Whoa -- it's been awhile! First of all, HI EVERYONE! Missed this place =)
Second, related to the Doom Corner. . .
Something I'm casually messing around with - introducing 3DGEKatana:
And the first screen, of course:
It's a Total Conversion using my 3DGE engine, based on Daikatana; however, it does not follow the canon. Rather, it takes place after the ending of 'Daikatana' and only
uses one of the characters from that game, which is Mikiko Ebihara.
Mikiko has been kidnapped by a new villain (still working on his name), who plans on using her knowledge of her father's technology to carve a Slipgate hole into the Earth dimension,
allowing demons and other apparitions through to our world. Who and why this villain wants to do this is a mystery. After an attack on her company, most of her staff was
dead - however, a security guard was able to send a distress feed to any surviving family members.
It's now up to Kaeko Ebihara
, Mikiko's twin sister (pictured in red armor), to track her down, find the bad guy, and seal the tunnel. Short, sweet, not overly complicated.
It's a loose continuation of Marc 'Fanatic' Pullen's mod, QDOOM. I got permission to develop QDOOM II, and he licensed his entire soundtrack to the project and all existing content. For those
who don't know, QDOOM is a very old mod for the original EDGE engine that offered Quake gameplay and visuals - it proved EDGE could flex its muscle in new ways (years before
ZDoom was able to attain similar modding features).
QDOOM II was a little project to get away from the pressure of working on Hypertension. A few weeks ago I dusted QDOOM II off, but the whole idea of working on a Quake-themed
project by this point seemed a little tiring for me, especially since its been done to death. So, instead of abandoning it, I retooled most of it into 3DGEKatana. I decided to keep the Quake
physics and some of the enemies that were appropriate (so, no more ricocheting projectiles!!). It uses most of its Daikatana content from Episode 1 and 4, skipping the whole time-travel
stuff and abandoning the other two sidekicks.
Anyways, it's a fun little project to keep me motivated to work on my engine and game. Especially since my engine now has true vertex-lighting, GLSL shader support, UDMF features,
and beefed-up model support! :-)
EDIT: Cleaned up grammar a bit.