LeoD, on 15 July 2016 - 12:49 AM, said:
Sometimes when you encounter a group of troopers, one or two of them become invisible and can only be killed by explosives. I think only the red ones are affected and maybe only if spawned instead of pre-placed. Happened to me twice when playing Sanek's
DoomBOX, but it's not exactly reproducible.
Damn, I had forgotten about that. I think it has to do with troopers cloaking, and then resuming their regular behavior without uncloaking. There is some code in the "advanced AI" block which all enemies can use, and it can change behavior -- I probably allow that to happen without checking for cstat. At least that's my theory; I definitely want to fix it.
Here is what I have done so far:
DukePlus version 2.40 update
Maintenance fixes: These are things that used to work and got broken over time
-includes "NixFix" pack from LeoD (various fixes, mostly relating to model defs from changed HRP assets)
-fixed the next/prev weapon switching bug when player had expander
-Cycloid at the end of Dukecide map is now killable again
-Gore chunks are now the correct pal again (this means, for example, that frozen enemies spawn frozen chunks)
-Decals (rocket scorches, bullet decals) will now spawn slightly away from surface to prevent flickering
-Shell casings will stop spinning a few seconds after hitting the ground
Other changes:
-Removed hiss from step sounds
-Reduced number of gore chunks (still plenty though!)
-Increased reloading speed on mp5, and startup of reload on cruizer shotgun
-Duke's jump grunts are much less frequent
-Added game speed adjuster to the Environment submenu (rename of weather menu)
-Secondary fire on FreezerPlus shoots only 2 ice shards instead of 3, but they do slightly more damage; this makes the primary fire more attractive, as it should be
-Fixed HUD position and related text position for the MonCapsules (the optional tripbomb replacement that allows capture and release of monsters, pokemon style)