My thoughts on RR : this game is hit or miss for me. It has some great stuff, and some bad stuff.
In the bad, it feels glitchy, sort of unfinished, for example due to the behaviour of enemies. At the same time their AI, and their art, make them feel weird; especially the dogs which are hard to hit and which can bite you rather randomly... The big aliens with blue lasers can also thought your walls...
Also, there is some balance issue. The alien-women tit bullets are way too overpowered (they can kill you in one second); and so is the tit gun.
Some levels, like the one in the demo, the first one, (which was a bad choice of demo), or the 2 other levels taking place in redneck towns, feel amateurish, uninspired, in terms of layout. it's pretty much go to building 1, grab key, then next buildnig, etc. There is also some levels which are just plain annoying like the last mansion, whcih is a giant maze of empty rooms with a hidden button at the end.
In the great stuff, the game has excellent atmosphere throughout, great textures (none of which are misaligned contrary to DN3D), great shading, great musics, and levels are surprisingly very diverse.
Now even if like I said some levels aren't that good; most of them are excellent. The wood factory, the slaughterhouse, the mine, the map with destroyed buildings, the car breaker's yard, etc etc; most of level are excellent both in theme and in layout (with quite a lot of SoS too), and for those levels alone, the game is worth playing.
I'm going to play the add-on as well as the sequel of RR now and I have a lot of faith/hope for both.