Yeah it's got loads of little annoyances like when you're trying to jump on a platform with an enemy there, sometimes you're pushed back so you fall off and die. Not to mention you can only shoot enemies which are on the same straight path segment as you, which means if there's an enemy standing right next to you, but is on a path that's slightly curved to the side, you can't do any damage, and quite often get hurt yourself when you move onto his path to take him out. Not to mention some of the keys and babe bombs are hidden in annoying places. These things are really holding it back from being a truly great game. Otherwise it's quite fun and well balanced.
Diogo, on 09 January 2014 - 06:22 AM, said:
See, that's the problem. Duke was never really about the humour. It was all about the gameplay, at least for the original 3 Duke 3D episodes, not to mention Duke 1 and 2. The humour and references were a bonus. Then DNF comes out and the gameplay sucked, but Gearbox was like "buy our game! Jokes! Nude Women!" so now everyone thinks Duke is just a lame try-hard parody catering to the lowest common denominator. Hopefully if Interceptor is working on a Duke game, that could improve the situation if done properly.