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Duke3D HRP: new/updated art assets thread  "Post and discuss new or updated textures/models for the HRP here"

User is offline   Piterplus 


Venom3 instead of making huge texturespacks you better tune your monitor's brightness/contrast for your taste - you will receive same result without all that trouble.
No offence but it's just a waste of time (not completely, because while doing it you probably learned a lot and it may be useful lately)

This post has been edited by Piterplus: 21 October 2009 - 01:21 PM


User is offline   Venom3 


Not really... Ok, maybe with this texture, but with other textures it isn't true, or I have a wrong monitor^^

User is offline   Roma Loom 

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Upscaling original HRP textures is fail_by_default and really should be forbidden. Why the hell they should be that big in the first place?

User is offline   NightFright 

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I agree with Roma on this. Simple upscaling of tiles already redone by others is artistic theft/rip IMHO. At least, it is not productive and gains nothing. This should not be done.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 21 October 2009 - 11:52 AM



View Postzchri9, on Oct 21 2009, 12:57 PM, said:

BuddhaMaster, I edited the Duke Nukem 3D logo you already changed a little bit more. Hope you don't mind, just made the yellow a bit more dark.

But now it looks almost like it did before !! :o

In original Duke 3d the title font looks perfectly similar to how I did it - yellow.

Why did you turn it back orange ?
On the covers, nintendo 64, original artwork it looks orange - but inside the game it looks yellow !

Posted Image
Posted Image
or yours back to orange like it was..
Posted Image
That looks just too dam obvious.. unless my duke nukem 3d isn't original ?

Also I will give the red font a slight more comical look, a bold bright red border and rounder appearance.
Oh and I will fix the keycard's too, they lack a embossed thick bold look, making it appear more sprite like.

p.s. the menu-font files handled here do not match up the original textures format anymore ! If that's a problem, take note of it..

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 21 October 2009 - 01:14 PM


User is offline   zchri9 

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I just think it should appear a bit more darker.

User is offline   NF64 

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View Postzchri9, on Oct 21 2009, 05:06 PM, said:

I just think it should appear a bit more darker.

But if you look at buddhamasters pic (the first one) you DO see it IS yellow. I think buddhamaster knows what he is doing and I like what he is doing :o
hes making duke feel like duke again...

User is offline   zchri9 

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I still think the yellow should be darker. Either way BuddhaMasters edit is an improvement of the logo.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: Untitled.png

This post has been edited by zchri9: 21 October 2009 - 01:55 PM



View Postzchri9, on Oct 21 2009, 11:53 PM, said:

I still think the yellow should be darker. Either way BuddhaMasters edit is an improvement of the logo.

ok slightly darker, I admit that's true, but only a slight bit. Actually my "new" lcd monitor is pretty bright and I have a hard time to get the colors and brightness of a good old tube screen :o

Mostly I hate the motion blurr and even forgot how a crisp motion image look

I'll finish the joined text version and upload all files with correct format tomorrow -
still need to know if the files need to have a pallete or anything ? Because when I loaded the unmodified files, layers and stuff was all locked.

User is offline   Roma Loom 

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View PostBuddhaMaster, on Oct 22 2009, 06:10 AM, said:

still need to know if the files need to have a pallete or anything ? Because when I loaded the unmodified files, layers and stuff was all locked.

That's because they were saved as 8bit PNG to be less in size with nearly no quality loss. Feel free to save as 16bit if needed.

This post has been edited by Roma Loom: 22 October 2009 - 01:16 AM


User is offline   Parkar 

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View PostBuddhaMaster, on Oct 22 2009, 05:10 AM, said:

ok slightly darker, I admit that's true, but only a slight bit. Actually my "new" lcd monitor is pretty bright and I have a hard time to get the colors and brightness of a good old tube screen :o

Mostly I hate the motion blurr and even forgot how a crisp motion image look

I'll finish the joined text version and upload all files with correct format tomorrow -
still need to know if the files need to have a pallete or anything ? Because when I loaded the unmodified files, layers and stuff was all locked.

EDuke32 can handle both 8-bit, 24bit and 32bit png. For this one 32bit png would be best as you can get rid of the aliased edge that way. Does not have to be any particular palette.


View PostParkar, on Oct 22 2009, 12:45 PM, said:

EDuke32 can handle both 8-bit, 24bit and 32bit png. For this one 32bit png would be best as you can get rid of the aliased edge that way. Does not have to be any particular palette.

ok thank you.
so here we go again.
(scroll back few post's to compare)

-Title Font
darkened, reduced the overall flatness, tiny bit more orange again.

*updated* all tiles final.

Attached Image: 2499.png Attached Image: 2497.png Attached Image: 2498.png

- Atomic Edition Logo

*updated* "atomic" edition tile 2502 updated and 2503 added.

Attached Image: 2502.png Attached Image: 2503.png

Get this pack (autoload folder) with all my updated textures and rock and check the menu, it looks nice and "comical".
Attached File  hrp_update_bud.zip (3.09MB)
Number of downloads: 926

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 26 October 2009 - 09:15 PM


User is offline   Mark 


I really like the title text, but the loading screen logo looks like it is made of painted styrofoam. The texture needs to be closer to what we have now.


