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[RELEASE] EDuke32 Addon Compilation  "Version 3.13 released on December 6, 2016!"


NightFright. Definitely agree with you on the first half, and for the second half, it's just that "we" have what Micky once called "an acquired taste" ^^

Honestly, his maps aren't so terrible to go through once you understand how they work, and also with a good deal of Orientation in later levels. In Episode One, the one levels that trully test whether or not the mod is for you are the 3 Forest levels (level 3, 4, Secret and 5). Even I sometimes start getting irritated by being constantly blocked by the vegetation, so imagine how I was when I didn't know where to go ^^

Doom64Hunter : I suspected that door too but personally, I don't think this is where the alternate path may start. I might be wrong, don't hesitate to tell me if I am, but here are the 2 reasons why I'm thinkin this.

1_, The room with the switch has a bunch of broken elements when you clip inside it, which IMO means it is meant to be accessed after the destruction of the reactor.
2_ In my last playthrough months ago, I tried using this very door with dnclip in order to check things out. Passing the door triggers A LOT of enemy spawns all around the corridors that compose the alternate path. They are a bit everywhere, so they don't give a single clue as to where you would be supposed to go to first. There's a room with platforming over a death pit and switches to jump to. I don't remember what they activate though.

Lastly, as I had tried to navigate the corridors, I notice 2 things. 1 : MANY doors and paths are open right off the bat, so I doubt this is the starting point. 2 ; There are some "TeleporTubes" (as I call them) which take you to other locations, but there's just WAY TOO MANY possibilities to exploit them without knowing the starting point of the path in the first place X_X

Welp, by the time I wrote that, your research invalidate it all XD
Though I am still puzzled by the fact the room looks destroyed by default >_>

About the Fifth Episode, yeah, there are TWO ways to do this, and I got something to say about it later. Either you find a secret in E1L3, very close to the beginning, in which case you'll access E5L2 but you won't be able to finish it, and will be sent back to E1L3. OR you access it by finding the Cube in Ep4's "Rain Forest Fire" level, in which case you'll play the whole 5th episode.

The thing I wanted to say, and which confirms the CON Coding thing you mentioned, is the fact that, in previous versions of NightFright's compilation, he had made Episode 5 available from the menu. HOWEVER, playing it that way would have had you eventually play E5L2 in the E1's way ! and thus you would go back to E1L3 regardless !! Because the circumstances in which you reach that level make it so that the map doesn't have the same areas accessible right off the bat, and thus not the same outcome.

Before I go mad in puzzlement, DO you think it's possible, for you to find out, where the VOC file involving the Time Machine is located ?

If you want I can go look and tell you what's the file's name ^^

EDIT : It's called TIMETRV.VOC. Do you think it's possible to locate it in Mapster ? That would help a lot and potentially verify your theory !

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 26 August 2021 - 08:12 AM



I looked at the cube map again, and it turns out that it can actually be completed.

There is a very evil aspect about it that is not apparent: The bright green rooms teleport you if you jump in the middle platform -- and teleporting is absolutely necessary to reach all keycards and the exit.

Some of these rooms allow you to go back and forth, others teleport you to multiple different locations if you jump repeatedly. I'm not sure if there are any dead-ends -- hopefully not.

As for the red keycard -- while it is placed in one of the dark green sound emitter rooms that kill you, this one is special in that it only activates if you touch the ground. Therefore, you need to take a teleporter that arrives next to the room, then jump from ramp to ramp to grab the red keycard. You'll recognize the room by its red walls.


This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 27 August 2021 - 03:40 AM



 TheDragonLiner, on 26 August 2021 - 08:04 AM, said:

About the Fifth Episode, yeah, there are TWO ways to do this, and I got something to say about it later. Either you find a secret in E1L3, very close to the beginning, in which case you'll access E5L2 but you won't be able to finish it, and will be sent back to E1L3. OR you access it by finding the Cube in Ep4's "Rain Forest Fire" level, in which case you'll play the whole 5th episode.

