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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


Nice to see everything coming together.

FYI, I did as I said and fixed up the COOLEXPLOSION1 animation with one of my own, and that's worked perfectly. As an interesting side note on that, it turned out that a COOLEXPLOSION1 shooter shots will only travel for as long as the animation plays a single loop. It just so happened that this specific distance was pretty much exactly what I needed anyway, so everything worked out great.

With the shooters modified, the framerate is happily sitting up around 150-170 without issue even on my average little work PC... It opens up a whole lot of options for adding more detail to the scene ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I just released Duke Plus version 2.07. It's a big update, with stuff for both players and mappers to have fun with. Go to the site if you want to see the changelog or download it.

User is offline   Stabs 


thank you so much for all your work deeperthought

the stuff you have incorporated into dukeplus over the past few weeks is great and its totally changed my mod in a good way ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Based on what I've seen and your previous work, I'm sure that DNE will be awesome. But I'm worried that my computer won't be able to handle it. Polymer is a huge resource hog and it is required for DNE, right? (Of course one could play it in Polymost, but all of your lighting is done with Polymer so it would be kind of pointless). I'm afraid that not many people are going to be able to play DNE, because of the system requirements. I would like to get a beta of DNE so I can see what we are up against.

User is offline   Stabs 


the big bad question, can i run dne?

now i did start development of dne on polymer 1430, with hopes it would run better in the future, it has been running better of recent, and i have done things like change as many unseen walls to blank tiles, and gotten a slight improvement, went through the resources and downsized some stupidly large textures.

now polymer is an amazing lighting engine with the way it can wrap light around a model in particular, has a good intensity and a great vibrancy of colour, so in future version perhaps lighting quality slider should be developed, i think this could boost the fps a lot on older systems, another option to disable fire flickering would probably also net some fps gains.

but still DNE will have higher than normal system requirements than the average duke mod, although like i mentioned before, time will tell with how many quality settings polymer will get.

as for a beta ill see what i can put together, but i still think its very much alpha, the new duke bike and these new effects are going to change how i can do the levels quite a bit, but ill see what i can do ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 22 2010, 09:16 AM, said:

as for a beta ill see what i can put together, but i still think its very much alpha, the new duke bike and these new effects are going to change how i can do the levels quite a bit, but ill see what i can do ;)

There's no hurry. Don't take time away from development to put together a package, because I won't have much time to look at it anyway. I thought maybe you had something ready to go, and I could just run it and check the fps...but since that's not the case, just keep up the good work.

User is offline   Stabs 


a month or two i reckon, all these new effects have really sucked me back into it and i have been powering through stuff, but on the bright side, check your email ;)

User is offline   chicken 

  • Fashionable Modeler


I really love the new version.
The explosion sprites are really awesome.
But one little thing bothered me.
The edges of the new highres bloodpools look kinda blocky like they've been upscaled in Photoshop.

I played around with those tiles a little and blurred the edges and added some splatters.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postchicken, on Jan 22 2010, 12:21 PM, said:

I really love the new version.
The explosion sprites are really awesome.
But one little thing bothered me.
The edges of the new highres bloodpools look kinda blocky like they've been upscaled in Photoshop.

I played around with those tiles a little and blurred the edges and added some splatters.

Thank you! I was going to ask for help with those, but I never got around to it. Let's look at the progression:

Original 8-bit sprite (source unknown)
Posted Image

My upsized/filtered shit version
Posted Image

Your new and improved version
Posted Image

Screenshot with your version
Posted Image

User is offline   supergoofy 


Download mirror for the new dpblood1.png and dpblood2.png files by chicken:

Unpack the zip to DukePlus folder and overwrite old files

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 22 January 2010 - 02:20 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


sorry to do this, but i thought it was more on my part, but after cleaning up and refining cut scenes more, the quotes related to them when using multiple cameras seem to disappear a bit early as you may have seen in that vid, these quotes are activated via the camera changes themselves.

the one i did earlier was just a single camera with a shooter and chain driving those quotes and they seem to stay up fine.

perhaps some kind of tweak to the quoters so they stay up and wont go down for anything but another quoter

sorry as i know you just put dp2.07 up.

This post has been edited by DanM: 22 January 2010 - 11:30 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 22 2010, 11:30 PM, said:

sorry to do this, but i thought it was more on my part, but after cleaning up and refining cut scenes more, the quotes related to them when using multiple cameras seem to disappear a bit early as you may have seen in that vid, these quotes are activated via the camera changes themselves.

the one i did earlier was just a single camera with a shooter and chain driving those quotes and they seem to stay up fine.

perhaps some kind of tweak to the quoters so they stay up and wont go down for anything but another quoter

sorry as i know you just put dp2.07 up.

I've looked at the code, and I don't understand why that is happening. Once the quoter is activated (and we know that it is activating, because the quote does appear for a moment), the only way that it can be stopped is if (i) it has displayed for more tics than the quoter had EXTRA, or (ii) another quoter has been activated.

Please send me a little map that demonstrates the problem. It could be a one room map with texture 0 for all I care, but I need to have the bug happening on my computer so I can find out what is going on.