View PostMarked, on Oct 23 2009, 01:03 AM, said:

I really like the title text, but the loading screen logo looks like it is made of painted styrofoam. The texture needs to be closer to what we have now.

yeah that's true, cause I worked on it at 50% zoom and therefore never noticed it. I'll rework it

btw: your avatar has the exact shading of what duke's arms should look like :o I alway's thought they look perfectly photo-realistic. Best Sprite(s) ever !

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 22 October 2009 - 03:34 PM


User is offline   chicken 

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I would vote for a change of the background. A blend between the two you have would be good.

But why change the nukelogo? I've rendered it in highres so why make it blurry?
I dont think it has to look comiclike, the original 8-bit tile only had a handful of pixels at its disposal.
This is where the comiclike impression comes from.
If they had been able to make highres graphics in 1996 it would have looked like the one we have now.

User is offline   Piterplus 


BuddhaMaster Your 2499 has wrong proportions - check original. Letters DUKE NUKEM is much too high. Also, it's font has rough blocky edges, unlike one we have currently.
About Chicken's 3281 - he's right. His logo has crisp clear rusty look - I think nothing more can be done with it (nothing much to make it better, of course).

This post has been edited by Piterplus: 29 October 2009 - 04:01 AM


User is offline   SwissCm 


View PostBuddhaMaster, on Oct 23 2009, 06:44 AM, said:

Shitty Crappy "Artwork"

Your artwork is terrible. Go away and don't come back until you make something that doesn't look like it's been through a billion photoshop filters.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

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View PostSwissCm, on Oct 23 2009, 05:58 AM, said:

Your artwork is terrible. Go away and don't come back until you make something that doesn't look like it's been through a billion photoshop filters.

Do we need to call for a time out? Seriously. What is your problem?

Great work on that Duke logo BuddhaMaster. My only suggestion is on the NUKE logo that you make it match in terms of colorisation and texture. (They're supposed to basically match imho)

This post has been edited by Commando Nukem: 23 October 2009 - 10:54 AM


User is offline   PimpUigi 


The loading screen logo...is much better the way it is now.
I'm for things looking the way they should, but this "oil painting" thing, is a huge step in the wrong direction, because they should also look as realistic as possible at the same time.

I like the redone Duke Nukem, 3D, and Atomic words.

This post has been edited by PimpUigi: 23 October 2009 - 05:49 PM



View PostPiterplus, on Oct 23 2009, 11:10 AM, said:

BuddhaMaster Your 2499 has wrong proportions - check original. Letters DUKE NUKEM is much too high. Also, it's font has rough blocky edges, unlike one we have currently.
About Chicken's 3281 - he's right. His logo has crisp clear rusty look - I think nothing more can be done with it (nothing more to make it much better, of course).

wrong, the duke nukem 3d is pixel perfect to before. Joined Tile 2499 is slightly smaller, therefore pixel's are less visible. But I will match up the format. (does it get stretched this way?)

scrap the nuke logo, it was just a sketch, luckily noted as such. Your original model looks pretty cool of course. But maybe a bit too sharp and somehow "noisy", if you could render the details a bit bigger, more crumbled and softer (maybe normalmap) that would be nice. My goal is basically to have it almost look like stone a bit.

I'd prefer a slight posterized or comical afterwork look anyway..... the most important thing is the background and logo must look like being one connected part (flat) that's the magic

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 23 October 2009 - 10:09 PM


User is offline   Piterplus 


You don't understand. We have a rule/condition here - all hi-res textures should have size x2, x4, or x8 (power of two, four ect) of original. This is not our "wish", it is based on videocard's limitations (at least old ones).
Original 2499 have 203x32 pix size. Accordingly, new one should be 812x128. Current one we have in hrp is also slightly out of proportions (812x192), but texture which you have done have absolutely wrong size - 748x240.
You just slapped together 2497 and 2498 in your graphic editor - this is wrong approach. You have to modify them to match original.

This post has been edited by Piterplus: 29 October 2009 - 04:05 AM



View PostPiterplus, on Oct 24 2009, 12:29 PM, said:

You don't understand. We have a rule/condition here - all new textures should be enlarged x2, x4, or x8 (power of two, four ect). This is not our "wish", it is based on videocard's limitations (at least old ones).
Original 2499 have 203x32 pix size. Accordingly, new one should be 812x128. Current one we have in hrp is also slightly out of proportions (812x192), but texture which you have done have absolutely wrong size - 748x240.
You just slapped together 2497 and 2498 in your graphic editor - this is wrong approach. You have to modify them to match original.

I see, now is power of 2 really important ? should i center the graphical content then ? cause there will be corner's.

when there's no stretching applied displayed in game, the format wasn't correct before.
Pre-Menu fading logo is originally much tighter (higher). But I fix that to match up original game (screenshots) x4, hopefully it will be right then.

does anybody know the number of tile "Earth on screens" (with scanlines) ?
There should be only 1 type of Earth thorough the game, I like to fix all the orbit skyboxes and improve them. Color's Contrast, location & size of planet's

No offend to the skybox work ! It's wonderful. But the on-moon-surface skybox actually kills me :o ;) great work, very romatic !

