Hendricks266, on 21 October 2018 - 11:24 AM, said:
Voidpoint edited the post to remove the references to sexuality being shameful and make it more objective like a museum exhibit of artifacts.
I see. Nice, it's too bad that nowadays barely anyone can stick their virtue signaling which no one really needs or cares about up their asses where it should belong. Was least expecting something like that fom 3DR of all publishers.
Hendricks266, on 21 October 2018 - 11:24 AM, said:
Some guy thought we were "covering up the evidence", bought the game, played 0.1 hours, left a negative review, refunded it, and spammed a bunch of imageboards trying to form a hate mob. Joke's on him though, because we got a spike in sales that day.
Not really surprising. It's good that in the end this PR wasn't such a disaster. Though Fred could pull out Hatred devs on puporse, that would bring a lot of good results no doubt.
Anyway, the most important thing I'd like to know is did the game perform well in the end? I assume it did and you're making more eps and content, aren't you? Can't wait for December to finally try it out, though I'm a bit "triggered" by early access despite fully trusting you.
Zaxx, on 21 October 2018 - 03:51 PM, said:
Wonder myself. Though I guess by the time they implement it I'll get my hands on my desktop already.