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Terminal Velocity  "Anyone played this game? NOT the movie starring Charlie Sheen."


Here's Ion cannon shot (wip)

Posted Image

And here it is finished
Posted Image

This post has been edited by Smoke Fumus: 04 August 2015 - 03:28 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Scrolling skies are working. Something that worked in the software renderer originally but not the hardware renderer. That changes now.

Unfortunately, I can't really take a screenshot to show it.

User is offline   Juris3D 


View PostStrikerMan780, on 04 August 2015 - 04:25 PM, said:

Scrolling skies are working. ...
Unfortunately, I can't really take a screenshot to show it.

Well, You could probably start YouTube channel for all cool stuff that already is worth showing? :)


Posted Image

Here they are.
  • PAC - Plasma Accelerator Cannon - same
  • ION - ION Cannon - same
  • HVP - High Velocity Plasma (ex RTL) - lasers are beams, not pockets of energy. Hence why it is plasma now.
  • LAM - Lance Missiles(ex MAM) - Mam sounds dumb.
  • SDM - Seek and Destroy Missiles (ex SAD) - Sad sounds dumb as well.
  • DSM - Directional Saturation Missiles (ex SWT) - we already have A2E missle, instead of duping it, DSM is essentially legion missile from hellbender.

This post has been edited by Smoke Fumus: 05 August 2015 - 08:44 AM


User is offline   Juris3D 


Nice weapons, no doubt. I wonder, will enemies resemble "old bad guys"? Or some free design fantasies? I think I would take both :)


View PostJuris3D, on 05 August 2015 - 10:09 AM, said:

Nice weapons, no doubt. I wonder, will enemies resemble "old bad guys"? Or some free design fantasies? I think I would take both :)

I'll apply same methods i used to modernize tv-202


A question to administration. Would you mind adding embeddable youtube player support? Would make things a whole lot easier. :)

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View PostSmoke Fumus, on 05 August 2015 - 05:00 PM, said:

A question to administration. Would you mind adding embeddable youtube player support? Would make things a whole lot easier. :)

It's already supported, has been for a long time. (Insert media button)

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 05 August 2015 - 05:52 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


I'll occasionally end up streaming some Hellbender development on my hitbox.tv account. http://hitbox.tv/StrikerTheHedgefox

User is offline   X-Vector 


View PostStrikerMan780, on 05 August 2015 - 05:35 PM, said:

It's already supported, has been for a long time. (Insert media button)

Perhaps he means support for the HTML5 player, so people who have Flash disabled in their browsers can see what's going on.
It's currently not on the cards, unfortunately.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Mark Randel now has access to my source repository, so that may help speed development a little bit.

User is offline   Juris3D 


View PostStrikerMan780, on 07 August 2015 - 07:14 AM, said:

Mark Randel now has access to my source repository, so that may help speed development a little bit.

Oh, great! I wonder, how he feels about all these activities around his games? :) Say Hello to him, and thanks for games!

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


*sigh* I'm really pissed that I can't open this source. Fucking lawyers, scum of the Earth.

I'm having major issues when it comes to developing this port, and I'd like to get some insight from people more experienced in programming video games. However, I can't. Also, I'm having difficulties explaining an issue to Mark because I'm too fucking stupid and mush-mouthed to explain things in a manner that makes any sense. So thus, I'm being misunderstood.

Development is getting nowhere, and hasn't been for about a week now.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 07 August 2015 - 08:01 PM


User is offline   Juris3D 


View PostStrikerMan780, on 07 August 2015 - 07:56 PM, said:

having difficulties explaining an issue to Mark because I'm too fucking stupid and mush-mouthed to explain things in a manner that makes any sense. So thus, I'm being misunderstood.

My "two cents" here: try to put explaining of your issues on paper, slowly and systematic. Try to read it yourself as with "fresh eye", does it seem understandabele? Then give it to Mark. My guess here is, if you just have small chats with him - maybe ideas and questions got lost. Make a "technical specification" of problem(s). Causes, effects, goals.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostStrikerMan780, on 07 August 2015 - 07:56 PM, said:

Development is getting nowhere, and hasn't been for about a week now.