User is offline   Stabs 


i think i may have solved it

i usually have all quoters at a default tic of 500, now 3 or 4 could play and then the 1st ones cancel kicks in and clears whatever is on the screen killing a quote that had just appeared on screen, my solution is to just make all tics really high, 20000, and the last only 500, so there is no real need to fix that

does anyone know a mapster script that would change all the red Q tiles extra to 20,000?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 23 2010, 01:41 AM, said:

does anyone know a mapster script that would change all the red Q tiles extra to 20,000?

Make a text file with this script:

gamevar i 0 0

include names.h
defstate quoters
for i allsprites ifactor QUOTER ifge .lotag 1 set .extra 20000

Save it as dukeplus.m32

Now make sure that the names.h that comes with Duke Plus is in your mapster folder.

Run mapster and load the map. Open the console and type "include dukeplus". Then type "do state quoters". That will give them all 20000 extra.

We can add more states to dukeplus.m32 as needed. Maybe some day I'll make one big state that runs in a loop and allows mappers to do a lot of cool stuff, but for now we'll just keep it ad hoc.

User is offline   Lukaso 


Hi great work with latest Duke Plus but i have one question.

Is it possible to do set option into duke plus menu for selecting between old model and new model of alien laser pistol?
I dont like new model of alien laser pistol, oldest was more realistic and nicely.

Thanks ;)

This post has been edited by Lukaso: 23 January 2010 - 12:31 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostLukaso, on Jan 23 2010, 09:30 PM, said:

Is it possible to do set option into duke plus menu for selecting between old model and new model of alien laser pistol?
I dont like new model of alien laser pistol, oldest was more realistic and nicely.

I also don't like the new model because it fits more to a fifties-style SF environment rather than the mid-nineties of Duke.

But configuring this kind of stuff by menues would open a can of worms because everyone has his own opinion about what fits and what not. You will be better off configuring that yourself in your own installation. Putting the right .jpg/.png in place and maybe some .def editing should do the trick.

AT least this is what I did with the XXX-[lite]-pack and the DNF3D Community Pack
and it worked out quite well. (Plus I deleted DukePlus' annoying jump voices)

By the way - the new BFG is GREAT.

User is offline   Stabs 


that worked very well, this script thing has potential, perhaps / MAYBE even randomly generated levels one day

made one myself with that bit of info

gamevar i 0 0

include names.h
defstate hitboxs
for i allsprites ifactor HITBOX ifge .lotag 0 set .lotag 1

makes all the 508 lotag 1 so my hitboxes will never be seen

now a cool script would be the dukebots waypoint with incremental lotags ;)

User is offline   Lukaso 


View PostLeoD, on Jan 23 2010, 09:53 PM, said:

I also don't like the new model because it fits more to a fifties-style SF environment rather than the mid-nineties of Duke.

But configuring this kind of stuff by menues would open a can of worms because everyone has his own opinion about what fits and what not. You will be better off configuring that yourself in your own installation. Putting the right .jpg/.png in place and maybe some .def editing should do the trick.

AT least this is what I did with the XXX-[lite]-pack and the DNF3D Community Pack
and it worked out quite well. (Plus I deleted DukePlus' annoying jump voices)

By the way - the new BFG is GREAT.

I tried it but i think that need to be done more then rename right jpgs or pngs, im not good in programming but if i changed needed pictures i got old model of pistol (in original resolution) or new pistol with skin of alien lasergun. ;)

I dont know what next is need to change, i cannt change md2 and md3 files.

But I think that set option between that 2 guns into duke plus menu cannt be so hard for autor, he did it for example with mp5 and it is very good. Sometimes i like to play with mp5, sometimes with hand cannon. Same with shotgun.

But if DeeperThought cannt programing this option I will be like if someone help me with manual changing of that weapon, like I said Im not good programmer.
Thank you. :P

(sorry for my bad english)

User is offline   Stabs 


Can i get a little help writing this, iam not sure what i do but i think ive got a way to do it

every quoter i have has a matching picture, they share the same lotag, now if the picture quoter is pal 47 i want it to make its matching quote a pal 12, how would i write this up?

all my quote pics are just on hitag 10899 with pal variations.

gamevar i 0 0

include names.h
defstate quoters
for i allsprites ifactor QUOTER ifge .hitag 10899 & pal 47 & lotag is the same
make the sprite with a matching lotag pal 12

This post has been edited by DanM: 23 January 2010 - 10:21 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 23 2010, 10:21 PM, said:

Can i get a little help writing this, iam not sure what i do but i think ive got a way to do it

every quoter i have has a matching picture, they share the same lotag, now if the picture quoter is pal 47 i want it to make its matching quote a pal 12, how would i write this up?

all my quote pics are just on hitag 10899 with pal variations.

gamevar i 0 0

include names.h
defstate quoters
for i allsprites ifactor QUOTER ifge .hitag 10899 & pal 47 & lotag is the same
make the sprite with a matching lotag pal 12

I'm not familiar with mapster script, but based on looking at some example code this might work:

gamevar i 0 0
gamevar k 0 0

include names.h
defstate quoterpals
for i allsprites ifactor QUOTER ife .hitag 10899 ife .pal 47
	set k 0
	for k allsprites ifactor QUOTER ifn k i ife .lotag sprite[i].lotag
	set .pal 12


I don't have time to test it now, but if it doesn't work I can probably fix it (or someone else can point out my errors).

