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Duke3D HRP: new/updated art assets thread  "Post and discuss new or updated textures/models for the HRP here"

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostPimpUigi, on May 27 2009, 06:29 AM, said:

Hmm...they look fine to me as is.

As long as they look like the 2D sprites and everything.
His leg is already much thicker than his sprite version.

So I don't agree with you.

His arms doesn't look like the 2D sprite, at least not when Duke is holding the shotgun. See?

Posted Image

That's really the only thing that stands out in the whole HRP. I'm not saying it sucks, I'm just saying it needs some improvement. Even people who have commented on some of the HRP videos found on YouTube has said the same thing.

User is offline   Moggimus 


^ Part of the reason I don't like the HRP, no offense to anyone.

User is offline   NightFright 

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View PostFantinaikos, on May 27 2009, 08:06 PM, said:

I have to report a microscopical estetic bug in unofficial Update. Now the duke icons in main menu rounds in correctly directions, but:

Posted Image

as you can see the icons (left and right) in 3/4 is too stretch and in profile pose tends to grow in orizzontal.

it's a coding bug?

I have also discovered the icon animation phases are NOT identical with original sprite. What should be #2817 is already #2816. You have three "spinning-to-the-right" phases (2814-2816) and just two "spinning-from-right" ones (2818/2819), not the other way round.

I have tried to correct this mistake by myself. Re-download HRP Update from link in previous posting from me to check. Should look correct now.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 28 May 2009 - 01:52 AM


User is offline   PimpUigi 


In regards to the arm holding the shotgun...
We all know the whole shotgun basically needs to be entirely redone.

New fire looks awesome...

More importantly though, why does this happen????
Posted Image

This post has been edited by PimpUigi: 28 May 2009 - 02:32 AM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Our plan was to unify all weapon hand models so that a bit memory is saved and all hands/arms look exactly the same. While doing so, the whole look of the muscles etc. could also be improved. We just need someone to do it still... :)

User is offline   PimpUigi 


The arm holding the shotgun is smaller when he's holding the shotgun than when he's holding the other guns.
Barely noticeable, not really important.
I don't see any defined muscles on his arms in the 2D sprites either. (and the 2D shotgun looks so much tinier)
His hands do look bonier in the sprites, that's about all I notice.

But why does the handgun's flash animation appear at the front and back of the gun?

Also, the stretched emblem look pretty awesome in that screen shot TBH
It'd be cool if it was actually that thick.

This post has been edited by PimpUigi: 28 May 2009 - 02:59 AM


User is offline   necroslut 


View PostPimpUigi, on May 28 2009, 12:50 PM, said:

The arm holding the shotgun is smaller when he's holding the shotgun than when he's holding the other guns.
Barely noticeable, not really important.
I don't see any defined muscles on his arms in the 2D sprites either. (and the 2D shotgun looks so much tinier)

Isn't that just the weird perspective (pretty much all true 3D FPS games suffer from this)?

User is offline   Parkar 

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View Postnecroslut, on May 28 2009, 01:47 PM, said:

Isn't that just the weird perspective (pretty much all true 3D FPS games suffer from this)?

Yes, the FOV (Field Of View) is way higher then what it is natural when you look "through" the monitor resulting in objects appearing further away then they really are. On the level itself it's not as obvious but the closer you get to the camera the more obvious it is. This is what happens to the arm.

In a lot of FPS games this is solved by rendering the guns using a different lower FOV then the world. In some sense this is what the sprite guns do to.

You can also shrink the depth axis of the model to counter the effect and this is done on most guns in the HRP to some extent. I think it's done a bit to the shotgun to but since it's such a long weapon it's not enough.

At the moment I am a bit reluctant to try and fix it as I want to see how things workout in polymer first. Just shrinking it might not be a good option once it gets lit due to the normals of things being affected. Shadow casting might also turn out to break the illusion.

In other words that arm is exactly the same arm used on all the other guns.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


There are other problems with handgun as well. It may be that sometimes, when the clip change animation kicks in, the clip isn't put into weapon, but "besides" it. I cannot quite tell how this can be reproduced, it just happens occasionally. There are some HUD weapons that look great (chaingun, RPG, Devastator, Shrinker) while others don't look so good or close to original (handgun, shotgun, Freezer). Maybe a creative guy will remake them one day, but since this is all work-in-progress anyway, you also have to live with what we currently got. :)

User is offline   Spiker 


I agree but what's wrong with the freezer? I think it's one of the best models there.

User is offline   PimpUigi 


Freezer and handgun are awesome IMHO.

Sure the handgun doesn't look 100% like the original sprite, but it looks awesome.
And the clip reloading bug isn't that big of a deal.

But the muzzle flash coming from the back of the handgun happens every single time you fire the thing.
That I think should be addressed, it's really annoying.

