Mikko_Sandt, on May 3 2010, 09:18 AM, said:
But anyways, wouldn't it make more sense for the car to have its own health system, maybe a health gauge that slowly regenerates (better than getting off to pick toolkits or health packs)? As far as the maps that already utilize the car go, such a system is not really necessary because the flight sections are relatively short but in maps with longer flight sections (such as in the above-mentioned map) it'd make sense.
Technically it should be doable. The AMC TC has a mech that has its own health gauge that slowly regenerates. You can also set its initial health to whatever level you wish.
There's no technical difficulty with doing it that way, but if the car has its own health, doesn't that mean that the car can be destroyed or become unusable while the player lives on? (say, if you eject as the last missile is coming in). But then the player could get into situations in existing maps where the map cannot be completed. I suppose that could be prevented with a few tweaks.