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Free alternatives to classic/well known games

User is offline   jkas789 


View PostNightFright, on 26 August 2020 - 06:02 AM, said:

I have never heard of Marathon, but apparently these were really good shooters, technically ahead of Doom back in 1994-96 and offering a lot of story. On the Mac this was apparently quite something.

I have played them. Both on original hardware and the Aleph ONe port. They pretty good shooters actually and the story is amazing. Way ahead of its time.


I'm trying to focus on completely original projects though, this one seems to use modified sprites from proprietary games?

AFAIK no? I'm not sure actually.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Since the official site offers preciously little information I Googled it a bit. Apparently, Silver Night Crusaders runs on the OpenBOR engine -- an engine recreation of Streets of Rage / Beats of Rage -- honestly I know very little of these games except they're beat-'em-ups, but the engine is well known, and AFAIK a lot of fanmade stuff runs on it, and not only beat-'em-ups.

This article and the comments mention that at least some of the sprites come from Castlevania and Demon Hunter Legends or are edits thereof.

Sometimes it's really hard to tell if this or that piece of art in a free game is original or comes from a proprietary title if the authors don't mention the sources and one is not familiar with commercial / proprietary games in the genre. This seems somewhat exacerbated by the fact that many Japanese or Japanese-esque fighting games and beat-'em ups come in very similar art styles, and it appears that this particular style is not really often copied in truly free art assets, limiting the options for someone who'd want to make a free game of this kind.

FOSS projects usually have strict rules about this, as anything directly based on proprietary content is sure to count as derivative works. But of course getting a good artist to produce original, non-derivative content for a completely free game is very much a matter of luck (although paid commissions are also possible, like in Wyrmsun). Fangames on the other hand are more lax.

Personally I'm not out for completely original stuff for purist reasons, it's just that this makes the result more of "a thing of its own", while recycling proprietary art feels a bit like an amateur fangame project (not that the latter are bad of course!).

Recently I found an allegedly Castlevania-inspired FOSS game called Diasporic Crypt while browsing this channel, but my lack of knowledge of Castlevania does not allow me to judge if it is good or terrible. From the video, it seems to have some object collision quirks but the art appears adequate.

User is offline   jkas789 


View PostMrFlibble, on 04 October 2021 - 12:42 PM, said:

Recently I found an allegedly Castlevania-inspired FOSS game called Diasporic Crypt while browsing this channel, but my lack of knowledge of Castlevania does not allow me to judge if it is good or terrible. From the video, it seems to have some object collision quirks but the art appears adequate.

I have played it. It's...not mediocre. But it's not good. It's very average and janky.

User is offline   jkas789 


Here is one that probably skirts the line between on topic and off topic. The name is Manic Miners and it's a free remake of Lego Rock Raiders (hallowed be thy name), a RTS in the vein of Dungeon Keeper that is nowadays almost impossible to run on modern systems. You need to jump across more hoops than a circus acrobat to be able to get it to run on systems newer than Windows XP, arguably Windows 7.

I think this remake is made in unreal? It looks hella good IMO and it is definitely activating al my 'member berries on my neanderthal brain.

Trailer for the V.03 of the game:


Funnily enough, it's so good that it got some attention froma official Lego podcast!

This one was a interesting watch, as it goes over the history of one of the biggest Lego videogame modding websites (Rock Raiders United) and the logic and work behind Manic Miners. Definitely worth a watch if you are interested in this stuff.


EDIT: For whatever reason, the "insert media" thingy is not working for the first video. Anyways, even on low settings, the game looks impressive. I lacks some polish though, which is expected of a beta.

