNightFright, on 17 August 2019 - 12:58 PM, said:

Anyway, I am three levels in now (I am slow, I know) and I am thrilled about all the details and references you guys put in there. And some of the secrets are really hard to find. For one I pushed a trashcan up some stairs and it really took me a while. However, usually it's worth doing crazy stuff like that.

I'm only four levels in. I started as soon as it unqued and installed on steam, and I've been playing it a couple hours a day.

I own it. I'm not in any hurry. And I'll most likely start over from the beginning when I finish this one.

User is offline   Zaxx 

  • Banned


Yeah, I'm taking it slow too, I don't want to rush through it because oh boy, the maps are dense, there is a lot to take in.


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Anyone else notice that a good tactic against most enemies is to mash altfire while pointing loverboy in their general direction? The instant you release altfire, if it locked on, it will kill low and some mid-tier enemies. This yields better time to kill than most of the other weapons and it's especially good against flying enemies who are harder to hit (I don't use autoaim). The only drawback is that lock-on will not engage unless the actor has been triggered (I'm guessing the actors themselves run the code for the lock-on), so if you surprise an enemy, you can't lock-on and they might get the drop on you. EDIT: I should add, the main reason I started doing this was I would find myself in situations where enemies were shooting me outdoors and I couldn't spot them quickly enough. Sometimes I could get the lock-on kills without ever seeing them.

This post has been edited by Trooper Dan: 17 August 2019 - 02:32 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostNightFright, on 17 August 2019 - 12:58 PM, said:

Does anyone feel like making a mod for Duke3D to put Duke's mugshot instead of the health icon?
I feel like making a mod to remove the mugshot altogether.
[EDIT] Done: Attached File  IonFury_NoShellyHUD.zip (1.3K)
Number of downloads: 8

This post has been edited by LeoD: 17 August 2019 - 04:20 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Still messing around in Cultural Divide.
Found a nice shortcut to the loading dock looking area full of crates, so I don't have to use the red key, raise the bridge, and clear out the far side

this ledge was fun, but didn't lead anywhere

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User is offline   eisnerguy1 


So, I'm working on a mod to restore the Ion Maiden logo.
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It looks a bit off (compared to the Preview Campaign screen) for some reason.
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I guess I need to change one of the .con files. From a quick glance, the info I need is in menu.con, screens.con, or tokens.con, But, how to I reference a .con file in a .def file? I know how to do that with textures:
tilefromtexture 5475 { file "im_logo/tiles/5475.png" }

Is there a way to reference a .con file the same way?

This post has been edited by eisnerguy1: 17 August 2019 - 05:33 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View Posteisnerguy1, on 17 August 2019 - 05:01 PM, said:

[...] how to I reference a .con file in a .def file?
You can't. You can only set the top level DEF by CON. This might by helpful for some: ion_fury_modding_template.zip

User is offline   Jblade 


Curioius about the mega easter eggs btw, was it a group decision about the references or did each mapper pick one themselves?

I just watched Hardware since it was up on YouTube, pretty cool to understand the reference a bit better now.

replaying it again now, definitely starting to enjoy it even more - I'd say the gameplay is the best out of the build quadrilogy (still wish we had a SW-style rocket launcher, but I've grown to love the grenade launcher quite a considerable amount)

EDIT: I have found a slightly more serious bug - I'm in zone 6 and when I try to return to Parting Procedure after clearing it once, the level is completely reset (up to the secrets being re-added to the counter)

This post has been edited by Jblade: 17 August 2019 - 11:23 PM


User is offline   Malgon 


Just finished playing a third session of the game, and figured I'd post my thoughts so far.

One of things that surprised me straight off the bat was the movement speed and how fast it was. I'm not sure if it has changed from the preview campaign, but I think it really helped in getting the game off on the right foot. Also, I don't know how it is for everyone else, but the mouse movement in EDuke has never felt quite right and always took me a bit of getting used to whenever I hadn't played for a while, but in this it feels really good, and I slipped right in with no problem. It may not seem like much, but these two things helped to get me into the game immediately. The framerate also zooms along at a consistently high speed, and is an improvement over the early version of the preview campaign I played.

