Mr. Tibbs, on 10 July 2013 - 01:29 PM, said:
Have single-player FPS gone backwards? Nice discussion about modern FPS conventions and why earlier shooters, particularly the build engine games, continue to shine.
[YouTube video]
I couldn't agree more with TotalBiscuit on that. The FPS genre has seen such a decline in the last few years, it's just a shame. I admit that is one of the major reasons I could never delete Doom, Duke3D, Quake or similar titles of the late 90s from my hard drive for long. In the meantime, they have a permanent place there, also because the awesome communities keep delivering new mods or custom levels.
Should you play Shadow Warrior, even though you may have never heard of it (what is a bloody shame)? My answer is:
YES, you should! Maybe Lo Wang isn't as known as Duke, but he is just as fun, maybe even more because he is rather the opposite. Old, clumsy and unsuccessful with women, kinda stupid. But he can deal quite some damage, which is all you need.
And the Asia setting is something you don't see too often in shooters, so you shouldn't miss it, especially not for that price.
Oh, and while you are at it:
Play Blood, too. At least the Blood TC (even though it's still incomplete and a bit bugged atm) if you can't get the DOS version running.