@Lead: First you should get Dukeres.
You can use it to extract the art-files from your duke3d group-file.
Once you have done this you can view the artfiles in the same program.
Then you use the same program (how practical!) to export a tile to a .bmp.
You open the bmp in Pshop or the Gimp and then start remaking it.
General rules for remaking:
Don't use parts of the original tiles. only use it as a template to paint your stuff on.
Don't use textures or photos that have a copyright. Read the license term carefully (i know what i'm talking about

Make your tiles 4x the size of the original bmp (or better 8x and scale them down at the end but keep the 8x original)
OK, colormode should be RGB, pink areas in the bmp should be transparent in your png.
As TeaMonster said, save your endresult as png (noninterlaced).
Then you use Png-Optimizer to reduce the size of the png.
As far as def-lines go, you should look at the def-lines in the hrp.
It's not that complex to figure out how these things work.
Then post your stuff here.
Ah yeah, hope to see some good stuff from you soon!