Attached Image: Screenshot_1.jpg

This post has been edited by jkas789: 12 October 2021 - 03:29 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostMrFlibble, on 06 July 2012 - 07:21 AM, said:

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

I had not followed the project closely, but it turns out that sometime after 2012 it was merged with Wargus as an alternate free data set (instead of a separate game), however with Wargus version 3.0.0 it was completely dropped. What's more, the latest release to still contain Aleona's Tales data set, v2.4.3, does not work out of the box -- the game invariably crashes when you try to play the campaign or any skirmish scenario. When I asked the current devs about this at GitHub they simply told me that they ditched support for AT because no one bothered to fix it. This followed some pretty active development by a different part of the team that had very ambitious goals (eventually called Timeless Tales) but they never released anything.

Anyway, I attempted to figure out what was wrong with the latest release, and thankfully it turned out to be caused by the game data (all data is in common formats like PNG, WAV and OGG plus some LUA scripting) being a complete mess. I was able to disentangle the data files and eventually restore game functionality, at least in part (skirmish works okay). I also polished some little things here and there, and restored some missing assets that had been replaced with duplicates from the old project CVS repo. I also added updated sprites made by Nikita Sadkov that were posted here. The fix can be downloaded here: aleonas-tales-2.4.3-fix-r2.zip. To play, install the version 2.4.3 from GitHub and overwrite all files with the ones in this archive.

I think the game has a certain charm to it due to the hodgepodge of art styles, but the engine also allows for some advanced scenario scripting.

This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 21 October 2021 - 04:23 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


Here's a little hotfix for Aleona's Tales sprites: tales-quick-fix.zip

It repairs some extra transparency in Peasant, Fawn, Knight and Gryphon sprites, and adds shadows to Footman and Archer sprites. Additionally, I replaced Footman and under attack voice with higher quality alternatives by David Slimp which I found in the old CVS repo, plus attempted to repair some other speech and sounds with clicks and noise using Audacity.
Posted Image

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Lately I got interested in remakes made for the DOS platform specifically, and started building a list, which eventually included my previous non-DOS findings. I've uploaded the current version here:

It includes all sorts of remakes and clones, not just those which fit the original criteria I built this topic around (which would be free/libre clones with 100% custom content).

User is online   Phredreeke 


...I wish you were on Discord when YuraConst had his rants about freeclones.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Duh, I keep postponing my joining of Discord :-/

Can you retell the main gist of the rant? :)

User is offline   Kerr Avon 


Regarding clones of The Sentinel, you should add Augmentinel (https://simonowen.co...um/augmentinel/), a really good version of the game for Windows 7 onwards.

To quote from the website:


  • Accelerated 3D rendering with mouse free look.
  • VR support for OpenVR-compatible headsets.
  • Palette and landscape colours from PC version.
  • BBC/C64/Spectrum/Amiga tunes and HRTF spatial sound effects.
  • Background music from Amiga version.
  • Sky view from PC/ST/Amiga versions.
  • Unlocked the hex landscapes for a total of 57344.
  • Pixel-perfect object selection.
  • All remaining game logic runs as normal."


User is online   Phredreeke 


From the Duke4 discord
I think that 3DR was right to fight the Dave3D/Colonel King freeclones
they C&D'd the Colonel King at the forum thread stage before any repos were made
my stance is that freeclones are illegal, even if the core is FOSS.
I mean, it's OK to emulate gameplay of abstract games provided you don't use copyrighted name or any assets similar to the copyrighted one...
but freeclones using the original's opensource engine or cloning the engine are off.
Osu and Hedgewars are legal
but FreeDoom, OpenTTD... are not
Csaw himself chose to not revive TTD on Steam precisely to deny OTTD the chance to be legal
if it was a Featured semi-standalone Mod... and Csaw allowed it to run as long as the user owns TTD on Steam...
then it'd be perfectly fine.
Also, I believe that Build sourceports should have censorship on by default

Freeclone is specifically a cloned engine intended to run original game on unauthorized platforms
actually, both Ken and two Johns just wanted to make a faster renderer than UU/SS
the Johns used their ATR method as basis
Ken's own Labyrinth was no better than Wolf...
only in 1994 the first Build with projectile physics came out...
Doom 1/2 didn't have projectile physics
it was Quake that added them on the ID side
but Build's projectile physics were first tested in the infamously bad abandonware Seven Paladins
Seven Paladins is now being distributed on Github as a letterhacked translation
as in...
using Asian glyphs to represent Western letters by visual similarity
so... you can play it illegally but can't buy it legally anywhere
and then... that infamous Java Build port added Paladins to its support list

and it went on and on...