The thing I wanted to say, and which confirms the CON Coding thing you mentioned, is the fact that, in previous versions of NightFright's compilation, he had made Episode 5 available from the menu. HOWEVER, playing it that way would have had you eventually play E5L2 in the E1's way ! and thus you would go back to E1L3 regardless !! Because the circumstances in which you reach that level make it so that the map doesn't have the same areas accessible right off the bat, and thus not the same outcome.

Before I go mad in puzzlement, DO you think it's possible, for you to find out, where the VOC file involving the Time Machine is located ?

If you want I can go look and tell you what's the file's name ^^

EDIT : It's called TIMETRV.VOC. Do you think it's possible to locate it in Mapster ? That would help a lot and potentially verify your theory !

The time machine is likely the following object in oblvn502.map (Area51b), i.e. the exit of the map.

Attached Image: duke0041.png

Dragonliner is correct that there are different outcomes depending on whether you play the Cube map from the main menu or from E4.

If you access Area51b from E1L7 ("The Dry Forest") then inside that map you get basically the same options as if you had started the Cube map over the main menu and beaten that. In other words, the exit you will be forced to take will be through the portal shown above, and will take you back to E1L7.

The difference however lies in a hardcoded Duke3D behavior, and is directly tied to the strange order in which the maps are placed.

Basically, if you start from episode 1, the map progression is as follows:

  • E1L1 -> E1L2 (normal exit)
  • E1L2 -> E1L7 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L7 -> E1L3 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L3 -> E1L4 (normal exit switch)
  • E1L3 -> E1L11 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L11 -> E1L4 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L4 -> E1L8 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L8 -> E1L5 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L5 -> E1L9 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L9 -> E1L6 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L6 -> E1L10 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L10 -> end of game

Note that Duke3D is hardcoded to always return to the next map after the previous after a secret exit, i.e. if you access a secret level from E1L3, then the next map after the secret level will always be E1L4 (after hitting the nuke button).
The only exception to this is when the `startlevel` command is used -- which is what happens when the player steps into the time machine. This is the reason why, if you start from Episode 1, the level order will not be altered even if you enter E5L2 and return.

However, if we start the game from E5L1 (the cube), we get the following map order: (bold is the major difference)

  • E5L1 -> E5L2 (normal exit)
  • E5L2 -> E1L7 (instant map change through CON)
  • E1L7 -> E1L3 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L3 -> E1L8 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L8 -> E1L5 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L5 -> E1L9 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L9 -> E1L6 (secret exit switch)
  • E1L6 -> E1L10 (return from secret exit)
  • E1L10 -> end of game

The exit from E1L3 will now go directly to E1L8. Zaxtor noticed this (or he did it on purpose) and when this transition occurs, the game will print the message:

"Something went horribly wrong - instead of heading into the rain forest, you end up in this base..."

accompanied by a purple flash. Now, after destroying the reactor, you will notice that the exit door is now additionally guarded by a forcefield, which needs to be deactivated by taking the alternate path.
As such, the hidden areas in "Military Station" aren't actually an alternate route -- instead it increases the difficulty of the level, and increases the time needed to complete it.

After exiting E1L8 on this route, at the start E1L5 the player will immediately be teleported to the cliffside area. Instead of fighting the Doombase, you are now forced to go through an enormous tunnel jampacked with almost 700 monsters, several tiny UFOs, with very little health available.
To make matters worse, halfway through the tunnel you are greeted by four full-size Battlelords, which not only deal a ton of damage, but also end the episode when killed. This is clearly a bug in the map -- Zaxtor probably didn't test it very thoroughly.

@Nightfright, if you want to fix this, assign a non-zero palette (e.g. pal 20) to the respawn sprites with lotag 2630 (BOSS1) in this area of the map. There should be at least 4 of them.
Attached Image: capt0006.png

The path will eventually take you to a boss fight, and after that you'll end up at a mirror with a wall blocking your path. To destroy the wall, you need to shoot a half-transparent switch to the left of it. Then, shoot yourself with the shrinker to make yourself temporarily invulnerable, otherwise you won't survive the onslaught around the corner.

