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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"


hey im new to the forum but ive been playin duke plus for years and ive got a question in your latest release you added the battle lord cannon but its not modeled its only got pixels have i installed wrong cos when i was lookin through the files i found a model for a minigun is this a diferent gun if so how do i get it to show up in game?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postevilfish6666, on Jun 19 2010, 10:04 AM, said:

hey im new to the forum but ive been playin duke plus for years and ive got a question in your latest release you added the battle lord cannon but its not modeled its only got pixels have i installed wrong cos when i was lookin through the files i found a model for a minigun is this a diferent gun if so how do i get it to show up in game?

There is a model but it doesn't look very much like the battlelord cannon and it has a few other issues so I haven't been using it. There might be some commented out defs for it in dukeplus.def, but I'm not going to be of much help.


thats cool thax for the reply anyways

User is offline   salmonface 


This is my first post, I'm not very good at explaining things but dukeplus crashes on ubuntu 10.04 64 bit Linux when I use the cruizer shotgun or the freezer plus. I can't post the log right now because I'm using my smartphone. It doesn't crash on Windows but in the console it says "SOUND (#-1) NOT DEFINED!". Any idea why this happens?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postsalmonface, on Jun 23 2010, 09:06 PM, said:

This is my first post, I'm not very good at explaining things but dukeplus crashes on ubuntu 10.04 64 bit Linux when I use the cruizer shotgun or the freezer plus. I can't post the log right now because I'm using my smartphone. It doesn't crash on Windows but in the console it says "SOUND (#-1) NOT DEFINED!". Any idea why this happens?

I don't know why it crashes on Linux, sorry. I don't use Linux myself and don't know much about it.

The "SOUND (#-1) NOT DEFINED!" message appears in the log because I have coded some weapons to make no sound at certain times when they would have made sounds in the unmodified game. It is perfectly harmless and has nothing to do with any crashing or other problems you may be experiencing.

User is offline   salmonface 


Okay I'll just use Windows :) . I don't know much about Linux either, I was just testing it and I have no idea what causes it to crash. I was just hoping I could improve dukeplus by posting about the crash. Also the log file doesn't contain any useful information.

Sorry for the false alarm, I think it has something to do with the sound drivers as it works perfectly with
sound fx turned off. I'm through with linux and going back to windows :)

This post has been edited by salmonface: 24 June 2010 - 06:30 PM



View PostDeeperThought, on Jan 22 2010, 02:27 PM, said:

Thank you! I was going to ask for help with those, but I never got around to it. Let's look at the progression:

Original 8-bit sprite (source unknown)
Posted Image

My upsized/filtered shit version
Posted Image

Your new and improved version
Posted Image

Screenshot with your version
Posted Image

Hi DeeperThought

After firing rpg cause creatures with bodies disappear after a while. I do not want to disappear. Please include help .. (Sorry bad english.. I'm a Turkish)


If you're referring to the gibs (body parts, entrails and so on), they disappear to improve framerate and performance.
But the bodies themselves should not disapper under the current code...



Attached Image: before.PNG


Attached Image: after.PNG

Is gradually lost body parts. I do not want to disappear. Is there a file to turn off this feature?


No, this feature cannot be turned off.
Pehaps you can do it yourself with CON coding, but you need to wait DT for that.


Ok Thanks.. :)

User is offline   king karl 


i just had this conversation with him, unfortunatley its not only about performance its about stoping the map from spawning too many sprites (if it passes this limit the game will crash)

User is offline   t800 


At first I want praise your mod. It is really superb. I know it from version 1.9. It went trough a lot of changes from then.
Two recommendations: Please change hall to its old style, I liked it more and it looked more realistically in its older form. If you had problems with unsufficient space for another maps, you should just make it longer.
Second idea: Make pigcop tanks driveable. Dont add them as separate thing, but make enemy pigcop tanks driveable. I have idea. If you want to drive pigcop tank, you have to use nuke button on its back and there will be percentage propability of killing its driver (enemy pigcop) without destroying tank itself. And then you could drive it. It would have limited armor (maybe also ammunition).

This post has been edited by t800: 29 June 2010 - 12:15 AM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View Postt800, on Jun 29 2010, 10:51 AM, said:

And then you could drive it.

So you would be fine with the fact that you are driving a pig tank around that still has the art and model of a pig in it right?

User is offline   t800 


It is logical that we need new art for driveable pigcop tank. I would prefer classic 2d sprite. And it should also have view from inside.

User is offline   Green 


You can already have a driveable pigcop tank in this source code modification project.


User is offline   djdori11 


hey i saw that you did an autosave system in your Duke Nukem: Attrition mod.
i think its very very usefull and you should add it to the duke plus mod!
what you think about it? duke plus will be awesome with autosave system!

This post has been edited by djdori11: 28 June 2010 - 11:06 PM


User is offline   t800 


View PostMr. Green, on Jun 29 2010, 01:42 AM, said:

You can already have a driveable pigcop tank in this source code modification project.

But why did they choose Jonofs port for base? EDuke32 is way better than JfDuke.

User is offline   Green 


No idea. I think a user on this forum named chelios is related to the project but my knowledge as to who is involved and the progress is limited to that webpage.