This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 05 January 2023 - 04:57 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostPhredreeke, on 05 January 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:

Also, I believe that Build sourceports should have censorship on by default

who the fuck

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostKerr Avon, on 05 January 2023 - 01:44 PM, said:

Regarding clones of The Sentinel, you should add Augmentinel (https://simonowen.co...um/augmentinel/), a really good version of the game for Windows 7 onwards.

Thanks, added! I see it's using Spectrum emulation of the original game as the underlying engine for accurate recreation of playing mechanics. Nice.

View PostPhredreeke, on 05 January 2023 - 04:57 PM, said:

From the Duke4 discord
I think that 3DR was right to fight the Dave3D/Colonel King freeclones
they C&D'd the Colonel King at the forum thread stage before any repos were made
my stance is that freeclones are illegal, even if the core is FOSS.
I mean, it's OK to emulate gameplay of abstract games provided you don't use copyrighted name or any assets similar to the copyrighted one...
but freeclones using the original's opensource engine or cloning the engine are off.
Osu and Hedgewars are legal
but FreeDoom, OpenTTD... are not
Csaw himself chose to not revive TTD on Steam precisely to deny OTTD the chance to be legal
if it was a Featured semi-standalone Mod... and Csaw allowed it to run as long as the user owns TTD on Steam...
then it'd be perfectly fine.
Also, I believe that Build sourceports should have censorship on by default

Amusing. I certainly wouldn't want to plunge into the legality argument, as I am not competent enough in legal matters (and that passage you quoted does not bring a lot of clear, valid arguments either).

My point is exactly to do a detached kind of "unbiased" research and document any clones and remakes that I can find. Indeed, when I first started the "free alternatives" topic my intention was to only find 100pc legal games that do not use copyrighted data or trademarks, etc., but the truth is that there exist all kinds of remakes, which are mostly fan works created out of love for the source material and not in an attempt to cash in on the popularity of some commercially successful title (like the proverbial "Doom clones" from the 90s -- but many are excellent games on their own too). And the attitude of copyright holders also varies, some welcome any kind of tribute to their old titles, others threaten litigation. There's that email from John Carmack to the Freed∞m team that is commonly cited as the official permission to go ahead with the project, but I don't know about the story behind OpenTTD -- I've always assumed that this is a legal project as it uses free art and the engine was clean-room reverse-engineered? AFAIK that's a legal practice in software copyright law.

There's also another problem that I'd like to mention: even if we don't count lawyers and licenses that strictly aim to protect the financial gain from selling software products, any kind of restrictions on the distribution of video games or the production of fan content/derivative works ultimately reduces the likelihood of preservation of that software in the long run. Right, let's prohibit anyone to mirror a free download of a game from the author's site -- when the site is gone, so is the game, forever unless someone made a backup copy. If it weren't for the Wayback Machine, we'd have lost a lot of games, and it's debatable whether the loss of these is acceptable. And even the Wayback Machine has not preserved everything, sadly. Of course major titles from the 90s and the 2000s won't go away easily because they were printed on physical media. But now in the digital era and Steam gaming the very existence of games is highly fragile. I heard the other day that the old Unreal Tournament titles have been taken down for good from digital distribution?

User is online   Phredreeke 


Have you ever owned a business?

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostPhredreeke, on 09 January 2023 - 02:54 PM, said:

Have you ever owned a business?

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here.

