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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Have you verified that it always crashes in that spot? I know that some people, including the lead mapper on the hive team, have played through that map several times with DP and have not mentioned any crashes.


Juts to be sure there won't be misunderstanings : I'm referring to this map, that was made by Devastator alone http://msdn.duke4.ne...taquahive.shtml
And yes, the crashes happen always in the same spot. By the way, I myself have finished the map some times ago with an older version of DP and Eduke and found no bugs. So, my guess is something is screwed with latest DP or EDuke.

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostDeeperThought, on Feb 15 2010, 06:08 PM, said:

That sounds like an EDuke32 bug that was fixed a while back. Are you using the eduke32.exe included with DP, or are you using an older one?

Seems I was using a version from october (thought I used the newer version... must be in another folder...) Never mind that, then!

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostHeadless_Horseman, on Feb 15 2010, 03:02 PM, said:

Juts to be sure there won't be misunderstanings : I'm referring to this map, that was made by Devastator alone http://msdn.duke4.ne...taquahive.shtml
And yes, the crashes happen always in the same spot. By the way, I myself have finished the map some times ago with an older version of DP and Eduke and found no bugs. So, my guess is something is screwed with latest DP or EDuke.

Could you send me a saved game file from right before the crash occurs? And make sure you are using the very latest DP code (download from my sig, if you haven't in the last two days).

EDIT: Just tried the map, by the way, and while I didn't find the point where it crashes I did find a terrible map bug. After the excruciatingly long submarine ride at the beginning of the level, take the water tunnel to the room with all the octabrains and eggs (the first enemies in the map). Blow them up, hit the switch, and then notice there is a window with a view of the submarine. The window has a force field, but you can easily slip through it in one corner (which I did by accident, just by pressing against it). The force field blocks quite well from the other side, though, trapping the player in the room. However, after going around the back of the sub (during which you are treated to some ROR visual glitches), you can wiggle your way right through its walls and end up at the nuke button and end the game.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 15 February 2010 - 05:35 PM



I'll try the latest DP code and let you know.

User is offline   Jamesfff 


Has anyone else noticed that keys spawned by breaking trashcans, hitting switches, etc. (like the blue key in ADG02.map, for instance, spawned by breaking a trashcan) can't be picked up? Every time I try to pick up a spawned key, it disappears from the gameworld, but doesn't turn up in my inventory, leaving me unable to get past the corresponding lock without cheating. What's up with that?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostJamesfff, on Feb 16 2010, 01:53 PM, said:

Has anyone else noticed that keys spawned by breaking trashcans, hitting switches, etc. (like the blue key in ADG02.map, for instance, spawned by breaking a trashcan) can't be picked up? Every time I try to pick up a spawned key, it disappears from the gameworld, but doesn't turn up in my inventory, leaving me unable to get past the corresponding lock without cheating. What's up with that?

You are the first to mention any such problem. I have never seen that happen, and looking at the code I don't see why it would. Could you send a map where it happens?


Good news : no problem at all with the new DP code and Aquatic Hive map.

User is offline   darkcaleb 


If i may ask, how does the quote system work in dukeplus i mean where do you type like your own text?

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View Postdarkcaleb, on Feb 17 2010, 03:39 PM, said:

If i may ask, how does the quote system work in dukeplus i mean where do you type like your own text?

From "DPEFFECTS.html"


Quoter Sprite
A Quoter sprite will display a quote or picture of your choice when the player enters its sector. Place a sprite of tile #2956 (the red "Q"). Give it a lotag of 1 if you want it to display a quote using your own customized settings for size, positions, etc. Give it a lotag of 2 if you want to display a picture. Give it a lotag of 3 to display a quote using the standard Duke 3D quote system (at the top of the screen in white text for five seconds, or until another quote is displayed). Set the hitag to the number of the quote you want displayed, or to the tile number you want displayed if the quoter has lotag 2. If you use lotag 3, then no other settings are required. Otherwise: EXTRA is the number of ticks that the quote or picture is displayed. XVEL and YVEL are the X and Y coordinate offsets, which can be postive or negative. Leave XVEL at 0 on lotag 1 Quoters and the quote will be centered. ZVEL is the size offset. Note that the values needed for X and Y offsets will change depending on the size, and are different for quotes and pictures. The quote or picture displayed will have the pal and transparency of the quoter sprite. A quote and a picture can be displayed at the same time, but this requires two different sprites.