The map then ends normally. From what I can tell, the maps that follow this have no further differences.

To summarize, @Nightfright, I suggest reintroducing the Episode 5 option in the main menu for Oblivion TC, the one that drops the player in the Cube level. Zaxtor actually intended for this to be possible, and altered the map progression in Episode 1 should this option be used.


@Nightfright, I also found a bug to add to the list: Area51b (E5L2) currently cannot be completed by taking the cube path from Episode 4. In short, the OOZ and OOZ2 sprites cannot be used as ropes/ladders, preventing map progression.

This is because of the following eduke32 issue:


Zaxtor uses these sprites as ropes, and they are required to access a switch puzzle towards the end of E5L2. This renders the rest of Episode 5 inaccessible currently.

This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 27 August 2021 - 11:03 AM



Making progress :)

However we still didn't find the actual time machine because, the same protal that you show can be found in the normal E1 level >_>

And the fact there is a "TIMETRV.VOC" means there is a dialogue with a character (most likely a Fossa), and obviously this is not the case here. Hence why I'm asking you if it would be possible to locate where this specific VOC file is used in a map ?
Basically, when you look at a map in mapster, or codes I dunno, can you see a "TIMETRV.VOC" appear somewhere ?

That way, we would be able to know in which level it is, and perhaps unveil the whole thing. The dialogue in the file does say "Hey, I didn't guess you could make it .... congratulations anyway" before talking about the machine, which IMO implies more things ...

I don't think Area 51 map is the location, because I didn't see any character to talk to in both paths through this level. But since I can't use mapster T_T

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 27 August 2021 - 10:38 AM


User is offline   Aleks 


 TheDragonLiner, on 27 August 2021 - 10:36 AM, said:

And the fact there is a "TIMETRV.VOC" means there is a dialogue with a character (most likely a Fossa), and obviously this is not the case here. Hence why I'm asking you if it would be possible to locate where this specific VOC file is used in a map ?
Basically, when you look at a map in mapster, or codes I dunno, can you see a "TIMETRV.VOC" appear somewhere ?

A very obscure way to check this would be finding the defined name for TIMETRV.VOC and finding out which number it is assigned to, then open each map in Mapster, put a music sprite and activator anywhere, copy the activator sprite and Alt+C it on the music sprite (so that all music sprites in a map turn into activators), then assign the lotag corresponding to the sound number to the activator and put right-shift on it - it should show the orange link in case it finds another activator with that lotag, of course in case of finding one, you would have to check if it wasn't just a regular activator that accidentally used the same number for channel and if it was indeed a replaced music sprite...

Then it can all be in vein, as the sound can also be used as a one-time sector sound, in this case you'd have to search for sector lotag at "10XYZ" where XYZ is the 3 digit number of the sound.

And if that doesn't work, then also the con files should be checked to see if there is some actor that simply uses the sound itself...


 TheDragonLiner, on 27 August 2021 - 10:36 AM, said:

Making progress :)

However we still didn't find the actual time machine because, the same protal that you show can be found in the normal E1 level >_>

And the fact there is a "TIMETRV.VOC" means there is a dialogue with a character (most likely a Fossa), and obviously this is not the case here. Hence why I'm asking you if it would be possible to locate where this specific VOC file is used in a map ?
Basically, when you look at a map in mapster, or codes I dunno, can you see a "TIMETRV.VOC" appear somewhere ?

That way, we would be able to know in which level it is, and perhaps unveil the whole thing. The dialogue in the file does say "Hey, I didn't guess you could make it .... congratulations anyway" before talking about the machine, which IMO implies more things ...

I don't think Area 51 map is the location, because I didn't see any character to talk to in both paths through this level. But since I can't use mapster T_T

TIMETRV.VOC isn't present in the Addon Compilation version, but it is present in the version from MSDN (https://msdn.duke4.net/oblivion.php)

However, there exists no sound definition for it in the code, in either version. Unfortunately, the time travel line seems to be unused content.