User is online   Phredreeke 


Another discord meme

User is offline   MrFlibble 


I get it that this is meme, and thanks for the link to an explanation of its origins (I wasn't aware of that), but in this context? You imply that game companies are right to defend their copyright and take down clones? That is most likely true as a general statement, but this is not exactly what the discussion started off of.

The person you quoted says that Freed∞m is illegal and that any clone based on the original source code is illegal, without elaborating further. But the Doom source code is licensed under the GNU GPL, which basically grants users freedom of doing what they want with the programme. And the code includes all game mechanics, such as weapon an monster behaviour. Only the Doom maps (I believe it is debatable whether Romero's release of the map source code would count as official release), sprites, textures and sound effects remain proprietary, and there seems no legal obstacle to creating a clone like Freed∞m that does not substantially modify game mechanics, but supplies completely new artwork, sound effects, levels, story and so on.

On the other hand, declaring any clones based on the original code illegal could be taken to the logical conclusion of any derivative work off the source code being illegal, including projects like REKKR or The Adventures of Square. This is clearly against the original intention of open sourcing the game and releasing it under the GNU GPL.

User is online   Phredreeke 


Posted Image

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Clearly you're not interested in a meaningful discussion?

User is online   Phredreeke 


I think you're misunderstanding the HYEOAB meme. Using it is not a sign of disagreement.

Further, the reason I posted those discord messages were because of how ludicrous they were. No one actually agrees with Yura.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostPhredreeke, on 12 January 2023 - 01:42 AM, said:

I think you're misunderstanding the HYEOAB meme.

I probably am.

View PostPhredreeke, on 12 January 2023 - 01:42 AM, said:

Further, the reason I posted those discord messages were because of how ludicrous they were. No one actually agrees with Yura.

I've heard people voicing similar opinions before though. They're not entirely invalid, but all of this is one big grey area. Personally I find it counter-productive to view the issue of "freeclones" in terms of "legality", because in practice it inevitably boils down to whether the copyright holder is willing to threaten legal action, issue C&Ds and so on or not, and sometimes companies go to ridiculous extremes like taking down demo versions that've been available for years, or that one time when id Software interfered with a guy who wanted to register the name Doomscroll for his band, just to name a few examples.

There are also cases (including some games on the list I posted) where the author of a remake knows that the original developers or copyright holders are aware of said remake project, but since they do not do anything about it, this lack of action is viewed as tacit approval.

This is why I decided not to focus on this aspect at all. I'd like to think that in the majority of cases, creators of remakes are driven by genuine love for the source material and not some ulterior motives, whichever those might be for freeware projects. Even if some remakes are weird, I think stuff like SF2IBM is cool in what that guy did with the limited technology available (he wasn't able to extract graphics directly from the SNES version so he used actual TV screen captures to recreate the graphics).

Also I think it should be noted that while the initial topic here was indeed mostly about "freeclones" and such, my recent interest arose from unofficial conversions of non-PC titles to DOS, which led me to discover a lot of interesting games from platforms like ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64 from the 80s, literally "before my time" in many cases. Many of these are actually far more sophisticated -- both technologically and conceptually -- than I'd imagine for programmes this old, and in any case it's kind of amazing how people still not only have fond memories of these games, but keep creating new remakes and/or fangames.

I'd say that these remakes and conversions are a valid form of preservation of said games, alongside emulation, and they widen the scope of videogame history for those who, like me, have not had any firsthand experience with those non-PC platforms.

