Ion Fury "formerly Ion Maiden, launching August 15!"
#125 Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:52 AM
ReaperMan, on 29 October 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:
I can't wait to play it online through Ten on my 28k dialup.
#126 Posted 30 October 2015 - 06:22 AM
#128 Posted 30 October 2015 - 02:12 PM
Spastic Lagomorph, on 29 October 2015 - 05:50 PM, said:
Unfortunately, no... not right now.

Daedolon, on 30 October 2015 - 02:34 AM, said:
Spastic Lagomorph, on 30 October 2015 - 05:39 AM, said:

Commando Nukem, on 30 October 2015 - 05:42 AM, said:

#129 Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:07 PM
Spastic Lagomorph, on 29 October 2015 - 05:50 PM, said:
Congratulations, you're hired for a position on the newspaper agency.
#130 Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:48 PM
LkMax, on 30 October 2015 - 05:07 PM, said:
Natural-born journalist.
#131 Posted 31 October 2015 - 11:49 AM
This post has been edited by FistMarine: 11 December 2016 - 07:19 AM
#132 Posted 31 October 2015 - 05:40 PM

#133 Posted 31 October 2015 - 06:05 PM
HulkNukem, on 31 October 2015 - 05:40 PM, said:

#134 Posted 31 October 2015 - 07:07 PM
HulkNukem, on 31 October 2015 - 05:40 PM, said:

#137 Posted 19 November 2016 - 10:46 PM
MusicallyInspired, on 19 November 2016 - 09:45 PM, said:

You can get the fully quality screenshot if you add :orig on the end of the picture like so https://pbs.twimg.co...AEjWbh.jpg:orig
#139 Posted 19 November 2016 - 11:04 PM
#140 Posted 19 November 2016 - 11:04 PM
Lunick, on 19 November 2016 - 10:46 PM, said:
It wouldn't embed that way, though.
#141 Posted 19 November 2016 - 11:08 PM
#142 Posted 20 November 2016 - 01:53 AM
Lot's of small detailing.
Dare I say I was hoping you guys would use ressources the way something like the factory map in RR Ride's Again did: combining the different means at your disposal to go over the limits of the engine; rather than using ressources for insane detailing. Then again, with the extended limits, maybe you're doing both.
Another thing that scares me is the lack of interactivity that usually goes hand in hand with highly detailed map. I hope you surprise me in that regard as well.
Don't get me wrong though, this looks very good, and there is a lot of things one can't know from a screenshot so maybe it's just that we can't see that yet.
I really like the lettering of the HUD, those golden numbers look great. Also nice texture work, they fit well together.
Those red things on the ground are corpses? I can't really make it out from this angle. Looks like there is something (someone?) hidden behind the last transparent screen but I can't make it out either.
This post has been edited by MetHy: 20 November 2016 - 01:56 AM
#143 Posted 20 November 2016 - 02:24 AM
The thing about the RR level design is that it's a very unique style specific to Xatrix. It's probably best that the mappers stick to what they know best, in order to pump out high quality maps in a moderate amount of time.
On interactivity, don't forget that it's only really associated with Build games as opposed to 90's games in general. It'll depend on what Bombshell is actually aiming for. Having said that, at the very least the majority of sprites should be destructible; something that's very easy to do if you just make a set of generic scrap pieces. Did you have anything in mind beyond that?
#144 Posted 20 November 2016 - 02:45 AM

#146 Posted 20 November 2016 - 04:06 AM
TerminX, on 20 November 2016 - 03:24 AM, said:
Oh uh, sounds like it's going to be Duke 3D x1000 then change to the Quake engine

Boy I'm excited. Like you've said a few times TX there's something to be said about using the genuine tech to create commercial a 90's style FPS, and I doubt that anyone is more familiar with the intricate workings of a true 90's engine than Voidpoint with Build. Can't wait to see what you're cooking up.
Then again I wonder how Ken Silverman compares to you guys in terms of knowing eduke32's workings after all these years of enhancement.
#147 Posted 20 November 2016 - 04:11 AM
Also hope that Gambini and Mikko get job in this project, if for nothing else, but the quality of their DNF2013 mod.
#148 Posted 20 November 2016 - 04:27 AM
IIRC Davox is a professional level designer so it'd be quite easy to bring him on full time.
I'm also guessing Fox is involved to some degree with art?
#149 Posted 20 November 2016 - 05:16 AM
Micky C, on 20 November 2016 - 02:24 AM, said:
In depends on what type of gameplay Bombshell will have. They can either make an old-school game with a retro-flavor and gameplay, which will be less linear and have more interactivity, or they can make a game with a modern-type gameplay, with Build engine being the only thing that distinguish it from the mass.
#150 Posted 20 November 2016 - 07:43 AM

I don't really follow this thread, but there is no release time yet is there?
This post has been edited by CatNapDreams: 20 November 2016 - 07:44 AM