This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 27 August 2021 - 10:56 AM



 Doom64hunter, on 27 August 2021 - 10:55 AM, said:

TIMETRV.VOC isn't present in the Addon Compilation version, but it is present in the version from MSDN (https://msdn.duke4.net/oblivion.php)

However, there exists no sound definition for it in the code, in either version. Unfortunately, the time travel line seems to be unused content.

Weird O_o

It IS present in my version of the Add-on Compilation (3.13 2016) o_O

Doesn't matter though, since you say it's unused content T_T So close, so far T_T

User is offline   ETPC 


 Doom64hunter, on 24 August 2021 - 11:35 PM, said:

After the yellow key forcefield you need to jump to the left, then you'll find a yellow key on the path above (as in Dragonliner's screenshot) near a spaceship, then you'll have to jump into the cave opening along the wall ( a bit of a leap of faith)

At the bottom of the ravine there will be a yellow key switch with a teleporter that brings you back to the rainforest area, similar to the one from episode 1. I couldn't figure out how to open the door that leads to the laser driller switch however, I couldn't make out what the Fossa guy is saying.

just to be sure, the invisible wall infront of the cliff, i jump to the left of that? because it's not letting me. also the console is constantly printing warnings:

ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN/ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: bad neighbor for sector 1509!
ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN/ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: bad neighbor for sector 1533!

This post has been edited by ETPC: 28 August 2021 - 05:28 PM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


If the sound isn't defined, I probably just deleted it in the wake of my internal file organization optimizations.


 ETPC, on 28 August 2021 - 05:27 PM, said:

just to be sure, the invisible wall infront of the cliff, i jump to the left of that? because it's not letting me. also the console is constantly printing warnings:

ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN/ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: bad neighbor for sector 1509!
ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN/ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: bad neighbor for sector 1533!

It appears that there are two identical copies of this area in the map, with two yellow key forcefields. You are probably in a part of the map you were not supposed to get into:

Attached Image: capt0007.png

You are in the upper section, the part where you are supposed to use the yellow keycard is in the lower section. Is there another exit from the upper area? I don't have time to replay the map myself currently.


The following maps in Oblivion TC currently cannot be completed because of this bug: https://voidpoint.io...32/-/issues/105
  • oblvn211.map (secret level)
  • oblvn406.map
  • oblvn408.map
  • oblvn502.map
  • oblvn503. map

This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 30 August 2021 - 06:00 AM


User is offline   LakiSoft 


I am actually not sure that is even included (or going to be included) in EDuke32 Addon Compilation but i remember playing HellDuke TC which had several Activators and\or LockedActivators wrongly tagged\numbered somewhere at end of E1L2 preventing to be completed without cheating. Is there any chance (if it's not already included and\or fixed in EDuke32 Addon Compilation but unbeknownst to me) to be included and fixed in next upcoming version of EDuke32 Addon Compilation? Personally i am actually not a great fun of this mod, but i'm just curious. And i know i could already fix those lotags myself, but currently i have some keyboard problems, and the fact i am not that great fan of this mod, just asking that's all.


 Doom64hunter, on 30 August 2021 - 05:49 AM, said:

It appears that there are two identical copies of this area in the map, with two yellow key forcefields. You are probably in a part of the map you were not supposed to get into:


You are in the upper section, the part where you are supposed to use the yellow keycard is in the lower section. Is there another exit from the upper area? I don't have time to replay the map myself currently.


The following maps in Oblivion TC currently cannot be completed because of this bug: https://voidpoint.io...32/-/issues/105
  • oblvn211.map (secret level)
  • oblvn406.map
  • oblvn408.map
  • oblvn502.map
  • oblvn503.map

If I recall correctly, from my last "serious playthrough", the reason why there is a copy of the same area with the Yellow Keycard slot is because of a secret. Somewhere in the map (where there are multiple BattleLords with pillars), there is a Blue Keycard slot labeled "?". IF you managed to find the key (I didn't) and used it there, it will activate a secret + invisible teleporter in the Yellow Keycard slot's area.

