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Ion Fury  "formerly Ion Maiden, launching August 15!"

User is offline   Micky C 

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I've spent some time looking through mapster. It's very nice how you've collected textures and sprites into relevant categories for easy selection. That should greatly speed up the whole texturing process. Some of the additional key combinations through mapster scripting are useful too, and it's nice that they're self-describing in-game.

The art is looking very versatile and it's clear that everyone has gone through some effort to make sure this is the case, especially in combination with the pal system which has been at the forefront of the artists' minds the entire time.

I'm a bit surprised that many of the effects don't have this self-describing quality. IMO if you point the mouse at an effect sprite, it should give you some information about what the sprite does and how to use it. Perhaps this will be added in later along with the documentation oasiz is going to write? Many of the SEs are still listed as "unknown".
Can there also be a document explaining the pal colours? Looks to be some variant of Extclut but it'd be nice to have a list somewhere.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 18 August 2019 - 05:48 AM



Hey guys! My first post in a loooong time.

I just wanted to say that Ion Fury is freaking awesome. The devs have done a really good job with this. Ion Maiden Fury is really on par with the great build games! Can't wait to get my big box!

After playing throught the first few zones I thought I'd give Mapster32 a go again, since it recognizes Ion Fury now. The problem is that it detects my Duke 3D installation and uses Dukes palette. This makes the artwork look.. strange :dukecigar:.
Is there a way to force Mapster to use IF's palette?

User is offline   LeoD 

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View PostBrOiler1985, on 18 August 2019 - 06:10 AM, said:

Is there a way to force Mapster to use IF's palette?
Yes. Get Voidpoint's "Ion Fury Level Editor" from here. It's actually the same Mapster32 executable as in the corresponding synthesis build. But you need the accompanying files to work with IF maps.


View PostLeoD, on 18 August 2019 - 06:31 AM, said:

Yes. Get Voidpoint's "Ion Fury Level Editor" from here. It's actually the same Mapster32 executable as in the corresponding synthesis build. But you need the accompanying files to work with IF maps.

Thanks! Works perfectly :dukecigar:

User is online   gemeaux333 


What about the multi-language support/translation ?

User is offline   Fox 

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View PostBrOiler1985, on 18 August 2019 - 06:10 AM, said:

After playing throught the first few zones I thought I'd give Mapster32 a go again, since it recognizes Ion Fury now. The problem is that it detects my Duke 3D installation and uses Dukes palette. This makes the artwork look.. strange :dukecigar:.
Is there a way to force Mapster to use IF's palette?

The palette files and defs should have been included in the game. Just copy them.

User is offline   MetHy 


View PostMicky C, on 18 August 2019 - 05:45 AM, said:

I've spent some time looking through mapster. It's very nice how you've collected textures and sprites into relevant categories for easy selection. That should greatly speed up the whole texturing process. Some of the additional key combinations through mapster scripting are useful too, and it's nice that they're self-describing in-game.

The art is looking very versatile and it's clear that everyone has gone through some effort to make sure this is the case, especially in combination with the pal system which has been at the forefront of the artists' minds the entire time.

I'm a bit surprised that many of the effects don't have this self-describing quality. IMO if you point the mouse at an effect sprite, it should give you some information about what the sprite does and how to use it. Perhaps this will be added in later along with the documentation oasiz is going to write? Many of the SEs are still listed as "unknown".
Can there also be a document explaining the pal colours? Looks to be some variant of Extclut but it'd be nice to have a list somewhere.

The list of textures in the group tiles is not complete. I don't think it'll ever be (there are some corner cases, for instance), but I'll try to update it the best I can when I have time.

For the new effects, most of them give info (flags etc) when you hover your mouse over it. Some are missing, and others don't have flags so we personally didn't need an explanation.

As for "SE Unkown", nothing we can do without source changes if I recall correctly; however you can get a list of all SE and STs (old and new) by holding ctrl+alt+shift.

