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EDuke32 2.0 and Polymer!  "talk about the wonders of EDuke32 and the new renderer"

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


You do go on a bit to much don't you think Mr.Deviance.


View PostThe Commander, on Dec 15 2010, 09:37 PM, said:

You do go on a bit to much don't you think Mr.Deviance.

I don't.

User is offline   Stabs 


you can nerf the cunt out of any game

i played through unreal and ff7 back in the day on a p120 16mb of ram with no gfx acceleration it wasnt the best but it could be done and bioshit had some patch to disable shaders and let you run it on older cards and thats running on the unreal engine

some peoples definition of running fine is very different to a lot of people, personally iam a constant 60 fps man but some find 30 fine or even 15 fine

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


I hav this problem:

Eduke only works with Autoload box on

Any suggestion?

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


I made an autoload folder and delete all the textures and models ,etc. to run eduke without the HRP , is the only way i got to make it work so far, really extrange i think...

This post has been edited by Norvak: 17 December 2010 - 08:54 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNorvak, on Dec 17 2010, 07:19 PM, said:

I made an autoload folder and delete all the textures and models ,etc. to run eduke without the HRP , is the only way i got to make it work so far, really extrange i think...

That is really strange. I wonder why no one else is having the problem.

Did you try deleting your cfg files?

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostDeeperThought, on Dec 17 2010, 10:28 PM, said:

Did you try deleting your cfg files?

Yeah, but it´s the same.

Anyways i fixed the problem. The logic solution was to reinstall everything and it works, however i wonder (like u) why the f..ck it happened...

BTW haha i wrote extrange instead of strange, a cognate in spanish : "extrano" http://forums2.duke4...tyle_emoticons/default/unsure.gif

User is online   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


r1736 does not want to build under my MinGW/gcc 4.3.3 setup, and I have a hunch that the problem is on my end because synthesis built just fine.

Build started using "cc -fomit-frame-pointer -funswitch-loops -O2 -fno-stack-protector -W -Wall -Wimplicit -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_GCC_BUILTINS -Isource -Ibuild/include -Isource/jmact -Isource/jaudiolib/include -Isource/enet/include -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fjump-tables -march=pentium3 -mtune=generic -mmmx  -fno-pic -DUNDERSCORES -I../sdk/dx/include  -DHAVE_INTTYPES -DRENDERTYPEWIN=1 -DSUPERBUILD -DPOLYMOST -DUSE_OPENGL -DPOLYMER -DNEDMALLOC"
/bin/sh: /c/cygwin/bin/cc: Bad file number
Failed building obj_win/game.o from source/game.c!
make: *** [obj_win/game.o] Error 1

Perhaps it's time to upgrade to 4.5.1.

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


helixhorned, what's the use case for the Makefile changes you made? How do you pass your semantic analyzer as CC? Passing make variables through the commandline should already override definitions, even if they use = instead of ?=. For example, the synthesis script uses the following commandline and it works just fine, even before your Makefile change.

make PLATFORM=WINDOWS CC='wine gcc' CXX='wine g++' AS='wine nasm' RC='wine windres' STRIP='wine strip' AR='wine ar' RANLIB='wine ranlib' PRETTY_OUTPUT=0 NEDMALLOC=0


User is offline   VinsaneOne 


View PostSobek, on Dec 15 2010, 07:50 PM, said:

That's OK, but just as a note, around August the new builds came into effect that supported HUD lighting and, for a lot of people, some pretty impressive performance improvements.

Definitely update to the newest release in Norvak's post above!

I will take that advice.

View PostDanM, on Dec 15 2010, 09:53 PM, said:

on the bright side, you will be able to run DNF vinsane http://forums2.duke4...tyle_emoticons/default/smile.gif

I hope so!

View PostMr.Deviance, on Dec 16 2010, 12:29 AM, said:

Run DNF with and integrated geforce 6100 on winxp sp1? Are you on ethnobotanical supplements mate?
If the game will come out as a multiplatform game, they will most likely optimize it for multicore cpu's and make it require at least an 8800 gt and 2gb of ddr2 as it's absolute minimum requirements.
Trust me, when I tell you that nothing in this world will make a 6100 run DNF on winxp sp1.
My guess is that it won't even start due to old software to begin with and if by any chance the the os and other drivers get updated, the game will most likely error at launch due to missing shading or other rendering capabilities of that 6100.
If he has winxp sp1 and one year old eduke stuff, he most likely has outdated directx an drivers too.
That pc needs some serious update and upgrading, if he wants to even see one pixel of dnf on his screen.
And I'm saying this with absolutely no exaggeration or irony.

It is a Gateway GT5228 w/Athlon 64 x2 Dual core 4200+ at 2.21 GHz w/1.87 GB Ram. I just installed Win Xp Pro on a fresh, new WD Caviar SATA 320 GB HD, so it still has SP1 untill I find out why I'm having some errors updating to SP2. BSOD is one problem after installing SP2! Had to do a system restore from before that update to get it to boot to my desktop. Damn Microshaft! I have all the latest graphic drivers as well as DX9c. Also have the latest device drivers for all my hardware, but think I may need to update the bios as a last resort if another SP2 install craps out again.