User is offline   jkas789 


I'm all for free clones. But then again I'm a dirty beaner that acquires drm-less free copies of everything he likes.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Since I cannot edit the original post, here's the current version of the list:

Clones and similar games

A-Train - FreeTrain
Abuse - fRaBs
Advance Wars - Tanks of Freedom
Age of Empires - 0 A.D., The Fertile Crescent
Alien Breed - Alien Assault II
Alien Shooter - Theseus: Return of the Hero
Anno 1602 - Unknown Horizons
Another World, Flashback - onEscapee (MajorGeeks.com)
Arcade Volleyball - Hairy Harry
Arkanoid - PopCorn
Asteroids - Roxx
Astrosmash - Cosmosmash
Atic Atac - The Burps (TheBurps.zip)
Atomix - WAtomic, Atomic, Moleculix, Atomix (NiMuSi Software)
Bard's Tale Construction Set, The - Bt Builder
Bard's Tale, The - The Bard's Lore, The Bard's Quest, Tower of Fortune
Battle Isle II - Advanced Strategic Command, Crimson Fields
Bejeweled - Freegemas
Bomberman - Mr.Boom, Fracas, Bombs and Bugs, I Can't Believe It's Not Bomberman (Wayback Machine)
Bombuzal - Bombzuka
Boulder Dash - GDash, Rocks'n'Diamonds, RockRush
Bouncing Babies - Gargoyle Revenge
Breakout - Mega Breakout
Bubble Bobble - Acter World
Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble - Bobble Puzzle, Frozen Bubble, Zorx
Carrier Command - Thunder&Lightning
Castlevania - Silver Night’s Crusaders
Catacomb Abyss, The - The Vigilance of Nephthys
Centipede - Megapede'95, Crawly-Pede, The Rustic Classics
Chaos - Anarchy, Chaos Reborn
Chip's Challenge - Tile World
Choplifter - Airlift Rescue (rescue.zip)
Chuckie Egg - Chickie Egg
Clonk - OpenClonk
Columns - Bref, Columns (Brian Boese)
Command & Conquer - Dark Konflict, Future Conflict (fc_101pm.zip), Arrakis, Eudora, Dark Konflict (caiman.us), OpenHV, Annex: Conquer the World
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Fractured Realms
Commander Keen (second trilogy) - Planet Cloudius IX
Connect 4 - Velena
Contra - iiChantra
Crayon Physics - Numpty Physics
Crillion - HitBlock, Crillion '97
Crimsonland - Bloodworks, Violetland
Crusade - Conquests
Crystal Quest - XQuest
Daedalian Opus - Puzmania
Defender - Defendguin, Abductor, Glook
Defender of the Crown - King Arthur's KORT (download), Knights of War
Deflektor - Mirror Magic, Reflektor
Descent - Sublevel Zero (Prototype) (mega.nz)
Diablo - FreedroidRPG, FLARE, Summoning Wars
Doom - Freedoom (Phase 1), Harmony, Shaw's Nightmare, Anarch
Doom II - Freedoom (Phase 2), HacX, Shaw's Nightmare II
Duke Nukem 1 - Dave Gnukem
Duke Nukem 3D - Mr The Killer, Shadow Warrior
Dungeon Keeper - OpenDungeons, Dwelvers (Alpha), OpenDungeons Plus
DX-Ball / MegaBall - SDL-Ball
Elasto Mania - XMoto
Elite - Oolite
Empire Deluxe - GEMpire
Escape Velocity - NAEV
Fantastic Dizzy - Giddy 3: The Retro Eggsperience
Flight Sim Toolkit - OpenFly
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures - Dungeon Craft
FreeCell - Bolitaire
Freespace 2 - Wings of Dawn
Frogger - Revenge of Froggie, DIV Frogger, Toad
Frontier: Elite II - Pioneer
Galaga - Cosmic Ambush
Galaxian - Galaxi
Gradius - Hydorah
Grand Prix Legends - Dolphinity Racer
Great Giana Sisters, The - Akiko and Minami
Guitar Hero - Frets on Fire
Gun - Guns and Spurs
Heretic - Blasphemer
Herzog Zwei - Herzog 3D, RAD - Rapid Aerial Deployment
Hovertank 3D - Robot Redemption (source code)
Jetpac - Jetpak (JETPAK.zip), Jetman (jetman.zip)
Knights and Merchants - Knights Province
Kula World / Roll Away - Cubosphere
Lemmings - Lix, Pingus, Hamsters, Lemmis
Lethal Tender - Industrial Killers (ikillers.zip)
Lode Runner - Infiltrator, Scavenger
Lords of Midnight, The - Lords of Midnight PC, The War of the Solstice
Lost Vikings, The - freeVikings
M.A.X. - M.A.X. Reloaded
MadTV - TVTower
