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#4351 Posted 28 March 2022 - 11:52 PM
TNT2: Devilution is finally here. FINALLY after 12+ years in development, and having gone through development hell (and even had members break from the project to birth TNT: Revilution), its finally here. While be interesting to see how it plays (and how it compares to Revilution)
#4352 Posted 29 March 2022 - 12:19 AM
I'm admittedly kind of nervous. TNT:R had a lot going for it, and a lot against it. On the one hand, the original team behind it (Devalous, Kyka, etc.) had a very clear vision in mind that seemed to genuinely hit the spirit of the original. Of course, the final release didn't have everything either, but with the remnants shepherded by Jaws in Space (one of the few I trust as far as quality goes), the end result felt the best it could have been beneath its own development hell, especially lacking in the information the original team would later reveal (it sure explained a lot of the included content that the final release had no explanation for). Overall I did mostly enjoy TNT:R (soundtrack especially), minus any of the maps made by dobu gabu maru which were pure pain.
But from the open discussion on TNT2's development the original TNT:R team had, they said TNT:D's levels were aiming more for "maps for mapping's sake." That might have changed but that definitely has me on edge; I know the original TNT is disliked, but I prefer it to its cousin. Basically I'm worried TNTD is going to just be Plutonia under a TNT skin.
If nothing else, I hope this pushes TNT Forever to completion. I want to see the TNT:R rejected maps, and maybe sort of piece together what TNT:R might have looked like under that original vision.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 29 March 2022 - 12:20 AM
#4353 Posted 29 March 2022 - 08:34 AM
#4354 Posted 29 March 2022 - 08:41 AM
NightFright, on 29 March 2022 - 08:34 AM, said:
What the hell was being spent on the project all this time if not refining everything, then...?
#4355 Posted 29 March 2022 - 09:51 AM
But well, at least there's feedback now, so adjustments should happen. It's really worth waiting if you want to play a polished release.
This post has been edited by NightFright: 29 March 2022 - 09:52 AM
#4356 Posted 29 March 2022 - 09:59 AM
The Watchtower, on 27 March 2022 - 02:16 PM, said:
I'm generally inclined to use the term "art" in a broad sense, i.e. any (original) product of human creativity (as opposed to making something based on already existing standards or blueprints) that serves a non-utilitatian purpose such as entertainment or aesthetic pleasure. I certainly did not mean Art with a capital A, that in addition has some transcendental and/or very high aesthetic value to human culture in general.
But even in the realm of traditional arts such as painting or music, there's definitely a lot of garbage, mediocre or bland, run-of-the-mill works that may, at best, do their job well by pleasing the eye or ear (if only for a while), but nothing much else, and certainly do not contribute to inspiring some higher feelings in the audience.
To me, "art" is anything that involves creativity and imagination, and is intended to please, entertain and spark the imagination of the audience. From this standpoint, I'd not say there's a fundamental difference between "serious" literature/fiction and fan fiction. There's bound to be a difference of skills -- writing/language, plot, character development, themes, etc. -- but then again, professional writers can be also ranked by their skills and there's no even playfield for everyone. But indeed, fan fiction is a hobby and there's a difference in approach, but this does not prevent hobbyists from honing their skills just as well.
ReaperAA, on 28 March 2022 - 12:00 AM, said:
Also to say that the main cacoward winners are all or mostly slaughtermaps is wrong. Among the twelve 2021's winners, only 3 (Haste, Fractured Worlds and Tarnsman's Projectile Hell) are what I would qualify as such. Also to say that only the runner ups are gems are entirely subjective. I personally found 3 of the mainline winners (Heartland, 1000 Lines 3 and Ashes Afterglow) to be real gems in my eyes.
I guess it's probably not entirely realistic to expect any award to be a clear guide on what's the "best" in a particular field, because there's a lot of subjective factors at work, and again, there are different preferences which may not be all accounted for and reflected. I tend to view Cacowards as an indicator for what is "trendy" with the community, but it is just one of the sources to consider if one is looking for good maps to play. It is probably tempting to look for a single authoritative source, considering that there are thousands of Doom user maps, but such source is and will probably remain a pipe dream.
