Is it just me or enemies like the Pig Cop, Enforcer or the Newbeast aren't supposed to enter water, let alone underwater.
The Enforcer's case is particularly annoying, because in the original Duke3d game they were coded to not enter water (just like the Battlelords). Test them in maps like Fusion station, Overlord, Dark Side etc., when they are placed nearby to underwater areas. They are jumping around, but never get submerged. However in EDuke32 the coding has been changed, and the fast moving Enforcer always fall in the nearest water and never gets out of it. It looks and feels buggy.
The same can be said about the equally fast moving Newbeast, although I don't think they were coded to stay away from water sectors in the original game.... but it's still not normal, except for the Queen fight of course. The Pigcops are slower moving, but still fall in the nearest water when they reach it. And it's not normal as well.
My point being that these enemies should be coded to avoid water sectors, just like the Battlelord (and Enforcers in the original Duke3d). It should be a normal behaviour for them.
I didn't mention the Liztoop, because they are somewhat of a special case. They look fine underwater with using their "jetpack", although they shouldn't be just passive swimmers and should attack the player.