The Commander, on Apr 13 2010, 04:21 PM, said:
DukePlus wasn't designed with MP in mind but DT did make his attempts at trying to get it to run in MP.
In n00b terms, there is some bits of code in his mod that don't work quite right in MP.
Yea, Steve and I have been testing MP with Yang and Duke Plus for several hours the past few nights and have gotten past maybe 3 mins or so of play before it goes way out of sync. We have cloned our settings exactly the same, checking that first in a non networking game because DP setting cant be changed during MP. As well, all our in game menu settings, less our key bindings, are exact. We also noted different weapon sounds like when we fire the MP5, we hear the sound of the chaingun instead. Also, cannot pick up or throw objects.
So, the results conclude that we cannot use much of DP in our future movies as we had hoped. Some things though can be included if any scenes can be filmed in SP, unless someone comes up with a fix of some kind.
For now, we're gonna try filiming with just the HRP, but that too goes out of sync over time as well. Even though setting our maxfps the same helps, it eventually goes out of sync anyway.