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!



Just had a random little question if I might... It was to do with Shooters. I don't have access to an EDuke32 install to test it, but I was wondering what behavior a shooter would exhibit when set to only target enemies, and placed with multiple enemies around it.

Will it just target one at a time until it kills it and moves on to the next, or will it fire randomly at different enemies?

Please tell me it fires randomly :)

User is online   Ninety-Six 


I was just directed from the official forums.

Anyway, I've been having a severe problem with DukePlus. I recently reinstalled the most recent versions of eDuke and the HRP; no problems. But then I downloaded the most recent version of DP, and it brings the entire game down. It takes 3x as long to load the game with Duke Plus activated. And that's just to get to the main menu. To load the levels, it can and has taken up to 7 full minutes. But once the levels load, I can't do anything. Any action I take is delayed for several minutes before Duke actually does it. 9 times out of 10 the game doesn't carry out the command at all. I can't even bring up the main menu to quit. I always have to use the Start key and call up Task Manager to end it. And it doesn't matter if I'm using 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit. It crashes all the same.

And again, this is only when DP is activated. Otherwise the game runs perfectly, HRP or not.

I'm certain that my video card specs are a little at fault, but there's no way that's the main reason, considering that DP won't even run in software mode.

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong?

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 30 June 2010 - 06:27 AM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostNinety-Six, on Jul 1 2010, 02:26 AM, said:

I was just directed from the official forums.

*sigh* these are the official forums, you were redirected from the old ones.

Anyway, now that you are here it would help if you post the "eduke32.log" AFTER you have experienced all these issues that you say.

Also, what is your full system specs? I find it very doubtful that DP! is causing this.

User is online   Ninety-Six 


View PostThe Commander, on Jun 30 2010, 07:42 AM, said:

*sigh* these are the official forums, you were redirected from the old ones.

Anyway, now that you are here it would help if you post the "eduke32.log" AFTER you have experienced all these issues that you say.

Also, what is your full system specs? I find it very doubtful that DP! is causing this.

Well, before I can post an eDuke log on that, suddenly eDuke stopped working, itself. Something about a DirectSoundCreate failure.

As for the specs, I'm not quite sure where I'd find I complete list of it, unless I'm to type it all out manually?

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Just the OS, RAM, CPU (is it multi core) and video card.

User is online   Ninety-Six 


View PostThe Commander, on Jun 30 2010, 08:05 AM, said:

Just the OS, RAM, CPU (is it multi core) and video card.

OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3

RAM/CPU: Intel®
Pentium® 4 CPU 1.80GHz
1.79 GHz, 512 MB of RAM

Video Card: I'm not certain if this is correct, but NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE2 (from an eDuke log. I'm assuming (I inherited this computer) that that's my video card.)

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostNinety-Six, on Jul 1 2010, 03:16 AM, said:

Video Card: I'm not certain if this is correct, but NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE2 (from an eDuke log. I'm assuming (I inherited this computer) that that's my video card.)

Yeah, your PC is really old and slow, I have one of a similar set up behind me and it struggles to run the HRP let alone DukePlus with it, only thing I can suggest is to remove your (not delete) HRP from the autoload folder and try play DukePlus without but you still need to run it in 32bit.

EDIT: Also, this mod here may run a lot better for you.
http://forums.duke4....?showtopic=1942 (I believe it can now be ran in classic mode as well)

This post has been edited by The Commander: 30 June 2010 - 07:35 AM


User is offline   Sangman 


Not sure why his system specs would matter if it runs fine all the time except when DP is on.. Unless DP has higher system specs or something I dunno.

Ninety-Six: You can find out your specs as well by pressing windows key + R and typing dxdiag. For even more info you can download something like CPU-Z, but if the game works fine aside from when using DP I doubt your hardware is at fault here. Of course I could be wrong.

This post has been edited by Sangman: 30 June 2010 - 07:36 AM


User is online   Ninety-Six 


View PostSangman, on Jun 30 2010, 08:36 AM, said:

Not sure why his system specs would matter if it runs fine all the time except when DP is on.. Unless DP has higher system specs or something I dunno.

Ninety-Six: You can find out your specs as well by pressing windows key + R and typing dxdiag. For even more info you can download something like CPU-Z, but if the game works fine aside from when using DP I doubt your hardware is at fault here. Of course I could be wrong.

This is what I'm wondering. Because yeah, the HRP runs fine. I actually just got done playing the first two levels of Episode 1 to test it out. Ran flawlessly. Short load times, never lagged a single time, and overall was as smooth as the original game. So yeah, I'm wondering if DP has higher specs, too. And if so, what they are.

Also, thanks for the dxdiag command.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 30 June 2010 - 07:50 AM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Upload (dont copy and paste it) your DXDIAG info by clicking the "save all info" button.
Add it as an attachment.

This post has been edited by The Commander: 30 June 2010 - 07:55 AM


User is online   Ninety-Six 


View PostThe Commander, on Jun 30 2010, 08:55 AM, said:

Upload (dont copy and paste it) your DXDIAG info by clicking the "save all info" button.
Add it as an attachment.

Aye aye, Commander.

Attached File  DxDiag.txt (42.96K)
Number of downloads: 573

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