User is offline   Stabs 


thanks ill try that out

i may be able to slightly modify it if it dosnt work

User is offline   Stabs 


brilliant ;)

and i added a whole bunch of other ones by changing 2 numbers, this script stuff is great, i wont have to think as much now

User is offline   williamjcm 


View PostThe Commander, on Jan 15 2010, 07:00 AM, said:

I haven't really looked at how the cameras work, so I'm not sure if it does do this but the cameras could be good if they worked on tagged sectors like they seem to be in this video.


I've seen it 5 minutes ago and I've realized that Devil May Cry's cameras are acting the same way.

And the changing weapons in the character's hands is a great effect. DT, can this effect be implemented in DP ?

User is offline   Jblade 



And the changing weapons in the character's hands is a great effect. DT, can this effect be implemented in DP ?

The problem has never been code and stuff, just art - Duke's weapon is built into his model and there's no support for submodels yet so somebody would have to add in every weapon to Duke's model for it to work, and that would require new animations as well.

User is offline   williamjcm 


View PostJames, on Jan 24 2010, 03:19 PM, said:

The problem has never been code and stuff, just art - Duke's weapon is built into his model and there's no support for submodels yet so somebody would have to add in every weapon to Duke's model for it to work, and that would require new animations as well.

I just wanted to know about it. If I were good at programming, I would completely remake Eduke32 and add a mod manager based on Steam.

NOTE : I probably made some spelling or grammar errors. I'm French

User is offline   Lukaso 


Hi again, I solved my request with Laser gun (new model change back to old). I only changed these parameters in dukeplus.def


model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_pickup.md3" {
scale 3.0 shade 1
skin { pal 0 file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_1.jpg" }
frame { name "(from 3DSMax)" tile 6145 }

// HUD Laser Pistol (6146)
scale 1.9
skin { pal 0 surface 0 file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_1.jpg" }
skin { pal 0 surface 1 file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/laser6146_pistol.png" }
// glow { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/laser6146_pistol_g.png" }
frame { name "idle" tile0 6146 tile1 6148 smoothduration 0.0 }
hud { tile0 6150 tile1 6151 xadd -0.15 yadd 1.36 zadd -0.68 angadd -37 }
// hud { tile0 6146 tile1 6148 xadd -0.36 yadd 1.32 zadd -0.66 angadd -20 }
hud { tile0 6146 tile1 6148 xadd 0.25 yadd 1.32 zadd -0.66 angadd -40 }

texture 6152 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/laserflash.png" nocompress nodownsize } }

to parameters from Duke Plus 2.06 but I have one problem now.

Gun works perfectly, pick up model too but if I shot, laserflash is in bad position. Look at second picture.

Posted Image Posted Image

What's wrong? What I need to change yet?

This post has been edited by Lukaso: 24 January 2010 - 01:23 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostLukaso, on Jan 24 2010, 01:20 PM, said:

What's wrong? What I need to change yet?

What happened was I had to shift the laser to the right to match Gambini's model. The code for this is in DUKEPLUS.CON, in EVENT_EGS:



ifspawnedby APLAYER
getactor[THISACTOR].extra temp
shiftvarl temp 1
setactor[THISACTOR].extra temp
setactor[THISACTOR].xoffset -32

If you remove or comment out the line which sets the xoffset, it should fire from the center again.

User is offline   Stabs 


is there mapster script that can change the hitag of a group of sprites that are selected via right shift?

or another one that incrementally increase the lotag / hitag by 1 of a single sprite thats been pasted?

anyone feel free to chime in on this one

This post has been edited by DanM: 24 January 2010 - 10:09 PM


User is offline   Lukaso 


View PostDeeperThought, on Jan 25 2010, 12:04 AM, said:

What happened was I had to shift the laser to the right to match Gambini's model. The code for this is in DUKEPLUS.CON, in EVENT_EGS:



ifspawnedby APLAYER
getactor[THISACTOR].extra temp
shiftvarl temp 1
setactor[THISACTOR].extra temp
setactor[THISACTOR].xoffset -32

If you remove or comment out the line which sets the xoffset, it should fire from the center again.

Thank you for help, I deleted link "setactor[THISACTOR].xoffset -32" but laserflash is still on right position from weapon ;) is need anything else to change? In HUDPLUS.CON for example or other file?

This post has been edited by Lukaso: 25 January 2010 - 08:24 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostLukaso, on Jan 25 2010, 08:23 AM, said:

Thank you for help, I deleted link "setactor[THISACTOR].xoffset -32" but laserflash is still on right position from weapon ;) is need anything else to change? In HUDPLUS.CON for example or other file?

Nope, it's just that one line. I commented it out myself to test and it made the laser centered again. I'm not sure how you managed to screw that up, but you did.

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