This post has been edited by VinsaneOne: 18 December 2010 - 07:39 PM


User is online   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


I will no longer be uploading my EDuke32 builds.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostPlagman, on Dec 18 2010, 08:54 AM, said:

helixhorned, what's the use case for the Makefile changes you made? How do you pass your semantic analyzer as CC? Passing make variables through the commandline should already override definitions, even if they use = instead of ?=. For example, the synthesis script uses the following commandline and it works just fine, even before your Makefile change.

make PLATFORM=WINDOWS CC='wine gcc' CXX='wine g++' AS='wine nasm' RC='wine windres' STRIP='wine strip' AR='wine ar' RANLIB='wine ranlib' PRETTY_OUTPUT=0 NEDMALLOC=0

For me, putting the variables before the make command works more reliably. Specifically, when I run scan-build like this:
CC=clang RELEASE=0 scan-build make

it will analyze the code as described on their page, while using gcc will compile but not analyze, and putting the variables as arguments to make won't build.

Hendricks: it seems that your default C compiler (the CC variable) is set to Cygwin's, therefore the new Makefile tries to use it and fails.

I'll commit a fix shortly but IMO the user-dependent stuff needs to be ripped out from the 4 Makefiles into a single one.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostHelixhorned, on Dec 19 2010, 05:28 PM, said:

For me, putting the variables before the make command works more reliably. Specifically, when I run scan-build like this:
CC=clang RELEASE=0 scan-build make

it will analyze the code as described on their page, while using gcc will compile but not analyze, and putting the variables as arguments to make won't build.

Hendricks: it seems that your default C compiler (the CC variable) is set to Cygwin's, therefore the new Makefile tries to use it and fails.

I'll commit a fix shortly but IMO the user-dependent stuff needs to be ripped out from the 4 Makefiles into a single one.

Putting "export CC=gcc" (without the quotes) into .bashrc fixes the issue for the time being.

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


I didn´t find the correct topic to post this question. Well, i want to change the palete of one single texture in the whole map, it´s an skybox. Some script maybe?

This post has been edited by Norvak: 19 December 2010 - 07:41 PM


User is offline   djdori11 


eduke r1742 is awesome but plz plz try to improve ati cards performence and fix ati cards crashes (with polymer hrp)! after that the game gonna be perfect! thx!

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostNorvak, on Dec 20 2010, 04:31 AM, said:

I didn´t find the correct topic to post this question. Well, i want to change the palete of one single texture in the whole map, it´s an skybox. Some script maybe?

Sure, nothing easier than that.
for i allsectors, { ife sector[i].floorpicnum XXX, set sector[i].floorpicnum YYY; ife sector[i].ceilingpicnum XXX set sector[i].ceilingpicnum YYY }

I think that this should go into the Mapster32 problems and bugs thread, even though it's not a bug.

User is offline   DavoX 

  • Honored Donor


I didn't get half of that http://forums2.duke4...tyle_emoticons/default/tongue.gif

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostDavoX, on Dec 20 2010, 12:25 PM, said:

I didn't get half of that :rolleyes:

http://forums2.duke4...tyle_emoticons/default/blink.gif Neither i do. I think i shouldn´t ask things as if i knew what i´m talking about. :lol: First of all i´ll investigate how a srcript works.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


Oh, I see you said "palette", in which case my code does the wrong thing. But conceptually it's super-easy.
for i allsectors	// iterate over all sectors, its index will be i in each iteration
{	// a brace; opens a block
	ife sector[i].ceilingpicnum XXX	// if the tile number of sector i's ceiling *e*quals XXX, ...
		set sector[i].ceilingpal YYY	// set sector i's palette number to YYY; no brace needed because only 1 statement
	ife sector[i].floorpicnum XXX	// same thing with floor
		set sector[i].floorpal YYY



View PostVinsaneOne, on Dec 18 2010, 07:30 PM, said:

I will take that advice.

I hope so!

It is a Gateway GT5228 w/Athlon 64 x2 Dual core 4200+ at 2.21 GHz w/1.87 GB Ram. I just installed Win Xp Pro on a fresh, new WD Caviar SATA 320 GB HD, so it still has SP1 untill I find out why I'm having some errors updating to SP2. BSOD is one problem after installing SP2! Had to do a system restore from before that update to get it to boot to my desktop. Damn Microshaft! I have all the latest graphic drivers as well as DX9c. Also have the latest device drivers for all my hardware, but think I may need to update the bios as a last resort if another SP2 install craps out again.

Why don't you update to SP3 instead of SP2? SP3 is what we are talking here. Don't update to old stuff if you want new stuff to have a chance at starting.
Is there any reason to update to SP2 instead of SP3?

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


View PostMr.Deviance, on Dec 22 2010, 01:44 PM, said:

Why don't you update to SP3 instead of SP2? SP3 is what we are talking here. Don't update to old stuff if you want new stuff to have a chance at starting.
Is there any reason to update to SP2 instead of SP3?

