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EDuke32 2.0 and Polymer!  "talk about the wonders of EDuke32 and the new renderer"

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


They're not _needed_, but some of them are useful resources. Since snapshots are now the primary mean of distributing EDuke32, it seems like it would be good for newcomers to get these files right away.

User is offline   supergoofy 


Ok, then I agree.

And here is the latest unofficial compiled binary by me:


build_win32_20091214-1570.zip (kextract, kgroup etc.)

Compiled using gcc 4.3.3 and msys 1.0.11 (I already published a link for my compilation environment in the past)

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 14 December 2009 - 08:47 AM



I'm STILL getting that annoying compile error with ENHANCE.CON in NR, even in r1570.

Is there any chance you guys can try to figure this out as well? I know there's this whole MP thing, but this problem's persisted for the last 15 or so revisions for me, even before the announcement of the new MP system, and I can't test them to see if I get the sound freeze on my new computer or not. :\

EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20091214
(): Added C:/Other Stuff/eduke32/
: Windows XP (5.1.2600) Service Pack 3
Large page support available
Loading opengl32.dll
Loading glu32.dll
Initializing DirectDraw...
Using config file 'eduke32.cfg'.
Scanning for GRP files...
Using group file 'duke3d.grp' as main group file.
Compiling: GAME.CON (1445610 bytes)
Resizing code buffer to 1048576*4 bytes
Including: DEFS.CON (69451 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (180987 bytes)
.CON:1631: warning: truncating quote text to 127 characters.
Including: ENHANCE.CON (15829 bytes)
.CON: At top level:
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
ENHANCE.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'
.CON:20: error: expected a keyword but found `'.
fatal error: too many errors: Aborted
Found 1 warning(s), 64 error(s).
Uninitializing DirectDraw...

I've shown a similar log to this before, but I'm doing so again to remind you guys this is still around. :\

I really don't get why the compiler's being so funked out anyways. :lol:

User is offline   supergoofy 


The problems with the con code started from 1544.
I think that the gtk patch that was added, it has introduced these bugs.

The last version that worked is 1543.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 14 December 2009 - 10:20 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


I have also compiled the new svn 1571:

eduke32_win32_20091214-1571.zip (unofficial binary compiled by me)

more multiplay fixes + server password support + client ping time display

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 14 December 2009 - 12:39 PM


User is online   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View Postsupergoofy, on Dec 14 2009, 04:29 PM, said:

I have also compiled the new svn 1571:

eduke32_win32_20091214-1571.zip (unofficial binary compiled by me)

more multiplay fixes + server password support + client ping time display

Does this mean we'll see something like in-game joining at some point?

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


1. When are we getting normal maps on models?

2. Will there ever be a solution to the ATI OpenGL problem?

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostTea Monster, on Dec 16 2009, 12:07 PM, said:

2. Will there ever be a solution to the ATI OpenGL problem?

What problem? All is fine and dandy here on my ATI.

User is offline   gt1750 


View PostThe Commander, on Dec 16 2009, 12:28 AM, said:

What problem? All is fine and dandy here on my ATI.

Really? How do the spotlight shadows in E1M1 (fence on roof, vent) look like on yours? On my ATI, they are a bit messed up.

User is offline   Usurper 

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I'm with Gambini on the whole "treat 0 0 0 x/y/zvel as 255 255 255 for lights" idea. Since you'd never use a 0 0 0 light, it makes a lot of sense.

User is offline   Gambini 


Thanks for the support, let´s hope somebody else join us (specially someone able to apply it :lol: )

User is offline   supergoofy 


About the con errors in the latest eduke32 builds.

I did a little investigation and I tested Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress mod. I found where the problem is:

1. Two con files appear to have errors: ENHANCE.CON and SPECIAL.CON

2. Now lets see where the errors are:

A. In ENHANCE.CON the errors appear because the command define is written:
with # in front of define
Replacing #define with define fixes the errors

B. In SPECIAL.CON the errors appear because the command case is written:
with : at the end of case
Replacing case: with case fixes the errors

3. I have uploaded a zip file with the fixed con files and the original con files, for you to compare.

4. There are other mods with similar problems.

These problems didn't appear with older versions of eduke32 probably because these characters were ignored by the engine. But I don't know much about con coding, so I'm not sure.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 16 December 2009 - 12:27 PM


User is offline   Jblade 


hey! You're absolutely right, I just went through and got rid of those ':' in my case statements and it works! Thanks a huge bunch :lol:

User is offline   supergoofy 


I also fixed the major errors in Nuclear Showdown, but there are many warnings and there is this annoying bug: When I try to change a weapon it always gives me the kick, and I cannot use any weapon. Only when I get ammo, e.g. when I get shotgun shells, the kick changes to shotgun. But if I try to change again a weapon it gives me again the kick, and I cannot do anything. (also all weapons are not empty, they have some ammo)

Same errors has the HellDuke TC and others.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 16 December 2009 - 02:14 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postsupergoofy, on Dec 16 2009, 01:08 PM, said:

I also fixed the major errors in Nuclear Showdown, but there are many warnings and there is this annoying bug: When I try to change a weapon it always gives me the kick, and I cannot use any weapon. Only when I get ammo, e.g. when I get shotgun shells, the kick changes to shotgun. But if I try to change again a weapon it gives me again the kick, and I cannot do anything. (also all weapons are not empty, they have some ammo)

Same errors has the HellDuke TC and others.

Do all of those mods use EVENT_SELECTWEAPON? TerminX made a change to that event recently which fixed a bug and makes it work differently. I don't remember everything that was changed, but I do remember that RETURN is now set to the weapon number being switched to.

User is offline   supergoofy 


Yep, Nuclear Showdown has these lines:


getplayer[THISACTOR].reloading TEMP ifvarn TEMP 0 { setvar RETURN 1 } else { setvar RETURN 0 }

Changing it to:


getplayer[THISACTOR].reloading TEMP ifvarn TEMP 0 { setvar RETURN -1 } // else { setvar RETURN 0 }

It seems it is now fixed. Thanks DeeperThought. :lol:
Maybe it also needs some other changes.

Here are the fixed con files for Nuclear Showdown:

For HellDuke TC here is the fixed con files:

HELLHUD.CON had very strange errors related to space characters. I just deleted the spaces and added again exactly the same spaces (in number). That fixed the problem.

The other was with the weapons, the same as the problem in Nuclear Showdown: Bad use of EVENT_SELECTWEAPON
Maybe it also needs some other changes.


Post updated with new fixed con files. These con files fix the con errors and also fix the problems with the weapons selection.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 17 December 2009 - 10:19 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


I decided to compile r1573, so here are the compiled binaries:



You can always get the official compiled binaries from:

There are also the compiled binaries by Hendricks266:

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 17 December 2009 - 06:24 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


As I mentioned in a previous post there is a strange bug with eduke32 and space characters.

Space characters from different character encoding cause errors. Replacing these space characters with Western (ISO-8859-1) character encoding it fixes those errors.

Thus to all of you con coders be careful when you hit SPACEBAR, first make sure you have Western (ISO-8859-1) character encoding and English. (ISO-8859-1 is a superset of ANSI/ASCII)
The same bug may happen with TAB. But haven't tested it yet. I'm trying to fix spaces and replace them with ANSI/ASCII character encoding spaces.

A very classic example of this stupid behavior of eduke32 is Blood Weapons addon by M210. There are so many errors there and all are related with wrong character encoding in space characters.

In the end the situation became very silly. There are so many errors with the space characters.

Here is the fixed EDUKE.con for Blood Weapons mod 1.02

Here is the original EDUKE.con for you to compare:

Don't do a text compare. Do a binary compare. The text is the same. The only thing that is changed is the space characters (now they are ANSI/ASCII).

The first errors appear in line 1028. If you check the fixed and the original EDUKE.con, the line 1028 in both of them is the same, but one or more space characters have different encoding. The same happens to other lines.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 17 December 2009 - 09:53 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Good detective work! :lol:

User is offline   supergoofy 


Duke Army 2.0 v3.14 has also stupid errors. Have you tried to run it with latest eduke32 builds?

For example line 50 of dukearmy_hud.con has invalid characters [[ ]] :


rotatesprite ragedisplay display_y 16432 0 RAGE 0 0 0 [[windowx1]] [[windowy1]] [[windowx2]] [[windowy2]]

Removing them fixes the errors:


rotatesprite ragedisplay display_y 16432 0 RAGE 0 0 0 windowx1 windowy1 windowx2 windowy2

For Duke Nukem Weapons of Mass Destruction mod there are errors with the commands:

Removing the character " : " fixes the errors:


case: ---> case
default: ---> default

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 18 December 2009 - 08:27 AM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View Postsupergoofy, on Dec 18 2009, 10:14 AM, said:

Duke Army 2.0 v3.14 has also stupid errors. Have you tried to run it with latest eduke32 builds?