It uses the quotes that are already in the game, so if you want custom ones then you need to add it to the cons with "definequote"

definequote 125 HELLO THIS IS MY QUOTE

I think it should be safe enough to put it in the top of the userplus.con?

This post has been edited by The Commander: 16 February 2010 - 08:01 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostThe Commander, on Feb 16 2010, 07:58 PM, said:

I think it should be safe enough to put it in the top of the userplus.con?

It would make more sense to edit EDUKE.CON to include your own CON, e.g.

include DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON
include MYUSER.CON

and then add the quotes to MYUSER.CON. That way, you don't have to keep adding them every time I update the DP code. DP quotes start at 1000, to the usual user quote numbers are fine.

User is offline   darkcaleb 


Hey thanx guys!

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I have uploaded a new Duke Plus, version 208. I didn't change much; mostly minor bugfixes, but there was one bug that had caused crashes for some people (people who have been keeping up with the latest code already have the fix for that). The weapon sway on the Imperium Cannon has been reduced. And I finally got around to making different colors for the karate kicks to match the player's color (I had to use PNGs for that, because the kick art does not work with pals, and it was too much trouble to try to fix the 8-bit art). The documentation has not been updated, but it will say "DP 208" in the corner of the screen when you start a game.

I know there's a lot of other stuff that should be done, but I'm not focusing on DP lately.

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


I need to know if there's a way to clear the bullets from demos? I have everything else cleared, pickup messages, hud, Duke carring weapons, status bar etc. I want to use these demos to record movie footage and I have DP enabled for the sounds, basicly the footstep sounds. The demos were made using only the HRP so I have a clear screen as far as the extra stuff goes. Played back with DP, the bullets appear, which I don't need in the movie.


I dunno what you are trying to do, but you could fiddle with DukePlus' .def file, just define an entirely transparent .png in place of the model skins or textures for the bullets - it's a bit hackish but it should work

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


Thanks@High Treason, if thats the only way.

Posted Image
With DukePlus, I get the footstep sounds (good). See the bullets, (not good) for the movie.

Posted Image
No DukePlus, no bullets (good) No footstep sound, (not good) for the movie.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Open HUDPLUS.CON in a text editor. Find the first instance of the string 'state displaypistolbullets'. Right below that it will say 'ifvare botclip 0 break'. Change that to simply 'break' (or add another break before that). This will cause the state to stop execution before it displays anything.

EDIT: Why didn't you just switch to the mighty boot (weapon 1) ?

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 18 February 2010 - 06:24 PM


User is offline   VinsaneOne 


View PostDeeperThought, on Feb 18 2010, 09:19 PM, said:

Open HUDPLUS.CON in a text editor. Find the first instance of the string 'state displaypistolbullets'. Right below that it will say 'ifvare botclip 0 break'. Change that to simply 'break' (or add another break before that). This will cause the state to stop execution before it displays anything.

EDIT: Why didn't you just switch to the mighty boot (weapon 1) ?

Because the demos were already recorded without DP, only the hrp. Had to do it that way to avoid 'out of sync' errors. This technique has to be done in a multyplayer game. But I added the word 'break' like you said and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much!

User is offline   Jamesfff 


In response to this:


Has anyone else noticed that keys spawned by breaking trashcans, hitting switches, etc. (like the blue key in ADG02.map, for instance, spawned by breaking a trashcan) can't be picked up?

View PostDeeperThought, on Feb 16 2010, 06:56 PM, said:

You are the first to mention any such problem. I have never seen that happen, and looking at the code I don't see why it would. Could you send a map where it happens?

The map ADG04.map (which is attached to this message) is one example. The blue key in this map is acquired by detonating an explosion at the far north end of the map, down a path behind a gate.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostJamesfff, on Feb 21 2010, 11:39 AM, said:

In response to this:

The map ADG04.map (which is attached to this message) is one example. The blue key in this map is acquired by detonating an explosion at the far north end of the map, down a path behind a gate.

The map is not actually attached but I know where to get a copy. Just to clarify, though, before I spend time hunting down a bug which may not exist: Are you sure this is not also a problem using the same eduke32.exe without Duke Plus? I have seen something like what you describe in the unmodified game, where objects cannot be picked up (but never with a keycard). I think it happens due to a failure of the ifcanseetarget command, which is used by the ACCESSCARD actor.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostJamesfff, on Feb 21 2010, 11:39 AM, said:

The map ADG04.map (which is attached to this message) is one example. The blue key in this map is acquired by detonating an explosion at the far north end of the map, down a path behind a gate.

I just played that map using Duke Plus. The card spawned and I was able to pick it up. So as far as I can tell, nothing is wrong.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


I would like to see an option to temporary play with classic defaults without my custom DP settings being forgotten. I know I could make a backup of dp.cfg, but still...

User is online   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer



Check out these maps, that show some freaky bug-effects using DukePlus....


What do u thing about?

User is offline   supergoofy 


Maps that use different art files or custom con code may have problems with DukePlus. Vanilla maps that use the standard art files from duke3d.grp and have no custom con code, should work ok with DukePlus (at least most of them) and of course without HRP or Polymer. Some maps may need software renderer, but I think EDuke32 dropped it a long time ago (can't remember, I always use Polymost and sometimes Polymer).

The file you uploaded is currently not available (stupid megaupload.com, it does such nasty things sometimes).

I think that DeeperThought is more capable of answering to your questions with more technical details, as I am not an experienced con coder and I know little about the technical stuff of EDuke32 and DukePlus. <_<

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 26 February 2010 - 12:33 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


No, these are special maps that he made to demonstrate the bugs. I'll be looking into it.

EDIT: I have looked at the maps. The first one with the bouncemines is interesting. However, most of the strangeness seems perfectly fine, when you think about it. You have a spawner that is set up to periodically spawn the mines. They spawn into a rapidly rotating sector. The only mystery is why they start to move when shot at, instead of just blowing up, but that's a small mystery, and it seems harmless enough, because the moving mines can still be destroyed. My guess is that it's some hardcoded behavior of the bouncemine sprite that no one had noticed before because people don't normally have lots of them placed on top of each other on the same coordinates.

I don't know what to say about the other map because I can't tell which things are supposed to be happening. I shoot the switch, and the platform starts to move back and forth...seems like a normal build effect that has nothing to do with DP. I also hear some sounds; is that the problem?

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 26 February 2010 - 01:19 PM


User is offline   Gambini 


He´s using DP shooters and targets for oscillating activations. I´m using a similar effect in my upcoming map but using vanilla effects. Lezing also uses a sort of the same thing in his lebuild example maps.

User is online   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostDeeperThought, on Feb 26 2010, 02:55 PM, said:

No, these are special maps that he made to demonstrate the bugs. I'll be looking into it.

EDIT: I have looked at the maps. The first one with the bouncemines is interesting. However, most of the strangeness seems perfectly fine, when you think about it. You have a spawner that is set up to periodically spawn the mines. They spawn into a rapidly rotating sector. The only mystery is why they start to move when shot at, instead of just blowing up, but that's a small mystery, and it seems harmless enough, because the moving mines can still be destroyed. My guess is that it's some hardcoded behavior of the bouncemine sprite that no one had noticed before because people don't normally have lots of them placed on top of each other on the same coordinates.

Yeah that´s the bug i was talkin´ about, it´s very strange that a group of bounce mines start to move only when are shot by the cruizer or the db shotgun instead of any regular weapon. And not only in a rotating sector.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNorvak, on Feb 28 2010, 04:46 PM, said:

Yeah that´s the bug i was talkin´ about, it´s very strange that a group of bounce mines start to move only when are shot by the cruizer or the db shotgun instead of any regular weapon. And not only in a rotating sector.

Maybe you can replicate the behavior without using Duke Plus. Instead of a spawner, just place a bunch of the mines on that same spot, then load up vanilla Duke and shoot the mines with a shotgun.

User is online   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostGambini, on Feb 27 2010, 06:17 PM, said:

He´s using DP shooters and targets for oscillating activations. I´m using a similar effect in my upcoming map but using vanilla effects. Lezing also uses a sort of the same thing in his lebuild example maps.

Yeah, i think its a rare use of dp shooter, the map i make is only a quick example (yes, with annoying sounds, sorry)

This post has been edited by Norvak: 28 February 2010 - 05:09 PM


User is offline   dopefish 



i recently installed eduke32 (again) and dukeplus 2.08. when i pick up the new laser gun, all i'm getting is a classic handgun sprite that shoots lasers.

in my log i've got this:

Loading 'dukeplus.def'
Error: file 'highres/sprites/decals/2298_n' does not exist
Error: file 'highres/textures/0191.jpg' does not exist
Error: file 'highres/textures/0880.jpg' does not exist
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_pickup.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_1.md3"

i checked and the lasergun_pickup.md3 and lasergun_1.md3 files are both present. the laser gun from previous versions worked fine. everything else in the game works fine.

any ideas? entire log dump here: http://pastebin.com/rh89J8AG


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