This post has been edited by PimpUigi: 29 May 2009 - 08:13 AM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

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View PostNightFright, on May 29 2009, 02:51 AM, said:

... Maybe a creative guy will remake them one day, but since this is all work-in-progress anyway, you also have to live with what we currently got. :)


User is offline   chicken 

  • Fashionable Modeler


@Lead: First you should get Dukeres.
You can use it to extract the art-files from your duke3d group-file.
Once you have done this you can view the artfiles in the same program.
Then you use the same program (how practical!) to export a tile to a .bmp.
You open the bmp in Pshop or the Gimp and then start remaking it.

General rules for remaking:
Don't use parts of the original tiles. only use it as a template to paint your stuff on.
Don't use textures or photos that have a copyright. Read the license term carefully (i know what i'm talking about :) )
Make your tiles 4x the size of the original bmp (or better 8x and scale them down at the end but keep the 8x original)
OK, colormode should be RGB, pink areas in the bmp should be transparent in your png.
As TeaMonster said, save your endresult as png (noninterlaced).
Then you use Png-Optimizer to reduce the size of the png.
As far as def-lines go, you should look at the def-lines in the hrp.
It's not that complex to figure out how these things work.
Then post your stuff here.
Ah yeah, hope to see some good stuff from you soon!

This post has been edited by chicken: 29 May 2009 - 11:34 AM



Just curious if an HRP update is still scheduled for June 1st. That's next Monday. :) No pressure, etc if not. I thought I read some speculation by one of the leading people on that effort on whether there would be enough new stuff to justify an update on June 1st. That's why I ask.

User is offline   supergoofy 


If you cannot wait you can always download the HRP Update v4.1 beta from:


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


The menu screen version info is currently pre-dated to July 1. I am still not sure whether to release or not. The menu icon thing is fixed, but v4.1 implicates noticable changes which are not there. OK, the new fire maybe, but it's still no finished, according to what I have read.

On the other hand... HRP progress got so slow lately that another four weeks waiting would probably make no difference in what would be included.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 30 May 2009 - 02:23 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


I think NightFright that the decision you did to upload v4.1 beta was the best thing. Now impatient people can download the beta and will not bother you anymore. It serves both you (as backup) and us (because we have the latest stuff each time).

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


It's the easiest method, anyway. I have to make an up-to-date version for myself after all, to see what the new stuff looks like ingame and decide whether it's worth being included or not (of course, it is in most cases). It's only reasonable to give others the opportunity to help in the decision process a bit better this way.


View Postsupergoofy, on May 29 2009, 11:20 PM, said:

If you cannot wait you can always download the HRP Update v4.1 beta from:


For some reason all toilet models are disfunctional after this "update", as well as this new fire is arguably an improvement over the previous one, which looks, IMO much better in game.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: toilets.jpg

This post has been edited by Another Duke Fan: 30 May 2009 - 06:12 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


You have right. The last update breaks toilet models

Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0569_toilet.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0571_stall.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0573_stallbroke.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0615_toiletbroke.md3"

all the above are md2 models and not md3

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 30 May 2009 - 06:26 AM


User is offline   Parkar 

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View Postsupergoofy, on May 30 2009, 03:58 PM, said:

You have right. The last update breaks toilet models

Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0569_toilet.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0571_stall.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0573_stallbroke.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/props/0615_toiletbroke.md3"

all the above are md2 models and not md3

Actually they are md3 models now. Seems like Nightfright just missed including the new models.

User is offline   supergoofy 


At least neither the duke3d_hrp.zip nor hrp_update.zip have these md3 models

User is offline   supergoofy 


Can we have the svn repository for duke3d_hrp , so that we can download the latest revision directly?

I have the feel that I'm asking too much :) :D

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 30 May 2009 - 09:22 AM


User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


View Postsupergoofy, on May 30 2009, 07:00 PM, said:

Can we have the svn repository for duke3d_hrp , so that we can download the latest revision directly?

Parkar already gave the repository URL in another thread. It's:

User is offline   supergoofy 


I don't mean the Polymer HRP, I got it from its svn repository. The normal Duke3D HRP I was asking.

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


View Postsupergoofy, on May 30 2009, 07:43 PM, said:

I don't mean the Polymer HRP, I got it from its svn repository. The normal Duke3D HRP I was asking.

There's no such thing anymore. Both HRPs are maintained at that address. Just don't use polymer and it'll act as the regular HRP (minus a few exceptions like diffuse maps, but in the end they'll be defined separately).

User is offline   supergoofy 


Here are the missing md3 files that are found in polymer_hrp :
Attached File  fix.zip (14.41K)
Number of downloads: 1207

Here is the full update pack fixed:


This post has been edited by supergoofy: 30 May 2009 - 10:15 AM


User is offline   PimpUigi 


There's still a lot of missing models and textures TBH.

Like the barrels you blow up to begin E1M1

User is offline   USC 



I just downloaded the HRPv4 installer and the update on the forum (gotta have the nicest looking toilets possible!). I was playing through the first episode when I noticed that some of the computer 'keypad' textures are flipped upside down...

Attached Image: MessedUpTiles.JPG

I don't know if this could be fixed by just flipping the textures or whether it'd require remapping those level objects...?

User is offline   Spiker 


The barrels work fine for me.

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