Aleks, on 28 March 2022 - 03:21 AM, said:

Again, I’ll be talking about the perspective of Duke maps (as I don’t know shit about Doom mapping), but I’d say most of the actual “fine art” is really within the freeware user made content, and not in the products – and this is mostly because in their own, personal, “hobby” projects people are pursuing their own vision and creativity rather than what would be liked by the players/what would sell/deadlines. And as far as hobbies go, they can be stuff like gaming, collecting stamps or even assembling models from precise instructions, which is not necessary paint, but can also be painting, sculpting or level design, which I’d consider art. To be honest, I find it more pure to do it for free and pleasure rather than taking it up commercially which would probably kill a lot of joy of doing that.
I completely agree with that. It's the old tale of paid work versus the labour of love. Thankfully, many developers of commercial games have managed to still keep their love and create really nice stuff. But I've always appreciated it how games inspire creativity in players, so that at some point they might surpass the original developers with their custom creations. After all, some of the commercial add-ons for Doom and Build games were created by essentially amateurs, some of whom later went on to become professional game designers.
Aleks, on 28 March 2022 - 03:21 AM, said:
Well, it was certainly not my intention to make any statements connecting art with arrogance or asocial behaviour. However, my understanding is that being an artist often means to have a certain vision and to be strongly invested in it. Artists need to believe in their own cause, and sometimes be uncompromising to bring their vision forward. These character traits are advantageous for making art, but if they spill into the realm of social interaction, where the ability to seek compromise and see the others' point of view is more crucial, it might result in strained relations. And as far as I can tell, something like this has been observed in artistic communities, possibly quite often. It's not bound to happen, but it may happen.
Also let's not forget that Doomworld is a big community with lots of active users, and a significant influx of newcomers. It's not an easy task to manage such a community in general, and there's a higher chance of disagreements between members, or of members doing something troublesome. From this perspective, a relatively small, tightly knit community of dedicated long-time members is more of a blessing, and is certainly easier to manage, with a higher degree of self-discipline and a propensity to maintain itself, rather than dissolve into chaos without proper control from admins and mods.
#4357 Posted 29 March 2022 - 10:14 AM
NightFright, on 29 March 2022 - 09:51 AM, said:
I hope so, on both counts.
#4358 Posted 29 March 2022 - 02:36 PM
#4359 Posted 01 April 2022 - 07:55 PM
The left path from the entrance led back outside, where a crumbling stone bridge curved across a lagoon of murky red death-stench water, to a cave opening in the side of the mountain. We debated whether to risk crossing it. Ellison tapped his foot on the first segment of bridge and heard solid thumps. He smugly assured us it was fine, like he'd just performed a scientific test he was super proud of.
The moment he stepped onto the bridge he fell right through it, ten feet down into the waist-deep mire. For about five minutes we couldn't stop laughing. His dry-heaving and childish whining about the smell made us laugh harder.
Adams, being the lightest and the dumbest of the marines, volunteered to run across the bridge and check the cave. I gave her the okay as long as she came back at the first sign of trouble. She leapt over Ellison's hole and started tearing ass across the bridge like she was in a decathlon, the damned bridge collapsing under her feet at every step. The crazy bitch made it across, but she was going so fast she couldn't slow down before she bumbled right into the cave, out of our sight.
Silence for about one second. Then her voice shrieking a battle cry and her ACR barking on full auto, lighting up the cave entrance with a yellow strobe light. Then out came Adams just as fast as she'd went in, leaping off the cave ledge and into the murk with a thick splash. Three shit-imps came out after her, the first getting shoved into the "water" by his clumsy buddies.
Borg and Ellison laid down heavy suppression fire on the cave entrance while I slogged across the lagoon toward Adams, imp fireballs sailing over my head and scorching my face with hot gusts of air. Meanwhile Adams was duking it out with her shit-imp, punching it and cussing at it like it was one of her brothers -- she'd engaged her helmet to protect her face, so maybe she's smarter than I thought.
