SkullHacker, on Jun 14 2009, 08:32 PM, said:
Yes, do develop your own individual taste

listening to Anorexia Nervosa... I don't know. I'd normally listen to more 'Trve black metal' but I like the extremeness of theyre work...
I thought I was a very varied extreme metal listener... guess I was wrong. I do enjoy bands that are a little different though, like Gojira, Arsis and Despised Icon.
In the past (6/7 years ago) I listened to Tristania, Sirenia, and Nightwish. And a shitload of Dutch goth metal bands (Epica, After Forever (they have covered the duke3d theme live with orchestra a while ago!), etc.). Our country seems to be good at those. Later I developed a taste for more extreme stuff, and I've come to hate a lot of the bands I listened to earlier. But I still like to listen to early Tristania from time to time (they seemed to have had black metal influences).
I can't listen to Anorexia Nervosa, they're too, eh, french

just kidding, their actually quite nice... R.I.P...
as for the part of the guitars in dimmu, that's just the balancing that is necessary in order to hear the otherwise quite orchestral instruments... no way to avoid that... I should know, I had the same issue with my GrabBag mix...
and theirs one very good thing about dimmu, they maintain a very high quality live performance, almost every other metal band I've heard, of any sub-genre, can't seem to be able to reproduce the sound they get at their studio albums... for me, that's very important...
check this out
p.s. Nightwish ? that's pretty bad dude