Sometimes you need to put a project on pause and maybe switch attention to something else. It is very helpful to get rest from time to time and then review your work with a fresh glance. Breaks from work will allow to restructure and organize what you already know in a more useful way, and help come up with new solutions to the issues that you have.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Yeah, it all doesn't need to happen right now, no matter how awesome that would be. Take your time with it or you'll burn out.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


I've already reached that point. I'm more than burned out. I feel like I've hit an impenetrable dead-end. I want to impress people and get something awesome out to people, but when the reality sinks in that I can't deliver, period... I begin feeling like shit. Combine that with chronic depression and all I want to do is crawl into some hole and fade away.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 09 August 2015 - 09:16 AM


User is offline   Juris3D 


StrikerMan, I risk to sound like ass in your ears right now, but consider to hear me out, i am 47, seen some shit and collected wiseness :) Stop and look around, there are things that you like right now. Things that give you comfort and joy, don't ignore them, enjoy them. Be happy. No, happiness is not fulfilling some giant goals you probably set for yourself. Happiness is choice to be that in almost every moment in your life. Be sure things are going to be good and they somehow will. There is no logical explanation for that, but your positive thought shape World around you. Probably not right away, and most likely in totally unexpected way. Remember, placebo medicine works, and that is nothing else that your own mind healing your own body. Be positive even if it seams totally unrational because of circumstances. Because we don't know shit how mind works, what our consciousness is, and how it connected to world, just be your own light and bad things hate that. "Worrying is like praying about things that you don't want." Iron Man said that. Well, actor of Iron Man.

This post has been edited by Juris3D: 09 August 2015 - 10:27 AM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


You don't need to impress us (though, you have) and you shouldn't feel like you have to. Do it because you like doing it. Then you'll find joy in learning what you don't know how to do, instead of pressure.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Thanks for the kind words and support, it's just... it's hard to break from that line of thinking. This stems from frantically trying to please my father and teachers as a kid... I was constantly forced to be near perfect at what I do or risk getting in major shit. At school, it was "be perfect, or have the teacher humiliate and berate you in front of the class/have the teacher drag you to the office by the ankle/be bullied by the other students". At home it was, "be perfect, or get yelled at/berated/grounded/whipped with a belt/etc".

In other words, you always had to be top-notch, and mistakes of any kind were a sacrilege and worthy of having the shit beat out of you physically and emotionally. It started the habit of punishing myself at every slight fuck-up. It also forged a paranoia about what others think about me. I was taught that outward appearances and what others think of you are the most important things above all else, which obviously isn't true, but that subconscious impulse is still there.

Constantly living under performance pressure really fucked me up in the head. Nowadays, if I screw up socially, in a project, or in college academically... I shut down and go into pure fear and self-loathing mode. Really feels like someone has had a shock collar at maximum voltage on me my whole life, and every time I got slightly out of line, someone hammered the button. Eventually I just started pressing the button myself whenever I fucked up. Abuse tends to do that to a person.

Anyhow... sorry for rambling.

The biggest thing holding development back is the really hacky way the game handles model scaling. In fact, models aren't scaled at all in the game... they're just rendered at the same tiny-as-fuck size, and then drawn closer to your face to give the illusion that the model is bigger. This has some major consequences when it comes to fogging and depth sorting. I want the models to be scaled to the correct size before renderer, so no more view-vector hackery is required, and models will be at the in-game real world size. However, I have no idea where to begin. I've searched thousands of lines of code, done many experiments only to break the game further...

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 09 August 2015 - 04:37 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


You've downvoted me enough unprovoked times to warrant me saying that you should stop being such a goddamn whiner :)

Nut-up Jr.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Fuck off.

Just "Nut-up?" It doesn't work that way. If everything was that fucking simple, I wouldn't be like this and I'd be fine and fucking dandy.

