voxel "XXXX" { tile XXXX }
Where the first "XXXX" is the file path and name of the kvx file (in this case because the voxels were on my SW root folder it was just the name of the kvx file eg "medpak.kvx") and the second XXXX is the tile that is being replaced ("tile 1802").
Then I went into SWVOXFIL.txt and saw that it had all I needed to do the change:
(editart tile number) (unique voxel number) (voxel file name)
So I then just boringly transcribed from the SWVOFIL.txt format to the other one ending with something like this:
1802 0 medpak.kvx ------------------------> voxel "medpak.kvx" { tile 1802 }
Now I'm obviously not an expert on this (I barely understand what I'm doing) but I think you can just turn into a comment
// voxel "medpak.kvx" { tile 1802 }the problematic voxels, and add a read me where you indicate that if the gamer is going to play TD or WD they can uncomment them again.
Ideally this means that the voxels can be in their own folder within the root of SW tiding it up a little.
Also AFAIK you can also use this method to call the voxels in buildgdx as well. You obviously have to modify SW.def and swgdx.def for this to work so this is no way compatible with Redux (I think, may I remind you that I am just winging this).