Magic Carpet - Ogrian Carpet
Master of Monsters - The Battle for Wesnoth
Master of Orion - Star Lords, Remnants of the Precursors, FreeOrion
Mastermind - Dr. Mind
Mechwarrior - Linwarrior 3D
Mega Lo Mania - Gigalomania
Mega Man - Rockbot
Minecraft - Manic Digger, Minetest
Mortal Kombat - Open Mortal
Natural Selection - Tremulous, Unvanquished
Nibbles - Zmiy, The Rustic Classics, Nibbles (George Tzoumas)
OutRun - 'GhiniRun, RunOut
Oxyd - Enigma
Pac-Man - Paku Paku, Greedy, Open Greedy
Pang - Pang Zero, PANGG!
Panzer General - LGeneral + K.u.k. General
Panzer General II - Open General, OpenPanzer / Panzer Marshal
Paradroid - Short Cut
Paratrooper - Ack-Ack Attack!
Pengo - WetSpot 2
Pong - Emeritus Pong
Populous - Reprisal Universe (Beta)
Pulsoids - Pulsoid
Puzznic - Brix, Wizznic!, Japure
Quake - LibreQuake, Open Quartz, Open Quartz 2, Nexuiz Classic, Rexuiz, Xonotic
Quake II - CodeRED - Battle For Earth, CodeRED - The Martian Chronicles, Alien Arena, D-Day Normandy, Warsow
Quake III Arena - OpenArena, Acid Arena, World of Pandman
Quest for Glory - Heroine’s Quest
R-Type - GazerStar
Raptor: Call of the Shadows - Kraptor, Rafkill
Repton 3 - Rock 'n' Spin
Rescue! - Rescue! Max
Rick Dangerous - Lao’s Quest
Rise of the Triad - Rise of the Wool Ball
Robbo / The Adventures of Robbo - GNU Robbo
Robotron - Llamatron
Rogue - Rogue Clone IV, TileRogue
RPG Maker - EasyRPG, Open RPG Maker
Scorched Earth - Atomic Tanks, Scorched3D
Scramble - Zeroth Zone
Secret Agent - Special Agent
Sensible (World of) Soccer - YSoccer, Tux Football, Open World Soccer
Sentinel - Sentry
Settlers II, The - Widelands
Settlers of Catan, The - Pioneers
Sid Meier's Civilization - Freeciv, Great Nations, Kingdoms, Conquests
Sid Meier's Civilization II - Freeciv, C-evo
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Unciv
Sid Meier's Colonisation - FreeCol
SimCity - Lincity, LinCity-NG, OpenCity
SolarFox - SolarWolf
Sonic the Hedgehog - Open Surge
Sopwith - Sopwith (The Author's Edition), Sopwith 3
Space Hulk - Alien Assault
Space Invaders - Spaced-Out Invaders, XInvaders 3D
Space Quest - Cosmos Quest
Spit Wad Willy/Pea Shootin' Pete - Bubble Jeopardy (dpdl_bubble.zip)
Star Castle - Star Fortress
Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Space Combat
StarCraft - Priority: Survive, Bos Wars (latest Windows build), Astroseries
Starion - Starion 2010
Stars! - Stars! Nova
Street Fighter II - Super Fighter, Tough Guy
Stunts - Ultimate Stunts
Super Hexagon - Open Hexagon
Super Mario Bros. - Secret Maryo Chronicles, SuperTux
Super Mario Kart - SuperTuxKart
Super Monkey Ball - Neverball
Super-VGA Harrier - Jaguar GR1: Strike Force Delta Zulu, Tornado Squadron, Skyhawk Attack
Terminal Velocity - TerraScape: Breakdown Velocity
Tetris - Super ACiD Block Attack, Falling Block Game, Ptakovina, Tetris QUEEN
Thief: The Dark Project - The Dark Mod
Thrust - Thrust
Titan - Colossus
Total Annihilation - Zero-K, Robotic War, War Machines, Beyond All Reason
Tower Toppler - Tower Toppler
Trailblazer - Blazing Trails
Transport Tycoon Deluxe - OpenTTD, Simutrans
Tron - Cycles 3D
Trugg - Heartlight PC
Turrican II - Hurrican
Ugh! - CaveExpress
Ultima I-III - The Kingdom of Syree, The Kingdom of Syree 2
Ultima IV-V - Haxima
Ultima VI - IRE
Ultimate Doom, The - Freedoom (Phase 1), REKKR
Warcraft II - Aleona's Tales, Wyrmsun, Dark Oberon, Astroseries
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - Glest, MegaGlest, Loria
Warlords - Hostile Takeover
Warlords II Deluxe - LordsAWar!
Wing Commander - Flight Commander
Wizardry VII - Escape from the Maze, Wizardry Legacy
Wolfenstein 3-D - Zillion 3D
Worms - Hedgewars, WarMUX
X-COM: Terran Defense Force / UFO: Enemy Unknown - X-Force: Fight for Destiny, UFO: Alien Invasion, UFO2000