I put one round between the demon's eyes and dropped it in the murk. Adams's helmet retracted and she whined about my stealing her kills. I told her if she plays with her food, someone else is gonna eat it for her. Maybe she'll go for the kill from now on instead of fucking around and trying to prove herself.
After clearing out the cave, Hell Keep became our new base. It has a fantastic view of the surrounding landscape and our IPS readings are much clearer than when we first landed. We erected our sentry guns at both entrances, and parked the rovers in the gravel courtyard, where we set up our portable base facilities and are now having a barbeque. No joke.
We have a month's rations and water stored in the rovers, but Doc Olsen got visibly excited when he saw those bulldog carcasses, and asked Parker to keep them cold with the fire extinguisher while he set up the skillet. Among Olsen's pet projects is the study of Inferno's animal and plant life, and he'd prepared bulldog once before for a company of hungry marines. His dad was a hunter, so he learned how to clean and cook wild game when he was a kid. It shows, because that crazy viking is one hell of a chef: demon steak ain't as bad as we'd thought, though it's the gamey-est meat I ever tasted.
Adams settled for rations, and adamantly refused to eat with us. The suggestion of eating demon meat made her physically ill. Borg almost ordered her to partake, to discipline her for calling her captain a kill-stealer.
#4360 Posted 08 April 2022 - 10:46 PM
This post has been edited by jkas789: 08 April 2022 - 10:47 PM
#4361 Posted 09 April 2022 - 12:56 AM
jkas789, on 08 April 2022 - 10:46 PM, said:
Try any of Jimmy's maps if you hadn't already. Except maybe Jenesis MAP21. That's like the only one of his I can think of where ammunition is a problem... Though he does call a few maps "slaughter" in the third episode but I've seen slaughter and those are not slaughter.
#4362 Posted 09 April 2022 - 01:39 AM
jkas789, on 08 April 2022 - 10:46 PM, said:
Rip It Tear It Smash It is a favorite of mine. A couple of good E2 style maps for Ultimate Doom.
Brotherhood Of Ruin as well, for Doom 2. Aztec themed maps that're really well designed.
Crusades is a cool E4 replacement for Ultimate Doom. Really challenging, but not slaughter style. Motif is very gothic.
I hate slaughter maps, too. Seems to be the standard in the community these days.
This post has been edited by ImpieTheThird: 09 April 2022 - 01:39 AM
#4363 Posted 09 April 2022 - 11:14 AM
jkas789, on 08 April 2022 - 10:46 PM, said:
Its not quite just a usermap, since it also uses DeHacked patchs, but I thought The Sky May Be was good, if very unusual. YMMV though.
#4364 Posted 09 April 2022 - 08:05 PM
#4365 Posted 09 April 2022 - 11:45 PM
ImpieTheThird, on 09 April 2022 - 01:39 AM, said:
jkas789, on 09 April 2022 - 08:05 PM, said:
Firstly, there is a reason why slaughter maps are popular these days. There are people who have been playing Doom for many years (even decades now), so naturally, the mappers among them are generally very skilled players and find "normal" maps too boring and easy nowadays. They like creating slaughter maps to challenge themselves and also to entertain other players like them. You can't really blame them for that.
Secondly, while there are plenty of slaughter maps, there are also plenty non slaughter map out there. One just needs to know where to look for them.
jkas789, on 08 April 2022 - 10:46 PM, said:
As NinetySix mentioned, James Paddock's mapsets (Jenesis, Jiffybag, Deathless, Earthless) are fairly relaxed with only a few challenging (still non slaughter) maps here and there.
Other non-slaughter mapsets:
- DTWID ad D2TWID. They mimic the style and difficulty of the original Doom and Doom 2 maps respectively.