There should be more mapping info given soon covering all of that and more, just need to a be a litttle bit more patient as everyone's been super busy :dukecigar:

This post has been edited by MetHy: 18 August 2019 - 07:24 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


View PostMicky C, on 18 August 2019 - 05:45 AM, said:

I'm a bit surprised that many of the effects don't have this self-describing quality. IMO if you point the mouse at an effect sprite, it should give you some information about what the sprite does and how to use it. Perhaps this will be added in later along with the documentation oasiz is going to write? Many of the SEs are still listed as "unknown".
Can there also be a document explaining the pal colours? Looks to be some variant of Extclut but it'd be nice to have a list somewhere.

Damn, how did I manage to miss those pillars, even testers too I think :dukecigar:

Btw, use that archived mapster32 as it has some .m32 scripts that are vital supplemental material for any new fx that we have in the game.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


A belated congrats on the release!

I was wondering, will the preview campaign now function as a public demo of the game, or will it just remain an extra for the folks who pre-ordered?

User is offline   MetHy 


The preview campaign can be played by everyone through the "bonus missions" menu in the full game.
The preview version of Hekel's House of Horrors, which wasn't put in the menu because it was on its own (not connected to other preview maps) and also closer to its final full campaign version than most of the preview maps, is also there somewhere, for people to find.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 18 August 2019 - 08:59 AM



View Postoasiz, on 18 August 2019 - 08:11 AM, said:

Damn, how did I manage to miss those pillars, even testers too I think :dukecigar:

This is the one that caught my eye early on... it was like a record scratch specifically because everything is so meticulously well done.


User is offline   Fox 

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View PostMicky C, on 18 August 2019 - 05:45 AM, said:

Can there also be a document explaining the pal colours? Looks to be some variant of Extclut but it'd be nice to have a list somewhere.



User is offline   Kyanos 


That palswap list is mighty impressive, I've always loved great pixel art and knowing the game palettes capabilities has me curious what other things will make this stand out as probably the go to modding build game of tomorrow.

User is offline   Master O 


So now that Ion Fury is out, what's next for this game? Multiplayer and Co-op?

User is offline   Dzierzan 


I guess the left hand goes down too slow when you pick up a dart.

Posted Image


has anyone been posting any custom maps yet?

User is offline   Tekedon 


I think it's too early, for any good maps atleast. But I bet some maps/mods will be made.


View PostTekedon, on 18 August 2019 - 12:10 PM, said:

I think it's too early, for any good maps atleast. But I bet some maps/mods will be made.

I don't mind playing crappy maps

User is offline   t800 


View PostMrFlibble, on 18 August 2019 - 08:34 AM, said:

A belated congrats on the release!I was wondering, will the preview campaign now function as a public demo of the game, or will it just remain an extra for the folks who pre-ordered?

View PostMetHy, on 18 August 2019 - 08:42 AM, said:

The preview campaign can be played by everyone through the "bonus missions" menu in the full game.The preview version of Hekel's House of Horrors, which wasn't put in the menu because it was on its own (not connected to other preview maps) and also closer to its final full campaign version than most of the preview maps, is also there somewhere, for people to find.

I think MrFlibble's question still stands. I mean, are you not interested in having some sort of promotional demo/shareware tryout? It would also fit nicely your image of game "out of 90s time capsule", where every serious FPS title used to have its demo/shareware. :dukecigar:
Just replace binary with its new up to date optimized version, that would surely suffice.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


Steam's 2 hour refund window has kinda mitigated the need for demos though.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Making the player press the interact key every time they want to pick up 10 bullets from the chaingun ammo pile is not a good design choice. At first I thought I was picking up ammo when running over it, as one would expect (other ammo works that way). Then it became clear that nothing was being added to my weapons. Finally thought to press interact on it and noticed something happen, and naturally assumed it had filled up the weapon. But then I noticed I still had hardly any ammo. It's already a really annoying fight with endless adds spawning in, the player doesn't want to sit over a pile and mash the button while getting shot.

User is offline   Phredreeke 


Yeah that felt a bit unintuitive.

User is offline   t800 


View PostPhredreeke, on 18 August 2019 - 12:54 PM, said:

Steam's 2 hour refund window has kinda mitigated the need for demos though.

Need maybe? But would it be not nice advertising "retro" gesture? For example Warlock does have demo on Steam.

User is offline   Master O 


View PostTruck Stop Santa Claus, on 18 August 2019 - 12:03 PM, said:

has anyone been posting any custom maps yet?