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 25 October 2009 - 03:26 PM


User is offline   Piterplus 


View PostBuddhaMaster, on Oct 26 2009, 03:24 AM, said:

But I fix that to match up original game (screenshots) x4, hopefully it will be right then.

There is no need to make screenshots, just take original art from DUKE3D.GRP. as a base layer. But remember, you cannot use any part of it directly , you can use it as a sample/reference only in underneath layer.
There is Dragon unpacker or other programs to extract files from .grp.

This post has been edited by Piterplus: 29 October 2009 - 04:06 AM



View PostPiterplus, on Oct 26 2009, 08:26 AM, said:

There is no need to make screenshots, just take original art from DUKE3D.GRP. as a base layer (But remember, you cannot use any part of it directly , you can use it as a sample only in underneath layer.
There is Dragon unpacker or other programs to extract files from .grp.

sorry for being inconvenient. I downloaded that tool and used it to extract the original tiles. Thanks, that's sure better to be able looking at the original right away.
-Tile 2499 does now match up original tile x4, proportion's can't get better. But obviously there was some stretching needed, so I gave it a sharpness filter and also reduced color and brightness furthermore.
But Maybe we should prefer sizing up x6 for these Font's, or there is negative stretching.
-Tile 2497 and 2498 were ok. Matching up previous HRP files, they have a few pixel's empty border. That will make them appear slightly smaller than original, but it's fairly hard to stretch these few pixel's without big quality loss. So I leave that for now. But someone might prefer a straight line on the "3" (as updated 2499 ?)

- Atomic" Edition is gonna get fixed too. The perspective was actually right :o there IS some stretching on displaying that tile. I should have known, because the stretching vs tight font is rather obvious in the menu.

Updated tiles @reply 282:

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 26 October 2009 - 02:00 PM



updated current tile 1169
It's based on current tile, which was a upsized and filtered version of the original.
This is just taken further and colors are dead-on matching

It's Twice as big = 1024x1024, uncompressed png, that should be ok for it's kind of appearance.
A slight more weathered look (paralell tiles form horizontal tiles = canyon'ized look) finer level of details to distance
Didn't test it, should display a improvement in the game.

left to right: current tile --------- original tile --------- updated tile

Attached Image: 1169current.png Attached Image: texture_001169.jpg Attached Image: 1169.png

But if you hate duke nukem 3d, go along :o (dont take the "detail's" too serious)

Edit: updated 2502 & added 2503 ("atomic" edition) to reply 282

Get this pack (autoload folder) with all my updated textures and rock and check the menu, it looks nice and "comical".
Attached File  hrp_update_bud.zip (3.09MB)
Number of downloads: 926

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 26 October 2009 - 08:31 PM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

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View PostBuddhaMaster, on Oct 26 2009, 07:52 PM, said:

updated current tile 1169
It's based on current tile, which was a upsized and filtered version of the original.
This is just taken further and colors are dead-on matching

It's Twice as big = 1024x1024, uncompressed png, that should be ok for it's kind of appearance.
A slight more weathered look (paralell tiles form horizontal tiles = canyon'ized look) finer level of details to distance
Didn't test it, should display a improvement in the game.

left to right: current tile --------- original tile --------- updated tile

Attachment 1169current.png Attachment texture_001169.jpg Attachment 1169.png

But if you hate duke nukem 3d, go along :o (dont take the "detail's" too serious)

Looks cool.

User is offline   Piterplus 


Our current version is too saturated, indeed, but there is no necessity to blow it size (it was mentioned here before) you've just lost small details/sharpnes in the process. 512x512 is quite enough.
Probably better way is just correct hue/saturation in our current hrp texture, like this:
Current tile edited
Posted Image

Our reduce your version to original size (512x512) and add some sharpness:
Posted Image

And current tile is not "upsized and filtered version of the original" - it's absolutely forbidden here.

This post has been edited by Piterplus: 27 October 2009 - 03:30 AM


User is offline   Roma Loom 

  • Loomsday Device


Once again, how the hell upsized texture could become more detailed? It's always getting blurred! What the f*ck is wrong with this simple logic?


excuse me for being rude, but the rock texture looked like the original tile, upsized, with a TextureMaker shader applied (giving that round look) and a craquelure layer.

but by saying "Upsizing" Did not just mean stretching, also working out different level's of detail's.
I will only update existing texture's, no repainting ! Mostly color-perfection and shading appearance

btw: The rock caynon texture got a horrible normal-map that looks like diffuse texture converted to normal-map, giving completely wrong result, almost inverted (black=highest). Testing-purpose ? Actually I don't see any normal-mapping yet.

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 27 October 2009 - 02:02 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Please show us a comparison of the current HRP tile against "the original tile, upsized, with a TextureMaker shader applied (giving that round look) and a craquelure layer".

Do not use filters to blow up an existing texture to a bigger size. That is completely wrong from both art and technical standpoints.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 27 October 2009 - 03:06 PM


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