- Doom Zero. Another wad with 90's style gameplay and difficulty (except it is more refined than the actual 90's wad)
- Doomkid's wads (Rowdy Rudy and Ray Mohawk series)
- 1000 Lines Trilogy. The first wad is fairly easy with only map32 being slaughter. The 2nd and 3rd wads do have around 4 or 5-ish slaughter but are otherwise non-slaughter. The 3rd wad is my favorite and I would definitely recommend it (lower difficulties are very accessible if UV is problematic).
- TNT: Revilution and the recently released TNT2: Devilution (Devilution is in beta stage, so you might want to hold out). Both have some mean and challenging maps, but are otherwise non-slaughter.
- Anomaly Report. Just recently released wad. I haven't played it myself but the author (Valkiriforce) claims it to be a mostly easygoing experience and takes inspriration from original Doom 2 and D2TWID maps.
- Skillsaw's older wads (Vanguard and Lunatic). Both have slaughter-lite gameplay in their last maps but even those are generally forgiving and the rest are non-slaughter maps. If you can handle Plutonia, you can surely handle these 2.
- DBP37: Auger Zenith. Apart from map15, there isn't much slaughter in this wad.
- Lost Civilization. Huge maps with realistic looking environments. Combat is not primary focus but can have some moderately challenging parts here and there.
- Infection. 7 map wad with nice clean aesthetics and fairly breezy gameplay. Just don't pistol start the maps since they are designed for continuous play.
- Attack on Io. 7 maps with roughly Plutonia level difficulty.
- Vow of Vengeance. 15 maps by the same author as Attack on Io. Haven't played them, but from what I saw on videos, the difficulty seems similar.
And if you are willing to go back to 90's/early 00's, there are plenty of non-slaughter wads such as:
- The Darkening E1 and E2
- TVR: Revolution
- Memento Mori 1 and 2
- Requiem
- Icarus: Alien Vanguard
- Eternal Doom (very cryptic progression though. You have been warned)
- Operation: Biowar
- Fava Beans
- Obituary
Also if you are willing to reduce difficulty settings to HMP or HNTR, then plenty more mapsets become accessible such as:
- Skillsaw's newer wads (Valiant, Ancient Aliens and Heartland)
- Eviternity. Most maps are already accessible on UV, but 4 or 5 maps could be overwhelming due to their length and difficulty.
- BTSX E1 and E2
- Going Down
- Alien Vendetta
- Hell Revealed
- Speed of Doom (on HNTR, it is quite accessible)
- Akeldama
- Plutonia 2 and Plutonia Revisited
- Ozonia
- Scythe 1 (Scythe 2 does have some hard slaughter maps even on lower skill levels)
- Pretty much every Doomer Board Project (there are 40+ of them as of this moment and they release one every month) are accessible on HMP/HNTR (if not on UV)
These are just some of the examples I could think of on top of my head and I don't even play a lot of wads compared to other folks on Doomworld/ZDoom/Doomer Boards forums.
This post has been edited by ReaperAA: 10 April 2022 - 12:31 AM
#4367 Posted 11 April 2022 - 12:05 AM
This post has been edited by MObreck: 11 April 2022 - 12:17 AM
#4368 Posted 11 April 2022 - 12:41 AM
Warning: The sound effects can get a bit obnoxious. That was actually a pretty common trend for DOOM mods created back then:
Unfortunately Viacom got their copyright panties in a bunch and shut this mod down. The ByteBrother disappeared from DOOM modding shortly after. It has pretty much vanished from the internet since then. But with some searching I managed to find copy so I thought I'd showcase this forgotten piece of DOOM history.
#4369 Posted 11 April 2022 - 04:15 AM
ReaperAA, on 09 April 2022 - 11:45 PM, said:
Other non-slaughter mapsets:
Thanks @ReaperAA. I am a casual player mostly and even when I can raise my game enough to do it, slaughter gets boring pretty quickly; I mean what's the point? I love exploring maps and fighting (a sensible number of) monsters, seeing what this switch does or where that platform goes, etc. Besides, if i wanted slaughter ... there's always nuts.wad :

#4370 Posted 11 April 2022 - 04:33 AM
Same destiny happened to the Bikini Bottom Massacre mod, but this time, some hero saved it from Viacom's greedy hands.