Official/authorized remakes, source ports and fangames

Abuse - Abuse for Windows
Alien Breed - Alien Breed: Obliteration, Alien Breed Remake (Rob Farley) (1980-jeux-pc.com)
Alien Breed 3D - Project Osiris
Amulets & Armor - Amulets & Armor (Windows)
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 - Anacreon v2.1
Arcade Volleyball - GAV
AstroMenace - AstroMenace
Atomix - Atomiks
Blades of Exile - Open Blades of Exile
BlockOut - BlockOut II
Blood - Transfusion
Boppin' - Boppin' 2.0.5 (Windows)
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space - Race Into Space
C-Dogs - C-Dogs SDL
Castlevania - Castlevania 2: The Lecarde Chronicles, Haunted Castle II
Chex Quest - Chex Quest 3
Command & Conquer - OpenRA, Dawn of Tomorrow, Tiberian Aurora
Command & Conquer: Renegade - Renegade X: Black Dawn
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Twisted Insurrection
Cyberbox - The Continuing Adventures of Cyberbox
Cybernoid - Cybernoid I
Cylindrix - Cylindrix (Windows)
Cytadela - Cytadela
D/Generation - rE/Generation
Death Rally - Death Rally (Windows)
Deflektor - Deflektor X4
Der Clou! - Clou! Open Source Project
Digger (Alexander Lang) - Digger 2, Digger (Lutz Roeder)
Digger (Windmill Software) - Digger Remastered
Dink Smallwood - GNU FreeDink, Dink Smallwood HD
Duke Nukem 3D - Demon Throne, The AMC Squad, Hectic Realms
Eat the Whistle - Eat the Whistle GPL
Elite - Elite: The New Kind
Escape Towards the Unknown - Escape Towards the Unknown GPL
Fish Fillets - Fish Fillets NG
Gladiator - Openglad
Gravity Force 2 - Gravity Force 20
Great Giana Sisters, The - The Great Giant Sisters, Giant Worlds, Giana's Return
Greedy - Open Greedy
Gunocide II - Gunocide II EX
HacX - HacX 1.2, HacX 2.0
Homeworld - House Globe
Jet Set Willy - Top Hat Willy
Joe Snow - The Rustic Classics, Joe Snow
Ken's Labyrinth - LAB3D/SDL
King's Quest I - King's Quest I VGA
King’s Quest II - King's Quest II Enhanced Edition
King’s Quest III - King's Quest III: To Heir is Human, King’s Quest III VGA Remake
Laser Kombat - Laser Kombat (Wouter Wijsman)
Liero - OpenLieroX
Maelstrom - Maelstrom 3.0
Marathon, Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity - Aleph One
Mercenary, Damocles, The Dion Crisis - MDDClone
Mindbender - Mirror Magic
No Gravity - No Gravity (Classic)
PopCorn - PopCorn 1988
PowBall - PowBall Deluxe
Power Pete - Mighty Mike
Prince of Persia - MININIM
Quest for Glory II - Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire
Ragnarok / Valhalla - NorseWorld: Ragnarok
Rick Dangerous - xrick
Rise of the Triad - Return of the Triad
Robbo / The Adventures of Robbo - Robbo (JavaScript)
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries - Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries
Space Quest II: Vohaul’s Revenge - Space Quest II VGA Remake
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters - The Ur-Quan Masters, The Ur-Quan Masters HD
Steel Panthers - SPWW2, Steel Panthers: World at War
Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles - SPMBT
Styx - Styx Remastered
Supaplex - OpenSupaplex, Supaplex Online, Rocks'n'Diamonds
Telengard - Telengard Remake
Triplane Turmoil - Triplane Classic, Triplane Web
Turrican II - T2002
Tyrian - OpenTyrian
VGA Civil War Strategy Game - Civil War Strategy Game
Warzone 2100 - Warzone 2100
Wolfenstein 3-D - Wolfram