You just know someone's gonna make an Ion Fury version of Nuts.wad...

User is offline   Zaxx 

  • Banned


Duuuude, I'm pretty sure that IF is the best FPS since Half-Life when it comes to handling continous campaign progression. It's awesome how the whole campaign just fits together and you even managed to include "that thing we remember from Duke 3D" in there for good measure one time. :dukecigar:

Another thing I loved is how well the preview campaign content was reintegrated into the main game: with just the right amount of changes to feel unique again. Basically the preview relates to the main game as custom demos related to their full products back in the day.

This post has been edited by Zaxx: 18 August 2019 - 05:44 PM


User is offline   Sledgehammer 

  • Once you start doubting, there's no end to it


View PostPhredreeke, on 18 August 2019 - 12:54 PM, said:

Steam's 2 hour refund window has kinda mitigated the need for demos though.

Some people are quite lazy when it comes to that, and even more people find it pretty inconvenient, not to mention that some may not have money at the moment they have some interest about the game. A proper simple demo is just much more convenient for this purpose, to be honest, which is why plenty of people still ask the devs to provide demos for games. Also, it can help to avoid another problem such as refund policy abuse.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 18 August 2019 - 06:11 PM



I've heard great things about Ion Fury, it got me very excited. And now that it's here it's safe to say it was worth the wait.

Graphically it looks fantastic for a build engine game, very detailed environments specially the city levels. It even goes over the top to have voxels for many items and objects in the game world.

Gameplay is like any other build engine game, such as Duke Nukem, Blood and Shadow Warrior you have to run and gun quickly in those games, and Ion Fury is no different. The game can be heavy on the resource management, finding little secret stashes of supplies is always satisfying. Bombshells weapons are fun the use, and I like how the enemies die.

The music was serviceable but it wasn't great either. I still prefer my Quake 2 music over Ion Fury dance music.

Story wasn't terrible, but a little too simplistic. I mean the world looks so much more realistic, therefore a deeper story would've complemented the very detailed environments. I guess most people don't care about the story, in these type of action oriented games, they want to see a great spectacle, big ass explosions just like Michael Bay film.

And let's talk about presentation the other build engine games duke, blood and SW have those CGI cut scenes, Ion Fury just a slideshow with voiceover. The developers had the time to make voxels but they couldn't fit it into their schedules to make cinematics? Maybe that's an unfair comparison, Bombshell and the Professor Jadus Heskel did have little conversations throughout the game that move the plot forward, they were serviceable, and it kept the gameplay continuous like half-life. But I'm just saying it would have been nice to have a cut scene, in the beginning and end of the game.

I have very few gripes with the game. Some enemies are so far away there shrouded in darkness they can hit you before you can see them, very unfair. The game was quite long, would be nice have a little bit more variety.
More types of weapons such as rocket launcher and BFG. And to have more types of enemy units.

Overall it was a fun game, the issues I have with it are minor ones.
I give the game a 4 out of 5.

This post has been edited by One Man Army: 18 August 2019 - 07:45 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Demos aren't quite as important as they used to be since it's so easy to watch gameplay on the internet. That simply wasn't an option back in the day. There is a difference between watching a game and playing it, but my point is that it's much easier to figure out if you'd like a game without having to play it then it was back in the 90's.

View PostZaxx, on 18 August 2019 - 05:43 PM, said:

Another thing I loved is how well the preview campaign content was reintegrated into the main game: with just the right amount of changes to feel unique again. Basically the preview relates to the main game as custom demos related to their full products back in the day.

Reintegrated with changes?

I was under the impression that the main IF campaign is the original work. The preview campaign was simply bits that were extracted from the main campaign (the more finished bits that is) and then stitched together with a downwards lift and upwards ladder.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 18 August 2019 - 08:29 PM



View PostMaster O, on 18 August 2019 - 04:58 PM, said:

You just know someone's gonna make an Ion Fury version of Nuts.wad...

Looking forward to it
just light my pc on fire baby :dukecigar:

User is offline   NightFright 

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With tons of unlimited Bowling Bomb powerups, sure. Let the bowling begin!

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