Unfortunately a console release has not been mentioned I don't think but I think there will be enough demand for it after its release especially considering Turok is originally a console game(well damn). Steam and gog are confirmed and both Turok 1 and 2 are already in the steam data bases. This is a remaster and not a complete remake so its merely the same game with modern functions, looks, etc etc, and and a possible level editor. So you won't be needing a super power pc to run it but this will be the best Turok game yet with level editor is a big addition its what I'm really looking forward to that hasn't been confirmed.
Seems Turok is trending on facebook something I thought I wouldn't ever be saying
Let the bandwagon internet hype begin... Yeah guessing it is circle trending hehe I was just joking around with the fans but the facebook and gaming blog posts was quite a bit I saw a lot today and great to see!
Turok is coming back to reclaim his land he is the Son of Stone.