This post has been edited by Fantinaikos: 11 April 2022 - 04:47 AM
#4371 Posted 11 April 2022 - 06:11 AM
Eat a dick, viacom.
#4372 Posted 11 April 2022 - 07:29 PM
ReaperAA, on 09 April 2022 - 11:45 PM, said:
Secondly, while there are plenty of slaughter maps, there are also plenty non slaughter map out there. One just needs to know where to look for them.
I can't, but I don't think it's wrong to point out that there is a enormous amount of slaughter maps out there, and that it can get really annoying sometimes. It's like if a taqueria suddenly started adding chiltepin chili to their tacos because they liked spicy tacos, and then almost everyone started doing the same. Sure, I don't have to eat the tacos they sell and sure, I can look for that one taqueria near the airport that doesn't follow the trend and sells normal tacos. But you can see where it can start to get annoying right? Well, ultimately, my issues don't really matter I guess. I'll just have to look for non slaughter maps more carefully and not just download a cool map I just saw from the doomworld/Doomer Boards/whatever.
ReaperAA, on 09 April 2022 - 11:45 PM, said:
Other non-slaughter mapsets:
- DTWID ad D2TWID. They mimic the style and difficulty of the original Doom and Doom 2 maps respectively.
- Doom Zero. Another wad with 90's style gameplay and difficulty (except it is more refined than the actual 90's wad)
- Doomkid's wads (Rowdy Rudy and Ray Mohawk series)
- 1000 Lines Trilogy. The first wad is fairly easy with only map32 being slaughter. The 2nd and 3rd wads do have around 4 or 5-ish slaughter but are otherwise non-slaughter. The 3rd wad is my favorite and I would definitely recommend it (lower difficulties are very accessible if UV is problematic).
- TNT: Revilution and the recently released TNT2: Devilution (Devilution is in beta stage, so you might want to hold out). Both have some mean and challenging maps, but are otherwise non-slaughter.
- Anomaly Report. Just recently released wad. I haven't played it myself but the author (Valkiriforce) claims it to be a mostly easygoing experience and takes inspriration from original Doom 2 and D2TWID maps.
- Skillsaw's older wads (Vanguard and Lunatic). Both have slaughter-lite gameplay in their last maps but even those are generally forgiving and the rest are non-slaughter maps. If you can handle Plutonia, you can surely handle these 2.
- DBP37: Auger Zenith. Apart from map15, there isn't much slaughter in this wad.
- Lost Civilization. Huge maps with realistic looking environments. Combat is not primary focus but can have some moderately challenging parts here and there.
- Infection. 7 map wad with nice clean aesthetics and fairly breezy gameplay. Just don't pistol start the maps since they are designed for continuous play.
- Attack on Io. 7 maps with roughly Plutonia level difficulty.
- Vow of Vengeance. 15 maps by the same author as Attack on Io. Haven't played them, but from what I saw on videos, the difficulty seems similar.
And if you are willing to go back to 90's/early 00's, there are plenty of non-slaughter wads such as:
- The Darkening E1 and E2
- TVR: Revolution
- Memento Mori 1 and 2
- Requiem
- Icarus: Alien Vanguard
- Eternal Doom (very cryptic progression though. You have been warned)
- Operation: Biowar
- Fava Beans
- Obituary
Also if you are willing to reduce difficulty settings to HMP or HNTR, then plenty more mapsets become accessible such as:
- Skillsaw's newer wads (Valiant, Ancient Aliens and Heartland)
- Eviternity. Most maps are already accessible on UV, but 4 or 5 maps could be overwhelming due to their length and difficulty.
- BTSX E1 and E2
- Going Down
- Alien Vendetta
- Hell Revealed
- Speed of Doom (on HNTR, it is quite accessible)
- Akeldama
- Plutonia 2 and Plutonia Revisited
- Ozonia
- Scythe 1 (Scythe 2 does have some hard slaughter maps even on lower skill levels)
- Pretty much every Doomer Board Project (there are 40+ of them as of this moment and they release one every month) are accessible on HMP/HNTR (if not on UV)
These are just some of the examples I could think of on top of my head and I don't even play a lot of wads compared to other folks on Doomworld/ZDoom/Doomer Boards forums.
