thedrawliner, on 11 June 2015 - 11:09 PM, said:
Some other smally bugies to reportee, I don't know if it had already been reported because I've witnessed it for quite a while and never thought about reporting it :
_Sometimes, and quite often, I don't know what makes this happen but messages no longer work for the course of the current level.
Messages like "unlocked" no longer appear, the "secret place" sound doesn't play since the message doesn't show up, pressing F8 doesn't fix it .... any message doesn't show up or when it does it is for an eye-blink time.
When a new level is loaded it is all back to normal.
As I said I can't get it what's making this happen and it also seems to happen more on Usermaps since I don't recall seeing this on the regular/main maps.
_About those shattered windows, they leave pieces on the ground and when we walk on them they turn into pixels. Well the thing is that if there is a lot of them and if it makes your game lag a bit then crouching and looking down to it will make them disappear along with its surrounding gag friends. An "exploit bug" that can prevent your PC from lagging in such places ^^
_I don't know why, and I don't recall seeing that before the patch was applied, but in the "Clear the Coast" usermap when we are about half way through (after using the first blue key-card(leading to the area with the RPG equivalent and the "Rock" restaurant)) the game slowly slows down. And when you reach the house with the red key-card the game maintains a slowed down pace for the rest of the map. By "slow down" I must precise that the sounds keep playing normally and the frame-rate is not as affected as it may sound and finally when you get in the pause menu the game seems to be back at normal speed but only as long as you're in the menu cause when you resume to the game it is back to its slowed down pace. That's a very strange bug, allows us for more time to dodge and all but it's irritating being slower and as I said I don't recall seeing this before the patch was made.
I was thinking about playing it on a lower difficulty than Expert just for testing's sake but never get time for it (long map's only problem).
Can confirm these as well. The disappearing messages might be an Eduke bug since restarting the game also fixes it.
Some more things:
- I noticed that Micky actually can't get drunk (and vomit) from any amount of alcohol. Or is that perhaps intentional?
- Micky also doesn't seem to have a hand sprite for holding the guardian's head. It just shows up as a completely black shape of a hand.
- I was able to reproduce this now: If you start a new game in the second episode, and do the "City under Siege" mission right away, then after the mission, you return to a version of the AMC Base where entering the briefing room makes the game act as if you just started the second episode (That is, all the conversations and the music is reverted back to pre-City under Siege state). However, if you do any other mission (EDF or main story), then when you return, the briefing room no longer reverts your progress. Kind of strange how that happens.
Oh I almost forgot to mention: I can now definitely say that the thug/ninjas are being cut apart by any kind of shotgun blast, fire or plasma attacks, might also happen with any other special death type.
Strangely enough, if you hit them with the EDF plasma gun once, and then kill them with something that should not cause a special death, they will gib like they were killed with the plasma gun.
Judging from that, perhaps the type of damage they receive is only being stored after the death animation was already decided, using the previously stored damage type. (Default being the cut-in-half animation?) Just grasping at straws here, I have no idea how they are actually coded.