I have updated everything ...

EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20100727
Using I:/Duke3dHRP/duke3d/ for game data
Windows XP (build 5.1.2600) Service Pack 3w/ nedmalloc.dll
Initializing DirectDraw...
Searching for game data...
Using 'duke3d.grp' as main game data file.
Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/polymer_hrp174.zip' as game data.
Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/polymer_mhk.zip' as game data.
Compiling: GAME.CON (151190 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (35992 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45482 bytes)
GAME.CON:3968: warning: found `else' with no `if'.
GAME.CON: In state `pigshootenemystate':
GAME.CON:5891: warning: found `else' with no `if'.
Found 2 warning(s), 0 error(s).
Resizing code buffer to 16187*4 bytes
Script compiled in 28ms, 16179*4b, version 1.4+
1918/11264 labels, 321/2048 variables
125 quotes, 207 actors
Initialized 24.0M cache
Loading 'duke3d.def'
warning: defined hightile replacement for empty tile 9000. Maybe some tiles???.art are not loaded?
warning: defined hightile replacement for empty tile 9001.
Definitions file 'duke3d.def' loaded.
RTS file DUKE2.RTS was not found
Initializing OSD...
Initializing DirectInput...
- Enumerating attached game controllers
* JOYSTICK: Logitech Attack 3
Controller has 3 axes, 11 buttons, and 0 hat(s).
Executing "settings.cfg"
Setting video mode 1280x720 (32-bit fullscreen)
OpenGL Information:
Version: 2.1.2
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 6100/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!
Initializing Polymer subsystem...
PR : Initialization complete.
Initializing music...
Initializing sound...
Caching "highres/screen/menu/2502.png"
PR : Board loaded.
Loaded map hack file '/E1L1.mhk'
But you were right, as the updated Eduke and Polymer HRP lags that machine too much. I could still run the older version if I want but I ran into a more serious problem....
...I lost the color red! I don't know what the hell went wrong, but lucky I still have this machine to use while I try to figure it out. I suspect it's the on-board video and not the monitor. When the computer is off, the monitor shows a quick test pattern 'r' 'g' 'b' with the correct colors. Damn it!

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


OEM's like Gateway abhor just sticking a nice, virgin copy of Windows onto a PC. There are usually loads of crappy 3rd party bloatware that goes on. There can sometimes be strange stuff that they have installed to get weird kit they have included working. For example, my Daughter's laptop has a web cam that will work with the installation CD for the laptop, but won't be detected with the drivers from the web cam manufacturer when installed under a vanilla Windows install.

So nuking your hard drive and doing a vanilla install of Windows may solve some of your problems, just be sure you backed up your restore images first!

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


Losing a component usually means the monitor cable isn't properly seated.

User is offline   SwissCm 


Or if it isn't the cable there could be something wrong with the monitors input processing hardware. Are you using a CRT or LCD and if you are using an LCD does it have DVI and if it has DVI why are you using VGA.

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


View PostTea Monster, on Dec 23 2010, 04:47 AM, said:

So nuking your hard drive and doing a vanilla install of Windows may solve some of your problems, just be sure you backed up your restore images first!

This was a fresh install on a brand new drive. Yea the things that had to be added like OEM drivers for the mobo, SATA controllers, and everything that runs on that nForce chipset like the HD audio and the ethernet controller.

View PostPlagman, on Dec 23 2010, 01:58 PM, said:

Losing a component usually means the monitor cable isn't properly seated.

I wish that was the case. I even swapped cables and checked for bent/broken pins. All checked out good and the cable screws are tight.

View PostSwissCm, on Dec 23 2010, 05:20 PM, said:

Or if it isn't the cable there could be something wrong with the monitors input processing hardware. Are you using a CRT or LCD and if you are using an LCD does it have DVI and if it has DVI why are you using VGA.

It's an eMachine E17T4W LCD which only has a VGA port. When it self-tests before the system boots and at shutdown, the colors are correct. Just now as I'm writing this, I opened the monitors OSD while in the desktop and all colors are displayed in its OSD. That's very strange. I will try to get a screenshot of that to show you. Also, color red in my normal display seems to be black. Think it's a software or driver problem? Sorry, this should be in the HW/SW thread as this has gone slightly off topic. :rolleyes:

User is offline   BlackDays 




This post has been edited by BlackDays: 30 December 2010 - 05:19 AM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...




If you looked just the little bit harder you would have found this thread easily enough and saved yourself from making a rather large unneeded post.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Since that is the number one issue with the HRP these days, a thread with the solution in the first post should be stickied.

User is offline   fgsfds 


Is it possible to add 'wide' in .def instructions to support widescreen textures in menu like in proasm SWP?

User is online   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


r1751 isn't compiling due to an error in the makefile.


Makefile:170: *** missing separator. Stop.

	MISCLINKOPTS+= -Wl,--large-address-aware
ifneq (0,$(KRANDDEBUG))
ifneq (0,$(PROFILER))

A space is needed in the line "ifeq($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS)".

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