Thanks for the recommendations mate. I will definitely be downloading those maps and playing them ( ̄ω ̄)/
@Fantinaikos Thanks for the link dude, you can bet you ass I will be downloading that.
This post has been edited by jkas789: 11 April 2022 - 07:31 PM
#4373 Posted 11 April 2022 - 11:48 PM
jkas789, on 11 April 2022 - 07:29 PM, said:
Part of the problem is the Cacowards. Slaughterwads make up the majority of recipients, and that basically encourages even more people to make them.
#4374 Posted 12 April 2022 - 11:51 PM
https://twitter.com/bethesda/status/1513913950957711365?cxt=HHwWisC9tfStwIIqAAAAhttps: //twitter.com/...sC9tfStwIIqAAAA
Arrival is a 11-map Doom 2 wad that was released in 2021 and won a cacoward the same year.
#4375 Posted 17 April 2022 - 06:17 PM
MObreck, on 11 April 2022 - 12:41 AM, said:
Warning: The sound effects can get a bit obnoxious. That was actually a pretty common trend for DOOM mods created back then:
Unfortunately Viacom got their copyright panties in a bunch and shut this mod down. The ByteBrother disappeared from DOOM modding shortly after. It has pretty much vanished from the internet since then. But with some searching I managed to find copy so I thought I'd showcase this forgotten piece of DOOM history.
Wait, this is totally different from the mod I expected where they just replace the former humans with beavo and buffcoat. didn't realize someone gave it a simpsons doom level treatment.
#4376 Posted 17 April 2022 - 07:31 PM
ImpieTheThird, on 17 April 2022 - 06:17 PM, said:
Not surprised. This mod is ancient and very obscure. I only know about because I stumbled on it when it was new.
I guess I should probably at least share the wad, being its almost impossible to find these days.
NOTE: This wad comes from an era when you needed to take extra steps to make a sprite replacer mod work for DOOM. You can ignore all the DEUTEX and other strange stuff in the ZIP. Just use the PRO wads if you want to play as Butthead or the ANT wads if you want to play Mr Vandresian. No other setup needed if you are using a DOOM source port. For the video I used ANT_GFX.wad along with all the PRO wads to get the Shotgunner replaced with Beavis enemies.
Attached File(s)
bb4dооm.zip (1.35MB)
Number of downloads: 264
#4377 Posted 17 April 2022 - 07:52 PM
MObreck, on 17 April 2022 - 07:31 PM, said:
I guess I should probably at least share the wad, being its almost impossible to find these days.
NOTE: This wad comes from an era when you needed to take extra steps to make a sprite replacer mod work for DOOM. You can ignore all the DEUTEX and other strange stuff in the ZIP. Just use the PRO wads if you want to play as Butthead or the ANT wads if you want to play Mr Vandresian. No other setup needed if you are using a DOOM source port. For the video I used ANT_GFX.wad along with all the PRO wads to get the Shotgunner replaced with Beavis enemies.
You are the boss mate. o7
#4378 Posted 19 April 2022 - 01:30 AM
This post has been edited by INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE: 19 April 2022 - 01:33 AM
#4379 Posted 20 April 2022 - 04:50 PM
ImpieTheThird, on 17 April 2022 - 06:17 PM, said:
On the topic of Simpsons DOOM here is a video showing the enemies of the original Simpsons DOOM mod (another created in the Mid-90s).
This was the one I was stuck using in my early DOOM days. Doesn't exactly live up to the sprite quality of the remake most people are familiar with, eh?

#4380 Posted 20 April 2022 - 08:09 PM
Looked it up on the Doom wiki...
Huh, guess it was remastered at some point...but wait, Myk Friedman...is that...? The Isle of the Dead artist. What the fuck.