WRiker2701, on 29 June 2021 - 09:57 AM, said:
Hi, i've been playing coop with eduke32 oldmp and Yang with a couple of friends and we have some issues. We all start without any weapon (pistol included), and it's not until the first time we die that we spawn with a pistol. The other problem, is that yang has a drop down list for selecting things to respawn, it offers Items, Inventory and Monsters. Monsters mean they will always revive even in lower difficulty levels, so i definitely don't want that on, but then i can select items OR inventory. So that's a problem, as we need weapons AND inventory items to respawn so we all can have them. Any ideas on how to solve these issues?
Wait for Release 34. Release 33 is just broken with anything more than 2 players, I hate to say. I wanted to get Release 34 out nearly a year ago, but things have kept piling up. A fact that's been hanging heavily on my mind, to be honest.