Just tried it. Hmm, a bit strange. I tried E1L1 with the Polymer HRP. Even though the framerate on the roof says it's 90-100 it's very jumpy and skippy. Once down in the street this strange phenomenon disappears, though, (along with the improved framerate) until you go back up. Performance seems to vary from area to area moreso than before. Some bigger areas are worse than they were before and some isolated areas are silky smooth when they weren't before. All in all it's not quite as playable as it was before as far as gameplay is concerned. It takes the game a bit of time to come to grips with new textures and I lose framerate altogether for a bit until it figures itself out and then it's partially playable.
Then the game crashed when it attempted to load the second level. Before the texture caching. Whereas before the game would just close (no error message) after the textures were cached on random levels.
Still there was definitely an improvement in certain areas. Optimization seems to be coming along nicely.
My specs:
P4 2.8 Ghz
I tried posting my eduke32.log but it wouldn't show. There were a lot of texture "GL_FALSE!" errors, though.
EDIT: I just deleted my texture cache files and tried starting up the game again and it crashes on startup now. Can't even start the game.
EDIT 2: Ok, now it works again. Bizarre.
EDIT 3: Apparently some of my framerate issues are gone this time around. I forgot that I was downloading a pretty hefty file during my first run. Now it seems much more manageable. I still have quite a bit of framerate issues where more than a couple lights are involved. I also no longer get lighting from objects such as switches and atomic health.
Also, here's some screenshots of the bizarre shadow effect spotlights have for me: