After starting episode 2, I selected Micky as my character since he was just introduced. Micky was told he must do the LA mission to prove himself worthy of being on the AMC team, so I expected this to happen right away. But actually I go to the base first and have some freedom to check out various things. It wasn't clear whether I should be purchasing anything with the starting credits, so I didn't and found my way to the mission launcher.
This is basically just a compromise; I don't want to force the players to go through the intro cutscene and then play a relatively long level before being able to visit the AMC base first, even if the cutscene does suggest more urgency in the situation. There's no way to harm yourself with what you spend your money on; the choice is completely yours.
The AMC soldiers are very basic, although there is a research project that gives them a teleport device that lets them stay with you.
With the slide kick, there's no crouching involved - it should trigger just by sprinting forward and hitting the melee key - I'll see if that's a bug or something left over.
I accidentally deployed a mini-turret because I didn't realize it was the selected item, then I could not pick it up again even though it had not fired a shot. That was a little frustrating.
That's a fair complaint - the only real reason was the mini-turret doesn't store its ammo count but I can work something out easily enough to prevent the problem you had.
The inventory wheel is pretty cool but I wish it showed the names of the items. I have no idea what a lot of these things are. I realize that placing text next to graphics can be a pain, but maybe there could be versions of the sprites just for the inventory wheel that have the names as part of the sprites.
Yeah I did need to do this, just one of those time constraint things - it's on my to do list.
When there's lots of pieces of glass on the ground, the sound it makes walking over them is a bit overwhelming and doesn't really convey what is happening for me. imo that's a detail you could just leave out and not have it make a sound. For what it's worth, Ion Maiden has this issue as well with lots of incidental environmental sounds from bumping into stuff taking up too much of the audio.
I do like the sound but I do agree it's pretty aggressive, I've tweaked and sorted this out so they have zero priority and are much quieter now.