Fuck you and that shitty, useless "man up/just snap out of it/nut up/it's all in your head" rhetoric. I'm sorry, but pieces of shit like you are part of the problem. That kind of shitty attitude is why so many people out there dealing with depression aren't getting the help they need. No wonder suicide is at such an all-time high.

You wouldn't tell someone who just had their leg blown off to just walk it off, now would you? The brain is an organ just like anything else, and can suffer injury and trauma just like anything else, both by physical force, and mental shock. All are events that fuck with it's functionality.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 09 August 2015 - 04:20 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Yes, that's right... it's everyone else's fault, that's the spirit.

If nutting-up doesn't work for you, you could always try nutting-down of course.


You're turning out to be almost as big of a prize individual as Comrade.. And that takes effort.

Here's a tip: Perpetual self pity and loathing coupled with constant whining is going to get you nowhere but a psych ward.

You had my pity for a few minutes, but your nitpicky downvoting and passive-aggressive swear-filled comments quickly shot that down and put a target on your back. Quit whining on the internet because nobody cares, they really don't.

I'm going to leave now before this goes back and forth for 30 pages, which I am oh-so capable of doing.

This post has been edited by Robman: 10 August 2015 - 01:34 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Talk about the pot and the fucking kettle. In that other thread you were blaming other people for your own idiocy.

And since when did I say it was everyone else's fault? Oh, that's right, I didn't... I only said that people with that shitty "Nut the fuck up" attitude are a huge contributing factor as to why to people with mental health issues such as depression are not getting the kind of help they need.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 09 August 2015 - 04:29 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


You know what, fuck it. I said to myself I'd kill myself by my 25th birthday if things didn't improve to save myself yet another year of misery. What's a few months sooner?

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


View PostStrikerMan780, on 09 August 2015 - 04:22 PM, said:

Talk about the pot and the fucking kettle. In that other thread you were blaming other people for your own idiocy.

I did what now? You really haven't followed my history here very well have you?

I blamed nobody for anything... I poked Hank with a stick for a good part of a night 'til he exploded.

Quite similar to what I'm doing to you :)

Just go seek some professional help, go on a camping trip or something.

This post has been edited by Robman: 09 August 2015 - 04:28 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Let me guess, when everyone gets sick of your shit again, you're going to try excusing it by saying you were drunk.

I've lived with people like that, and I have no fucking sympathy for them.

User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


Oh yes please... more spoiled brat anger downvotes, lol.

I told the truth, I had quite a few jack and cokes last night, and made a sport out of bantering with Hank.
You don't like people who tell the truth?

We make a good pair then, because I have no sympathy for passive-aggressive folk like yourself..
who can give it but can't take it and then curl up in a little suicide ball.

The future is going to be filled with people like you and oh what a grand place it's gonna be, lol.

This post has been edited by Robman: 09 August 2015 - 04:46 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Spoiled brat? I'm sorry, I didn't know a lifetime of abuse and fear and twisted mental conditioning equated to being spoiled. To me, someone who's spoiled is someone who got everything they ever wanted without any kind of discipline or retribution.

People who tell the truth are one thing, and they're fine, but what you are sir, is an asshole and a fuckwit. What you're spouting isn't the truth either, it's horseshit.

First Max Payne, then you... on top of all the shit at home. I've fucking had enough. My motivation to work on this has officially been killed completely. Hope you're fucking happy.

I'm just going to ask for my account to be deleted. Duke4.net has really gone down the shithole over the years. Overrun by assholes. Years ago it wasn't this bad, years ago even the trolls had a goddamn heart and looked out for one another when it counted. No such thing now.

I don't know why I even bother. You know that death in the family I spoke about? Cousin. Suicide, on his 20th birthday. There was no indication that he was feeling the way he was because he didn't speak out. Was too afraid to. I know how that feels. This kind of shit only validates the reason to be afraid. What shook me even harder is knowing I'm going down that same road.

This post has been edited by StrikerMan780: 09 August 2015 - 04:53 PM


User is offline   Robman 

  • Asswhipe [sic]


If you can point out where I lied, I'll stop crushing your dreams with the mighty hammer of truth and it's endless array of golden experience points.

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