This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 02 May 2023 - 06:31 AM


User is offline   jkas789 


Nice! Thanks for the keeping the list updated mate.

This post has been edited by jkas789: 02 May 2023 - 10:52 AM


User is offline   Lunick 


I chucked the list into the first post :)

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostLunick, on 08 May 2023 - 05:16 AM, said:

I chucked the list into the first post :)


User is offline   Šneček 


I've noticed that my browser won't open the official page of Alien Arena and warns me of a security risk and that attackers can steal my data. However, I remember Alien Arena 2004 from the past. Is there anyone here who still plays the game?

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostŠneček, on 20 May 2023 - 05:53 AM, said:

I've noticed that my browser won't open the official page of Alien Arena and warns me of a security risk and that attackers can steal my data.

That seems like a fairly common false positive for websites that host free games, especially if page layout is pretty old.

View PostŠneček, on 20 May 2023 - 05:53 AM, said:

However, I remember Alien Arena 2004 from the past. Is there anyone here who still plays the game?

I only played some really early versions against bots out of curiosity, that was like in the early 2010s. The game was pretty solid back then IMO, and the maps seemed better designed than the stuff they put in the SP campaigns.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostMrFlibble, on 31 May 2020 - 06:59 AM, said:

Now the above Quake project have all been abandoned while still very far from completion, but it has been brought to my attention that a new project, LibreQuake, is under development and already looking very nice:

A new version has been released recently, with many interesting updates:
There are new monster models, although it looks like they have ditched the older Lovecraftian designs such as the Deep One Ogre replacement (not it's just a dummy), which I do not know why. Otherwise, the game appears, for the most part, fully playable.

I was even able to run it with 486quake in DOSBox. It works well but no sound effects are played for some reason (I think maybe they're in some format different from WAV that 486quake does not recognize). UPD: Nope, the sound effects are still WAV (I just opened up the PAK files in SLADE to check), so no idea why there is no sound. UPD2: Looks like it was a DOSBox thing, I tried another build and sound works fine. Basically, it means the game works fine in DOSBox as it is now.

This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 13 March 2024 - 06:06 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostMrFlibble, on 13 March 2024 - 05:18 AM, said:

I was even able to run it with 486quake in DOSBox.

I've played a bit more, and it looks like QDOS is a better option for playing in DOS. It's not as fast as 486quake, but does not have any rendering glitches in the full version, and plays the OGG soundtrack out of the box.

Here are some screenshots:
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