The one thing that has stood out of course is the level design. It is absolutely top-notch and is probably the first thing people will bring up when talking about the game. The way the areas flow and loop around on themselves, and how you explore them is magical. This is backed up by the solid art across the board. It's a great feeling to walk into a new area and be impressed by how everything looks (Alphabet Soup was amazing). I'm really enjoying the music too, and I think it works well in giving the game its own personality and isn't something you hear in games these days, which is refreshing. I'm finding some of the secrets to be cool but there are a few that are extremely hard to find, so rather than trying to get all of them before moving onto the next level I've resorted to only looking for some of them so as to maintain a nice flow when going through the levels. I did find a fair amount in the first zone, but am having more fun now running and gunning. Definitely something to come back for on new playthroughs. Some of the one liners have been delivered fairly well, and one in particular stuck out when gibbing an enemy with the shotgun. Right as it happened Shelly ripped out 'gotta keep 'em separated' which made me laugh as the timing was just perfect.

As for complaints, there are very few of them and they're pretty minor quibbles. Probably one of the things I noticed is that the enemies blend in maybe a bit too well with the surroundings, which can make acquiring them sometimes a little difficult (mainly the flying enemies), but mostly it's fine. Something I didn't notice at first, but is more noticeable now that people have mentioned it, is some form of direct-firing rocket launcher. Even though there are a few options for explosive weapons, this would fill the gap in the roster somewhat. Maybe a couple more weapons would be neat too, but that's wishful thinking I guess. Also, I spotted what I believe is a misaligned texture on the first level, which surprised me considering how polished everything is. I took a screenshot in case anyone wants to look at it or tweak it in future patches. Another thing that is occurring is when I press space while naming a save game it acts as if I pressed enter instead. Not sure what is happening there, but thought it was worth mentioning.

All up so far, the game has a hell of lot going for it and has been quite a lot of fun, and it's obvious to see the passion and effort that has gone into many aspects of the game. I don't know how many times I was grinning and saying wow over and over when I fired it up for the first time. The team really deserve the praise this is getting and they should feel damn proud of what they have achieved. Definitely looking forward to playing another decent session. :dukecigar:

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I only have 2 zones to go now. I haven't commented much on gameplay yet, but you guys have certainly captured the build engine and 3DR magic. Everything looks so vivid and polished. Once you get your head around all the enemies and the subtleties of all the weapons, everything starts to flow really well. I'm not really missing the absence of a BFG-styled weapon or rocket launcher as others have said, although maybe a rail gun with a scope could be useful if my two cents are worth anything.

I'm really enjoying the levels, which twist and fold on themselves quite nicely. Davox's levels are the most impressive in terms of their complex architecture that makes you 2nd guess whether you're actually using the build engine. I'm enjoying everything involving fans. Unexpected little touches like the shooting range were nice. I also didn't realize initially that the whole game was intended to be so extraordinarily continuous in terms of its progression, so great job managing to pull that off to successfully, including that escape elevator from Heskell's skyscraper.

I'll post a few issues I noticed, including some texture things, which in a free mod would be incredibly minor, but since it's a paid thing I'll bring it to your attention anyway in case you want to fix it. You might have fixed some of this already for all I know. I didn't note the map names, but hopefully the mappers can recognize these areas.

These columns aren't textured properly. Some of the sides were done right, but at least two surfaces look like this:
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When dropping down into this sewer, which should be a level transition, the transition didn't occur the first time so I ended up in the dead-end of the previous map instead. Of note is that I landed right where the crosshair is pointing, against the wall (no sector tag to prevent fall damage). Maybe the transition requires the player to move forward more than I did? Had to reload a save to trigger the transition.
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Flickering light issue.
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Sprite shadow not matching up properly.
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User is offline   Zaxx 

  • Banned


I love how Cliffy liked it and his post instantly got dragged into this whole ResetEra idiotism:
It's like these guys literally have nothing else to do with their lives other than complaining on the internet, whenever I glance over the thread at RE to have a laugh the latest comment is always just a few minutes old. :dukecigar:

Btw. Cliffy saying how he loves retro FPS titles is giving me a mixed feeling: it's cool but dude, you have all the power in the world to make something then, like a spiritual successor to Unreal or even just a new Unreal through Epic.

This post has been edited by Zaxx: 18 August 2019 - 05:03 AM


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