For example line 50 of dukearmy_hud.con has invalid characters [[ ]] :
rotatesprite ragedisplay display_y 16432 0 RAGE 0 0 0 [[windowx1]] [[windowy1]] [[windowx2]] [[windowy2]]

Removing them fixes the errors:
rotatesprite ragedisplay display_y 16432 0 RAGE 0 0 0 windowx1 windowy1 windowx2 windowy2

Looks somebody got wiki-copy-happy.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


I had that problem before, I just believed the wiki. But thinking now, [[ probably is not part of the gamevar, but rather bag Wiki sintak (since [[text]] is the default link code in Wikimedia)

User is offline   supergoofy 


Here all the fixes that I have done for Various mods:

The fixes allow the mods to run with latest eduke32 builds.

The fixes are for:
Bedrone map
Blood Weapon mod v1.02
Duke Nukem Weapons of Mass Destruction v1.51
Duke Nukem Army 2 v3.14
Duke!Zone 2
Fun Mode v1.1
HellDuke v1.3
Naferia's Reign Invasion Of The Dark Mistress v5.17.11082009
Nuclear Showdown v1.1
Oblivion3D final
Platoon TC v1.1b
Platoon TC Remake beta
Pray Your Prayers 2000

Also when I exit Infestation in Time TC v1.1, eduke32 crashes.
Don't try to use toolbox in NSTEST map (in Nuclear Showdown), it will crash eduke32.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 18 December 2009 - 10:52 AM



I didn't knew that there was a remake being made of the Platoon TC...

User is offline   kenia 


as for dukearmy: im really sure it was just copy and paste I did there :lol:
anyway it has a bunch of other errors. For example when Im using flamethrower with polymer
it always crashed. I guess its something about the mass amount of light sources being spawned
when firing that weapon.

User is offline   Chip 


I have a flamethrower in my mod, it works by shooting many sprites however I have only every 7th particle of that weapon cause a light source (starting with the first) so it keeps a constant light around the fire but yet maintains performance.
These spawned light sources also follow the particle that spawned them.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


I have four things to request.

1. undefvoxel

2. an option in the voxel definitions to give it priority over any defined hightile texture

3. undefskybox

4. an option in the skybox definitions for only the base pal (0) to use the skybox and all others to default to textures

This last option could be especially useful for the HRP skybox defined for the lava tiles (1082-1087). Lunatic Fringe (E2L11) uses #1082 for a skybox to give an eerie effect. However, it is very common in user maps/mods/TCs for mappers to use one of the non-animating tiles colored pal 1 for a normal sky and pal 24 for an overcast sky. Unfortunately, the way it is currently, the pal 1 sky tints the E2L11 sky blue, which looks quite bad. Pal 24 skies revert to the E2L11 skybox, because there is no tint for them. As part of the recent palette pack I uploaded, I included all the alt-pals for the lava textures so that these skies would be highres. With the E2L11 skybox in place, they do not work.

User is offline   Piano Man 



So far I have had a shitload of fun playing with the spotlights and casting shadows etc... Obviously this polymer renderer is pretty impressive and we're all experimenting with it...

Are there any plans to try and render the following abilities in polymer

1) The ability to colour or tint entire walls using the RGB method (without the use of the spotlight sector effector)??? To be able to tint full walls without the use of the spotlight would give the environment a little more colour and enhance your surroundings.

2) Is it possible to have the spotlight casting shadows onto the first person models that we see (e.g. Dukes hand and gun etc) That would be cool...

3) Is it possible to increase the amount of pixels that render the spotlights... Yes it may use up a little more CPU and give the GPU something to worry about, but I'm just curious.

4) Will it be possible to set Parallaxed sky shadows??? Basically any sector with a parallaxed sky could cast a shadow based on a light source from the skybox (e.g. The sunset skybox casting a shadow imitating the sun, the moon casting a pale white shadow from above???)

The only thing I wish the duke engine could do now is play movies between levels or when triggered by a sector or touchplate - THAT WOULD BE COOL!!!

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostPiano Man, on Dec 25 2009, 04:43 PM, said:

The only thing I wish the duke engine could do now is play movies between levels or when triggered by a sector or touchplate - THAT WOULD BE COOL!!!

You don't know how many times ive asked for that. :lol:
So once a month I try to learn something new in C language just so I can hopefully one day add in Theora.
http://www.theora.org/ (Same people that made Vorbis/OGG infact the video's audio codec makes use of that)

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

  • I have the power!


I know TX has said that if someone produces a worthwhile mod or video replacement for clips in the game (intro etc) he would consider putting in video support...but if someone else figures out how to do it, people are more likely to work on something to use it.

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