The teleporter is located on the opposite side of the lava river, on the edge, a bit higher. It allows you to reach a strange temple, the purpose of which is unknown to me :/ It is the multicolor corridor we can see in your screen shot, with the big square area just above with floating platforms.

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 30 August 2021 - 08:37 AM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


 Gingis Khan, on 30 August 2021 - 06:24 AM, said:

I [...] remember playing HellDuke TC [...]. Is there any chance [...] [for it] to be included and fixed in next upcoming version of EDuke32 Addon Compilation? [...]

At this point, I am not willing to add any complex addons any more that require lots of work to adjust, sorry. We want to get this finished at some point, actually, and you see how many issues are unsolved already.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 30 August 2021 - 08:47 AM


User is offline   ETPC 


 TheDragonLiner, on 30 August 2021 - 07:02 AM, said:

If I recall correctly, from my last "serious playthrough", the reason why there is a copy of the same area with the Yellow Keycard slot is because of a secret. Somewhere in the map (where there are multiple BattleLords with pillars), there is a Blue Keycard slot labeled "?". IF you managed to find the key (I didn't) and used it there, it will activate a secret + invisible teleporter in the Yellow Keycard slot's area.

The teleporter is located on the opposite side of the lava river, on the edge, a bit higher. It allows you to reach a strange temple, the purpose of which is unknown to me :/ It is the multicolor corridor we can see in your screen shot, with the big square area just above with floating platforms.

oh goddamnit

User is offline   LakiSoft 


 NightFright, on 30 August 2021 - 08:39 AM, said:

At this point, I am not willing to add any complex addons any more that require lots of work to adjust, sorry. We want to get this finished at some point, actually, and you see how many issues are unsolved already.

Ah okay, i was just asking. Keep up good work guys. Looking forward for next version of Addon Compilation when it's done. :)

User is offline   ETPC 


ok so i got past back to earth after what feels like a year, and i made my way through rainforest fires and now im in a cube level. is this the secret level? what's the trick other then "it's like the movie cube"?

edit: lol didn't see doom64hunter's video! thank you!

This post has been edited by ETPC: 30 August 2021 - 05:03 PM


User is offline   ETPC 


apologies for double post but now im hopelessly stuck in alien sanctuary. and of course, zaxtor didn't do a video for this level. any tips? i've unlocked the three doors in the central area but now it's asking me for keys and i have no idea how to get them.

edit: nevermind! figured out how the bubbles worked and finished the level

This post has been edited by ETPC: 31 August 2021 - 12:46 PM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


I almost forgot this and I hope it's not too late to ask for it:
While your memory is still fresh, maybe you could note down the spots in these Oblivion maps where you had problems to continue and how you managed to move on? This would be good as an addition for the walkthrough. I don't want to ask for a full guide revealing each and every step how to beat each level, but I am sure some signature moments stick out. Getting through those would surely be a great help for anybody who should ever take on the behemoth task of dealing with Zaxtor's undoubtedly cryptic level design.

User is offline   ETPC 


whereabouts is the red key in E4L4 (rainforest fires)? i have all the other keys but i have no idea where the red one is. i wish i knew how to use mapster32 to look.


 ETPC, on 01 September 2021 - 01:30 PM, said:

whereabouts is the red key in E4L4 (rainforest fires)? i have all the other keys but i have no idea where the red one is. i wish i knew how to use mapster32 to look.

Behind the start:
Attached Image: capt0008.png


Before the question is asked, When you reach the end of that level, a Fossa will block you from using the boat with the Nuke Button.

What you have to do is backtrack to the door where you used all the KeyCards and look closely at the ground. You will spot a series of small red dots. They will lead you leftwards from the door and will lead you to a boss. THEN you can go back to the end and finish the level.

BTW, something for the "Hint" sections. it is something that will apply to the Cube level in Ep5, and the "??????" secret level in Episode 3 >>> How do you tell the difference between Normal KeyCards and Invalid KeyCards ?

Attached Image: duke0004.png

This hint is HIGHLY IMPORTANT in the Ep3 Secret level, as there is a portion where you must gather lots of Red KeyCards, and if you pick wrong doors, your progression can be F-ed. Before you open ANY door, make sure you look into the windows of the rooms and use this hint in order to tell if you can afford to use your PRECIOUS cards, and avoid unfortunate wastes.

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 01 September 2021 - 11:28 PM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Sweet geez. Zaxtor surely did his best to make this as hard and complicated as possible.


 NightFright, on 01 September 2021 - 11:48 PM, said:

Sweet geez. Zaxtor surely did his best to make this as hard and complicated as possible.

Yeah, in the Secret level of Ep3, if I recall correctly, there are some doors that actually require a Red KeyCard to open, while these are what you need in order to open the next portion of the level. And I remember a situation where I had used one, in order to obtain .... 2 INVALID ones, and I thus found myself in a situation where it was impossible to get any NORMAL Red Keycard. I was F-ed X_X

BTW, do you want me to tell and explain the location of ALL Secret Levels ?

I am ready to help fill up that "Hints" section as much as possible ^^

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


How to access secret levels and how to get through certain situations in any map where it's not clear how to proceed, I would say. Hopefully, that doesn't mean to write a full walkthrough...

Considering that not many dare to play Oblivion, mostly due to its complexity and the lack of guides, some hints would not only make sense, but might actually even be required.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 02 September 2021 - 12:38 AM



Okay then, HERE GOES !!

However, since I am a person who played the mod many times, I'm afraid I don't have the recoil it requires to tell what portions needs hints >_> Stuff have become clear to me for so long that I may overestimate people's attention ^^

EP1 Secret Levels.

_Area51 > You will find the entrance to this level in "Dry Forest". In the starting area, climb and go to the left up until the wall. Inspect the trees near the wall. One of them has a cleverly hidden switch to shoot. It will open a nearby large tree in which you'll find the gateway to this special Ep5 level.

What is the point ? Well, in the laboratory of this level (which is accessible only in this version) you will find the Enhancement Chip for the 0th weapon. Also you may exit this level with more than what you had before.

_Mystic Valley > You will find the entrance to this level in "The RainForest". As you are looking for KeyCards in this level, you will eventually come across a pond of water with a tall pillar on top of which lies a KeyCard. Behind this, you can see a VERY OBVIOUS Gong. Just use your 5th or 8th weapon in order to destroy it. Avoid the LandMines behind it and find the Nuke Button.

What is the point ? Well, in this level is a relatively easy secret in which you will find the 7th weapon (Muddlelizer). Later in the episode is a level called "Sea Temple" in which there is a secret which can only be accessed with the 7th weapon. Also, you can find a code to use in order to reach a secret in the next level.
The password is

BTW, NightFright, I suggest you write down the special use of this weapon, since it's never explained clearly.

EP2 Secret Level.

_Alien BioDiversity > You will find the entrance to this level at the end of "DoomsDay Battle". You need a code. The hint to this code is located in a secret in "Asteroid Base 1". Here >> Attached Image: duke0002.png
The password is
. In "DoomsDay Battle", you will see the secret level's button through a window. You'll find tons of switches in front of its door. Know how to count, Know your Alphabet, and use yer Brain !

What is the point ? Well, you can find the 7th weapon if you haven't already. BUT you will also find a secret in which you can obtain the Chaingun Infinite Ammo Enhancement Chip, and it is as awesome as it sounds !!. Go to this place >> Attached Image: duke0008.png It is a Fake Wall. Use the teleporter in that room, then use your Night Vision Goggles and handle yourself.

EP3 Secret Levels.

_The Lost World > You will find the entrance to this level near the end of the first level "The New Beginning". At the end, you use a Blue KeyCard in order to raise sand and reach the end of the level. Instead, circle around the top of the room against the walls. You will find a lone PipeBomb. Come back to the previous room when you had used a KeyCard. You'll see a Golden Skull near the ceiling. Throw this PipeBomb at the ground under it. A tile will be broken. Follow the path until the end.

What is the point ? Well, you will access brand new areas in this version of the second level. There also 2 ways you can finish the level, no clue if makes any difference though. You can end up with more than what you would have had otherwize, the 7th weapon can be found in a secret as well. AND there is that special hint you can obtain which I asked about earlier, the MEMORIZE IT !! one, but I have no clue as to what it means >_>

_????? > You will find the entrance to this level in "Temple of Illusions 3". It is located in the big Forest section. You must use all your platforming skills in order to find the 3 KeyCards. You will use them here >> Attached Image: duke0004.png Just follow the path and you'll find it.

What is the point ? Well, first you will skip 75% of the normal level, including that pesky Pyramid and some other potentially problematic sections. Then, IF you manage to play the level all the way through, you will exit the level with AAAAAALLLLLLL weapons, ammo, armor AND Inventory items. Depending on how well you've been doing in the normal levels, you will ALWAYS have more than you had before. I am especially talking about the JetPack which can normally be obtained this way only.

EP4 Secret Levels.

_Ep 5 Entrance >> You will find the entrance to this level in "RainForest Fires". Somewhere in the level, near the sea, you will find a unique Cube Item. Just pick it up and go to the door where you're supposed to use all 3 KeyCards.

What is the point ? Well, if you can manage to beat the 3rd level without failing. You will face a boss called Kinthron in the penultimate level. Upon defeat you will receive both the 0th weapon's Enhancement Chips and that for the 5th AND 8th ones. Basically, permanent power upgrade for your 3 most powerful weapons !

_Wrecked Ship >> You will find the entrance to this level in "RainForest Fires 2". In this level, you will eventually go through the locations of Ep1's secret level "Mystic Valley". Follow this path >> Attached Image: duke0006.png
Destroy and obvious Cracked Wall, platform your way onwards and there you go !

What is the point ? Well, somewhere in the level, you will find a unique Health Amulet, which will make it so that your health restores itself slowly up to the normal 255 threshold.

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 02 September 2021 - 02:04 AM



Sorry double post ...

I am currently gathering my memory in order to list a bunch of level progression hints. Meanwhile, I encourage people to ask questions, it sure will help me find out hints to list ^^

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Is there any way for that to be pinned or immortalized in some fashion? I tried Oblivion once and got to the first secret level before I had enough.

User is offline   Aleks 


 Ninety-Six, on 02 September 2021 - 03:45 AM, said:

Is there any way for that to be pinned or immortalized in some fashion? I tried Oblivion once and got to the first secret level before I had enough.

If NightFright agrees, I would suggest for some moderator to move the part of discussion concerning Oblivion from this topic into a new, separate one, dedicated for its walkthroughs. This is of course part of addon compilation, which I'm sure will benefit from the walkthrough/hints, but then probably keeping it all in its own topic rather than random pages in a 46 page thread would be easier to find for anyone.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


 Ninety-Six, on 02 September 2021 - 03:45 AM, said:

Is there any way for that to be pinned or immortalized in some fashion? I tried Oblivion once and got to the first secret level before I had enough.

Addon compilation contains "readme" folder with hints, i believe NightFright will add something about Oblivion there.


 Ax 34noff, on 02 September 2021 - 05:31 AM, said:

Addon compilation contains "readme" folder with hints, i believe NightFright will add something about Oblivion there.

This is precisely what we are trying to do right now.

And what I am trying to help with.

BTW, in the end, I've started a playthrough of Oblivion, because my memory isn't going to work for the first 2 episodes, so I'm just going to play the game for the billionth time and write down any Level-Progression things I can think of that may be unclear.

I will post them here as I complete the episodes. And NightFright will tell the difference between the unnecessary hints and the valuable ones. And notify loose ends >_>

ALSO, I know ahead of time, that I will not have the patience to go through that pyramid from "Temple of Illusions 3" in order to establish an optimal path. Doom64Hunter (or anyone else), if you're still in service, I have a mission for you here !!

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 02 September 2021 - 09:12 AM


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